Official Playstation Store Thread

That will teach us for going and having a range of languages and differing laws to have to work around.

Oh well I can wait for the PS one games (having waited this long already) I just want the RFOM update and maps at the same time as the rest of the world.



That's only the french and the germans :P The rest accepts english.

Can you update me real quick about RFOM? What is that?
That's only the french and the germans :P The rest accepts english.

Can you update me real quick about RFOM? What is that?

The Resistance FOM update is a switch to world-wide servers, so we can go head to head with anyone in the world, which should open up a massive amount of GTP related fun. Also it will allow you to report cheats from in-game and your main friends list will be automatically imported into the game. On top of that two new maps are being released, both supporting (I believe) 8, 16 and 32 players; these will be chargeable, but you should be able to buy them either from the store or from within the game.

Actually that last part is interesting, if RFOM picks up your PSN store wallet (which I would assume it must do) it means that Insomniac are already staring to tie games and the store together. It will be interesting to see if the DLC for Motorstorm (new track and vehicles) will do the same.


The Resistance FOM update is a switch to world-wide servers, so we can go head to head with anyone in the world, which should open up a massive amount of GTP related fun. Also it will allow you to report cheats from in-game and your main friends list will be automatically imported into the game. On top of that two new maps are being released, both supporting (I believe) 8, 16 and 32 players; these will be chargeable, but you should be able to buy them either from the store or from within the game.

Actually that last part is interesting, if RFOM picks up your PSN store wallet (which I would assume it must do) it means that Insomniac are already staring to tie games and the store together. It will be interesting to see if the DLC for Motorstorm (new track and vehicles) will do the same.



ok, Resistance Fall Of Man would be a good answer too. :)

Hi everyone,

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I have an statement from Greg Phillips regarding the Global Servers.

Also, to be clear, the Map Pack depends on the patch, the patch depends on global servers. Therefore we cannot release anything until we have the global servers in place.


This feels like déjà vu… A really bad case of déjà vu

Last week, I had the pleasure of unveiling our planned release date of June 7th for the Resistance: Fall of Man map packs and content update. That was on May 31st, the last day of May and the date we (SCEA and Insomniac) had promised when we unveiled this waive of DL content.

On that June 7th release date, I have some unfortunate news to share. During our final testing of the global server, which removes regional play restrictions for those who want some international flair in the multiplayer experience, a few last minute issues have come up. Despite some extremely long hours by all those involved, the unfortunate fact remains that we cannot resolve these issues prior to our announced launch date. And, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, neither SCEA nor Insomniac wants to release something to our ever-growing community which will impede the experience.

Hence the déjà vu feeling mentioned above.

The one bit of good news is these issues are NOT related to the content update or map packs themselves, and both have cleared format QA groups worldwide. In other words, everything is ready to go from the game side; we just have some kinks to iron out to complete the integration of our global community. Rather than announce a new date at this time, I want to see these issues resolved first to prevent any more cases of déjà vu on this topic.

What I can promise are two things: first, this last delay won’t be too long. Second, once it is out and you have a chance to play the new maps or your buddies from across the world, you’ll be happy we took the time to get this right.

Right, back to work.

GP aka Greg Phillips,
Line Producer, SCEA

Hope its not too long, but I would rather wait and have servers that don't fall over.


New for June 7th

Game trailers:
  • Heavenly Sword
  • Stranglehold
Movie Trailers:
  • Transformers
  • Bruce Springsteen with the Sessions Band: Live in Dublin
Even though I like the Boss... I have to say, that "trailer" for his live sessions in Dublin was very uninspiring. đź‘Ž

Sony should take a lesson from Image Ent. on how to promote videos for live music, like how Image promoted the Eagles: Hell Freezes Over DVD.

After playing the demo for Ninja Gaiden Sigma and finally opened and played the free copy of Genji: Days of the Blade that came with my PS3, I am starting to warm up to these "Samurai" fighting games, and after watching the trailer for Heavenly Sword I have to say it looks somewhat appealing. I will say though, that while Genji: DOTB looks amazing, I find the camera angles EXTREMELY annoying! I also prefer the more adventure/puzzle game style of Ninja Gaiden Sigma... and as it is just a demo, I suspect the actual game is most likely even better. At least that has been the case with most of the demos when compared to their full featured versions.

I also found the trailer for John Woo's upcoming game, Stranglehold to be quite interesting in that it mentions that a special edition will include his cult film Hard Boiled on the same Blu-ray disc as the game. This is especially interesting, as the original DVD release for Hard Boiled has been one of the most sought after OOP DVDs by collectors for several years now, with some copies selling on eBay for as high as $1,000. :eek:

I hadn't even considered this before, but I can see this as a popular and interesting way to take further advantage of what Blu-ray discs are capable of, and offer a nice bonus to gamers. đź‘Ť

It will be interesting to see if other studios and/or other game titles come out with bonus movies as well. If the film is not in HD, they would only need about 3GB of disc space, but with a 50GB Blu-ray disc, they could even include an HD version of a 2-hour film and still have about 35GB left over for the game... equivalent to five DVD-ROMs đź‘Ť
After playing the demo for Ninja Gaiden Sigma and finally opened and played the free copy of Genji: Days of the Blade that came with my PS3, I am starting to warm up to these "Samurai" fighting games, and after watching the trailer for Heavenly Sword I have to say it looks somewhat appealing. I will say though, that while Genji: DOTB looks amazing, I find the camera angles EXTREMELY annoying! I also prefer the more adventure/puzzle game style of Ninja Gaiden Sigma... and as it is just a demo, I suspect the actual game is most likely even better. At least that has been the case with most of the demos when compared to their full featured versions.

Genji needs to find the right analog stick, otherwise it'd be a decent game. You should've downloaded its demo though and sold Genji on eBay if you didn't like it, IMO. You could put that money towards something you'd rather have (Blazing Angels or something coming out this fall).

Just my 2¢.
I also found the trailer for John Woo's upcoming game, Stranglehold to be quite interesting in that it mentions that a special edition will include his cult film Hard Boiled on the same Blu-ray disc as the game. This is especially interesting, as the original DVD release for Hard Boiled has been one of the most sought after OOP DVDs by collectors for several years now, with some copies selling on eBay for as high as $1,000. :eek:

It will be interesting to see if other studios and/or other game titles come out with bonus movies as well. If the film is not in HD, they would only need about 3GB of disc space, but with a 50GB Blu-ray disc, they could even include an HD version of a 2-hour film and still have about 35GB left over for the game... equivalent to five DVD-ROMs đź‘Ť

I was really excited about this game and having hard boiled included aswell it a great bonus plus it would cool to finally see this everything on one Blu Ray disc Sony keep going on about...... the games graphics and control system with everything in the environment reactable it looks like its going to be amazing, you can do all that Jakie Chan jumping through and over stuff aswell!
I also found the trailer for John Woo's upcoming game, Stranglehold to be quite interesting in that it mentions that a special edition will include his cult film Hard Boiled on the same Blu-ray disc as the game. This is especially interesting, as the original DVD release for Hard Boiled has been one of the most sought after OOP DVDs by collectors for several years now, with some copies selling on eBay for as high as $1,000. :eek:

You mean like this one? :odd:

Anyway, I've noticed only subtle differences between 1.7 and 1.8. The upscaling never really bothered me, but that was mostly due to the projector I'm using. What would be nice is to have the PS3 output everything at one resolution & refresh rate. Even if what I'm watching or playing is the same resolution & refresh rate as XMB, there's still a hiccup when it switches. This causes a bright blue rectangle to fill the screen good 3-4 seconds. Kind of kills your night-vision.

I haven't had a chance to use the media streaming stuff, but I don't exactly leave things open on my network, nor do I use MCE.
You mean like this one? :odd:
No, not like that one. Like these.

These are the original DVDs that Criterion released for John Woo's The Killer (Spine #8, UPC# 1551500904) and Hard Boiled (Spine #9, UPC# 1551500897). Criterion released both of these DVDs on March 30, 1998 and went OOP the following year when they lost their distribution rights. At their peek of value, which was about four years ago, authentic originals were being traded for around $1,000 each, sometimes even more. Now that there are countless bootlegs as well as newly licensed versions like the one in your link (although none from Criterion), their value of course, like most OOP DVD has diminished.

There are still many OOP DVDs that continue to sell at considerably high prices, but bootlegging and file sharing has significantly lowered the value of most OOP DVDs. I remember when the original DVD for Scarface for Universal (which coincidentally was released the same time as the Criterion DVDs mentioned above) was selling for over $500 on eBay. Now you can get it for about $5 on eBay.

I have a large collection of OOP/Limited Edition DVDs among my collection (#2001-2174 & 4001-4058).

Fortunately, I had decided to sell several high value OOP DVDs during the OOP collector craze prior to all the bootlegging. The most I ever got for a DVD was $1,300 for The Beatles: Hard Days Night (UPC# 3030670822) from EMI and $1,100 for Criterion Collection's first print of Seven Samurai (Spine #2, UPC# 3742912172), both of which I was able to require a couple years ago for a fraction of what I sold them for when collector prices plummeted.
No, not like that one. Like these.

I saw those, but it still didn't connect with that "$1,000" quote, but the following explains it:

These are the original DVDs that Criterion released for John Woo's The Killer (Spine #8, UPC# 1551500904) and Hard Boiled (Spine #9, UPC# 1551500897). Criterion released both of these DVDs on March 30, 1998 and went OOP the following year when they lost their distribution rights. At their peek of value, which was about four years ago, authentic originals were being traded for around $1,000 each, sometimes even more. Now that there are countless bootlegs as well as newly licensed versions like the one in your link (although none from Criterion), their value of course, like most OOP DVD has diminished.
I have a large collection of OOP/Limited Edition DVDs among my collection (#2001-2174 & 4001-4058).

2,200 DVDs is a lot. I'm up around 600, but I wait at least two years before even considering whether to buy a modern movie. If I still care about it after all that time, then I'll think about pick it up. For older movies, I wait for a decent release. I hate multiple purchases of anything. I learned my lesson with T2 (which I could swear has 4 versions, but I only have 3...). The movie industry has really lost my respect over the last 25 years. Once the round-the-block lines disappeared, you could tell it was over.

Besides, on-line viewing eliminates a lot of my need to even rent (stuff I'd never pay for, like Cannibal Holocaust). I'm hoping Sony gets their act together and adds full-length HD video downloads to the store sooner rather than later.
I saw those, but it still didn't connect with that "$1,000" quote, but the following explains it:

2,200 DVDs is a lot. I'm up around 600, but I wait at least two years before even considering whether to buy a modern movie. If I still care about it after all that time, then I'll think about pick it up. For older movies, I wait for a decent release. I hate multiple purchases of anything. I learned my lesson with T2 (which I could swear has 4 versions, but I only have 3...). The movie industry has really lost my respect over the last 25 years. Once the round-the-block lines disappeared, you could tell it was over.

Besides, on-line viewing eliminates a lot of my need to even rent (stuff I'd never pay for, like Cannibal Holocaust). I'm hoping Sony gets their act together and adds full-length HD video downloads to the store sooner rather than later.

Sorry if i interupt but i can't see what this has to do with Playstation Store. With all respect could you guys stick to PM? :rolleyes:
European Store Update

  • Rampart
  • Joust
  • Motorstorm Time Attack Mode
  • Darkness Trailer
  • Super Stardust Trailer
  • Lair Trailer
  • Haze Trailer
  • Paul Hollywood Interview

Not a bad one at all, not looked at downloading any of it yet (kids hogging the TV), but I have read to take care and update Motorstorm to 1.2 before downloading the Time Attack mode (or you will have to delete the 1.1 data and then go and download 1.2 anyway).


So does anyone have go puzzle?

Yep I do, quite good fun, the Tetris style mine one is my personal favourite, in that one more go way. The building jumping one is quite good fun, forces you to think quickly. The swivel blocks one is OK, I've not played that one much.

Download the starter pack and give them a go.


Well, I do like the Building climber one, but everything else is just average. I'll probably save my $3 for Super Stardust or something.
Well, I do like the Building climber one, but everything else is just average. I'll probably save my $3 for Super Stardust or something.

Super Stardust will be $8...

And seriously, it's a few bucks :P not $10 for SF2, rofl.
The Haze trailer from Ubidays looks great in 1080p. It still appears that it's a PS3 exclusive, it definitely built for PS3. The Darkness trailer looks like ****.
Wot? Its lead platform is the PS3, nothing more. It'll still be on the 360 and PC, so I'm not sure where you're getting the idea that Haze is PS3 exclusive.

I don't know about exclusivity, but being the lead platform has its advantages. Lately we've seen a few piss-poor ports from one console to another, and it's dead easy to tell which one was the original, because the ports all play like crap.

I had to ask that question recently concerning the upcoming Transformers game, from one of the guys who was at that recent preview-party-thing last week. I wanted to know which version played better or looked better, so I could decide which version to get, for fear that one of them was "lesser" than the others. I was pleased as punch when he said he noticed no difference whatsoever, that each of them played just as smoothly as the others, with little or no graphical differences. Not counting last-gen or handheld versions, of course, I was asking about 360/PS3 comparisons.
Wot? Its lead platform is the PS3, nothing more. It'll still be on the 360 and PC, so I'm not sure where you're getting the idea that Haze is PS3 exclusive.
Actually Duck, the only platform that Haze is officially slated for is the PS3. It may very well turn out to be a timed exclusive, but then so could AC:6.
Scaff, thanks for the heads-up on all the new stuff on the UK store, but one comment caught me off gaurd:

I have read to take care and update Motorstorm to 1.2 before downloading the Time Attack mode (or you will have to delete the 1.1 data and then go and download 1.2 anyway).
Wooh! Did I mis an update to MotorStorm?

I haven't played MS in a while, I assume this is an update that alerts me to when I try and go online with it, like the last 1.1 update?

BTW: I'm happy to see the Time Attch Mode is a freebie, as rumors were suggesting that they would charge for this.

I decided not to download the Time Attack Mode, as you got me concerned about the 1.2 update. When I get the chance I'll pop-in MS and check to see if I have the 1.2 update, as I think I've only updated my MS once, and that was several weeks ago.
*mashes keys furiously*

*finds website that proves claim*

I see what you're saying here.

Well, Ubi hasn't announced Haze as anything more than a PS3 title, it's just more or less assumed right now, as far as I know, that it will be multiplatform. Didn't most sites just report "we wouldn't be surprised" if it ended up on 360?
I haven't played MS in a while, I assume this is an update that alerts me to when I try and go online with it, like the last 1.1 update?

Does indeed, just popped MS in, went on-line and was prompted to download it (it only went on yesterday and only for PAL by the looks of things - but I'm not 100% on that). Its a good one as well, on-line is significantly better after 1.2.


Scaff, thanks for the heads-up on all the new stuff on the UK store, but one comment caught me off gaurd:

Wooh! Did I mis an update to MotorStorm?

I haven't played MS in a while, I assume this is an update that alerts me to when I try and go online with it, like the last 1.1 update?

BTW: I'm happy to see the Time Attch Mode is a freebie, as rumors were suggesting that they would charge for this.

I decided not to download the Time Attack Mode, as you got me concerned about the 1.2 update. When I get the chance I'll pop-in MS and check to see if I have the 1.2 update, as I think I've only updated my MS once, and that was several weeks ago.

The 1.2 update is Europe only for now.
Thanks Scaff & Duck... odd that it is only currently available for the UK.... I have another question, but I see this is being discussed in the official MS thread... so I'll post it there.

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