Official Proof inside Kazanori has replied re gearbox problem

  • Thread starter jjbk
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Indeed. It just makes the site look bad.

I understand that him pestering the guy on behalf of the site is not a great thing to do, but what other way of communicating with PD do we have? We only have our great unofficial site here and a ridiculous and silly official forum that I don't think PD even knows about, let alone actually participate in or respond to members there. For me personnaly its very frustrating having issues like the gear box issue and having no way to hear from PD what or when they will fix issues, other developers do a great job like Turn 10. PD can too.👍
Hmm, so the spamming did the trick. Nice...
Maybe i should go and register a twitter too and spam him about "a-spec option" for b-spec mode. Who knows...:D
Sweary rants about others won't last long in these parts. Keep it clean around here, people :)
Part of me wishes that Kaz would print out a lot of these complaints and use the paper as firestarter for his massive fireplace inside his multi-million dollar home. The man worked too hard to get all this flak from people who can't relax and let things happen on their own.

It's good that you got a reply from him and that PD are working on it but don't spam him, he hasn't done anything wrong.
Spamming is fine, but Jordan has done enough for the site and for us, don't need little pestering kids making him look bad.
you know those flies that buzz around your head and keep flying in your ear and you have to swat them out and then you sit there thinking "oh god it's not going to go in my ear again please don't go in my ear again" and then it goes in your ear again every single time? Yamauchi has better things to do than swat at you.

Just curious to wonder what PD and Kaz AREN'T aware of as sources of disappointment in the game?

Mind you, that PD seem to be hard at work preparing Standard to Premium upgrades LONG before the simple issue of gameplay paucity has been addressed seems to show, particularly as consensus seems to be the conversions will be paid DLC, they still seem to have their heads in a very dark and smelly place...

Without a 'when', any tweet from Kaz that they are 'working on it' is as empty as any politician's promises.

What really grinds my gears is that ANY of us could sit down with a pen and paper and come up with 50+ new Events in an afternoon. 200+ in a couple of days of solid work. I simply don't understand why PD don't fix the EASY problems first. A vast increase in events fixes 90% of the entire problem with this game. Grinding... GONE! Money issues? GONE! Boredom? GONE! Repetition? GONE!

Is there no-one at PD that can prioritize?
I dont have a problem with not being able to adjust individual gear ratios and I am sure there are many others like me. So why put 'all of GT Planet' when that just isn't true?
Exactly. I don't care either - in fact, I prefer the current method as it's one less thing to have to faff around with.

Harrasing Kaz under the false pretence that the "whole of GT Planet" wants this is not something I want done in my name.
Don't sound like a dick when you do it, we want to keep GTPlanet's image up. Don't send him tweets making out that thousands of GT fans hate him.
now somebody should tell him to remove the cones and the barriers form the top gear test track so we can free roam it
N1 ! Keep it up! I would like to have an easier way to change car. example in practice mode. So you dont have to go back to home and then back to the track...
If I were in Kaz's shoes I would of just block you. But still I dont know why developers dont at least put up a list of things they are working on for game patches and feature updates.

It would save a lot of head aches not to mention posts.
Without a 'when', any tweet from Kaz that they are 'working on it' is as empty as any politician's promises.

Didn't Kaz say they were 'working on it' relating to more A-Spec events? Next update we got the seasonal events.
Money talks, bull-t walks... I think PD could afford a sub-license.... but maybe their pride holds them back.[/QUOTE]

Mabey Porsche isn't included because they didn't want it dominating there precious Japanese cars. Just like the majority of the group c cars are missing even when already liscenced. Because the euro group c cars dominated, of course most of those cars where left out. Mabey pd is trying to convey some preverted alternate history where Japanese cars dominated anything they entered. Where in reality they dominated only jgtc and other Japanese only series.
I and GTplanet? really?
All of GTplanet? really?

Might be better to use I and most/some members of GTplanet.

Might also have been a good idea to poll users here before representing the forum.
Money talks, bull-t walks... I think PD could afford a sub-license.... but maybe their pride holds them back.

Mabey Porsche isn't included because they didn't want it dominating there precious Japanese cars. Just like the majority of the group c cars are missing even when already liscenced. Because the euro group c cars dominated, of course most of those cars where left out. Mabey pd is trying to convey some preverted alternate history where Japanese cars dominated anything they entered. Where in reality they dominated only jgtc and other Japanese only series.[/QUOTE]

No. Just no.
TBH, I think you're a real douche for doing that, nevermind using the whole of GTP to make your complaint.

Mabey Porsche isn't included because they didn't want it dominating there precious Japanese cars. Just like the majority of the group c cars are missing even when already liscenced. Because the euro group c cars dominated, of course most of those cars where left out. Mabey pd is trying to convey some preverted alternate history where Japanese cars dominated anything they entered. Where in reality they dominated only jgtc and other Japanese only series.

No. Just no.[/QUOTE]

How is it no just no? Tell me when any race series was so dominated by a Japanese car that they had to either ban the car from competition because no one would race against it (Mercedes CLK-GTR) or the series nearly collapsed due to pure domination by a single make (Porsche 917) or the entire series was revolutionized due to the revolutionary design and subsequent domination of the series (Audi Quattro) I can continue.
Still LMAO over how much money people think goes to PD (Sony). Although Kaz will be very comfortable, somebody said $5M.....pocket change for him.

For me these are the facts....

1. i waited 5/6 years for GT5.

2. I bought a PS3 to play GT5 when PS£ (sic) came out.

3. Now it's here, the bones are amazing, the flesh will come.

4. GT5 is an ever evolving beast that you can tell your Grandchildren, "I was there"

Cheers and goodnight.
Good Job. Keep that way. People don't want it, just stop complaining. It's a must for the rest of us and we don't hurt you, do we?
I'm utterly shocked and appalled by the fact that there are people protesting the idea of a fully customizable gearbox being able to actually be fully customizable. Heck, I'd like the option to delete 6th gears on some cars that I'd want to stay as 5 speeds. Gear tuning also greatly helps cornering. There are times when I just know a gear needs to be a little longer so I don't have to go "3rd,4rth,3rd" in compound corners.

Anyways, thanks to the original poster for tweeting. You should probably send him a thank you post if you haven't already.
Lets try this again you Harvard educated business majors you.

about $15 goes to the developer and about that goes to Sony. Middle men, manufactures (Sony doesn't actually make them) and distributors account for 30% and generally the remaining 20% goes to the retailer.

There is no doubt in my mind they have not made money yet. Yes they probably settled their debts and recouped some profit but I doubt it was more than 10 million(assuming they got paid upfront for all 5.5m shipped). That is peanuts when you consider they need to start spending serious coin developing the next series and competing with future Forza franchises.
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