Official Playstation Store Thread

Don't know if this has been posted somewhere already:
Press conference, trailers, videos available for download

SCEA has revealed its plans to offer PlayStation Network coverage of the E3 Media & Business Summit.

Consumers will be able to download E3 content onto their PS3 consoles directly from the PlayStation Store, including the entire SCEA press conference to be held on July 11th. A variety of game trailers, videos, and other editorial content from the show will also be made available.

In addition to the downloadable content available through the PlayStation Network, consumers can follow E3 2007 through daily content on and the official PlayStation Blog.
Well the PSN Stores were down for a while so I thought maybe they were adding some E3 coverage content, but they've been up now for a few hours and still nothing new.

Guess I'll have to watch G4's coverage later tonight to get my E3 fix.

Oh, and the trailer for Nucleus is available in the European PSN Store.
^^^ You can now move forward and back with L1 and R1. Only update I can tell. I honestly think they were only down because they were adding more servers for more bandwidth to meet the upcoming demand, considering they are putting out nearly all the E3 content.

Thus far I expect, at the least:

Killzone Trailer
Heavenly Sword Trailer
Uncharted Trailer
Wipeout HD Trailer
LittleBigPlanet Trailer
Ratchet and Clank Trailer
Stranglehold Trailer
Burnout Paradise Trailer
MGS4 Trailer

With just those, probably going to be at least 200MB a piece, they'll need a metric ton of servers in order to meet the upcoming demand.



E3 Videos
* Metal Gear Solid 4
* Killzone 2 "First Look"
* PS3 E3 '07 "Sizzle" Video
* Lair
* Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
* Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
* LittleBigPlanet "Create" E3 Trailer
* Warhawk
* High Velocity Bowling
* Unreal Tournament 3
* Pain
* Folklore Teaser
* BlackSite: Area 51
* Go! Sports Ski
* Blast Factor Advanced Research
* Everyday Shooter
* Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice
* E3 '07 Closing Video


Movie Trailers
* The Simpsons Movie
* Transformers
* Die Hard 4.0

Game Trailers
* Uncharted

Other Trailers
* PSN Event Trailer

* Nucleus

E3 Videos
* MGS4
* WipeOut HD
* Uncharted
* Pain
* LittleBigPlanet
* Killzone
* High Velocity Bowling
* Folklore
* Feel Ski
^ Included with the Die Hard 4.0 is 8 minutes of footage, which is a 884mb download. :eek:

I'm quite looking forward to it. 👍
Thanks for the update on new content kekke2000.

You can also add the seven hidden E3 videos to the US list... haven't checked if they are in any of the other PSN Stores.

...Does anyone know if we're getting any demos?

I'm getting a bit worried.
I don't see anything to get worried over.

I never read anything about any demos that Sony said would be made available at this time. Personally, I'd want them to finish the games before releasing any demos, as they can end up as a very poor respresentation of the final game... Which is a problem with a lot of demos.
I don't see anything to get worried over.

I never read anything about any demos that Sony said would be made available at this time. Personally, I'd want them to finish the games before releasing any demos, as they can end up as a very poor respresentation of the final game... Which is a problem with a lot of demos.

I know that they haven't mentioned anything... but Ninja Theory heavily hinted at a Heavenly Sword demo, plus it'd be nice to have something playable.
Since when does hinting at a demo imply that it's going to be a few days away?

They said there would be a demo Soon. I don't ever recall anyone saying anything about an E3 demo, or anything else, for that matter.

Just saying, it's nothing to get worried over, considering you still have a great deal of good content to play and watch. Demo's are great, but it's surely not needed all the time, especially with a lot of the E3 content not really being 'up to speed' with consumer standards (the Ace Combat 6 demo being proof of that).
PSN Store Download Update:

USA PSN Store:
  • $5.99 Add-on: Spider-Man 3: New Goblin
  • Free Starter Pack: Nucleus
  • $9.99 PSN Game: Nucleus
Since when does hinting at a demo imply that it's going to be a few days away?

They said there would be a demo Soon. I don't ever recall anyone saying anything about an E3 demo, or anything else, for that matter.

Just saying, it's nothing to get worried over, considering you still have a great deal of good content to play and watch. Demo's are great, but it's surely not needed all the time, especially with a lot of the E3 content not really being 'up to speed' with consumer standards (the Ace Combat 6 demo being proof of that).

Actually, I've read at other forums people 'in the biz' said demos were coming at the end of E3. One included, was MGS4 along with others Like HS. Is that true? Doubtful, but it's the word going around.
I don't see anything to get worried over.

I never read anything about any demos that Sony said would be made available at this time. Personally, I'd want them to finish the games before releasing any demos, as they can end up as a very poor respresentation of the final game... Which is a problem with a lot of demos.

I really haven't either, my hopes are more or less built on a house of cards... I mean, I wasn't even expecting the amount of videos in the first place, so I'm not complaining too much.

And you'd prefer demos after the games are released? Really? Yes, they might have bugs that'll be gone from the final game, but they either let me know whether to buy a game, or to skip it.

For example, last E3. Lost Planet was a game that was completely off my charts, but the demo rocked, and I ended up buying the game. Same with Warhawk. And it also saves me money from buying games I'm hyped up on but fail to deliver once I play the game. An example of this is DiRT.

Since when does hinting at a demo imply that it's going to be a few days away?

"Very, very soon" a week or two ago + E3 = Probable chance of demo appearing. Like I said, I probably have false hopes, but it'd be awesome to play something cool that's coming out in a few months.

Honestly, I'm just surprised that the PS Store got so many videos two days ago... it rivaled XBL, which for a first time for a service that isn't exactly loaded with content, that's a big deal. So if there's no demo of any sort tomorrow, I'll be fine and satisfied... but getting thrown a bone would be cool. :)

EDIT: Ratchet and Clank demo confirmed to be released this month by GameSpot. Bone has been thrown.
Super Puzzle Fighter II Remix HD Should be out within the next 4 to 6 weeks.

Possibly longer, for 360 at least, as capcom said "pending approval on some platforms".
And you'd prefer demos after the games are released? Really?.
Not after, at the same time.

Yes, they might have bugs that'll be gone from the final game, but they either let me know whether to buy a game, or to skip it.
Hard to buy something that isn't available. :)

Besides, you even are admitting that a demo will let you decide to buy it or skip it. If the demo is not an accurate representation of the final game you would have been mislead one way or the other... more reasons NOT to want to play an early release demo.

These are all additional reasons releasing early demos is not a very good idea. They certainly risk turning people off by a demo that is not representative of the final game, but even for those that like it, or for demos that are a good representation of the final game, you lose any chance of an impulse sale, and many will just forget about it and move on to something else... especially if they have been able to play the demo.

I know you shop at Costco so maybe it will make more sense if you compare this to the food samples that Costco offers to promote sales of those specific food products. If they offered only samples, but then told you that not only do that not have any to sell you, and that when in a few weeks time they do get them in, they will likely taste different... how do you think that would impact sales? :)

You see the same thing in the film industry, where trailers are often released well in advance, and because of that many trailers include footage that ends up getting cut from the final print... and rarely will a studio ever let the public see long clips of a movie, because if they, like making a demo of an unfinished game, if the reviews of the working prints are poor, no matter how good the final film is, many will not see it based on those early reviews of the film before it was even finished.

Most importantly though, as a consumer, I want a quality demo that really is representative of the actual game. Anything else is a waste of my time, as I would just as well spend that time playing a real game and wait for the actual game to come out to properly judge it.

Trailers are great at creating advanced interest, demos should be an accurate representation of the game, and encourage impulse sales, so they really shouldn’t be released until the game has been released… at least that’s how I see it. :)
Hard to buy something that isn't available. :)

OK, buy a game in advance. :P

Besides, you even are admitting that a demo will let you decide to buy it or skip it. If the demo is not an accurate representation of the final game you would have been mislead one way or the other... more reasons NOT to want to play an early release demo.

These are all additional reasons releasing early demos is not a very good idea. They certainly risk turning people off by a demo that is not representative of the final game, but even for those that like it, or for demos that are a good representation of the final game, you lose any chance of an impulse sale, and many will just forget about it and move on to something else... especially if they have been able to play the demo.

I know you shop at Costco so maybe it will make more sense if you compare this to the food samples that Costco offers to promote sales of those specific food products. If they offered only samples, but then told you that not only do that not have any to sell you, and that when in a few weeks time they do get them in, they will likely taste different... how do you think that would impact sales? :)

You see the same thing in the film industry, where trailers are often released well in advance, and because of that many trailers include footage that ends up getting cut from the final print... and rarely will a studio ever let the public see long clips of a movie, because if they, like making a demo of an unfinished game, if the reviews of the working prints are poor, no matter how good the final film is, many will not see it based on those early reviews of the film before it was even finished.

Most importantly though, as a consumer, I want a quality demo that really is representative of the actual game. Anything else is a waste of my time, as I would just as well spend that time playing a real game and wait for the actual game to come out to properly judge it.

Trailers are great at creating advanced interest, demos should be an accurate representation of the game, and encourage impulse sales, so they really shouldn’t be released until the game has been released… at least that’s how I see it. :)

Good points.
After asking a question in the general discussion thread I felt I should come here...

Just to get a few things straight...
I can not download the GT HD demo without going through the "Hong Kong" ordeal?

Also, how do you pay for titles in the Playstation store? Credit cards or something?

Thanks for the heads up, I appreciate the help. :cheers:
After asking a question in the general discussion thread I felt I should come here...

Just to get a few things straight...
I can not download the GT HD demo without going through the "Hong Kong" ordeal?

Also, how do you pay for titles in the Playstation store? Credit cards or something?

Thanks for the heads up, I appreciate the help. :cheers:

You can download GTHD from the US Store.

And you need a credit card if you want to buy things. 👍
Cool, thanks. 👍
You'd think getting those questions answered was pulling teeth or something. :banghead:
("must spread some rep around before giving it to duck again"... will hit you with rep asap) :cheers:
With that in mind, I suppose Sony has gone with the best possible security? I mean, putting in credit card numbers over a PS3 browser isn't something I'd be inclined to do without some garuntee of security. :indiff:

In any case, thanks again. :cheers:
Cool, thanks. 👍
You'd think getting those questions answered was pulling teeth or something. :banghead:
("must spread some rep around before giving it to duck again"... will hit you with rep asap) :cheers:
With that in mind, I suppose Sony has gone with the best possible security? I mean, putting in credit card numbers over a PS3 browser isn't something I'd be inclined to do without some garuntee of security. :indiff:

In any case, thanks again. :cheers:

I don't think you need to worry. It's Sony... and if something goes wrong i'm sure there will be no problem getting your money back. Things are logged.
Cool, thanks. 👍
You'd think getting those questions answered was pulling teeth or something. :banghead:
("must spread some rep around before giving it to duck again"... will hit you with rep asap) :cheers:
With that in mind, I suppose Sony has gone with the best possible security? I mean, putting in credit card numbers over a PS3 browser isn't something I'd be inclined to do without some garuntee of security. :indiff:

In any case, thanks again. :cheers:
You mean you would trust any PC browser, which has to work with dozens of different other systems, over a console browser that is designed to perfectly mesh with the server?

I feel it's safe. It acts like Pay Pal where you put the money into an account and then they deliver it for the purchase, much like buying Premium here. And unlike the other two systems you can pay for the exact amount as opposed to prepurchasing points that sit unused because you had to buy more than you needed.
In case you missed it there is lots of stuff on all PS Stores like...

The Darkness Demo
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue Trailers
and lots lots more...
No darkness demo for NA but I saw Castlevainia SOTN and its twice as much as the other ps1 games. If they were going to charge $10 they could have ported the 360 version.
No darkness demo for NA but I saw Castlevainia SOTN and its twice as much as the other ps1 games. If they were going to charge $10 they could have ported the 360 version.

you can create a EU account if you want 👍
Anyone else notice how some files have disappeared from the PS Store?

I hadn't noticed anything, but yesterday, after setting up the new PS3 for the folks I was downloading files from the store and a couple files that I was purposefully looking to show them I was unable to locate any where in the store. Specifically the trailer for "Disturbia" (as they are big fans of "Rear Window"), and the E3 '07 Closing Video.

It made me wonder what other files may have also been removed. If anyone noticed any others, please post the MIA files here. Thanks.