OK, I have to say something - but sorry for not saying anything

  • Thread starter amar212
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The thing about DLC cars is that if you want to play online with a DLC car, everyone else needs that DLC too in order to see you in the game. In the recent Legend Cars DLC for Burnout Paradise, they've made a DLC update for everyone, which was over 800mb, and had the car info in it, ready to be unlocked, and then the car DLC was 100k which basically switched on the new cars in your game, they did a similar thing for the previous 'Party' multiplayer pack. If thats to work with GT5 DLC, everybody will need to download every DLC as a game update, and then pay to 'unlock' the DLC we have bought. The 800Mb in Burnout was for 4 cars with a few special abilities...

Not necessarily. In games like Forza 2 you don't have to download the DLC cars. If you race against people who use thosse DLC cars you simply see a ghost driver. Doesn't look that great tbh, but I guess it's a better solution than being forced to download several GB of data.
First to clarify that I do not know anything specific regarding what method will GT5 use regarding DLC content, but I have to point out one good example of handling the "DLC" and "non-DLC" players in online.

In Call of Duty 4 servers simply connect people by their "status" of having DLC installed. If you want to play/be-in-party wwith someone who does not have DLC, DLC content will be disabled. Simple yet effective solution. And it also gently forces "non-DLC" people to go towards DLC.

But I can presume that Gran Turismo 5 will come with some very nifty solution regarding described matter, since even from Prologue we can witness that overall game scructure was preciselly built around idea that new content will be added from time to time.
I prefer too give 100€(collectors edition) for gt5 and it will include all the DLC till GT6 comes out, then give 70€ and have too pay for extra DLC even if we could chose what too buy(sportcars, touringcars,...).
I prefer too give 100€(collectors edition) for gt5 and it will include all the DLC till GT6 comes out, then give 70€ and have too pay for extra DLC even if we could chose what too buy(sportcars, touringcars,...).

A DLC flatrate, interesting idea, I think I'd go with that if it is an option.
While cars would work fairly easily as DLC, I do hope that tracks are complete for some time. Either that, or the game is designed to incorporate new tracks intelligently into the single player game. I hate having content that doesn't fit into anything but online play.

So Amar,about those details... :sly: Just kidding. Personally, I don't expect any news until E3, but I will be watching for details at the Game Developers Conference, probably with all of you.
Maybe there won't be a GT5 or GT6 on the PS3, but a GT game engine you buy for £10-£15 and then you pay for the tracks and cars you want. There could be updates for weather/physics/reverse lights ;) etc over the years, even graphical updates.

That would be a brave approach and a very interesting one. That way PD can keep releasing new cars and tracks and it means the game can be released sooner rather than later (once the game engine is ready). Think of it as being along the same lines as episodic content. That way if a new feature takes longer to implement it doesn't hold the whole game up.
Maybe there won't be a GT5 or GT6 on the PS3, but a GT game engine you buy for £10-£15 and then you pay for the tracks and cars you want. There could be updates for weather/physics/reverse lights ;) etc over the years, even graphical updates.

That would be a brave approach and a very interesting one. That way PD can keep releasing new cars and tracks and it means the game can be released sooner rather than later (once the game engine is ready). Think of it as being along the same lines as episodic content. That way if a new feature takes longer to implement it doesn't hold the whole game up.
Why not make a GT editor? It would work as the same thing as Hybridization cars in previous games? That is one possibility that I really want to come true is to Swap Engines.
Maybe there won't be a GT5 or GT6 on the PS3, but a GT game engine you buy for £10-£15 and then you pay for the tracks and cars you want. There could be updates for weather/physics/reverse lights ;) etc over the years, even graphical updates.

That would be a brave approach and a very interesting one. That way PD can keep releasing new cars and tracks and it means the game can be released sooner rather than later (once the game engine is ready). Think of it as being along the same lines as episodic content. That way if a new feature takes longer to implement it doesn't hold the whole game up.

Um I just kinda want a normal GT5. And not everyone has internet. What you are saying is basically GT5p II. Also I really just want to give them my $60 and be done with it.
Um I just kinda want a normal GT5. And not everyone has internet. What you are saying is basically GT5p II. Also I really just want to give them my $60 and be done with it.

That is the one flaw with that idea. Not everyone has internet access or wants to download all that content over their connection. PD could always release a GT5 disc but as I said the thinking would be that you could release the game sooner rather than later.

It's all just pie in the sky tbh. I suspect we'll get a game disc as normal and some updates will be pushed out online like they are with GT5P.
Maybe there won't be a GT5 or GT6 on the PS3, but a GT game engine you buy for £10-£15 and then you pay for the tracks and cars you want. There could be updates for weather/physics/reverse lights ;) etc over the years, even graphical updates.

That would be a brave approach and a very interesting one. That way PD can keep releasing new cars and tracks and it means the game can be released sooner rather than later (once the game engine is ready). Think of it as being along the same lines as episodic content. That way if a new feature takes longer to implement it doesn't hold the whole game up.

That's just the way I'd like to see things will go... no more these 6 years delays when creating new GT's. Rather improve existing version, and add new features in to it.

I'm busy with my work, family, and friends... so that's biggest reason why I dont care about '1000cars and 100tracks' at same time. I would never have time to test them, or 'open' them from career-mode or something like that.

I would rather buy that GT5-game engine including all things what real racing-simulation should have, and good Online-mode. After that, I could buy those cars and tracks what I wanted to, with those moneys what I saved up, cause 'GT5-game engine' was much cheaper than over big Full Version what everybody are waiting here.

In matter of business, there is no sense of being without 'incomes' many years, and then release The Game, and hope it brings all the moneys back. Much more safely, will be the way, that you have continuously incomes, and something to create more everytime.

I think that those times, when Game-developers always created 'New part of Game', are past days. Todays technology gives so much new ways to do these things. Those who dont have DSL, can always download DLC to mem.stick, and upload to PS3... they only would need that GT5-game engine to being like key what opens the game.

Cheap GT5-game engine, would bring, and hook tenths of thousands and thousands new players in to amazing Gran Turismo world. PD and Sony needs to sell millions of copies this Game, and we 'GT-nolifes' cant help them than only 2-4 percent of that amount.
no more these 6 years delays when creating new GT's.

Well we havent reached 6 years yet :scared:

In matter of business, there is no sense of being without 'incomes' many years, and then release The Game, and hope it brings all the moneys back.

Prologue is income.
I think the effort being spent on laser scanning tracks and high-poly car models will not need to be retraced again in future iterations of GT, so we should see a shorter dev cycle for GT6.
The way the economy is going and the auto sector is crumbling it looks like it is effecting the release of anything new for GT5. Maybe gm ford and chrysler want PD to pay higher royaltyies for their names or maybe they want exist and KY is thinking about taking them out of the game! All i know is the economy sucks and is hitting everybody where it counts no job, no money, no money.........:crazy:can't buy anything!!!
I CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS FN game to come out or just give US some new content ..................please....... GOOD LUCK EVERYONE... THEY just gave more money to fannie mac and freddie mac:crazy:...........THEY DON"T EXIST ANYMORE............THE WORLD IS A FUed place to be..............JUST GIVE ME GT5 SO I DON"T HAVE TO PAY ATTENTION TO ALL THIS CRAP I CAN just drive the cars i want all day long (the ones i cann't afford) BECAUSE OIL IS LOW AND GAS UIS STILL HIGH!!:grumpy:
You might want to get a new keyboard. Your caps lock and period keys seem to get stuck on randomly.

Please try and use English to the best of your ability in future. Thanks.
If PD will release 1000cars, and 100tracks at one time, I'm afraid that most of them I aint never gonna test or learn, like happened to me in many earlier GT's too. It's too much at one time, and there will again be so many useless cars like always have been.
Sure, most of us do not use every car, but while you are in a Ferrari I can be putting about in a Nissan Pao. We're both happy that way and neither of us had to pay more to be happy, and none of the cars were useless.

If they would have released GT5 two years ago, and then continued to do their modelling, it would be natural to everytime take new cars and tracks to test, and same time learn them, when PD release new DLC.

They should release cheaper, smaller, and 'quicker' basic-GT5, and then charge some dollars about new stuff, few times in a year. Everybody could then 'build' their own GT5, and buy cars and tracks what they want.
So, you like being nickle and dimed? If I wind up paying more than $60 and have less than a full version would have had if they waited how do I come out ahead? I want all the cars, all the tracks, and all the choices, but I do not want to have a Polyphony Digital subscription fee.

I dont give any value to GT's 'career' or 'arcade' -mode, so my thoughts ofcourse are very different than those who like that stuff. I only want awesome simulation of racing, decent Online, and competitive racing-car... everything else in GT5 is waist of my time.
So, you just want a list of race cars to select with a list of tracks to select to race them on? Nothing else? I think you forgot the game part of this.

A DLC flatrate, interesting idea, I think I'd go with that if it is an option.
The way he described it sounds like the thing they did for Burnout on the US PlayStation store, where for an extra $10 you don't just get the game but you also get all the DLC that has come out to date.

Um I just kinda want a normal GT5. And not everyone has internet. What you are saying is basically GT5p II. Also I really just want to give them my $60 and be done with it.
👍 This is exactly how I feel. I do not want to be weighing whether or not I think the latest pack of cars/tracks is worth the extra money.

That's just the way I'd like to see things will go... no more these 6 years delays when creating new GT's. Rather improve existing version, and add new features in to it.
So, you'd rather have GT4 just updated?

I'm busy with my work, family, and friends... so that's biggest reason why I dont care about '1000cars and 100tracks' at same time. I would never have time to test them, or 'open' them from career-mode or something like that.
I have work, family, and friends too and I don't want to get your favorite car game while waiting for cars that I want to play with to be made available for DLC at $2 a pop.

I would rather buy that GT5-game engine including all things what real racing-simulation should have, and good Online-mode. After that, I could buy those cars and tracks what I wanted to, with those moneys what I saved up, cause 'GT5-game engine' was much cheaper than over big Full Version what everybody are waiting here.
The problem is that at the going rate of DLC these days you would just buy the cars you want (assuming you didn't get stuck with packs) and would likely spend more than the $60 the full game would cost. That means that those of us who want both fast cars and slow cars would be paying even more than that.

What do you have against us getting everything at once without anyone having to wait or pay extra for anything?

I mean, I can see it now where we get this DLC plan you describe and then no matter what the first cars available in DLC are someone starts complaining about not getting the cars they want, or getting another version of a Skyline, or getting an historic antique car.

One package, one price, and the complaints never go beyond what they have always been.

In matter of business, there is no sense of being without 'incomes' many years, and then release The Game, and hope it brings all the moneys back. Much more safely, will be the way, that you have continuously incomes, and something to create more everytime.
What do you call Prologue and GTTV?

Those who dont have DSL, can always download DLC to mem.stick, and upload to PS3... they only would need that GT5-game engine to being like key what opens the game.
Wait, where can I do this for LBP? What about Burnout? I'm contemplating the Bioshiock DLC. Where can I get that to put on a memory stick?

No, you can't do that. These things are either available in-game or through the PlayStation Store. Have you ever done DLC?
Its far out but could PD be breaking away from Sony and a PC & Xbox 360 version is in the works too. MS have a hit list and its nearly all crossed off.

Polyphony Digital is a Sony owned company. Microsoft dont really have much 1st party so they have to money hat like mad but trying to moneyhat Sony themselves to get GT5 on Xbox i feel is a forlorn hope.:)
If Sony were to release GT5 in this years holiday market it may get lost.
Gran Turismo is the biggest franchise on consoles. Maybe only Grand Theft Auto is slightly bigger. Gran Turismo is the last game that'd get lost.
Polyphony Digital is a Sony owned company. Microsoft dont really have much 1st party so they have to money hat like mad but trying to moneyhat Sony themselves to get GT5 on Xbox i feel is a forlorn hope.:)

Actually Kazunori Yamauchi is the Vice President of Sony Computer Entertainment Japan, so yes, Gran Turismo on Xbox will never happen.
Sure, most of us do not use every car, but while you are in a Ferrari I can be putting about in a Nissan Pao. We're both happy that way and neither of us had to pay more to be happy, and none of the cars were useless.

My idea about 'Basic-Pack' is more like this Prologue... it has quite good variety of different type of cars. They could use it for being Game-engine, and give us opportunity to buy DLC in to it.

So, you like being nickle and dimed? If I wind up paying more than $60 and have less than a full version would have had if they waited how do I come out ahead? I want all the cars, all the tracks, and all the choices, but I do not want to have a Polyphony Digital subscription fee.

I dont know exactly what you mean by that 'nickle and dimed' saying, but I guess it means paying bit by bit...? Well, if so, yes. Much more like that, than waiting many years to having expensive game, where I only need Online-mode, and realistic driving experience.

I have paid my car, apartment, and company, by that method too. Another way to having those, would been save my moneys about 50years, and then buy same things at one time. It would come much cheaper too, with that way... but I had no patience enough, so I rather pay bit by bit... it wont hurt so much either.

So, you just want a list of race cars to select with a list of tracks to select to race them on? Nothing else? I think you forgot the game part of this.

I only want race against all Great Racers, who I have met here, and in Online-races. Lonely racing against AI-cars dont give any kicks to me... I dont see there anything interesting to see what car will 'open', if I win career-mode race. I see it only waist of time. I could have been having epic racing against GTP's at that same time.

So, you'd rather have GT4 just updated?

GT4 with this new game-engine, in-car, weather, mechanical-damage, and Online-mode with full options to create races... I would be very happy. If they also would give chance to buy some new cars and tracks to that, it would be awesome.

Wait, where can I do this for LBP? What about Burnout? I'm contemplating the Bioshiock DLC. Where can I get that to put on a memory stick?

No, you can't do that. These things are either available in-game or through the PlayStation Store. Have you ever done DLC?

Youre right there... I havent played other games in PS3, than GT5P, so I dont know anything concrete about DLC. I assume, that it's possible to download to mem.stick like any other game-saves etc etc... if not, it cant be impossible to do work like that. After copying DLC from mem.stick, to game-save, it would be erased from mem-stick example?
This thread is very exciting to read Amar's cryptic message get you thinking of all sorts.

Some of the thoughts mentioned by some fills me with dread. Like paying for cars and tracks. I do not want to have to pay to get extras like that. I would like to see PD do what they have with Prologue and just release the full game then edit there online events from time to time. To make us pay for extra cars and tracks would just be taking advantage of peoples loyalty to the brand. This could end up turning a lot of people off.

Looking at Amars message, one thing that came to my mind was could PD be adding more tracks or fetures to existing tracks like longer races, pitstops etc.
... Like paying for cars and tracks. I do not want to have to pay to get extras like that ... to make us pay for extra cars and tracks would just be taking advantage of peoples loyalty to the brand. This could end up turning a lot of people off.

That a good point, I agree with you 100%!

Some of the thoughts mentioned by some fills me with dread. Like paying for cars and tracks. I do not want to have to pay to get extras like that. To make us pay for extra cars and tracks would just be taking advantage of peoples loyalty to the brand. This could end up turning a lot of people off.

I'm sure PD will try to sell to us some extra-stuff at some point after GT5 is released.

If it turns out, that people dont like that, and those DLC's dont sell enough to pay the costs... they wont do that anymore then.

I dont see payable DLC is somekind of monster... I appreciate that expensive work what new tracks and cars needs, and I'm ready to pay reasonable prize of it. I can only imagine how many millions it takes from PD to lazer-scan and model some new real-life track example. Making their own tracks propably aint so expensive, so those should be cheaper ofcourse.

With extra-stuff, few times in a year, would keep that new game fresh many years.
My idea about 'Basic-Pack' is more like this Prologue... it has quite good variety of different type of cars. They could use it for being Game-engine, and give us opportunity to buy DLC in to it.
My issue there is that for me, in GT4, I would race in various different events and occasionally see a car I didn't immediately recognize, so I check it out. Next thing I know I own it and am using it a lot. If they give us most of our cars in DLC I will see cars I don't recognize, likely shrug it off as not worth the cost and then move on. My favorite part was finding those little gems that were incredibly fun to drive and then seeing what kind of challenge I could put them in.

I dont know exactly what you mean by that 'nickle and dimed' saying, but I guess it means paying bit by bit...? Well, if so, yes. Much more like that, than waiting many years to having expensive game, where I only need Online-mode, and realistic driving experience.
Sorry, I forgot I was using an American phrase like that. Yes, if someone says they are getting nickle and dimed it means that they are being charged small amounts, like a nickle ($0.05) or dime ($0.10) until you have paid more money total than you ever wanted to pay. And that is a concern I have is that while it will benefit people who only want a specfic 30-40 cars those of us who love eth full collection, or even have a couple of hundred specific cars we love will wind up paying more than the initial $60.

I have paid my car, apartment, and company, by that method too. Another way to having those, would been save my moneys about 50years, and then buy same things at one time. It would come much cheaper too, with that way... but I had no patience enough, so I rather pay bit by bit... it wont hurt so much either.
There is a huge difference between $60 for a game and $60,000 for a car or home.

But now that I look at it I think a two-pronged approach would be awesome. Have one big $60 game for people like me and then offer a $25 base game, that looks like Prologue, with the option to add to it through DLC. Everyone gets what they want. But I have a feeling the base model will fail, because more people would rather pay $60 and get everything, and a lot of people do not like microstransaction systems. They hinted at it before and the backlash was huge.

I only want race against all Great Racers, who I have met here, and in Online-races. Lonely racing against AI-cars dont give any kicks to me... I dont see there anything interesting to see what car will 'open', if I win career-mode race. I see it only waist of time. I could have been having epic racing against GTP's at that same time.
I understand that is what you like, but you have to understand that some of us like the single player races. I want to do 24 hour endurance races, which would rarely be completed in an online environment. I don't like online gaming with strangers very much, so if no one I know is playing the game I want online then I usually just play single player.

This is a game built for everyone. By giving us everything then everyone has their choice of how to do it. More choice is always a good thing. I would love to go to a restaraunt and have just my favorite items on the menu, but then no one else will visit it and it will be gone. But if the menu has a lot of stuff then everyone will go and I still get my favorite items.

Youre right there... I havent played other games in PS3, than GT5P, so I dont know anything concrete about DLC. I assume, that it's possible to download to mem.stick like any other game-saves etc etc... if not, it cant be impossible to do work like that. After copying DLC from mem.stick, to game-save, it would be erased from mem-stick example?
They do not have any form of option for buying DLC and downloading to a memory stick. Even using the PlayStation Store on a PC requires you to have special software installed that will only allow the DLC to download to your PSP directly. It is for security purposes. If I can copy it just to a memory stick, then what prevents me from copying it to other memory sticks before installing it on my system?
There is a huge difference between $60 for a game and $60,000 for a car or home.

Yeah, I know... I just wanted to remind that it's life, to pay nickle and dimes. I have also bought my old laptop, and video-cam with part payment. To me, being working-class dude and earning like that, it is non-painful way to buy things.

But now that I look at it I think a two-pronged approach would be awesome. Have one big $60 game for people like me and then offer a $25 base game, that looks like Prologue, with the option to add to it through DLC. Everyone gets what they want. But I have a feeling the base model will fail, because more people would rather pay $60 and get everything, and a lot of people do not like microstransaction systems. They hinted at it before and the backlash was huge.

Now youre talking. 👍

PD should have started to give those DLC's to Prologue a long time ago, so my type of 'only Online-racers' could have in the end same cars and tracks, than you guys who are going to buy Full-version and get all cars and tracks from there.
If my prologue in the end would be more expensive than your Full-GT5, it aint bothering me at all. Paying dollar there and there, aint so big deal than, than buying game for 100$...

I dont know how big amount of cash that 60$ is there in U.S, but in Finland that game is going to be something like 70€ (100$), so I really liked to rather buy only that cheaper GT5 game-engine, and after that, those cars and tracks what I'd like to. I feel annoyed to pay huge sum of 'career-mode' and 80% useless cars, and particularly to wait many years that game because of them.

They do not have any form of option for buying DLC and downloading to a memory stick. Even using the PlayStation Store on a PC requires you to have special software installed that will only allow the DLC to download to your PSP directly. It is for security purposes. If I can copy it just to a memory stick, then what prevents me from copying it to other memory sticks before installing it on my system?

Ok, I should know that issue.
Maybe there won't be a GT5 or GT6 on the PS3, but a GT game engine you buy for £10-£15 and then you pay for the tracks and cars you want. There could be updates for weather/physics/reverse lights ;) etc over the years, even graphical updates.

That would be a brave approach and a very interesting one. That way PD can keep releasing new cars and tracks and it means the game can be released sooner rather than later (once the game engine is ready). Think of it as being along the same lines as episodic content. That way if a new feature takes longer to implement it doesn't hold the whole game up.
It would be interesting, but not the first time Sony has put the idea to the public. the last time they did, the game they were going to pioneer it on was canned due to public backlash. Any and all ideas of this type ultimately end up with the punter paying more for less.

That's just the way I'd like to see things will go... no more these 6 years delays when creating new GT's. Rather improve existing version, and add new features in to it.
There's no reason they can't release a fully packaged product and then add to it.

I'm busy with my work, family, and friends... so that's biggest reason why I dont care about '1000cars and 100tracks' at same time. I would never have time to test them, or 'open' them from career-mode or something like that.
So am I but I still want a proper game, I still don't want to get conned into paying more for less. If you geniunely don't have time to open the cars up yourself then use someone elses game save, within a month of gT5's release in your country you won'y have any trouble getting a save with all the licenses and a shed load of cars and credits.

In matter of business, there is no sense of being without 'incomes' many years, and then release The Game, and hope it brings all the moneys back. Much more safely, will be the way, that you have continuously incomes, and something to create more everytime.
As was said before, PD do make income, a lot of it. Full Gran Turismo game releases are not PD's only source of income. They have deals with a lot of car manufacturer, they designed the digital diaplay in the GT-R, they have designed body kits for other cars, they released GT5:P and Tourist trophy not too long before that. PD does get paid for all this.

I think that those times, when Game-developers always created 'New part of Game', are past days. Todays technology gives so much new ways to do these things. Those who dont have DSL, can always download DLC to mem.stick, and upload to PS3... they only would need that GT5-game engine to being like key what opens the game.
No they can't. One word, piracy.

Cheap GT5-game engine, would bring, and hook tenths of thousands and thousands new players in to amazing Gran Turismo world. PD and Sony needs to sell millions of copies this Game, and we 'GT-nolifes' cant help them than only 2-4 percent of that amount.
No it wouldn't, he chances are PD would make less from this idea, a lot of people don't want to be messing around buyng a core game then being charged for extras all over the place. PD have sold millions of copies of every major GT game to date, including GT5:P. They don't need ot adopt your idea to manage someitnh they are already mroe than capable of managing.

I'm sure PD will try to sell to us some extra-stuff at some point after GT5 is released.
So am I, it's what we get on release that I dissagree with you on.

If it turns out, that people dont like that, and those DLC's dont sell enough to pay the costs... they wont do that anymore then.
Then that's a bit late, by then PD and Sony will have lost out big time on GT5 and it could damage just PD with regards to just how free Sonys strings of control over them are in the future if it didn't work.

I dont see payable DLC is somekind of monster... I appreciate that expensive work what new tracks and cars needs, and I'm ready to pay reasonable prize of it. I can only imagine how many millions it takes from PD to lazer-scan and model some new real-life track example. Making their own tracks propably aint so expensive, so those should be cheaper ofcourse.

With extra-stuff, few times in a year, would keep that new game fresh many years.
No, what your saying is you're happy to be ripped off. I have nothing against DLC and paying for it, if what your paying for is genuinely additional.

Not too long ago PD put forward a concept similar to what you're describing. The game was GT:HD. The principal was that you would buy the core game and have a very small selection of content, if any at all. Then through micro-transactions you could buy cars and tracks to add to the game. It was going to feature all the content from GT4 and then a couple of additional cars and maybe tracks too and possible more content to be released at later dates.

The idea was thrown back in Sonys face faster than Sony could say boo to a goose. It didn't take long for people to realise that paying even 20p per car and £1 per track would have meant that to get just what we had in GT4 content wise would have cost hundereds of pounds. Brand new on release day you could buy GT4 for £35 if you looked hard enough, £40 if you looked and £45 if you were stupid. micro transactions stink, unless you're paying a couple of pennies for each item of game content, including tracks. Even then the price can go up faster than you might think when we're talking about hundereds and thousands of items of game content that would be available.

What I want with GT5 is a full game, I'm not expecting miricles in temrs of content, I do understand and appreciate that content is taking longer to make but I'm expecting more than GT3 had. So I want a fully fledged game to be released at the typical full game prices for my area. I don't want PD to hold any content back from the release, if something has been made and is good to be included before the game gets into final testing, then it sohuld be on our disks. Any content PD create or finish after GT5 is released, fine, as long as we get a full game up front I'm perfectly happy that they will want to be paid for this. The prices should be fair, but that's fine.

Put simply, I do not want DLC to compromise the core game in any way. PD need to focus on releasing a solid core game which I'm sure they will and then think about DLC as an addition. DLC can keep the game going sure, but we shouldn't be ripped off becuase of it.
Codemasters once again show how little effort is needed to keep your fanbase keen.

Today they showed a laser scanned screenshot of Spa, it not only generates publicity, it shows their F1 game, along with iracing, will have the most realistic tracks in any videogame.

Laser scanned tracks are the kind of technological breakthrough GT5 needs.

Now just imagine the publicity if PD released a teaser screenshot of a car with very slight damage, they wouldn't be giving anything away regarding how comprehensive the damage model would be, but it would show the GT fanbase we can expect a technological breakthrough in GT5.

The lack of news leads many to believe GT5 will just be GT5P with more content.
I dont know what you want.
The racetracks in GT are VERY accurate recreated, i doubt it will be really better in Codemasters F1 game and actually Codemasters sucks with releasing material. They still havent released ANY in-game material for DiRT 2.
Codemasters once again show how little effort is needed to keep your fanbase keen.

Today they showed a laser scanned screenshot of Spa, it not only generates publicity, it shows their F1 game, along with iracing, will have the most realistic tracks in any videogame.

Laser scanned tracks are the kind of technological breakthrough GT5 needs.

Now just imagine the publicity if PD released a teaser screenshot of a car with very slight damage, they wouldn't be giving anything away regarding how comprehensive the damage model would be, but it would show the GT fanbase we can expect a technological breakthrough in GT5.

The lack of news leads many to believe GT5 will just be GT5P with more content.

I went and took a look at the screenshot....looks like that's going to be pretty accurate, and like you said, hopefully GT5 has done the same.

Now I'm not a computer programmer or anything, but my questions is, would there be any difference in track detail when comparing a GT fantasy course and a real-life location? The reason I ask is because if they are laser-scanning these tracks for all of the data, but with the fantasy tracks not based on real locations, PD is making these from scratch some how, and they still look brilliant.

Is it the fact that they have to take the laser-scanned data, and put it into the game, and put it in the same amount of detail that the PS3 will allow, and then would they do this when creating their own tracks...almost like a set standard?? Just curious if anyone knows how they do it....I find it very interesting. I don't know if I explained that well, but I tried :sly:
What did i miss? Was the big news about DLC?

I thought ripping us of with incrimental payments is a scrapped idea?
What did i miss? Was the big news about DLC?

I thought ripping us of with incrimental payments is a scrapped idea?

No news, just different wishes how things should be done.

Most of guys dont want payable extra-content after release, and are in future ready again wait for decades every new GT. :lol:
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