Oh, oh, oh, I'm making a Ludicrous Claim®! Read the first post!

  • Thread starter Der Alta
Some time after you accepted the bet, you made another post saying, and I quote "I'll pay, but I have until September". You're behaving like a child.
Perhaps enough has been said already about this? Okay, so he made a $20 dollar bet and didn't pay up.. $20. Between CAMARO making a point of it in every thread he posts in and the number of people hounding Turbo for it, you'd think it was a $1000 bet. More fool you for thinking a bet made over the internet, between two people who don't know each other personally, was serious. If this had been settled personally through a handshake or something, I would understand, but either way it really isn't worth all this bitching.
Some time after you accepted the bet, you made another post saying, and I quote "I'll pay, but I have until September". You're behaving like a child.

Doesn't mean I was serious.

Perhaps enough has been said already about this? Okay, so he made a $20 dollar bet and didn't pay up.. $20. Between CAMARO making a point of it in every thread he posts in and the number of people hounding Turbo for it, you'd think it was a $1000 bet. More fool you for thinking a bet made over the internet, between two people who don't know each other personally, was serious.

Seeing all this mess about a bet, all I can see is the truth about the integrity of a man. A statement, be it written or voiced over any medium or distance weight the same, how a man keep his words is the measure of his integrity. On the internet, nobody expect the best, but we can still see the true colors ...
Seeing all this mess about a bet, all I can see is the truth about the integrity of a man. A statement, be it written or voiced over any medium or distance weight the same, how a man keep his words is the measure of his integrity. On the internet, nobody expect the best, but we can still see the true colors ...

I agree with you 100%. After reviewing the GTAV Trailer thread, Camaro had raised the bar to $50.00, and R1600Turbo HAD indeed said he will pay. Scamming even on a website can cause some turmoil, no matter what the cost is.

R1600Turbo, you need to get out of this hole you've digged yourself in.
Perhaps enough has been said already about this? Okay, so he made a $20 dollar bet and didn't pay up.. $20. Between CAMARO making a point of it in every thread he posts in and the number of people hounding Turbo for it, you'd think it was a $1000 bet. More fool you for thinking a bet made over the internet, between two people who don't know each other personally, was serious. If this had been settled personally through a handshake or something, I would understand, but either way it really isn't worth all this bitching.

Exactly what I was thinking.

He can't pay due to severe money problems, if he can't pay he can't pay. Simple.

As for those who say it shows the true colours of a man, its one bet, made over the internet, with a person he has never met, over the release date of a video game. Get a grip and move on.
You know, R1600, you probably could've got out of this entirely if you'd just apologized and said you didn't have the money to start with. Bitching at someone and then asking them to let you off the hook rarely works out.

Of course, you don't seem to do much other than bitch at people, so if you were ever going to learn that lesson you would have by now.
Exactly what I was thinking.

He can't pay due to severe money problems, if he can't pay he can't pay. Simple.

As for those who say it shows the true colours of a man, its one bet, made over the internet, with a person he has never met, over the release date of a video game. Get a grip and move on.

The amount has nothing to do with it. If you can't do something, don't say you will. If you say you will anyway, get ready to have people drill into you when you don't do it.

Acting like everyone else is wrong just makes you look like an ass.
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How to loose internet friends and alienate yourself.

I think it is worth paying up the $20 just so that the internet hounds layoff and this thread can get back on track.

A very long time ago I sent R1600 a PM with an idea to create some lounges just for Alien fast GT5'ers like him, but he flat ignored my polite PM. IMO that is rude and can perhaps say a little something about somebody.....

Anyway hope this gets sorted.
So, what's the official line on this situation then?

There's nothing we can do about the issue of the bet, although I'm sure Camaro will not lose any sleep if R1600Turbo doesn't pay up or indeed never had any intention of paying up in the first place... but, if the latter is the case, then the post where he replies to the specific question "will you actually pay...?" with "I'll pay" would clearly be a misleading or false statement, and that makes it a moderation issue.
Exactly what I was thinking.

He can't pay due to severe money problems, if he can't pay he can't pay. Simple.

As for those who say it shows the true colours of a man, its one bet, made over the internet, with a person he has never met, over the release date of a video game. Get a grip and move on.

For such a mere bet over "nothing", a man has gone back on his word, how does that say for even bigger things in life ... would you trust the man when you meet him in real and made you a promise over a greater matter ?

It's not about the amount of the bet, it's a man's word, he can still keep his words, it does not have to be now, he can do it later when he is able. That attitude and willingness worth a lot more than the money itself.
While it is minuscule, you still have to own up to what you got into.

RT, I like you and know things are tight. Also know you want to be a man of your word. So with that.
I'll help. Send me a paypal addy and I'll send over 5 bucks.

;) get this handled bro. Your friends will be there to help. Just ask us.
Edit: ^^^ No, but thanks anyway.

A very long time ago I sent R1600 a PM with an idea to create some lounges just for Alien fast GT5'ers like him, but he flat ignored my polite PM. IMO that is rude and can perhaps say a little something about somebody.....

I read a lot of PM's I get and move on to something else with the intent of responding to them later. If I get a lot of them, sometimes one or two can slip through the cracks. Sorry I forgot about it. I have a bank of 600 PM's I need to sort through at the moment...
Exactly what I was thinking.

He can't pay due to severe money problems, if he can't pay he can't pay. Simple.

As for those who say it shows the true colours of a man, its one bet, made over the internet, with a person he has never met, over the release date of a video game. Get a grip and move on.

And you just said exactly what I was thinking :P

People are making this out to be more than it actually is. It's as if Turbo has just driven into a Nursery with a JCB and refused to pay the damages because he hates children. This should be between Camaro and Turbo, not the number of people jumping on the judgmental bandwagon and trying to make Turbo feel 'ashamed', who also seem to have figured out his entire personality and made him out to be this horrible, horrible guy :indiff: Because, of course, we can judge how bad a man is by what they do on the internet, can't we?
...People are making this out to be more than it actually is. It's as if Turbo has just driven into a Nursery with a JCB and refused to pay the damages because he hates children...

What! You mean he didn't!

Doesn't mean I was serious.

Doesn't come across as you joking either. In fact, I think this post should be added to this thread as well.

Monday, August 27th.
Not me for two reasons. One, I have a grand total of $18 in my checking account which I need for gas to get me the next 2 weeks. And two, it's stupid anyway.

3 days prior though; Friday, August 24th....
Going. To. Be. EPIC.

Think I will buy GTA IV again this weekend.
So in 3 days, you were able to go from affording a $20 game to only having $18 in your account that has to last 2 weeks?

The simple fact is you backed out of the bet. :rolleyes:
Doesn't come across as you joking either. In fact, I think this post should be added to this thread as well.

Monday, August 27th.

3 days prior though; Friday, August 24th....

So in 3 days, you were able to go from affording a $20 game to only having $18 in your account that has to last 2 weeks?

The simple fact is you backed out of the bet. :rolleyes:

I never bought that game just FYI. Camaro can PM me whenever he sees fit instead of spreading this all over the forums like he seems to want to do and I'll give him his damn points when I can afford it just to shut everyone up.
It seems the overall age of GTP just dropped about 73%. Things must be really slow around here for so many people giving such a damn about what R1600 should or shouldn't do.
Yeah, sorry, I have that effect on forums. ;)

Bet it's the other way around. ;)

Let's get back on topic, guys - ludicrous claim, anybody? (Me, I'll believe anything. :) At any given time, on our Planet, it's a Twilight Zone somewhere.)
In the "Show Off Your Latest Purchase Thread":

308 GTS '78 (Dont give me the pics or it didnt happen- allready been through this)

but if you want pics i can upload some in the morning, its getting late now...

It was my dads first car (that he bought himself) so I guess im continuing the tradition

Turbo! You too! Ok... well I did it with the lambo wont be hard with this one

Edit: its on the lift right now so do you guys mind if part of the car cover is still on?

Yes its a ferrari, why would I stall the picture? Ittl bebin the same garage that the last car you didnt belive I had and then proved.... along with the fact that some of you have allready seen the car, when it was in my father's possession.

Will repat question again: would you prefer shots of it with the cover on and on lift with gtp logo now, or prefer to wait until I take it to have the clutch replaced so its drivable?

And to your questoon yes, it wasent very expensive, would have been an boxter or this so I nought the 308.... for 22k it seemed pretty cool.

Ok ill take a photo n the lift with my gtp name when I get home, and some of the interior when I take it down this weekend.

Now for the question... should I take it to the ferrari dealer to get the tranny replaced, even tjough its double the price of the fiat one?

It will be the same gearbox put in, just a different store doing it

In the "Post a pic of your real car thread":

Dont got a car yet (15) but will be posting some pic's of my dads cars

Lambo gallardo '05
ferrari 308 gts 'no idea wat the year is
BMW m3 conv '07
merc cls 550 amg '05 probably
Ferrari 16M ' year?
lambo aventador ( soon)

Pics coming soon!

From that post, I think I can reasonably infer that you are 15 years old. You could possibly have turned 16 since; in which case, happy birthday and congratulations. However, you also posted:

Pics of the Gallardo, 308, cls and bmw came.

The Ferrari is gone but I have some older pics I can put up.

I never said I could het pics of the other lambo because he doesn't have it yet

in the same thread in July.

I am going to say that you are making a ludicrous claim. Please take a picture of a handwritten note of your username and the message: "Hi GTPlanet, this is Theace37's Ferrari 308 GTS" in the Ferrari's engine bay and on the instrument cluster with the dash visible, and post it on here.