Oh, oh, oh, I'm making a Ludicrous Claim®! Read the first post!

  • Thread starter Der Alta
Click the "ildd said".
Thanks. Didn't know you could do that.

Also, I've just got what @daan meant and that makes the most possible sense. I've probably been fooled as well!

Let me go back to the joyride crew me and this guy were in. When @Wavey2014 left, MyNameIsJeff joined. When he left, @Wavey2014 came back. Finally, when he was banned, @KudosM4 joined.

I can't believe it's taken this long for all this to fall into place in my head.
Best thing about Thotsluvgio twitter is that it happens to have a header picture of a BMW M5 E39...

So... I'm confused now.

Thanks. Didn't know you could do that.

Also, I've just got what @daan meant and that makes the most possible sense. I've probably been fooled as well!

Let me go back to the joyride crew me and this guy were in. When @Wavey2014 left, MyNameIsJeff joined. When he left, @Wavey2014 came back. Finally, when he was banned, @KudosM4 joined.

I can't believe it's taken this long for all this to fall into place in my head.
Is Wavey Kudos?
You chaps do recall I posted this back after the initial de-M4ing, right?
I'd also recommend an explanation of the second GTP account since users are only permitted access to one.
Anyway, curse my apparent subtlety.

So I'm going to assume from @Wavey2014's lack of activity since 2 minutes after the latter post and @KudosM4's lack of activity since a few minutes after the former post we're done here. I'm also going to assume that if I don't hear anything in the next... oooooh... 16 hours and 12 minutes, there's not much more that can be done.
Best thing about Thotsluvgio twitter is that it happens to have a header picture of a BMW M5 E39...

Just the way her first profile post says "gamer girl" seems super fishy to me, I don't think a real girl would instantly post that straight after registering.
Just the way her first profile post says "gamer girl" seems super fishy to me, I don't think a real girl would instantly post that straight after registering.
Especially one that likes to go by the name of Giovanni Williams a lot as you found out.
Wait wait wait. I thought posting stuff from other forums or social medias about people outside of GTP activity was frowned upon in this thread/forum? OR is it just when you take it further and press them about it on those social media sites? I'm bringing up the "great Zuel Incident" where it was told not to have it happen.
Wait wait wait. I thought posting stuff from other forums or social medias about people outside of GTP activity was frowned upon in this thread/forum? OR is it just when you take it further and press them about it on those social media sites? I'm bringing up the "great Zuel Incident" where it was told not to have it happen.
That was a little different, people were antagonizing him over Twitter, stalking his twitter, instigating things on Youtube, etc.

Looking to those social media sites to help solve something is way different than that.
That was a little different, people were antagonizing him over Twitter, stalking his twitter, instigating things on Youtube, etc.

Looking to those social media sites to help solve something is way different than that.

Yeah and people are stalking as well in quite a sickening fashion that is almost as bad as those coming on here lying, and those doing it are some I wouldn't expect. And it's not way different, because similar matters were done with Zuel and others did so in important ways like calling him out on being a Sony Game tester when he really wasn't cause others on GTP were at the time. But following a users twitter or instagram moves isn't necessary unless they open themselves up to it which this new issue is lacking.

Also read my post I cover both and ask for re-clarification on both situations and overall, which someone more traversed (moderator) can better address than you.
Also read my post I cover both and ask for re-clarification on both situations and overall, which someone more traversed (moderator) can better address than you.

He read your post. That's why he responded to it. Accurately.

The difference in that situation was that people were going to other sites and harassing the member in question, which not only is a pain for any other site, but does GTP's image no favours. In this particular situation, hunting down the Instagram(s) "KudosM4" borrowed pictures from claiming they were his/him, and posting them, isn't antagonizing anybody: they're being used for confirmation of details, and as they're not even "his" pictures, it's really not invading "his" privacy. Not that one can really play that card if they're using social media anyway...
Maybe I've taken one too many knocks to the head, but you've lost me.

Yeah and people are stalking as well in quite a sickening fashion that is almost as bad as those coming on here lying, and those doing it are some I wouldn't expect.
They're stalking him now? While I'd agree, it's getting a little obsessive, I'm not sure it's come to the point of stalking. When they start trying to contact him on other sites demanding answers, or making fun of him for not providing them, then I'd call it stalking.

If I had it my way, it would've ended after he was called out on the latest identity. If he didn't respond, then the silence speaks for itself (As it seems to have already done).

And it's not way different, because similar matters were done with Zuel and others did so in important ways like calling him out on being a Sony Game tester when he really wasn't cause others on GTP were at the time.
I'd say silently watching Social Media accounts of his identities in order to unravel this is a little different than antagonizing him on those same sites.

But following a users twitter or instagram moves isn't necessary unless they open themselves up to it which this new issue is lacking.
Not really sure how it's lacking it, considering he's claimed to be about 4 different people now, and catfished one of our members. Zuel, however, was lacking it. All he really did was lie about his occupation. But, with the pack mentality in this thread, even simple things like that go out of hand.

Also read my post
This one?

Wait wait wait. I thought posting stuff from other forums or social medias about people outside of GTP activity was frowned upon in this thread/forum? OR is it just when you take it further and press them about it on those social media sites? I'm bringing up the "great Zuel Incident" where it was told not to have it happen.

I cover both and ask for re-clarification on both situations and overall

If I remember correctly, one of the moderators said something along the lines of the situation getting out of hand, and that it should stop. That would imply that it was, at an earlier point, okay. We can make assumptions about what point that was, but, as you said:

someone more traversed (moderator) can better address than you.
This is the best course of action, as they can state which point that was with certainty. :cheers:
Yeah and people are stalking as well in quite a sickening fashion that is almost as bad as those coming on here lying, and those doing it are some I wouldn't expect. And it's not way different, because similar matters were done with Zuel and others did so in important ways like calling him out on being a Sony Game tester when he really wasn't cause others on GTP were at the time. But following a users twitter or instagram moves isn't necessary unless they open themselves up to it which this new issue is lacking.

Also read my post I cover both and ask for re-clarification on both situations and overall, which someone more traversed (moderator) can better address than you.
Just some really old inactive multiple twitter accounts with not much content that can easily be found through Google Search. 'She' just so happens to reveal herself in a white bordered picture on GTPlanet before any of 'her' male social media accounts using same username.
He read your post. That's why he responded to it. Accurately.

The difference in that situation was that people were going to other sites and harassing the member in question, which not only is a pain for any other site, but does GTP's image no favours. In this particular situation, hunting down the Instagram(s) "KudosM4" borrowed pictures from claiming they were his/him, and posting them, isn't antagonizing anybody: they're being used for confirmation of details, and as they're not even "his" pictures, it's really not invading "his" privacy. Not that one can really play that card if they're using social media anyway...

Wasn't talking about Kudos, unless the image danny posted is the same person. Which I'm not sure how he'd know that. The Kudos situation I have no qualms over cause he deserved it and exposed himself, the gio person is who I'm talking about. Who once again unless I missed something hasn't said anything, so unless it's kudos I don't see the point.

Which @Dagger311 seemed to not understand either, so that's my fault. Once again I'm asking regarding the Gio person and not Kudos unless they're the same as I've said. Nor am I talking about the Wavey2014 member that seems to be a secondary kudos account if I understand that correctly as well.
If you're over the age of 16, a thot is an attractive human female (Stands for 'That ho over there'. You're welcome. Drop it into conversation with your kids to seem current and impressive).
A "thot" doesn't necessarily mean an attractive human female. "That ho over there" literally means what it is. In most cases, it's used in derogative meaning.

Sorry, it just seemed odd to me since I'm around younger and older people who uses "thot" frequently would it be considered for an "attractive" female.
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A "thot" doesn't necessarily mean an attractive human female. "That ho over there" literally means what it is. In most cases, it's used in derogative meaning.

Sorry, it just seemed odd to me since I'm around younger and older people who uses "thot" frequently would it be considered for an "attractive" female.
I think he implied sarcasm.

Edit. Tree'd in a way.
I feel like we are only a solid script away from a Investigation Channel Original series (or a 1 Hour and 30 Minute Movie).

We got a massive cast of lead roles and support roles, a gripping mystery that's itself is already trapped within an enigma AND some of that good ole plot twist.