Something so big is cooking, you can't even imagine the size of it.
( Well, A GT5 bigger than we anticipated, x2 50gig blue-rays, huge online events + competitions, huge number of tracks and cars, bigger than ever before, with many different track configs)
And there is something else cooking, which you can't even imagine the price of it. ( this one I am not sure of this one)
And the third thing is also in the oven, but you can't even imagine it's even baking. And besides that third thing there is something else in the oven, I'd say it's the oven itself. ( I am thinking, and hoping tourist trophy 2, but it is in the oven, as in it being a part of GT5)
And I guess everything will be presented in the gala dinner in the weeks or months to come, but at the E3 latest. (will this is apeaks for itself)
And then you'll find out that day of the Fiest is also known even today. ( I guess refering to the release date, which has been speculated )
And yes, my NDA is killing me so much that I can't even tell you how much you should be hungry. But I can assure you it will be the Fiest of the Gods.
(Well, we are hungry, starving infact, but maybe he is implying that we should be more hungry for what we want in GT5 becuase we are going to get much more than what we have asked in many ways)