Official Playstation Store Thread

Euro store update for the 2nd August 2007.

GRAW2 Demo
Lair video
Juiced2 video

Downloading right now

GRAW2 was much better than i thought it would be!

Had a quick go on it myself and it does look quite good fun, I must admit to preferring the R6:V control set-up but being able to lie prone does make up for it.

The drone is a nice touch (with the six axis) and very handy as well.


It downloaded in less than 30 min for me, at least it was done when I checked after only 30 minutes, so it could have been finished even earlier. It's possible your server may also be bogged down.

Also, I've noticed when downoading many demos and updates off the PS Store, when the download bar reaches the 50% point it moves very quickly to 100%. I've seen this happen several times, but didn't think much of it.
Had a quick go on it myself and it does look quite good fun, I must admit to preferring the R6:V control set-up but being able to lie prone does make up for it.

The drone is a nice touch (with the six axis) and very handy as well.



I think it's too much interaction around you, with team mates and different vehicles e.t.c. I want it to be me against the world. I love the targetting and the sniper rifle is awesome!

I will probably not buy it though, i'll go for MGS4 instead.
It downloaded in less than 30 min for me, at least it was done when I checked after only 30 minutes, so it could have been finished even earlier. It's possible your server may also be bogged down.

Also, I've noticed when downoading many demos and updates off the PS Store, when the download bar reaches the 50% point it moves very quickly to 100%. I've seen this happen several times, but didn't think much of it.

I have Verizon DSL at 3.0/768 speeds. When the PSN is busy, downloading is always this slow. It's not on my end. But, I'm sure that is part reason for slow speeds.

Verizon home base for me is Ontario CA, which services a lot of people in the Inland Empire. I live in an upper-middle class neighborhood so I'm sure there are a lot of PS3 consoles trying to use the same servers I am.

EDIT: OK, so at 50% it started to speed up, like you said. Only, at 80% it started to slow down... to a crawl... which is slower than when it first started downloading...

I've got about 10% more to go. So, in one hour-and-a-half, it did 10%.
Well, mine did 7% in about a minute or less. For the GRAW2 Demo that is. Then, my dad wanted to watch tv, so I havent checked on it since. Although I will say that it is usually very slow as well.

Edit: Just checked it and its at 50% after about 12-14 minutes. Not too bad.
Well, mine did 7% in about a minute or less. For the GRAW2 Demo that is. Then, my dad wanted to watch tv, so I havent checked on it since. Although I will say that it is usually very slow as well.

Edit: Just checked it and its at 50% after about 12-14 minutes. Not too bad.

Man, I hate you guys. Right now, mines at 94%. That's right. So, in about 1.5 hours, it went 4%.

I think I more than hate you guys. :grumpy:
I downloaded both GRAW 2 demo and The Darkness right after they came online so I got it within 30 minutes, The Darkness sucks hard, GRAW 2 was OK, nothing great. MLB 2k7 is the best demo I've played so far even though the graphics arent amazing lol:tup:
Mine just finished, now! It's now downloading to my HDD. Took 3.5 hours. Nuts.
Congrats... and I promise not to mock your slow download times, like slipping in any Forrest Gump referenced euphemisms. ;)

I downloaded both GRAW 2 demo and The Darkness right after they came online so I got it within 30 minutes, The Darkness sucks hard, GRAW 2 was OK, nothing great. MLB 2k7 is the best demo I've played so far even though the graphics arent amazing lol:tup:
I downloaded the Darkness Demo last week when it was first released on the EUR store and was wondering if the reason for the delay of one week for it to get released on the US store was perhaps to make some minor changes/tweaks, but judging by your comment, and by the fact they both are the same file size I guess I wont bother downloading it from the US store to compare.

If anyone has, and they spotted any differences please let us know.

I've noticed besides often having different content available for download from one region to another, I have also found that there are sometimes big differences between the same game video trailers that are on the EUR store and the US store. A recent example of this is the PAIN E3 trailer (the one in the EUR store is longer and much better), but there are several more examples of this where one regional store's version is much better that another regional store, even though the trailers are labeled in the store the same way.

BTW: I really like the new Lair trailer, but it is currently only available from the EUR store.

There are also many subtle differences between some of the same trailers from one region when compared to another, that are much more noticeable when closely examined, or with a good quality high resolution display, as the exact same video trailer available at one region will have much higher bit rates than another, thus accounting for why the file will be so much larger despite being the exact same trailer and in the exact same resolution, using the exact same type of compression codecs.

The other thing I have noticed is a 1080p version of a trailer might be missing in one regional store, but available in another.

Considering all these differences between regional stores, and even the different layout and organization of the regional stores, I wonder if the reason for many of these differences is that while much of the content is the same, Sony allows each store to make some store specific decisions on some of the content they offer, and how they choose to organize that content for the users?

Personally, I find it annoying, and wish they would all decide on one layout, and only use one avatar for the same file in different stores... that often has mislead me to think a file is different. I also wish they used the same file names if in fact they are truly identical.

OK, these are small gripes, but I figured seeing as I had the floor and I was already tossing my $.02 into the pot I had better not let it go to waste. :D
Meh, wasn't that great. It's way too dark and the graphics are far from 'Next Gen.' I love the toys, though. Cypher? Stealing from MGS2? That system went defunct seven or eight years ago. Now, it's all about the FCS Class 1 UAV. Smaller and it makes a lot less noise.

Too many button pushing for specific actions, and they can get tangled up with each other. Bah. I hate that. Get too firm with a button, and it performs something you didn't want. I hate that.

I still have to get used to it, I'll hold off final judgment. So far, it's meh.

EDIT: Did anyone here finish the last stage? Two helicopters show up, I kill about 5 to 7 enemies, I put my team in the thick of it, and it just ends.

Funny things I've noticed, how you can destroy the MULE yourself, your support team wont land until you move out the way, the MULE will pick out targets for you like the Cypher, you can kill two guys with one bullet using the .50 cal, you can pretty much run through the stages and not even get shot, etc.

Others are saying it's way better looking than R6:V and about the same gameplay wise. Looks like I made the right move ignoring R6V entirely.
I liked GRAW2. The graphics look like the original Xbox in HD honestly. Looks like something I'd wait to be around $30. I have not seen the 360 version but i have seen GRAW on 360 and it looked pretty good. it could be the environment.

The Darkness was a total bore. I quit and will delete it soon since its a massive download. The demo is not inspiring to go for the full game even if its better.

Super rub a Dub is $3.00....
I'm already bored with GRAW2. I'm now looking for stupid/fun things to do. Like; position the Cypher over an enemy and then shoot down the Cypher, or blow up your support helicopter and finally throw a smoke grenade in a group of bad guys and walk through it killing them.

Got any fun things to do?
I downloaded GRAW 2 demo last night, better than I expected but I still don't like shooters without a mouse and keyboard.
Just thought I'd let everyone know that there was an updated version of Blast Factor released. If you go into your download list, and redownload it, you'll notice it'll have a new XMB icon, new, updated sound and graphical effects, a new Practice mode, the motion sensitivity has been fixed, and other tweaks.
That's great, but how did you find this out, and why doesn’t Sony make any kind of notification on the PS store that there is an update???

I'm looking at my download list and there is nothing there at all to suggest this is an update.


Which reminds me...

The GripShift update should be on the "Recently Updated" list in the top right corner, and/or in your Download List.
I'm not sure why, but I checked, re-checked, and re-checked again with each of my user names, and my listings in the PS store never did show any GripShift update anywhere in the Recently Updated list in the top right corner, nor did it show it anywhere in the store menus, nor did it show anything in my download page.

The GripShift file listed in my download list look exactly the same as it did when I downloaded it nearly five months ago, although the file size says it is 332 MB, but looking at the "Info" page for my copy of GripShift in my game list it says that it is 294 MB - but no version number is listed.

Can you tell me what it says for the "Info" page for this apparent updated version?


I'm certainly not doubting you on either of these updates... I'm just very puzzled, and even angry that these updates have at least for me, been entirely hidden!!!
That's great, but how did you find this out, and why doesn’t Sony make any kind of notification on the PS store that there is an update???

I'm looking at my download list and there is nothing there at all to suggest this is an update.


Because an IGN freelancer at NeoGAF interviewed the developers of BF, said there was going to be a free BF update at the same time of Advanced Research, AR came out, I downloaded BF again, everything is updated.

I'm not sure why, but I checked, re-checked, and re-checked again with each of my user names, and my listings in the PS store never did show any GripShift update anywhere in the Recently Updated list in the top right corner, nor did it show it anywhere in the store menus, nor did it show anything in my download page.

The GripShift file listed in my download list look exactly the same as it did when I downloaded it nearly five months ago, although the file size says it is 332 MB, but looking at the "Info" page for my copy of GripShift in my game list it says that it is 294 MB - but no version number is listed.

I can't do anything online-wise since my PS3 decided to **** up and not be able to connect online when everything else (360, Wii, computers) works fine, but all I have to say is that you just need to redownload Gripshift from the download list again regardless of if it says anything differently. I saw the update when it came out, the developer confirmed the release with a press release, etc. It's there.
Because an IGN freelancer at NeoGAF interviewed the developers of BF, said there was going to be a free BF update at the same time of Advanced Research, AR came out, I downloaded BF again, everything is updated.

I can't do anything online-wise since my PS3 decided to **** up and not be able to connect online when everything else (360, Wii, computers) works fine, but all I have to say is that you just need to redownload Gripshift from the download list again regardless of if it says anything differently. I saw the update when it came out, the developer confirmed the release with a press release, etc. It's there.
Like I said, I'm not doubting you, I'm expressing my great disappointment in Sony in making it extremely dificult to know if there is an update available and giving proper instructions on how to get it.

With the MotorStorm update it was simple, put in your disc and go online and it alerts you of the update.

With GT:HD they specifically noted the version on the PS Store.

Neither of this is the case with GripShift or Blast Factor. 👎👎

So if anyone has downloaded these two updates, or games recently, please tell me what it says when you selct "Info" in the Games menu of the XMB.

Here's what I see in my Store:


I believe if you have bought something, it disappears from the store (thus why I can see what I see and you cannot) and you can only redownload it from the "Download List". That's what I had to do with Blast Factor. I think you'll have to do this with GripShift.

So if anyone has downloaded these two updates, or games recently, please tell me what it says when you selct "Info" in the Games menu of the XMB.

With Blast Factor, it doesn't say anything different than before.
I believe if you have bought something, it disappears from the store (thus why I can see what I see and you cannot) and you can only redownload it from the "Download List".
That's right, but unlike what it says for those who have not bought it and see it in the store, when I go see it in my download list it says nothing about being "2.0", nor does Blast Factor - so while I am fortunate that I participate on a thread where folks like you who keep me informed, all I can think is that everyone else who paid money for these games have little way of knowing these updates are available.

So who ever at Sony is responsible for this nonsense deserves a swift kick in the arse and a demotion to the mail room!

With Blast Factor, it doesn't say anything different than before.
Even worse! 👎

They better get this worked out, because if this is the case I'm just going to stop buying their downloadable games.

Heck, I couldn't even find any information about these two updates on Sony's official PS3 and PS Store websites!!!! :ouch:
That's right, but unlike what it says for those who have not bought it and see it in the store, when I go see it in my download list it says nothing about being "2.0", nor does Blast Factor - so while I am fortunate that I participate on a thread where folks like you who keep me informed, all I can think is that everyone else who paid money for these games have little way of knowing these updates are available.

So who ever at Sony is responsible for this nonsense deserves a swift kick in the arse and a demotion to the mail room!

Even worse! 👎

They better get this worked out, because if this is the case I'm just going to stop buying their downloadable games.

Heck, I couldn't even find any information about these two updates on Sony's official PS3 and PS Store websites!!!! :ouch:

:lol: meltdown incoming!

It does suck though –*Blast Factor became an infinitely more playable game because of the stealth update. Luckily I troll a bunch of forums so I hear about 99% of this kind of stuff, but for most people here, they're left out in the dark. :/

But to be clear, you got your GripShift and Blast Factor (assuming you bought the latter) update(s), right?
:lol: meltdown incoming!

But to be clear, you got your GripShift and Blast Factor (assuming you bought the latter) update(s), right?
No, but I did buy them both back in March, and they are both in my download list.

I wanted to wait until I heard what the "Info" listing said on the new version to see how they compare, but I guess it doesn''t really matter.

So do I have to delete the games off my HDD first? Or does it automatically write over the older games?
Well, I am in the US but it has a different layout and it shows "featured" and "most downloaded" on the right side.
Well, I am in the US but it has a different layout and it shows "featured" and "most downloaded" on the right side.

aha ok, in EU that Latest and Most downloaded are under a few sub categories.