OK, I have to say something - but sorry for not saying anything

  • Thread starter amar212
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What's this thread about? .........

Cooking I think.

Hey, try the new events, the 550 PP races are good fun.:dopey:

I have been meaning to try the Suzuka F430 N1 race then some 550PP evens, I set up my wheel on the PC and am too lazy at the moment to change it back now :(
Cooking I think.

I have been meaning to try the Suzuka F430 N1 race then some 550PP evens, I set up my wheel on the PC and am too lazy at the moment to change it back now :(

:lol: Nice one, on both accounts.:sly: I'm going to Warner Bros Movie World tomorrow, they have a new stunt show involving Evo Xs, that combined with the first golf on Aussie TV showing any decent coverage on my favourite player Ernie Else in years and I have not had much time to race them myself yet.:(
Sounds like you're gonna have a ball, enjoy 👍
I just noticed something very strange here in Finland!

I needed to buy second GT5P, cause I somehow manage to loose my first one last night. :dunce: Thats very odd and long story... but I propably will get it back soon. I just cant take the risk, that I could not race tomorrow with you guys, cause Sunday is one of those few days when I can. (yeah I know... I'm grazy :( )

But back to that strange part, why I even dare to admit how piteous GT-nolife I actually am. I could not find GT5P anywhere!

First I went ofcourse to GameStop, cause I just few weeks ago saw there some second-hand copies, when I was searching it for my friend. Not even one... no 2nd hands, no new ones. :nervous:

Second I went to OnOff-store... none.

Third I went to local Supermarket... none.

Fourth I went to another local Supermarket... none.

In this time I was very shocked, and going to freak out like an old junkie who realize that he just bought baking powder with his last bucks. I was really starting to think these rumours we have here, and possibility that SONY maybe is taking Prolo's back silently, so peoples could not accidentally buy those when Final Version suddenly comes to sale...!?

My misery ended up happily, cause I changed my tactic, and did drive to smaller electronic-store out of our downtown, and there I found it... phiuuh. :)

See you on track tomorrow Pals! 👍
AutoAki, how dare you get our hopes up like that.:lol::P
AutoAki, how dare you get our hopes up like that.:lol::P

:lol: I just needed to tell this grazy story... I really need help I think. I just spended 39.90€ only that I can surely race Online tomorrow, and I really am not wellfair dude.

...but to that story, even I finally found it from smaller store, it wont count off my speculations. If they are taking Prolos back silently, they ofcourse start from 'big companies'. That's how I speculated it, and manage to find my new copy. :)

Edit: Check your local dealers at monday... if there is same thing going on, it really tells something.
Next time I'm in a shopping centre I'll check it out to see if it's happening here in Australia too. Maybe they're just not selling well any more though, and people would rather not keep stagnant stock.
Checking a local stores website (their online inventory is very accurate) they are also out of stock but have access to 25+ from thier supplier at anytime.
Gamemania in Belgium has the GT5P platinum edition in their new folder.
Haven't paid attention to it when I was in one of their stores a while ago though, but I believe it was still available. New and second-hand.
Plenty of stock quickly searching online in Australia. Big w, dick smith, ebgames, game, gametraders all show they have stock on hand at many stores
Plenty of stock quickly searching online in Australia. Big w, dick smith, ebgames, game, gametraders all show they have stock on hand at many stores

Nice to hear... hmmm... or not. 💡 :ouch:

Maybe here in Fin, some new PS3 owners just have bought those last ones, and stores are not taking anymore new copies. That sounds most likely option in fact.
It is possible that the games are just stock on hand and the game is discontinued. The only way to know though is to see if stock is bought back in or not or get someone to check if it is a discontinued item. I know at least a store called dick smith here reduces their games to a very low price when discontinued. This happened when burnout paradise was discontinued as the ultimate box was coming out shortly. I also have noticed that folklore is all but impossible to find in most stores around australia now so should be discontinued.

Back on the speculation trail. I think we will find gt5's release date to be announced about 2 months before it is actually out. Though I'm sure if it was possible to stop leaked information PD would just casually put the game on the shelves and let people work out themselves the game is out.

On a sidenote about gt5 prologue, the motorshow started few days ago here and I went earlier today. Mitsubishi, Nissan and Ford all had demo stations of gran turismo 5 prologue demoing certain new models of theirs. Nissan infact had the proper circular simulators (4 of them).


see background
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I have been meaning to try the Suzuka F430 N1 race then some 550PP evens, I set up my wheel on the PC and am too lazy at the moment to change it back now :(

Heh heh, all I have to do is unplug the USB cable from my PS3 and plug it into my gaming PC since they both share the same 47" 1080p TV. ;)
Mitsubishi=Evo X?
And Ford=?

nissan - gtr (on fuji and suzuka from what i saw)
mitsubishi - evo x (eiger) they had actual lancer shells with the steering wheel fitted inside and decked out as a rally car.l
ford - focus xr5 (suzuka from memory)

Again off topic but was a bit dissapointed that ferrari decided to pull out (maserati too). Was also annoyed at volkswagen for not having nor the bluesport concept nor the scirocco. I thought even though geneva is next week they would have at least had a scirocco on display.
Come on Amar... 11 days ago you create a big confusion in GTPlanet... Every one is getting crazy... it's time to give us some more (litle... very litle...) information... :ouch::)

We don't tell anybody...

You have to give him cookies and milk, or he won't even post. ;)

I don't suppose anyone agrees with me that Polyphony should remain quiet until E3?

By the way, thanks for the pic J-PaP. 👍
nissan - gtr (on fuji and suzuka from what i saw)
mitsubishi - evo x (eiger) they had actual lancer shells with the steering wheel fitted inside and decked out as a rally car.l
ford - focus xr5 (suzuka from memory)

Ah okay, thanks.
Good ideia Tenacious D...

Amar just give me your address that I send you cookies, milk... and sweet wine from Portugal... I trade that for a good information :)👍

I agreed that PD wont be "dead" until E3...

The address Amar...:sly:

Well, i would create a fake account, a fake blog and post something there...

Unless you´re the only one to have watched the presentation.
Just a quick thought to add to the speculation. If GT5 has been slow in development do to time required to model cars, damage and other things. What if they go ahead and release it with GT4 HD like rumuors of about 2 years ago or so. Meaning GT4 with improved graphics, online, bigger car fields, no damage, but all the cars and tracks. Only saying this if the development has been really slow or more complicated than they could ever imagine. Just throwing this out there. Lets say G5 had approx. same content as GT3. I would certainly like GT4 HD if that was the case. Hopefully though GT5 when released with have same track quantity as GT4 or more and at least 500 cars with more to come as down load packs. I believe that we will see GT5 this year, hopefully by fall.
Amar my friend... if You did read about grazy thing what happened to me today (post 484), I'd like to know Your opinion about keeping none Prologue copies available.

If You would be chief of example GameStop now, would You order, lets say hmmm... thousand copies Prologue now, or just keeping it zero in future too?

Amar my friend... if You did read about grazy thing what happened to me today (post 484), I'd like to know Your opinion about keeping none Prologue copies available.

If You would be chief of example GameStop now, would You order, lets say hmmm... thousand copies Prologue now, or just keeping it zero in future too?


Ok, thing is, that - no offense - a shortage on GT5P in like 5-10 stores in Finland doesn't really mean anything.
Also, if even local dealers in Finland - not exactly the center of the (gaming-) world definitely knew that GT5 is on its way ( and therefor send back copies of GT5P ) then I guess we all knew already.

Also, your question to Amar basically sounds like this to me : Will GT5 be released soon ?

> NDA > no answer > don't even try it ;)
Also, your question to Amar basically sounds like this to me : Will GT5 be released soon ?

> NDA > no answer > don't even try it ;)

:lol: Damn you Sherlock!

Now you exposed my sneaky attempt to get some small hints about direction we are going next...

Seriously, I never even think that clumsy try could work. It was just bad humour cause I'm at work, and totally tired and bored... :yuck:
On a sidenote about gt5 prologue, the motorshow started few days ago here and I went earlier today. Mitsubishi, Nissan and Ford all had demo stations of gran turismo 5 prologue demoing certain new models of theirs. Nissan infact had the proper circular simulators (4 of them).

Cool, how is the 370Z?

Heh heh, all I have to do is unplug the USB cable from my PS3 and plug it into my gaming PC since they both share the same 47" 1080p TV. ;)

I could do the same but I can't stand web browsing on TV's, doesn't display as nice as a monitor.
Amar my friend... if You did read about grazy thing what happened to me today (post 484), I'd like to know Your opinion about keeping none Prologue copies available.

If You would be chief of example GameStop now, would You order, lets say hmmm... thousand copies Prologue now, or just keeping it zero in future too?
I was in Best Buy this morning, they had plenty of copies available. I think your problem was you caught them just before the new shipment comes in so none were currently available. I am willing to bet that if you had asked the clerk they would have told you they would probably get more in their next shipment.

As an example of how I think you are over reacting: I was looking to buy The Dark Knight today on Blu-Ray. I was in Best Buy and they had it on DVD, but no Blu Rays were on the shelf. They didn't even have a blank spot where it should have been. I found an employee working in the movie section and asked him about it. He then holds up his hand with three copies and says that he was just getting ready to restock it.

Electronics stores in the US restock on Saturdays (or early Sunday morning) for the new sales on Sundays. I would have probably had to ask for a copy in most stores. It would not mean it was no longer in production.

I mean, just check some online retailres like Amazon. If they are still selling it then I am betting it is still available.

I could do the same but I can't stand web browsing on TV's, doesn't display as nice as a monitor.
But my sofa is oh, so comfortable.

(This post brought to you from my PS3 with wireless keyboard)
Anybody want to buy non-used GT5P?


(just joking... I got my original first back tonight. I'll trade this new one to FC in GameStop at monday)
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