Official Jump Thread


my favorite pic ive taken so far!
By looking at the angle to you can see that he would have had to gon up after going off a flat jump, plus he should have hit that sign.
all those pics made me realise the graphics team didn't bother to replicate the underbody of the cars or even bother to use the same one for every car.... Personally I don't know any car that has a pitch black un-texture underbody....

Yes....I am being very picky here.... this game is astonishing in more than many ways
thats a very good point actually. it would have been really awesome to have a texture for the bottom. i know modeling it would be asking a bit much, but just a texture couldnt kill em!
Here's my newest jump pics.

This took some working with the camera, but I think it was worth it. What do you guys think?

That's all for now. I am sure to have more later. I will decide to take a break and go throw whatever car I happen to be in at the time into a wall or over a good jump point just to see what I can do.
I've only taken a few jump photos; this one's my favorite:

(No editing other than I scaled it to a smaller size for posting)

What the **** is that car :drool: or even is it a car :confused: :confused:
where can you win that thing anyway?
how can anyone think this is real, the car is way to small and the car is way to bright for the setting


not to mention, the hieght of the car to where the hill is, is way too far.
I wasn't sure if I should put this into jumps or glitches. This happens every time I put any car into that corner.
i love jumps


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