OK, I have to say something - but sorry for not saying anything

  • Thread starter amar212
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There is a bit of a difference between €70 and $70, although not as big as it was. But I agree with you that I'd pay whatever PD asked for the game, but I'm sure we're the minority and that a lot of others may consider either sticking with or getting Ferrari Challenge or Codemasters F12009 if the price for GT is very dear. But all big release titles for the PS3 have been just under the €70 mark so I see no reason for a higher price especially in such bad times, if anything a price reduction, or a special offer with a PS3 at possibly €299, although that seems unlikely this year IMO.
Heres my thoughts, when Amar refers to price, is it possible that GT5 could be a relatively cheap add-on type of thing to GT5P? As well as a blu-ray release? And would it be also possible to tie this into his riddle about it 'being the oven itself'?

I'm fairly certain Kaz has said that would be impossible. It would be too big to be a download in the PS Store if that's what you're suggesting.
I don't believe GT5P will turn into GT5 for a second, KY has said a few time they will be seperate titles.
Jeez, I though GB was a rip-off, we pay between £35-45 for a new PS3 game. GT5P can be bought new for £11.97 now :-)
I don't believe GT5P will turn into GT5 for a second, KY has said a few time they will be seperate titles.

i just had a blood vessel pop in my brain...
imagine having the same ''garage layout'' as in gt5p , lol having too scroll tru 700+ cars in that tiny menu
I don't think an upgrade to turn GT5 Prologue into Gran Turismo 5 will happen either. For one thing, the GT5 engine may be more advanced, more efficient, use more of the Cell and its SPEs to handle any number of items from sound to bot AI to weather effects. And cars mayhandle even more realistically in the final GT5 engine. Then again, maybe they finished work on the GT5 engine back at the end of GT HD days. It's hard to say.

I do think "the oven" refers to either GT5 or the PS3, and infers some fascinating advanced... something, some gameplay or game feature that we'd never think of doing without, like Photomode on GT4. Many of us have used this feature a lot. I'd like to see something like Polyphony offered in GT4, where a GT3 gamesave unlocked something cool in GT4, which was a nice money increase. A GT4/HD/Prologue gamesave, each giving us a little bonus, or a handsome one, would be awesome.

I have to reiterate that the game has to be coded well, so that any future DLC is integrated properly in the game. Forza 2's DLC is pretty much ignored by the game, making new tracks useless except for time trials and online. The bots have no clue what to do with them. But I'm not worried that Kaz and the lads have cooked up a truly magnificent game we'll be playing for months and years to come.
I forgot just how many people there are, out in the ether, who are hangin' out for whatever/whenever GT5 will be! It's also been so long since I posted, I don't recognise hardly any nicks at all... :embarrassed:

Anyways... c'mon PD, or we'll have to get Gordon Ramsey to visit Amar's kitchen :sly:
Oh yeah Amar I think I can imagine how you feel of being in the knowing, but not being able to share with the rest of us :D Well.... we'll have to take your word for it, ;) and most of us readers here know your credibility and reliability.Thank You! Finally my heart filled with excitement again and started beating again after months of absolute emptiness and and not even carrying anymore. ;)
GT5: Prologue will not be upgraded to GT5 for the simply fact that the franchise sells huge numbers and this will take away sales. Nice for Amar to dangle a carrot though, some news is better than no news.
Somehow using GT5 as an interface - or maybe along with Home - to hang out with some of the members of Polyphony would be insanely cool.
Well for me the release of GT5 can't come quick enough.

I had the misfortune of purchasing RacePro for my Xbox 360 yesterday with the purpose of this being a stop gap until GT5 is released. The problem is the game is rubbish and like I just said on the Xbox forums, Gran Turismo is the daddy of all racing games which made me popular!

Funny that although I realise the GT series has always been leagues ahead of everything else, it isn't until you play other racing games that you realise just how much!

Even if GT5 cost £100 I would buy it.
ps. lets not give PD/ Sony the impression that we would fork out that amout of cash.

I would, no hesitation.

A few fans here wont give them the idea to charge extra, don't worry.
would do what ever it took to get it as soon as possible.;)

Speaking of that, it will probably come out in Japan first (going by all previous releases) and I could easily buy it online and get it within a day or two of Japanese release like I, and many others did with GT5P.

But this time with full GT5 I have been promising myself to wait for a local release. It'll be hard :scared:
Speaking of that, it will probably come out in Japan first (going by all previous releases) and I could easily buy it online and get it within a day or two of Japanese release like I, and many others did with GT5P.

But this time with full GT5 I have been promising myself to wait for a local release. It'll be hard :scared:

I'll be waiting for local release of course, as I did with GT5:P. Buying online isn't really an option for me. As soon as we get a release date I'm heading to JB Hi Fi and making them reserve a copy for me, even if they're not taking reservations yet heh heh.
I've been waiting for european release with every Gran Turismo game. One thing I did wrong before GT4 came to Europe however, was that I watched tons of pictures and videos of the game, so when I got it I already knew every car, track, etc included in the game.

This time I'll try to stay away from those kind of things.. But THAT is hard...
I've been waiting for european release with every Gran Turismo game. One thing I did wrong before GT4 came to Europe however, was that I watched tons of pictures and videos of the game, so when I got it I already knew every car, track, etc included in the game.

This time I'll try to stay away from those kind of things.. But THAT is hard...

Thats the trick isn't it. It's like having presents under the tree at Christmas and not feeling them or tearing the corners a little to see what's inside.
Thats the trick isn't it. It's like having presents under the tree at Christmas and not feeling them or tearing the corners a little to see what's inside.
Exactly, lol.

EDIT: PD seem to understand this time around though, since they haven't released any pictures/videos of GT5 yet. And hopefully when they do, GT5 will not be that far away from release.
I've been waiting for european release with every Gran Turismo game. One thing I did wrong before GT4 came to Europe however, was that I watched tons of pictures and videos of the game, so when I got it I already knew every car, track, etc included in the game.

This time I'll try to stay away from those kind of things.. But THAT is hard...

I was doing the same but then backed off, so some small things were a suprise.

Just got to keep away form here during that time, so hard :(

Here is hoping for a world release! (within a few days of each other atleast)
Random idea on the weather...

In the GT5 menu screen there's a icon giving the weather in the locations of different tracks around the world.... maybe GT5 uses this info for realtime weather (and maybe day/night? but then people in Europe would mostly be driving Suzuka in the dark so maybe not.) So if its sunny/cloudy/raining etc at whatever location at the time, the game reflects that.

Random idea on cars...
A GT5 Home car dealer/mods store, with new cars added as they are released. So instead of DLC cars, its something like TDU car dealers but in Home, if you want mods or race spec for the car, go to the Modification store. Cars are added 'down the line', like X360 Avatar clothing.
I was doing the same but then backed off, so some small things were a suprise.

Just got to keep away form here during that time, so hard :(

Here is hoping for a world release! (within a few days of each other atleast)

+3, my sentiments exactly. I was detached from videogames in the months leading up to GT4's arrival, which was a blessing. The game blew my mind. It was like seeing a freaking awesome movie having never seen a single commercial or trailer.

How did this happen??

Coincidentally, I was able to end the chaotic relationship that made (among other things) playing video games impossible just days before GT4's release. I had no idea it was out there, it was like a super bonus. And yea she was that bad.
Amar I fancey booking a holiday this year - what month would you choose to book time off?


Ah ha, trying to be sneaky I see. Unfortunately, even if Amar knows for sure what the release schedule is, I don't think he'll be able to tell you that... :sly:

Please Amar? haha
One thing I did wrong before GT4 came to Europe however, was that I watched tons of pictures and videos of the game, so when I got it I already knew every car, track, etc included in the game.

This time I'll try to stay away from those kind of things.. But THAT is hard...
I was the opposite. I poked at every screengrab and saved every video I could get my cursor on. And when GT4 was released, it was still an amazing experience. I'm still in awe of what Kaz and the lads were able to accomplish on the PS2. The pics and vids just didn't do the game justice. When it was on my TV screen, it was a whole other experience.

I'm intending to bite the bullet if GT5 comes out in Japan months before the US/Euro release, and I'm praying for a big Anniversary Special Edition. But if the board melts with posts saying "ZOMG U MUST GET THIS!!1" that's going to have me returning to Play-Asia. :P
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