I just noticed something very strange here in Finland!
I needed to buy second GT5P, cause I somehow manage to loose my first one last night.

Thats very odd and long story... but I propably will get it back soon. I just cant take the risk, that I could not race tomorrow with you guys, cause Sunday is one of those few days when I can. (yeah I know... I'm grazy

But back to that strange part, why I even dare to admit how piteous GT-nolife I actually am.
I could not find GT5P anywhere!
First I went ofcourse to GameStop, cause I just few weeks ago saw there some second-hand copies, when I was searching it for my friend. Not even one... no 2nd hands, no new ones.
Second I went to OnOff-store... none.
Third I went to local Supermarket... none.
Fourth I went to another local Supermarket... none.
In this time I was very shocked, and going to freak out like an old junkie who realize that he just bought baking powder with his last bucks. I was really starting to think these rumours we have here, and possibility that SONY maybe is taking Prolo's back silently, so peoples could not accidentally buy those when Final Version suddenly comes to sale...!?
My misery ended up happily, cause I changed my tactic, and did drive to smaller electronic-store out of our downtown, and there I found it... phiuuh.
See you on track tomorrow Pals! 👍