Oh, oh, oh, I'm making a Ludicrous Claim®! Read the first post!

  • Thread starter Der Alta
This isn't a thread for making ludicrous claims Moglet, it's a thread for point out claims that have been made across the site. Ideally you don't want to find yourelf being quoted in here ;).

Don't worry I won't be making any stupid claims to appear here, I'm happy with my 69bhp runabout! :)
Regarding the Ford GT-claim, I'm giving the guy the benefit of the doubt. His post & grammar knowledge is well above other false claimers in the past, so he seems to have the intelligence at least of seeming to be someone who could own sich a car.
well as he did it for attention in the first place and with nothing to back it up he would need a bad excuse like that. kids like to say things to have something to talk about, it makes them think they can be genuinely interesting.
To be fair, he never said "I'm fed up with showing the car" nor is there anything in his posting style or his profile to suggest that he is a kid either. Let's not turn this into something it isn't or shouldn't be.

I'm all for the call-out and a specific request (that he is likely to see) to provide some evidence, but I also think cutting a new member (who may or may not know anything about GTPlanet before last week) a bit of slack is also appropriate. What isn't fair is to start bad-mouthing the guy before he has had a chance to respond properly.
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I don't have a ludicrous claim from GTP, but I have a friend who is a chronic liar, and the things he comes up with are just horrible. It all started when he told another friend and I that he owns a neon, mustang, and porsche, but they're all up in New York. I figured it could be possible so I didn't think twice about it, that is until he told me that his mustang has twin turbos. He also apparently has a room full of signed guitars, some worth close to $5,000, but again up in New York :rolleyes:

That's not the worst of it though. Three years ago his dad gave him a Mclaren, but he doesn't have it anymore since he just left it in his garage in New York and he doesn't know what happened to it. The best one at of all of these though was last week when he told me that he has piranhas. How exactly does he have piranhas, oh his dad just brought em over on a military plane of course :ouch:
To be fair, he never said "I'm fed up with showing the car" nor is there anything in his posting style or his profile to suggest that he is a kid either. Let's not turn this into something it isn't or shouldn't be.

I'm all for the call-out and a specific request (that he is likely to see) to provide some evidence, but I also think cutting a new member (who may or may not know anything about GTPlanet before last week) a bit of slack is also appropriate. What isn't fair is to start bad-mouthing the guy before he has had a chance to respond properly.

Unless my English took a very bad nosedive, this:

I admit I overdone it on exposing the GT.

is what I understood as "I'm fed up with showing the car". I might be wrong, though, in which case I should try again with this vague sentence.

Other than this response, he completely ignored the mounting pressure to post a picture. While his posting is mature, there's also nothing in his profile to suggest he's a kid because there's nothing there in the first place, except a 0.00% completion-status of GT4.
What isn't fair is to start bad-mouthing the guy before he has had a chance to respond properly.
So, do we give this a timeline? He did use it as an attempt to validate his unhappiness with GT5P, which I have learned is often a bad sign.

The best one at of all of these though was last week when he told me that he has piranhas. How exactly does he have piranhas, oh his dad just brought em over on a military plane of course :ouch:
You can buy piranha in pet stores that specialize in fish if it is a state that does not have restrictions on them. I know of a store where I could pick them up in Indiana. I had a friend in college that I went with to buy one. I don't know if they are still legal or if the store exists, but you can get them.

The best way to tell is to ask him about the feeding and maintenance upkeep. If he has one it rarely will do the feeding frenzy thing. No need, it has no competition. So they will take their time. If he has a lot then he should be cleaning his tank after nearly every feeding. Because if he is lying he will tell you some awesome story about their feeding frenzy when he throws a steak or something in the tank. That is a messy meal.

Frankly, piranha are boring. It sounds cool, but they just sit there waiting for bleeding food to come along. I prefer pufferfish. Nothing messes with a pufferfish. If they do, they die.
You can buy piranha in pet stores that specialize in fish if it is a state that does not have restrictions on them. I know of a store where I could pick them up in Indiana. I had a friend in college that I went with to buy one. I don't know if they are still legal or if the store exists, but you can get them.

The best way to tell is to ask him about the feeding and maintenance upkeep. If he has one it rarely will do the feeding frenzy thing. No need, it has no competition. So they will take their time. If he has a lot then he should be cleaning his tank after nearly every feeding. Because if he is lying he will tell you some awesome story about their feeding frenzy when he throws a steak or something in the tank. That is a messy meal.

Frankly, piranha are boring. It sounds cool, but they just sit there waiting for bleeding food to come along. I prefer pufferfish. Nothing messes with a pufferfish. If they do, they die.

No he's definately lying. He said he lowered a cow into the tank as well as a pig.

He's such a terrible liar. Next time he says something I'm going to own a 1970 numbers matching Hemi Barracuda, but it's in New Hampshire :lol:
So, do we give this a timeline? He did use it as an attempt to validate his unhappiness with GT5P, which I have learned is often a bad sign.

No need for a timeline. Atleast he's specifically been asked for clarification now, rather than it merely being suggested to him.

But in the meantime, we should remember that he could be telling the truth and not to call him a liar before he's been given a chance to respond to a specific request for evidence.

I've busted people for posting complete lies on GTPlanet a few times, not always publicly, so I take sincerity and truthfulness very seriously too. I've also seen people on GTP claim to be racing drivers (past and present), work for NASA, own a Porsche, work for Aston Martin etc., and they all turned out to be telling the truth!

His comment that about "overdoing it" was, in my understanding anyway, an admission that his criticism of GT5:P based on a comparison to driving a real car was a bit unfair, which I'd agree with.
No he's definately lying. He said he lowered a cow into the tank as well as a pig.
Wait, what? This isn't Jurassic Park, or even some bad horror film. The animals would have to be bleeding to get them in a frenzy, and it would require hundreds to even make that plausible.

I agree, he's lying.

But you can purchase piranha, just not in those numbers.
I've busted people for posting complete lies on GTPlanet a few times, not always publicly, so I take sincerity and truthfulness very seriously too. I've also seen people on GTP claim to be racing drivers (past and present), work for NASA, own a Porsche, work for Aston Martin etc., and they all turned out to be telling the truth!

Do you remember good old colin brawn (waterpoloinc)? quite the race driver, youngest ever to win at Le Mans, whilst posting on GTP at the exact same time. Guess you can get lonely during those long endurance stints... :D
It's been a while since this thread has been used, but here we go....

Quite a claim to make and I for one would love to see the car in question.

However I'm quite sure that KeithWa must be aware that such a claim is very easy to make on the web, and given that the very first part of our AUP clearly states that knowingly false posts are infraction worthy, we are going to need some proof.

Failure to provide proof (and by this we mean as a minimum pictures of the car, interior and exterior, with a handwritten sign mentioning GTPlanet and your log-in (KeithWa)) or to given an explanation and apology if this claim is not true, will result in an infraction.

This may seem harsh, but we are extremely proud of the standards GT Planet has, and the AUP forms the core of this, as such claims of this nature are always subject to the same need for proof (and a look through this thread will show that).



Well I hope you sent him a PM and a link to this thread. He'll be too busy driving his GT to find it otherwise.
His post & grammar knowledge is well above other false claimers in the past

It's also below average in comparison to many regular posters on these forums, with the confusing sentence about "overdone it on exposing the GT" being a particularly good example.

Also, the older and typically more mature users of this forum tend to have a typically more mature posting style (hell, many of the younger users do too), as opposed to joining a new forum, and creating a new topic just to moan about something. Especially without using the search option to find that the topic has been covered before. All forums have a search option so there's no excuse for not using it as a new user.
Bad move, very very bad move.
The guy asked for attention and you gave it to it. Just look at how ridiculous this situation got with. Two threads covering it (this one and the original from him, even though, his thread does no longer cover it), 3 or more moderators, and a handful of members commenting about or that commented about it.
Also, what do the moderation gain on asking for pics of the car? The guy can: Ask for apology and never comeback, with that account (making another one); make a new account; or just don’t comeback, and in the meanwhile, he have got all the attention he wanted.

I think the best thing to do in these situations is to just ignore, or if the thread is making a claim without any proof and if that violates the AUP why just not close the thread? That thread is not really helping the community, do it? Or close it, ask for proof and if proof is provided, that reopen again, cause it is difficult to prevent people from asking about evidence, giving more and more attention to this guy.
So to conclude, I would like to add, that this guy wins, even if he doesn’t prove or don’t own what he claim.
Just my two cents.
Bad move, very very bad move.
The guy asked for attention and you gave it to it. Just look at how ridiculous this situation got with. Two threads covering it (this one and the original from him, even though, his thread does no longer cover it), 3 or more moderators, and a handful of members commenting about or that commented about it.
Also, what do the moderation gain on asking for pics of the car? The guy can: Ask for apology and never comeback, with that account (making another one); make a new account; or just don’t comeback, and in the meanwhile, he have got all the attention he wanted.

I think the best thing to do in these situations is to just ignore, or if the thread is making a claim without any proof and if that violates the AUP why just not close the thread? That thread is not really helping the community, do it? Or close it, ask for proof and if proof is provided, that reopen again, cause it is difficult to prevent people from asking about evidence, giving more and more attention to this guy.
So to conclude, I would like to add, that this guy wins, even if he doesn’t prove or don’t own what he claim.
Just my two cents.

I'm really tired of people always bringing this excuse to the table. Ohhh, what does it matter if he's lying or not. Why should we question him?

It matters a lot, and shows the user is trustworthy; that's what we have to gain from asking a simple request. If you believe it's too much to ask for proof, then again, I'll just tell the forum I own a Lamborghini, and thus, you shouldn't have a problem believing me since the mods apparently, have nothing to gain from questioning me.
Also, what do the moderation gain on asking for pics of the car?
Why enforce any of the AUP? Not knowlingly posting fasle information is the first rule.
I'm really tired of people always bringing this excuse to the table. Ohhh, what does it matter if he's lying or not. Why should we question him?

It matters a lot, and shows the user is trustworthy; that's what we have to gain from asking a simple request. If you believe it's too much to ask for proof, then again, I'll just tell the forum I own a Lamborghini, and thus, you shouldn't have a problem believing me since the mods apparently, have nothing to gain from questioning me.

Agreed. 👍

If moderation isn't strict on false claims, Claiming ownership of an exotic car is a bold claim and 99% of the time isn't true. Then people may think its appropriate to have their own false claims, you can see where this is going...

Directed to people who don't think false claims are an issue. Do you honestly think that people were openly allowed to post unverified claims at will, unchallenged, it wouldn't degrade from the high standards of discussion on this site?

'Forza's handling physics feel much more realistic, GT5P feels nothing like racing in real life I should know, I am Tim Harvey I have raced cars all my life....'

'GT5P Obviously has a much better feel than forza, I know more about cars anyway, I'm Michael Schumacher how many F1 drivers championships have you won....'

You get the idea. Sure this is a bit of an exaggeration of what could happen, but without quality control there is really nothing to stop this from happing. Close the thread? it will spill over into another. Ignore them? They will carry one and moreover others will see it and think it is acceptable, soon there will be ridiculous claims everywhere and it will be much more difficult to differentiate the valid from the less valid claims. How about just issuing infractions straight from the off? hardly fair that, what if they are indeed telling the truth?

The best way I can think of is the system in place. Ask for them to backup their claims, preferably in this thread.

Its not just GT5P physics comparisons either. Can you imagine it in the Auto forum, someone claims they are a super rich business man from Dubai who has a bigger collection of exotic cars than Jay-Leno? what happens when they start making threads about all the amazing cars they own? start locking the threads? what if they do own them, its unfair to lock their threads if they do genuinely own an impressive car that they want to share with the forum. Or a Mod could tell them back it up, or admit they lied, that way they stop in their tracks, or on the slim chance they are telling the truth, they haven't been treated unfairly either.

Apathy may be the easy choice with regards to false claims, but a taking a hard stance ensures that sea of false claims wont plague and degrade the great discussion found on GTPlanet.
I'm really tired of people always bringing this excuse to the table. Ohhh, what does it matter if he's lying or not. Why should we question him?

It matters a lot, and shows the user is trustworthy; that's what we have to gain from asking a simple request. If you believe it's too much to ask for proof, then again, I'll just tell the forum I own a Lamborghini, and thus, you shouldn't have a problem believing me since the mods apparently, have nothing to gain from questioning me.

If you claimed to have a Lamborghini without any proof, I would just ignore you, has simple has put. None of you realized this is just asking for attention. Look at his post, he starts saying that GT5P is not challenging for him, and then out of context, he claims to have a Ford GT
Also, who the hell goes to a Gran Turismo dedicated web site/Forum saying that he doesn’t like or he doesn’t think Gran Turismo is challenging, and then says to own a Ford GT?

Why enforce any of the AUP? Not knowlingly posting fasle information is the first rule.

So, closing the thread, ask the guy for proof and if he provides it, reopen it isn’t ensuring the AUP?


If making a claim WITHOUT proof is against the AUP, so that thread is against the AUP, so, just close it. The guy that wanted attention doesn’t get that attention he asked for and there is no degration to the site. Also, if he keeps posting about it (again) WITHOUT any proof at all, close it again and Ban him. Has simple has that. If you don’t have any proof of what you are saying, just don’t post nothing.

Can you imagine it in the Auto forum, someone claims they are a super rich business man from Dubai who has a bigger collection of exotic cars than Jay-Leno? what happens when they start making threads about all the amazing cars they own? start locking the threads? what if they do own them, its unfair to lock their threads if they do genuinely own an impressive car that they want to share with the forum. Or a Mod could tell them back it up, or admit they lied, that way they stop in their tracks, or on the slim chance they are telling the truth, they haven't been treated unfairly either.

It depends if the person in question has or not proof of what he is saying. If that person says to claim something without proof, I say, close the thread, ask that person for proof, unable to get some proof, he is a liar. Has simple has put. It is quite doubtable that one person that have such collection of cars, doesn’t have a photo of the cars, nor a photo of him with the car.

Also, for backing up my idea, it is against the AUP, claiming something WITHOUT proof, so even if you are telling the truth, if you have not any proof at all of what you are saying, you are getting against the AUP. It is not a single bit unfair at all.
If you claimed to have a Lamborghini without any proof, I would just ignore you, has simple has put. None of you realized this is just asking for attention. Look at his post, he starts saying that GT5P is not challenging for him, and then out of context, he claims to have a Ford GT
He wants attention and he got it so what, if he persists in seeking attention in this manner he will end up banned, GTP wins because it doesn't care if he's grinning or not afterwards. It's not a war, it's not personal, it's not about the lads ego, it's just about the site.

There are different sides to this, a: the member has popped on simply to throw an absurd claim at people in the hope that people believe him and that he is instantly cool.

Questioning him in this case shows that he's the stupid one. He may be getting attention but at the end of the day he's not making anyone on here look daft and persistance will see him banned. If he makes a duplicatea accou
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