Maybe there won't be a GT5 or GT6 on the PS3, but a GT game engine you buy for £10-£15 and then you pay for the tracks and cars you want. There could be updates for weather/physics/reverse lights

etc over the years, even graphical updates.
That would be a brave approach and a very interesting one. That way PD can keep releasing new cars and tracks and it means the game can be released sooner rather than later (once the game engine is ready). Think of it as being along the same lines as episodic content. That way if a new feature takes longer to implement it doesn't hold the whole game up.
It would be interesting, but not the first time Sony has put the idea to the public. the last time they did, the game they were going to pioneer it on was canned due to public backlash. Any and all ideas of this type ultimately end up with the punter paying more for less.
That's just the way I'd like to see things will go... no more these 6 years delays when creating new GT's. Rather improve existing version, and add new features in to it.
There's no reason they can't release a fully packaged product and then add to it.
I'm busy with my work, family, and friends... so that's biggest reason why I dont care about '1000cars and 100tracks' at same time. I would never have time to test them, or 'open' them from career-mode or something like that.
So am I but I still want a proper game, I still don't want to get conned into paying more for less. If you geniunely don't have time to open the cars up yourself then use someone elses game save, within a month of gT5's release in your country you won'y have any trouble getting a save with all the licenses and a shed load of cars and credits.
In matter of business, there is no sense of being without 'incomes' many years, and then release The Game, and hope it brings all the moneys back. Much more safely, will be the way, that you have continuously incomes, and something to create more everytime.
As was said before, PD do make income, a lot of it. Full Gran Turismo game releases are not PD's only source of income. They have deals with a lot of car manufacturer, they designed the digital diaplay in the GT-R, they have designed body kits for other cars, they released GT5

and Tourist trophy not too long before that. PD does get paid for all this.
I think that those times, when Game-developers always created 'New part of Game', are past days. Todays technology gives so much new ways to do these things. Those who dont have DSL, can always download DLC to mem.stick, and upload to PS3... they only would need that GT5-game engine to being like key what opens the game.
No they can't. One word, piracy.
Cheap GT5-game engine, would bring, and hook tenths of thousands and thousands new players in to amazing Gran Turismo world. PD and Sony needs to sell millions of copies this Game, and we 'GT-nolifes' cant help them than only 2-4 percent of that amount.
No it wouldn't, he chances are PD would make less from this idea, a lot of people don't want to be messing around buyng a core game then being charged for extras all over the place. PD have sold millions of copies of every major GT game to date, including GT5

. They don't need ot adopt your idea to manage someitnh they are already mroe than capable of managing.
I'm sure PD will try to sell to us some extra-stuff at some point after GT5 is released.
So am I, it's what we get on release that I dissagree with you on.
If it turns out, that people dont like that, and those DLC's dont sell enough to pay the costs... they wont do that anymore then.
Then that's a bit late, by then PD and Sony will have lost out big time on GT5 and it could damage just PD with regards to just how free Sonys strings of control over them are in the future if it didn't work.
I dont see payable DLC is somekind of monster... I appreciate that expensive work what new tracks and cars needs, and I'm ready to pay reasonable prize of it. I can only imagine how many millions it takes from PD to lazer-scan and model some new real-life track example. Making their own tracks propably aint so expensive, so those should be cheaper ofcourse.
With extra-stuff, few times in a year, would keep that new game fresh many years.
No, what your saying is you're happy to be ripped off. I have nothing against DLC and paying for it, if what your paying for is genuinely additional.
Not too long ago PD put forward a concept similar to what you're describing. The game was GT:HD. The principal was that you would buy the core game and have a very small selection of content, if any at all. Then through micro-transactions you could buy cars and tracks to add to the game. It was going to feature all the content from GT4 and then a couple of additional cars and maybe tracks too and possible more content to be released at later dates.
The idea was thrown back in Sonys face faster than Sony could say boo to a goose. It didn't take long for people to realise that paying even 20p per car and £1 per track would have meant that to get just what we had in GT4 content wise would have cost hundereds of pounds. Brand new on release day you could buy GT4 for £35 if you looked hard enough, £40 if you looked and £45 if you were stupid. micro transactions stink, unless you're paying a couple of pennies for each item of game content, including tracks. Even then the price can go up faster than you might think when we're talking about hundereds and thousands of items of game content that would be available.
What I want with GT5 is a full game, I'm not expecting miricles in temrs of content, I do understand and appreciate that content is taking longer to make but I'm expecting more than GT3 had. So I want a fully fledged game to be released at the typical full game prices for my area. I don't want PD to hold any content back from the release, if something has been made and is good to be included before the game gets into final testing, then it sohuld be on our disks. Any content PD create or finish after GT5 is released, fine, as long as we get a full game up front I'm perfectly happy that they will want to be paid for this. The prices should be fair, but that's fine.
Put simply, I do not want DLC to compromise the core game in any way. PD need to focus on releasing a solid core game which I'm sure they will and then think about DLC as an addition. DLC can keep the game going sure, but we shouldn't be ripped off becuase of it.