Official Playstation Store Thread

like the two-pack of movies you can buy at Wal*Mart, where one is a decent film and the other is a horrid piece of junk the studio is just trying to get out of the warehouse.

Lets hope that the junk leans more to the the film than the game...:)

Lets hope that the junk leans more to the the film than the game...:)


The film Hard Boiled is definitley no junk. It's one hell of an action movie. I'm a fan of Chow Yun-Fat and John Woo, so Stranglehold is definitly THE game for me ;) But why's the demo only out in the US PSN-Store? The game is going to be released soon and I'd really like to play the demo to see which version of the game I should buy (X360 or PS3)
Stranglehold is coming out for the 360 as well? Has anyone played the demo yet I downloaded it last night but haven't had the time to install it yet.
The film Hard Boiled is definitley no junk. It's one hell of an action movie. I'm a fan of Chow Yun-Fat and John Woo, so Stranglehold is definitly THE game for me ;) But why's the demo only out in the US PSN-Store? The game is going to be released soon and I'd really like to play the demo to see which version of the game I should buy (X360 or PS3)

I didnt mean it literally, I ment that if anything I hope the game doesnt suck because thats the main reason im buying it over the film.

If you want it now just setup a us psn account...

So, how many more crappy sports game demos can we get? Of the ones I have played so far (NCAA football 08, APF 2k8, and Tiger Woods 08) they have all been absolutely horrible.

FIFA 08 is coming next week, NHL 08 is coming soon as well, and there's Skate – but that's kickass. Then the sports game demo rush should be slowing down.
I tired NBA Live 08. Being an owner of NBA 2k7 Live 08 felt too arcady and the controls are average at best. The cross overs are still nice and seem to work too often but the CPU blocks shots too easy. Fast breaks are probably the best part of NBA Live. The AI will automatically set up for passes and ally oops instead of just running towards the basket.

Graphics are not that great compared to 2K7's. 2K7 had some freaky realistic player models, Live 08 has this strange bright aura look to the players. The gameplay is 60fps and everything else is 30 much like 2K7. Animation system (more frames same system) still looks like they were ported from the ps2 version and isn't very convincing. The jerseys normal mapped cloth effects are very bad. Live is for die hard live fans that stick with brand names and not top quality. 2k8 added a dunk contest not trying to copy live but to please fans. Live could have some crazy extras and bonus modes and those should be the only saving grace.
The FIFA08 demo is out on the 10th. Is this going to be out for the Australian PSS?
The Australian store has the exact same content as all the European, Middle Eastern, South American and I believe all other stores except for Japan, China/Hong Kong, and North America.
Finally got a Euro account, Too bad my credit card won't work internationally should something come up I want to buy.
Played NBA 08... not as messed up as other EA ports but far from great in my eyes.... very jaggy, the backgrounds are not detailed especially the crowds, no real sign of lighting and shading, the players look okish.

The menu system is odd, cluttered and fiddly and I you can see how much EA give a damn about the PS3 because on the trivia load screen they have placed the circle and cross buttons in the wrong positions to correspond with the sixaxis, stupid EA! :lol:

I really hope that FIFA sets the standard because they have always produced great stuff on Playstation..

You would think EA would have ESPN's UI and graphics for the sports ticker, score board, and such, but no. What the **** was EA thinking? I thought EA was going to change how the players moved around with their feet actually taking steps and not sliding around? Nope, they still slide around.

I feel sorry for 360 owners. Your graphics suck. I know PS3 can do better than a 360 port.

FIFA 08 has great looking grass. Madden needs to step it up.
Euro store has been updated....

Harry Potter Demo
NBA Live Demo

Downloadable Content
Motorstorm vehicle pack
Weapons master for Ninja Gaiden

Game Trailer
Loco Roco trailer

Three demo's in one hit, now that you can't argue with

Playstation Blog has posted whats coming in today's update. Looks like the best one yet!!

New downloadable games:
• PixelJunk Racers ($6.99) - A single and multi-player slot car racing game, with 32 modes, 10 tracks and online rankings.
• High Stakes on the Vegas Strip: Poker Edition ($9.99) Ante up! Play limit or no-limit poker in five different game types. There’s single player mode or you can play up to five others online.

Demos, demos and more demos:
• PixelJunk Racers
• Tony Hawk’s Proving Ground
• NHL 08
• Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
• FIFA 08

Of course, more movie trailers and videos and wallpapers for your favorite new and upcoming games:
• Everyday Shooter trailer
• Warhawk trailer
• Lair Behind the Scenes video
• Feel the Noise trailer
• Juiced 2 trailer
• High Stakes on the Vegas Strip: Poker Edition trailer
• Soul Calibur IV trailer
• High Stakes: Poker wallpaper
• 2 PixelJunk Racer wallpapers
• Folklore wallpaper

And finally, we also have a free music track from our favorite dragon game, Lair.
We should be getting Pixel Junk racers and FIFA 08 today

Content is up. Got PixelJunk and its demo, Harry Potter, Proving Ground, NHL 08, and FIFA 08 demos, as well as a sample of the Lair soundtrack, some trailers, and new wallpapers.

I like it, especially the music. 👍.
Just when you thought PSN Europe was catching up....

You could always consider getting another region account, then you wont have to wait for the EU PSN store, I get most of my content from the US one.

There is also an update for the Home Beta, I'm Downloading it now but it's supposed to have some of the updates shown at E3.
Ok my thoughts on two of the demos...

Fifa 08 - Everything appears to be fine, it plays well and I do like the penality shootout minigame thing they have while the game is loading (coupled with the gears of war style running cam!). Although funnily enough I miss the loading screen which used to give club and football trivia and info.. quite enjoyable.

However afew issues like when playing the graphics are really jaggy, its like there is no AA but when you see action replays and player close ups it looks smooth and perfect!!?? Odd! Hope this is sorted out in the end.

Where has the realistic grass gone, its flat on the demo?

Basically and good attempt at the PS3 version and a hell of alot better than some other EA stuff, Fifa devs always deliver but its still abit odd that its soo jaggy, we will have the see the 360 version to compare.

Harry Potter - Looks good, nice environments, textures look good even closeup and 3D like the cobbled floors, give the feel that Hogwarts I suppose should do of endless expanses and alot of exploring.

The character models are abit odd especially the faces and speech movement but its not a big issue. Sixaxis works miserably with the ward control, really poor attempt to hardness this feature, would have been quite good if it worked better.

Downloaded Tony Hawks and Pixel Junk, see how they are tomorrow...

Wow, even more EA demos.

I set them up to DL when I went to bed last night. I bet I'll probably be deleting them all, just like all my others.
I think I'll be buying Pixeljunk racers, demo makes it seem like a lot of fun once you get the hang of the strange perspective and quick controls.
I just realized i almost have too many games to play, i just got DiRT and in a week or so i'll get my pre-ordered NHL 08 and Stuntman Ignition. Stuntman wont take so much time i think, but NHL and DiRT are hot! On top of all i bought the new PSP Slim in the beginning of this week, and Daxter is awesome! I really hope Tony Hawk will suck so i don't have to get that too, lol.
I have to try the Pixel Junk demo again as the first time i could not figure out how to win a race. and the cars stick to the track and there is no track editor. So far IGN's review for a change was too high.....
I have to try the Pixel Junk demo again as the first time i could not figure out how to win a race. and the cars stick to the track and there is no track editor. So far IGN's review for a change was too high.....

I might be a little biased because I used to have a Slot car racing set, you only have to pay attention to the throttle and sometimes the lane you are in.

Ratchet Demo Now Available in Stores
If you can't wait for October 4th, head to your local GameStop.
by Chris Roper

September 14, 2007 - While a PlayStation Network demo is set to hit for downloads on October 4th, those who ramble into GameStop today can pick up a playable demo for Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction. The demo seems to contain the first level of the game and offers gamers a chance to try out the title before its release at the end of next month.

While we haven't gotten word whether or not the playable disc will show up at other retailers, you need only put down $5 towards the purchase of the full game in order to receive the demo.
After playing NHL 08 Demo for a while im starting to like it a lot! I look forward to the release next week :-D