OK, I have to say something - but sorry for not saying anything

  • Thread starter amar212
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PS3 is holding its prices and profit, MS sells the xboxes under price to help them penetrate. And Sony consoles were always the most timeless, in times of ps3 almost incoming there still were wonderful games like God Of War II.
I don't think so. This Christmas the 360 was selling a lot better than PS3. I don't know your sources, but I read http://www.gamesindustry.biz/ on a daily basis, I think they know what they are talking about.

I didn't say anything about this holiday season I am talking as a whole, if you look at the Xbox360's sales at the point at which the PS3 is at in it's life span (so about a year earlier) the PS3 is outselling the Xbox360 (in the same time period). In other words, Sony reached 20 million PS3 consoles sold faster than Xbox360.


DN follows it not me, don't believe him then you can ask him.


Here is one graph(coming from VG charts a link you gave) if you can't be bothered checking the link, I dont really care about it but calling PS3 a failure is just false.

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- the PS3 would be the PS4 or PS3.5, this could all happen with updates, i also believe that the ps3 is not using all its processors, maybe there waiting for xbox too launch
there new console, and via an update they activate all the processor and here
you have your ps3 up to date against the competition. Or maybe they will already
activate it with GT5 coming out, and the game will need it too work propely. I cannot believe how the ps3 will be a 10 year product if it's not this way!

let's wait and see(yeah i know were already waiting for a long time!!!)

Just to let you all know PD have still not released any further info on GT5.

Good to us aren't they.
I didn't say anything about this holiday season I am talking as a whole, if you look at the Xbox360's sales at the point at which the PS3 is at in it's life span (so about a year earlier) the PS3 is outselling the Xbox360 (in the same time period).


DN follows it not me, don't believe him then you can ask him.


As indicated by some other members, I also don't think that this theory should be discussed too much, it's not more than a speculation after all.
But since you talked about sources :

Sony's PlayStation 3 has seen a year-on-year decline in sales of 24.5 per cent in January, according to data released by NPD.

Last year, the console sold 269,000 units, compared to last month's results of 203,200 units.

During the same period, Microsoft saw sales grow 25.5 per cent, from 230,000 units in January 2008 to 309,000 units in January 2009, while the Nintendo Wii saw sales rocket 59.5 per cent, from 274,000 units to 676,000 units.

Sony's handheld PlayStation Portable experienced a 25 per cent decline, from 230,000 units in January 2008 to last month's total of 172,300. The company's mainstay console, the PlayStation 2, suffered a 62 per cent decline, with sales of 101,200 units, compared to 264,000 units for the same period the previous year.

When compared with results from January 2007, the PS3 has seen a 16.6 per cent decline in sales from 243,554 units, while the Xbox 360 has grown 5 per cent from 294,000 and the Wii has seen growth hit 34 per cent from 436,000 units.
Ok that's only within the USA, but still. Also there are twice as many 360 sold in the States than PS3. Sure, time is a factor, and I also think that the PS3 might gain profits if it runs for 10 years. Still, is the actual situation sth that Sony, as a company that dominated last gen, can be satisfied with - being third with no indication that it will be second before MS launches the "Xbox720"? I don't think so.
Not that launching a PS4 too early would solve their problems for sure... it's an option, that's all I said.
Also Amar sounds very exited, feast of the Gods. I don't think that he's talking about the implementation of reverse lights in GT5.

Do I believe that I'll be playing GT5 on PS4 by the end of 2010 ? No I don't. Do I think that it is possible ? Yes. That's all I say.
Yo Alex p. we share the same abbreviated name (Alex P.) and background (Germany).
Anyways anyone who thinks the PS3 is in trouble is silly.

Yo paskowitz, cool thing.:) (You are also speaking Russian?)
But anyway, I'm not silly. I do not support this PS4 theory, and if I even did i still wouldn't be silly, after all it is allowed to discuss, that is why i was supporting MAX-DC.👍
As indicated by some other members, I also don't think that this theory should be discussed too much, it's not more than a speculation after all.

Whats speculation about units sold vs time? PS3 is infront in that respect. You don't think it should be discussed too much? Personally I think the whole lot shouldn't be discussed too much but people still come in here spouting how PS3 is a failure.

All you have come up with is that PS3 sales have declined, which I am sure will shoot back up again when the price drops (which is rumoured soonish). A month or two sales dropped some means nothing at al to the whole picture.

and you're the one that brought up sources, I don't follow those sites looking for numbers because I don't care so like I said, discuss it with DN, he likes that sort of thing.

Please stop this discussion, its annoying.

I agree it is annoying, I will stop.
First up I'd like to say that I am fully aware that Amar has his sources for GT news, so I know anything he tells us or hints at will come to light soon enough.

However I'm not really sure it was worth creating this thread, all it's done is create another 16 pages of people guessing at what might happen next and we've had more than enough of these threads in the past.

Amar, are you able to tell us when this news will be announced?
Why would amar post about the psp2 or ps4 etc. in the gt5 section. The news being in the gt5 section means that the news (majority of it at least) is about gt5. Otherwise amar could have posted it in gaming in general or even the psp/ps3 sections.
First up I'd like to say that I am fully aware that Amar has his sources for GT news, so I know anything he tells us or hints at will come to light soon enough.

However I'm not really sure it was worth creating this thread, all it's done is create another 16 pages of people guessing at what might happen next and we've had more than enough of these threads in the past.

Amar, are you able to tell us when this news will be announced?

This thread was the best thing I've seen in this forums for a while.
In the original post you will see this news will be announced at E3 (June) the latest.
I believe one of those items is a livery editor :)
Just to let you all know PD have still not released any further info on GT5.

Good to us aren't they.

Do you ever say anything else? The original post says that information won't be forthcoming until a large event in the near-future. We don't need weekly reminders that this hasn't happened yet. We get it already.
Max_DC;3316109... as has already been pointed out, you've not only posted a great deal of misleading information, which I hope is based on some of the extremely misleading articles that have been written and not your own personal attempt to mislead others... but you have also posted it in a thread that has very little if anything to do with it.

The simple fact is that despite being released a year behind the 360, the PS3 leads in total sales in more countries than the 360, and in terms of sales rates, which is a far more accurate comparison, the ONLY country in the world where the 360 sales rate is faster than the PS3 is in the US... which is likely why you seemed more focused on just total sales in the US.... even though you are in Germany... a country where the PS3 has sold nearly three times faster than the 360... yeah that's a sign of failure right? ;)

Oh and anyone who thinks the 360 and PS3 are competing for the same consumer dollar as the Wii is grossly misinformed. They have VERY different core markets... and in fact, despite having so many more consoles sold, when it comes to multi-platform titles, I wonder how shocked you would be to discover that almost always the Wii version sells the fewest copies. Heck, last year the PS2 versions of multi-platform titles outsold the 360, PS3, and Wii .

In fact, if you are wondering what console is truly in trouble, I suggest you read up on the billions of dollars that MS has lost on their Xbox 360 division, their cancellations of some of their first party games and even first party developers, and all the recent lay-offs at Microsoft's Xbox division BEFORE you go on about how the PS3 has failed. :indiff:

XB360: AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH / Finance Analyst Ehrenberg: XB = "disastrous endeavor"

So your facts not only do not tell the whole story, but to suggest those cherry picked'n'licked facts some how support your notion that the PS3 has failed is utterly ridiculous and terribly misleading to say the least.

That said, this is also not the thread for such discussions, and in fact as has already been pointed out to you there are already several threads where the sales, profits, and viability of these consoles has been discussed already. If you want to discuss this topic, I suggest you do it in those threads.

Is this here a friggin sales thread?
Please stop this discussion, its annoying.

I really hope some of this information is revealed at GDC 09. It's about a month away, which is about a month after the release of Killzone 2, which, as some have said, would be a good idea for Sony to push Killzone 2 advertising, and then focus on GT5 or something of that sort after Killzone 2 is released.

And, we wouldn't have to wait til E3, which is just over 3 months away...

Here's to hoping :cheers:
Is this here a friggin sales thread?
Please stop this discussion, its annoying.

I second this notion +2. Keep it together people.

I still have not gotten a response from SCEA, PD, or the manager of Home who I PM'ed but I have the feeling we are going to see something at one of the big game shows this year.

I also think that GT5 is going to come out in 2010 because there are just too many good games coming out this holiday for the PS3: Uncharted 2:tup:, Heavy Rain:tup:, InFamous, R&C sequel, DiRT 2, MAG:tup:, Dead Rising 2:tup:, New Jack & Daxter game, COD MW 2:tup:, Bioshock 2, Tekken 6 and the GOWIII:tup:👍! I know I am getting 6-7 of those so I am not to worried when GT5 comes out.

6 of those title are PS exclusives. If Sony were to release GT5 in this years holiday market it may get lost. Look what happened to LBP and R2. They are best to release it after the holiday rush. MGS4 enjoyed the benefits of being the only good summer release.

As for Amar's cryptic message, my thoughts for a new page:

1. Huge GT competition that covers the world planned on GT5 release.
2. GT will be more expensive than $60 or there will be a cheap GT5/PS3/DFGT bundle. Or there will be a new GT5 wheel which will be like a million $.
3. GT5p will get a huge update to test features for GT5. We will get actual GT5 details.
4. GDC or E3 or PS Blog or press release or something else is where this baked goodness will come from.

I bet I am 50% right.
lol I do not think that is going to happen. Actually what they could do is do a re-release of GT5p. Make $20-30 with all the updates and maybe some new features that GT5p owners would have to dl or buy. This would get more people pumped for GT5.
Almost a week old now this thread.

Certainly got all of our pulses racing and a surge of interest on this forum.

Amar thinks more highly of us than PD and we aren't even his customers!

A personal message to KY - Surprises are nice when you least expect something - trouble is we've been expecting this now for far to long and it's beginning to grate.

It's time to deliver.
Amar thinks more highly of us than PD and we aren't even his customers!

In that case I guess Apple can't stand it's customers... as they notoriously refuse to talk about their products (hardware and software) until they are ready to be released... not months before hand while the products are still being developed.

It is also not an entirely unique choice many companies make... not only to keep their competitors guessing, but to avoid getting all caught up in the hype machine by enthusiastic fans and the eager criticism of their competitor's supporters.
Man i wish he could give us one more clue!! I read his post about 100 times trying to figure out what he is saying.
I don't like where this thread has gone. If I wanted to read about GT vs Forza, PS3 vs XBOX360 I would log into Gamespot. I'm actually suprised that these conversations have been allowed to exist in this thread at all.

Threadcrapping, threadjacking, FUD-spreading.

What are the last 4 pages in this thread?

There sure are quite a few people reading this thread and they're certainly getting the wrong idea about how a thread should evolve here at GTP.
Correct me if I am wrong but the point of this thread is to try and guess what Amar is saying...
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