Oh, oh, oh, I'm making a Ludicrous Claim®! Read the first post!

  • Thread starter Der Alta
Is it not also possible that he does not currently own a Viper nor Lamborghini but hopes to acquire one or the other (or both) in the near future when he cashes the winnings from the lottery ticket he intends to purchase this afternoon?

No, I can't see that as a serious claim to ownership of those cars.
"Much in you is still worm" - FN

PM me your PSN name.
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I have a degree in philosophy among other things. No need to get jealous.
I'm in training for an IT degree. Your point?
All you need to do is either provide proof or fess up. It might not seem like it but we can be very forgiving around here.
^^^Very simple, @Driver55.

Need I remind you that our AUP explicitly says:
  • You will not knowingly post any material that is false, misleading, or inaccurate.
Edit: Hold on. You aren't Jackson Bale, are you?
I feel like this guy is that banned user who was pretending to be a rich anesthesiologist from California. He only just signed up today.

@TB or another admin, can you guys take a look?
This "childish nonsense" came out because you've made some rather suspicious claims.

Don't write checks your mouth can't cash.
Has anyone politely asked @Driver55 yet if he/she owns the cars in question?
It's a bit overbearing to start accusations against a new member without asking first.
Has anyone politely asked @Driver55 yet if he/she owns the cars in question?
It's a bit overbearing to start accusations against a new member without asking first.
Yes, @axletramp and @SPhilli911 did over in another thread. Person in question said he would, and then turned around and insulted everyone in this thread instead lol.
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The last time this happened the user actually owned the cars in question. It's not that I don't believe this latest person owns both a Viper and a Lamborghini, but there is no question he is being unreasonably aggressive and smug about it.

In another thread he said he'd post pictures in the post a picture of your car thread... but only "if he doesn't get banned and/or harassed by ignorant, jealous little girls." :lol:
Ask simple question, get insulted. I have to believe English is not his mother tongue