OK, I have to say something - but sorry for not saying anything

  • Thread starter amar212
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Until something definitive is shown, GT5 is still vapourware, just like GT Mobile.

The way you said that, you seem to suggest GT5 may not exist or may not get released.

Either that or perhaps your definition of 'Vaporware' is quite different than the vast majority of people... granted it's still just a slang term which many different meanings have been attributed to it, but in general, it has been used to describe a product that has not yet been developed, but has been announced in order to gauge interest to determine whether or not to actually develop it. Also some companies use vaporware to keep their competitors guessing and use it as a diversion while they are busy developing something entirely different.

However, based on your logic, Forza 3 would also have to be considered just Vaporware... as well as the dozens of very high profile games currently under development... but almost guaranteed to be released. :odd:

Furthermore, it's probably not a great idea to suggest PD or any game developer for that matter will deliver on the hype generated not by them, but of fans, and critics. Suggesting that it will some how be 10x-50x larger seems to me like you are already setting yourself up for disappointment, or perhaps even setting PD up for crtiticism regardless of how large or how great the game might end up being.

Let's try and keep away from posting hyperbole and instead keep it real. 👍
And besides that third thing there is something else in the oven, I'd say it's the oven itself.

Oh no, you are not talking about GT PSP are you? the oven being the PSP2 that has been rumored to come out as well, and the GT game coming out for the PSP2 instead of on the PSP. :nervous:
Forza 3 almost certainly will as they want GT's crown, you get the impression PD will play it safe, which, for a title that describes itself as the real driving simulator, and has been delayed for so long, is not good enough.
I don't understand why people even compare GT to Forza. GT deserves to be compared to GTR, rFactor or something like that IMO.

EDIT: I change my mind! Forza 3 looks freakin awesome!!! I'm afraid I have to get a Xbox360 after all... :(

Official trailer:
Forza 3 almost certainly will as they want GT's crown, you get the impression PD will play it safe, which, for a title that describes itself as the real driving simulator, and has been delayed for so long, is not good enough.
This is kind of a stretch, considering Turn 10's track record.

Forza 2 was delayed half a year. While they were working on it, MS spokespeople were talking it up, promising 12 car off and online racing, all the tracks and racing types of FM1, almost twice as many cars, the Nurburgring would be pixel perfect, better camera angles, better replays, better music, yadda yadda. All the while, they were removing stuff. Evidently, the DVD9 was crammed just to get the content in that we got. T10 admitted that FM2 would have the same 8 car races. Then the tracks were whacked out, and it had fewer courses than FM1. And, ZOMG, the bugs we got with it. Talk about a rushed product, or a typical Microsoft one. And rumor has it that forcing more than 8 cars on the 360 caused it to overheat and fail. That may have been due to the game engine, and FM3 is supposed to have a more efficient one.

But needless to say, I think you're forgetting a lot of history on one side. ;)
Patrik.. could you please remove that RICK ROLL video before someone gets really annoyed at you? :lol:
Amar, you are so famous already, they even have ads for you :

( if you click it it leads to a vacatio resort in Turkey btw ;) : Amar )
Something so big is cooking, you can't even imagine the size of it.

And there is something else cooking, which you can't even imagine the price of it.

And the third thing is also in the oven, but you can't even imagine it's even baking. And besides that third thing there is something else in the oven, I'd say it's the oven itself.

And I guess everything will be presented in the gala dinner in the weeks or months to come, but at the E3 latest.

And then you'll find out that day of the Fiest is also known even today.

And yes, my NDA is killing me so much that I can't even tell you how much you should be hungry. But I can assure you it will be the Fiest of the Gods.
ajde amare možeš barem meni reć.......

Edit by Moderator:
English translation: ajde amare can at least say to me

ajde means c'mon btw....
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ajde amare možeš barem meni reć.......

@ DJMaky: This is an English language site and you're required to post here in English at all times at the request of the site owner.
It makes life much easier for the staff members to deal with any issues here if we can fully understand what is being said.
sorry, the topic founder is from the same country as i am.....
won't happen again, sry

No worries!
Thanks for correcting my translation! 👍
I speak precisely "one" word of Croatian (živjeli! :cheers:), and it took a while to find a working online translator! :lol:
If "adje" is a slang contraction, like "c'mon" that's probably why it didn't pick it up!
We've no problem with you using your native language in private, but it's necessary for us to know what's being said so that we can act on things immediately, if necessary, just as we would when things are posted in English.
WoW! That is a goood menu over here!!
Thank You for those inemagineble news!!

Can't wait for the Fiest!!!
I hope more news will come!! Even if they are like this
Since amar is talking about "the oven itself" and Sony seems to work on a new "gaming machine" i have some strange ideas in my head now...
Since amar is talking about "the oven itself" and Sony seems to work on a new "gaming machine" i have some strange ideas in my head now...

Thought about this too.

How about : GT5 will be a launch title for Playstation 4 in let's say 2010 ?

The Playstation 3 is clearly the loser of this generation, with the Wii being miles ahead and the 360 ahead in most regions.
Sony said that the PS3 would last at least 10 years, but they said this at a time, where they didn't know that they would lose this generation.
A PS4 could simply contain two cell chips and twice or three times the ram. That might be enough, which wouldn't result in massive development costs. And the 360 showed that being the first in a new generation isn't always that bad.
I mean Amar is talking about sth really really big and spectacular - well, that would be, wouldn't it ? :D
Thought about this too.

How about : GT5 will be a launch title for Playstation 4 in let's say 2010 ?

The Playstation 3 is clearly the loser of this generation, with the Wii being miles ahead and the 360 ahead in most regions.
Sony said that the PS3 would last at least 10 years, but they said this at a time, where they didn't know that they would lose this generation.
A PS4 could simply contain two cell chips and twice or three times the ram. That might be enough, which wouldn't result in massive development costs. And the 360 showed that being the first in a new generation isn't always that bad.
I mean Amar is talking about sth really really big and spectacular - well, that would be, wouldn't it ? :D
You're not serious now, are you?

I don't know about your PS3, but mine is just fine. MGS4, Killzone 2 and GT5P looks better than any other game out there so there is absolutely nothing wrong with the power of the PS3.

What do you mean by saying PS3 is the loser of this generation? I couldn't be more confused.
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You're not serious now, are you?

I don't know about your PS3, but mine is just fine. MGS4, Killzone 2 and GT5P looks better than any other game out there so there is absolutely nothing wrong with the power of the PS3.

What do you mean by saying PS3 is the loser of this generation? I couldn't be more confused.

Am I serious about this ? I don't know... a rushed release of a new console in these times of worldwide economic depression ?

Then again, as I said, the cell chip is a good base for cheap development of a new console.


As for the PS3 being the loser of this generation :


7.84M Japan
21.43M America
17.53M Others
TOTAL : 46.80M
Market share : 48.9%

XBOX360 :

0.94M Japan
16.40M America
11.16M Others
TOTAL : 28.51M
Market share : 29.8%

Playstation 3 :

2.88M Japan
7.86M America
9.68M Others
TOTAL : 20.42M
Market share : 21.3%

Especially consider that the PS2 absolutely dominated the last generation. Sony has to do sth. Releasing the PS4 early might be one possibility, a little dangerous though. It's just speculation, I wouldn't really bet on this move, but it's not impossible.
Ok, they sell less than the other consoles.. How on earth could a new, even more expensive console help Sony!? When they already have the most powerful one.

And by the way. How can you possibly think they're almost done with the PS4, only three years after the PS3 release!?
@Max_DC: PS3 is selling at a faster rate than the Xbox360 over the same period and why are you making Forza vs GT and Xbox360 vs Playstation 3 discussions recently? There is threads for those discussions.
I'm positive your sales are far off as I believe D-N has posted multiple sources showing where the PS3 outsold the Xbox 360. 2009 is the year for Sony's PS3 as evident by its multiple releases such as God of War III, Killzone 2, & more coming in the fall. What has Nintendo got? Nothing, b/c they got condemned last year at E3 for showing off everything at once.
Ok, they sell less than the other consoles.. How on earth could a new, even more expensive console help Sony!? When they already have the most powerful one.

And by the way. How can you possibly think they're almost done with the PS4, only three years after the PS3 release!?

It wouldn't have to be much more expensive. Production costs of Cell and Ram and other components are low. They could sell it for 400 EUR.
The PS3 isn't really that superior to the 2005 Xbox360, at least it doesn't show. Compare 360 and PS3 games, most of the time PS3 games even look worse or the same. Rarely better. For the average customer that means : same power.
Paying twice the amount of the 360 for same power ? Paying twice for double the power ?
Also, do not forget : Sony is working at a new console, there were news that they search for people working on that thing. And I remember a patent showing a new pad, similar to the Wiimote.
Good Lord, I hope Sony doesn't go the Wii-way :lol::dunce:🤬

As Is said, I speculate. But look at Amar ( industry insider :sly:)'s post. The oven itself. Might be PSP2, might be sth totally different, but, why not, might as well mean PS4.

@Max_DC: PS3 is selling at a faster rate than the Xbox360 over the same period and why are you making Forza vs GT and Xbox360 vs Playstation 3 discussions recently? There is threads for those discussions.
I don't think so. This Christmas the 360 was selling a lot better than PS3. I don't know your sources, but I read http://www.gamesindustry.biz/ on a daily basis, I think they know what they are talking about.
As for Forza vs GT. First of all I just ended that discussion and I didn't really start it. Somebody said that there hasn't been a good racing within the last 24 months. That's simply not true.
And this thread is about speculating, isn't it ? Amar's first post is a invitation for doing so. And am I that wrong ? Taking everything into consideration, it is at least a possibility.
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Since amar is talking about "the oven itself" and Sony seems to work on a new "gaming machine" i have some strange ideas in my head now...
I also got that from Amar's cryptic message. Maybe not a completely new PS3 but one that has 3 HDMI outputs for a multi-screen display. The game is already producing those images with the look left/right function so it's just a matter of outputting them to additional displays.

I just hope they don't incorporate 3D technology because the last thing I want is to wear a pair of goofy goggles when I'm racing.
And this thread is about speculating, isn't it ? Amar's first post is a invitation for doing so. And am I that wrong ? Taking everything into consideration, it is at least a possibility.

I really doubt it's a new PS4... that just wouldn't make sense.

I also doubt amar would know about it if this was Sony's intention.
Yo Alex p. we share the same abbreviated name (Alex P.) and background (Germany).

Anyways anyone who thinks the PS3 is in trouble is silly. If anything, anything but the video game industry is in trouble. Also the PS3 is matching the 360 previous years sales which is all it needs to do. Also Sony is now breaking even on each PS3. There is no law that says if the PS3 does not "beat" the 360 (whatever that means) it is doomed.

/PS3 360 doom talk and back to GT.
I think Amar is talking about the PSP2, a add just came out in japan and they are going to hire people for a new gaming machine of theirs, it is coming.. and i think Amar knows this, the relation between the new gaming machine and GT5 though? i dont know.
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