Official Proof inside Kazanori has replied re gearbox problem

  • Thread starter jjbk
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"Is there no-one at PD that can prioritize?"

Um, not really. This was one of the main problems and why we got a game that has so much detail in some areas and a bunch of after-thoughts in others as they rushed to get the game out.
Priorities seemed to change monthly, from ultra-detailed interiors to 3D-TV capability to some GPS-thing they were working on for a few weeks to getting go-karts... If they had priorities it would have been cars, tracks, events.
Lets try this again you Harvard educated business majors you.

about $15 goes to the developer and about that goes to Sony. Middle men, manufactures (Sony doesn't actually make them) and distributors account for 30% and generally the remaining 20% goes to the retailer.

There is no doubt in my mind they have not made money yet. Yes they probably settled their debts and recouped some profit but I doubt it was more than 10 million(assuming they got paid upfront for all 5.5m shipped). That is peanuts when you consider they need to start spending serious coin developing the next series and competing with future Forza franchises.

First off I thought Sony actually owned BR pressing plants of their own that they used to press their discs and secondly don't forget Kaz is VP of Sony JP so in many ways both the first and second $15 (by your number) goes to him.

If you figure $30 per copy goes to Sony/PD as profit off each sale and there have been a conervative 3 million in sales that's $90 mill in profit. And that's JUST GT5.

Throw in GT5P and GTPSP profit's and you are in the low hundred millions of profit.

Kaz etimated that they had spent $60 mill or so about a year ago, so if we are to estimate high and set it at $80 mill that still leaves about $40 mill in pure profit in the 6 years between GT4 and GT5?

That's after everyone got paid because the $60/$80 mill budget estimates are expenses including payroll. And remember my estimates are pretty conservative, I wouldn't be surprised if the real number was much higher.

So as for the claim they haven't made money yet? I find that unlikely....
How is it no just no? Tell me when any race series was so dominated by a Japanese car that they had to either ban the car from competition because no one would race against it (Mercedes CLK-GTR) or the series nearly collapsed due to pure domination by a single make (Porsche 917) or the entire series was revolutionized due to the revolutionary design and subsequent domination of the series (Audi Quattro) I can continue.

I must interject, even if I am late: these are not reasons for the exclusion of Porsche. Remember both the CLK-GTR and road version of the Ur-quattro are available in Gran Turismo.

Nobody is denying that Porsche tends to win alot of races. On the other hand, if you look at the facts of the matter, Porsche race cars wouldn't necessarily dominate Gran Turismo. There are lots of cars that have bested them.

I get where you're coming from, I like... well, prefer German cars too. But just because some of them rewrote the rule book a couple times doesn't mean we should hate on Japanese cars. Also: Kaz has a 911 GT3 IRL. I'm pretty sure he wants them just as much as you do. Blame the bean counters and the law makers, blame EA for hogging the licence, blame Sony for not being a little more imposing. But don't blame Kaz and the boys for the lack of your favorite cars.
No offence, but there is a good reason why Kaz, didn't respond to you early. Your tone was rude and unprofessional, you probably nagged him enough to get a response, but please don't 🤬 off the guy and be all aggressive. Ask a question and leave it, in a week or so if he doesn't reply, kindly ask again. Whining won't get you anywhere in the internet and in life.
Here's an idea: why doesn't somebody twitter him asking if they could possibly post some detailed information on what they plan to do with GT. Maybe if they understand GT fans don't much care for surprises - as they usually tend to be bad ones - maybe if we can get them to start sharing with us their development process then they won't get pestered with a bunch of irritating questions constantly, such as those by the OP.

That said, they do need fully adjustable gear ratios, it's inexcusable to not have that feature. For those that "don't want the extra faff", remember you don't necessarily have to change your gear ratios, just so long as you have the ability to. Remember tuning and setting up your car has always been a big part of getting ahead in Gran Turismo, we should be seeing this concept expanded upon, not downgraded.

Learning how to set up a car properly is educational. All the better to understand your car and how it works!
Lets try this again you Harvard educated business majors you.

about $15 goes to the developer and about that goes to Sony. Middle men, manufactures (Sony doesn't actually make them) and distributors account for 30% and generally the remaining 20% goes to the retailer.

There is no doubt in my mind they have not made money yet. Yes they probably settled their debts and recouped some profit but I doubt it was more than 10 million(assuming they got paid upfront for all 5.5m shipped). That is peanuts when you consider they need to start spending serious coin developing the next series and competing with future Forza franchises.

You know, there would be a slim possiblity for this to be true if the cost of development wasn't already paid off before the game came out. Which it most likely was, because GT5:P sold millions and millions and millions of copies; and the game's position as basically being a paid demo for GT5 proper means that Sony and PD made money on GT5 twice.

This is also completely ignoring and sales GTPSP might have attained, which don't technically directly go into GT5's development costs like GT5:P's do, but was nonetheless a side game shoved out while PD was working on GT5 and was in fact one of the reasons for GT5's development time.

Basically, there is no chance that Sony hasn't already cleared a profit on the game, and there is in fact a pretty good chance that Sony had amassed a tidy sum before the first copy was even sold.
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Though I'm glad that you got a response, please do not speak on behalf of or as a representative of GTPlanet in the future.

Sorry Jordan, and other members I should of said the visitors/Users of Gt Planet not GT planet, I do see that I may have said something (you) Don't agree with, This issue has some of the biggest posts in threads, so that's what I meant.

At least we know he is aware of the problem.

I also don't think I am speaking on behalf of everyone, Just this is a big issue A lot of people wanted answers.

But please don't spam his twitter I did a morning and night post on his twitter, I didn't constantly spam him.

G25/27 is next 💡
I'm glad to see somebody actively chasing the issue.
Whether on not all GTplanet users want the gearings changed is a different matter. Using the forum as a mob adds to the OPs persuasive technique.
While I've just sat at my PC moaning about it, this guy has made a genuine inquiry that could lead to a result.
Well done that man.
Hello everyone, I have been flooding Kaz's Twitter with both Japanese and English versions of the question about how we can't adjust the gears when we buy fully customized. After probably 4 days of me bringing it up. I did it Twice a day, 2 times in Japanese and 2 times in English, Morning and Evening. It was 4 days of this and no reply not even an acknowledgment. I was getting frustrated! So I decided to become a little more stern. So today I just worte this :-
@jbkblack (is my twitter if u want to check)
@Kaz_Yamauchi カズは、GTの惑星のすべての非常にギア比の問題は解決されません怒っている、我々は、フルカスタムギアボックスarghhでそれを調整することはできません
13 hours ago
@Kaz_Yamauchi Kaz all of GT planet is very upset you won't address the Gear ratio problem, We can't adjust it with full custom gearbox arghh

That one was 13 hours ago, but no reply, So it was time to do the evening one. I decided to remove 80% of diplomacy I said this:-
@Kaz_Yamauchi I & GT Planet have tried being nice Mr Yamauchi but now we are getting upset When will gearbox Be Fixed so we can adjust ratios.

So as you can see I let it rip was stern and hard to the point. One hour later this appeared

Kaz_Yamauchi 山内 一典
待たせてすみません。それ、もうすぐアップデートする予定です。RT @jbkblack: I &GT Planet have tried being nice Mr Yamauchi but now we are getting upset When will gearbox...
Translation From the man himself
I'm sorry to keep you waiting. It will be updated soon. RT @jbkblack: I & GT Planet have tried being nice Mr Yamauchi but now we are getting upset When will gearbox ...(rest of my message)

And proof I took a screen shot. quality sucks just go to my twitter page to see it.

Uploaded with
my twitter is

Next flooding of Kaz will be for support of the G27.
Please stay tuned for that One !!
Nothing personal but if you're going to post Japanese, at least post correct Japanese! This is so obviously a product of an online translator and almost unintelligible. No wonder he replied to your English version! :ill: Thanks for the effort though. 👍
That's quite outrageous.

Who do you think you are (a) to speak for GTPlanet in the first place and (b) that's a blatant lie.

A small minority of posters is "upset" by the lack of individual gearing and voices their opinion very loudly.

Last but not least spaming Kaz with your personal complaint is nothing to be proud of.

I think you deserve a good talking to.
I understand that a lot of people are upset that someone else spoke on their behalf without asking first. On the other hand, I'm very happy that PD are aware of the issue at hand, and that they plan to fix it.
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Thankyou mate. Really good work and glad you put the easy to fix / important ones first.

Not like make them all premium now.

One fix better than no fix
That's quite outrageous.

Who do you think you are (a) to speak for GTPlanet in the first place and (b) that's a blatant lie.

A small minority of posters is "upset" by the lack of individual gearing and voices their opinion very loudly.

Last but not least spaming Kaz with your personal complaint is nothing to be proud of.

I think you deserve a good talking to.


Kaz deserves more respect as an elder. the man has dedicated his life to Gt. Gtplanet has slowly built up a good relationship with Kaz and Sony which recently culminated in an interview with Kaz. Don't spoil this.
The OP was so rude, beyond explainable.

From Japanese point of view, asking anything in that way is purely unacceptable, on the very brink of insult.

Well, I guess manners and respect for different cultures are non-existant these days.
Well, people is complaining about the OP is so rude.

Next time (g25/g27 issue :sly:) what about a poll?

With the result in one or two days you can 'spam' his twitter...

Seriously, we need some way of showing him the problems we think the game has.

We need a votation with the mistakes, gliches, problems, etc. for all of us, sort them and send them to him.
I actually saw this on twitter and face palmed myself on the train to work. I am also shocked at the pure rudeness in speaking for GTPlanet as a whole and as stated by amar212 the way in which it was conducted, as cultural respect was ignored.
G25/27 is next 💡
Seriously, we need some way of showing him the problems we think the game has.

No "we" don't.

Speak for yourself, write an individual eMail to Sony/PD, write to a magazine or do a review.

Apply for a job as beta tester at PD.

I came to GTP for sharing my experience because I actually like how GT5 turned out in the end.

That's how it was and that's how it should be.
thanks for this! Great job. I have also addressed this problem and a few others on his twitter. I will repeat the process about the G27 support especially with the buttons and a few other things as well. I'll also bring up the gear ratio problem again so he's not hearing it just from one person but many. Maybe this will open them up.
thanks for this! Great job. I have also addressed this problem and a few others on his twitter. I will repeat the process about the G27 support especially with the buttons and a few other things as well. I'll also bring up the gear ratio problem again so he's not hearing it just from one person but many. Maybe this will open them up.

theres no problem with this as long as its respectful and u dont misrepresent:tup:
No "we" don't.

Speak for yourself, write an individual eMail to Sony/PD, write to a magazine or do a review.

Apply for a job as beta tester at PD.

I came to GTP for sharing my experience because I actually like how GT5 turned out in the end.

That's how it was and that's how it should be.

I speak for myself and for the ones that think like I do. I haven't said 'all the people' or 'all of us'.

I respect your way: sharing your experience and liked how GT5 is. But please, respect my right to express the things i think (and some others) that need to be addressed.

I don't want to make the game worst to you. I like GT5 as much as sure you do. I've got every GT game, from GT1, GT2, GT3, GT Concept: Tokio-Geneva, GT4:P, GT4, Tourist Trophy, GTPSP, GT5:P to GT5, and someones in japanese and european version. I just want to make it better the way i can afford: giving my honest and personal opinion.
Good news yeah, but the bad news is that you're spamming his twitter in the name of us all. Maybe you should start a poll, and see how many people actually support your spam towards him. Use that number in your tweets.

And by the way, did you seriously think it wouldn't be updated somewhere along the way? Have some faith in what PD does. This is their baby and I just enjoy the game the way it is, taking any damn update for granted.
I was pretty pissed when I found out that I couldn't adjust individual gear ratios. For cars with extremely wide or extremely narrow powerbands, that can mean a difference of seconds per lap!

Also, I don't know who designed the power and torque graphs in this game, but they should be fired immediately.
I cannot believe how someone has so little respect and keeps whining about something a couple of times a day. I mean, you keep posting your complaint until you get an awnser. I'm even surprised Kaz replied. I would awnser with a big fat NO, just to teach you a lesson. I honestly haven't got a clue how Kaz keeps up with the constant whining and bitching.

Some of the people, or should I say children, here at GTPlanet are a bunch of spoiled brats. Seriously, didn't your parent's gave you any manners? People like you give GTPlanet a bad name, especialy when you say all of GTPlanet is as unsatisfied as you.

Gtplanet has gotten worse and worse, but after reading this post I lost it. We are just another customer and our wishes are no more noteworthy as any other. Stop being so self-obsessed and learn some gratitude.
But please, respect my right to express the things i think (and some others) that need to be addressed.

Like skidmarks, weather and day/night cycle, Nascar, reverse lights, GT Academy for the US, and finally releasing the game?

I'm expressing my opinion that enough is enough.

After including some features in the first place, some issues have been addressed by patches. The game is as it is, and not only has everyone had the chance to get good first hand infos here on GTP, the ign review pretty much sumed it up: "10/10 sim in a 5/10 game".

Each and everyone had the chance to base his or her buying decission before hand on plenty of opinions.

Everyone who bought this game knew, or should have known, what was coming at him.

So either eat it or beat it.

I'm sick of having to deal with all the complaints threads in the forum which spam the whole franchise day in day out.

And this thread and behaviour of the OP just added a whole new layer to the whole shambles.
Like skidmarks, weather and day/night cycle, Nascar, reverse lights, GT Academy for the US, and finally releasing the game?

I'm expressing my opinion that enough is enough.

After including some features in the first place, some issues have been addressed by patches. The game is as it is, and not only has everyone had the chance to get good first hand infos here on GTP, the ign review pretty much sumed it up: "10/10 sim in a 5/10 game".

Each and everyone had the chance to base his or her buying decission before hand on plenty of opinions.

Everyone who bought this game knew, or should have known, what was coming at him.

So either eat it or beat it.

I'm sick of having to deal with all the complaints threads in the forum which spam the whole franchise day in day out.

And this thread and behaviour of the OP just added a whole new layer to the whole shambles.

In all fairness, adjusting INDIVIDUAL gear ratios was in PAST Gran Turismo games and it's NOT in this one. There are also other features that are missing from this game from the others. They took 1 step forward and 2 steps back :indiff:.

Also, if you don't like the people who complain, then don't post in their threads so they don't jump to the top of the queue.

He also didn't "spam". He only did 2 tweets per day. If it was 1 tweet per hour, that would be spamming. It is entirely reasonable to expect a response from a tweet especially when other people have been responded to when they asked their question AFTER his.
Fixed for ya.
They got a third of a billion dollars in revenue from this single game. W T F :crazy:

They sold 5.5million copies as of December 10th 2010, so a whole month of worldwide sales needs to be tallied onto that.
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