Official Playstation Store Thread

Anyone else notice how some files have disappeared from the PS Store?

I hadn't noticed anything, but yesterday, after setting up the new PS3 for the folks I was downloading files from the store and a couple files that I was purposefully looking to show them I was unable to locate any where in the store. Specifically the trailer for "Disturbia" (as they are big fans of "Rear Window"), and the E3 '07 Closing Video.

It made me wonder what other files may have also been removed. If anyone noticed any others, please post the MIA files here. Thanks.
Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't content providers paying to put their videos and demos up? It could be a time-based deal.

Another possibility is some details from the trailer (release date, rating) have changed. Or, if it is a theater trailer (I can't remember which it was), the movie is long since left theaters and is headed to video. This is all just random speculation.

As for the E3 video....too big? Or maybe it was just a temporary fun gift that has now been replaced by the GT5:P videos. As long as the games don't go away without warning I probably won't be too concerned.

In fact, any PSN ond older PSOne games would be better served giving a warning that they will be coming off on a certain date. Anyone on the fence may buy it then.

Also, I have a quick question: Wasn't Calling All Cars $9.99? Last night I saw it for $7.99 and thought that it was supposed to be $9.99. Do we have a sale or am I mistaken?
Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't content providers paying to put their videos and demos up? It could be a time-based deal.

Another possibility is some details from the trailer (release date, rating) have changed. Or, if it is a theater trailer (I can't remember which it was), the movie is long since left theaters and is headed to video. This is all just random speculation.
All good theories.

As for the E3 video....too big? Or maybe it was just a temporary fun gift that has now been replaced by the GT5:P videos.
Except it wasn’t that long or big, and many files are much bigger. I'm wondering if there was footage in that clip that was not supposed to have been released.

As long as the games don't go away without warning I probably won't be too concerned.
True. Especially as most trailers you are likely to only watch once, but still, it would be nice if we at least knew which files are going to be or have been removed.

Also, I have a quick question: Wasn't Calling All Cars $9.99? Last night I saw it for $7.99 and thought that it was supposed to be $9.99. Do we have a sale or am I mistaken?
I paid $10 so you are not mistaken. Looks like this is a similar price drop that flOw got a few months ago.

BTW: The trailer for "The Darkness" is also MIA... but there is a demo now for download.
Except it wasn’t that long or big, and many files are much bigger. I'm wondering if there was footage in that clip that was not supposed to have been released.
Probably the footage thing is the most likely.

True. Especially as most trailers you are likely to only watch once, but still, it would be nice if we at least knew which files are going to be or have been removed.
Maybe they just have some sort of policy where once it is not downloaded for so long it is removed. Using that policy a company could assume that the majority who will view it have already done so.

I paid $10 so you are not mistaken. Looks like this is a similar price drop that flOw got a few months ago.
I know it's just $2, but I might buy it now. Plus, it is pay day and I feel like spending some cash and the only PSN games I wanted to try were this and Tekken 5.
OK, it looks like the folowing movie trailers have all gone MIA off the US PS Store:
  • Are We Done Yet?
  • Astronaut Farmer
  • Blood Diamond
  • Casino Royale
  • Disturbia
  • Fred Clause
  • The Good German
  • Letters from Iwa Jima
  • NEXT
  • Perfect Stranger
  • Shooter
  • Shooter (behind the scenes)
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
  • Unaccompanied Minors
In addition, the HK Store no longer has the demo for Everybody's Golf 5. 👎

However, they did just add a demo of XI (sai), the classic '98 3D action-puzzle game. 👍

The HK store has also has a new game trailer for Devil May Cry 4.

I never did sign-up for a Japanese account, so I don't know if the demo for EG5 is still available in the JPN Store, nor do I know if the demo for Folks Soul is still available.
<missing content>

I think the whole thing with content disappearing all of a sudden on the PS Store is a bit peculiar. A few weeks ago, I noticed that the Blast Factor, Lemmings (I think), GripShift, Cash Guns Chaos, etc demos were gone, yet you could still download them if you went into your download history and downloaded them from there. Now Blast Factor and Lemmings are visible after Sony did some maintenance on the Store pre-E3, but GripShift and I believe CGC are still MIA.
Yes, the Folk Soul demo is still on the Japanese store.

I'm not 100% sure, but 2 new videos of "Lair" have appeared on the Japanese store. One looks to be footage and the another the making-of.
Seems a bit early but info on the Euro store update for this week.

The following content will be uploaded onto the Euro PSN store on Thursday 26th July:

PS One games:
- Crash 2
- Spyro 2
- Medievil
- Wipeout 2097

PS3 Demos:
- Heavenly Sword

PS3 Trailers:
- Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction
- GT5 Prologue

(These are the new E3 trailers, which can be found online&#8230; but will be offered on the store in HD PS3 format.)
Source -

Heavenly Sword demo looks good and I'm glad I held off getting Wipeout now that 2097 looks like its coming (my PSP can't wait for that one), just want to know why Europe hasn't got Syphon Filter yet (I love that game).


And the HS demo will be more or less what we saw at the SGD event.

According to Sony, the demo is the same as that shown during Sony's Gamer Day earlier this year. So, expect to guide Nariko across some dangerously high ropes in a QTE-style manner before diving into a series of vicious scraps atop a crumbling precipice and elsewhere. The demo should give you a taste of Heavenly Sword's genuinely stunning visuals, as well as some hands-on time with the game's impressive combat system.

This bite-sized chunk of Heavenly Sword should hit other territories around the same time as Europe, according to Sony.

Nonetheless, that's good enough for me to see if I like the gameplay.
As long as the frame rate is generally smooth (or at least not jerky) and control is responsive I'll be happy. Repetitiveness isn't an issue for me as I've played Dynasty Warriors games:crazy: But I'll be the first to concede that the gameplay will not be for all, just as certain game types don't float my boat (even Blue Dragon - that demo really put me off the game...)
Anyway, nice to have things to look forward to. That and update 1.90.
Japanese Store now has the 3 minute Resident Evil 5 trainer and the MGS gameplay trailer up. The MGS4 gameplay one is a whopping 638 meg.

Downloading now.....


And edited to add....

Heavenly Sword demo is now up on the Euro store, along with RE5 trailer, 3 PS1 games (MediEvil, Crash 2 and Spyro 2) and trailers for Haze and Assassin's Creed.

now downloading even more.
US Store has HS Demo, MGS4 demonstration, Haze and Assassin's Creed trailers, the E3 press conference (presumably in HD), GripShift update (dramatically speeds up the load times and adds customization tweaks), and some movie trailers.

And the full Resident Evil 5 trailer (w/ gameplay). Best graphics. Ever. Sorry Killzone/MGS4/GT5/Lost Planet/GeOW, I hardly knew ye.
Yes. Resi 5's a way off yet. Does look good even if keeping a strong Resi 4 feel.
It looks 60fps and with those graphics...I just hope the final game is as good as that. Well, they have 2 years left so...

Has it been mentioned? A vid of Level 5's Shirokishi is at the Japanese PSN store. It won't be to everyone's taste (anime-ish JRPG) but it still shows promise.
The Lost Planet/Dead Rising engine is looking good. 2 years for 60fps should be worth it but i'll be 30 when this game come out, ouch.
MY down load took about 15min. The wall papers showed up after the demo released. i got it around 2:30pm

The awful looking RE5 video took five hours. Since I already have the Japanese MGS4 Demonstration video, I haven't bother with the HUGE American file until the speeds go back to normal. I've never seen it this slow.
The awful looking RE5 video took five hours. Since I already have the Japanese MGS4 Demonstration video, I haven't bother with the HUGE American file until the speeds go back to normal. I've never seen it this slow.
The awful looking RE5 video took five hours.
awful looking

Haha, I thought it looked good, but not as amazing as duck made it seem.

He's hyping it too much. I've seen a lot better graphics.

Way too many jaggies. Way, way too much dot crawl. Animations are good, though. Better than MGS4. The COD4 video trailer he said had too many jaggies had less than this RE5 trailer.

But, MGS games always had a unique animation style that I love, anyway. It's a classic, and it think it's great.
US Store has HS Demo, MGS4 demonstration, Haze and Assassin's Creed trailers, the E3 press conference (presumably in HD), GripShift update (dramatically speeds up the load times and adds customization tweaks), and some movie trailers.
The Haze trailer is the same one that has been on the EUR store for the last six weeks, only the US version is encoded at more than half the bit rate than the EUR version, which accounts for why the file is less than half the size of the EUR version despite being the same video. (136MB VS 296MB).

Where are those Assassin's Creed trailers? I could only find one, and that was the one on the EUR store.

The E3 Press Conference is not in HD (if it were in 1080p it would have been close to 4GB), but oddly enough it is in PAL resolution of 768x576. Of course the PS3 will scale it to 720p, 1080i, or 1080p depending on what you have it set for, and you can use the "Screen Mode" and adjust to fit your screen if you like, but the native resolution is 768x576.

What I really don't understand is why they released the entire E3 Press Conference video as one file without chapter stops! Granted, the PS3 does remember where you stopped watching a video, and max fast forward is a blistering 120x speed boost, but still.

I also do not see any GripShift update, not as a download off the store, nor am I getting prompted with an update alert when I load my copy of GripShift, which I bought back in March and have never had any updates for.

If you can please clarify where those Assassin&#8217;s Creed trailers and GripShift update are i would certainly appreciate it. Thanks!

And the full Resident Evil 5 trailer (w/ gameplay). Best graphics. Ever. Sorry Killzone/MGS4/GT5/Lost Planet/GeOW, I hardly knew ye.
I must have gotten a bad copy. From what I have seen I'd say GT5 Prologue, MGS4, Killzone 2, as well as Heavenly Sword, and Lair all look better than RE5... based on the video clips off the PS store at least... but it could be I just don't like that contrast boosting artistic style of graphics used in that RE5 clip. On the other hand, I also think in most shots it is lacking a lot of the fine detail I have seen in the clips from those other games.
RE5 looked fine to me. I think people are too overcritical of graphics these days. It's the gameplay that matters and the game looked fun. The RE5 main character looked like he was full of steroids. Probably 10x the normal amount of testosterone in him.

The Heavenly Sword demo was dissapointing to me. It looked nice, the battles were fun but it lasted all of what seemed like 5 minutes. A 1 GB demo for 5 minutes of gameplay. C'mon. At least leave it on a cliffhanger or something. I guess I'm use to PC demos which are usually much more expansive
If you can please clarify where those Assassin’s Creed trailers and GripShift update are i would certainly appreciate it. Thanks!

The GripShift update should be on the "Recently Updated" list in the top right corner, and/or in your Download List.

And the Assassin's Creed trailer in the US store was a mistake on my part. :)