OK, I have to say something - but sorry for not saying anything

  • Thread starter amar212
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I have no problem with GT4 or GT5 loading times, but quirky menu navigation and it continues even in Prologue. When you are already at the circuit, you can't change your car? You have to cancel the loaded track and go back to garage to select another car, why the hell is PD tyrranizing us with this?! We all would be very pleased if garage were accessible from race menu.
Yeah, this is a must in the full game. I hate to get back all the way, wait for the game to save, chose a car and then go back into the event again.
Yeah, this is a must in the full game. I hate to get back all the way, wait for the game to save, chose a car and then go back into the event again.

yep i agree 100%

alot of the times i just end up quitting the game
As usual FK, you make some excellent points, but I still have trouble understanding some of the logic behind many of the rants I've read over install times... especially if it cuts down on the time they actually are sitting and staring at the TV during in-game load times. Or do people really just sit and stare at the TV when they install games???

20 minutes for the install was crazy. Since then Capcom has gotten the RE5 install times to be much shorter. Bioshock also has a 5GB install. I didn't complain about it because it was nearly finishefd in the time it took me to go pee and fill a water bottle at the sink (with water, not pee).

I don't find the install itself problematic, just the 20 minutes it took to do it. MGS4 totals about 15 minutes of install time, but breaks it up between chapters so you don't feel like you just wasted a ton of time.

I agree that its great if an install can be done quickly, and if their is proof that a developer screwed up and somehow made an install take a great deal longer then necessary, then that's definitely something that deserves to be brought to the developer's attention.

However, even if an install takes 20 minutes, what's the big deal. It takes longer than that just to go out and buy a game, and again, no one is forcing anyone that I know of to sit and stare at the TV watching it install. I know, you mentioned an example of someone who apparently may only have 45 minutes to play the game... and I agree that downloads should be optional for just such a case... but seriously, that's a pretty extreme case when someone is who just so happens to get a game for the very first time and only has a few minutes to play it... and can't be patient enough to play it another time when they do. :indiff:

Also, I would find game installs like MGS4 that break it down between chapters FAR more annoying, and I seriously hope GT5 doesn't do this, because instead of just one easy install now they are effectively making me sit through the install bases as it happens between chapters while I'm playing it! :ouch:

It's not just installs either. I had not played Hot Shots Golf 5 in a long time and apparently they had released several new feature updates that totaled around 6GB of data! When I saw it was going to take a long time to download, I simply switched over to CNN, used the PIP feature on the TV to show the PS3 status in a small window, and caught up on some news while it was installing. No big deal.

As for needing bigger hard drives, I suppose it comes down to convenience, and of course patience. In practice, it's possible to even have just a 40GB drive and own and play lots of games... it just means you'll occasionally have to delete game installs of games you rarely play, or don't plan on playing any time soon.

The fact that you can now get 1TB drives for $100 and 320GB drives for under $50 for the PS3 is why I personally decided it was worth it to get a larger drive, and despite having over 200 games and demos on my 320GB hard drive, I still have plenty of space left. 👍

However, I agree that for those who have a lot of games and or download a lot of movies, videos, and other content, and have a console other than a PS3 that not only limits you to the choices and sizes of your hard drive, but that cost a great deal more money as well (I certainly couldn't imagine paying around $200 for a 120GB drive, or not being able to have a much larger drive at all)... that would most certainly not be good. :ouch:
Just to add a bit to this side topic of installs, it matters most to games in which content such as the area of play is being covered at a high rate, such as in racing and air combat games. The ability to load area assets like trees and buildings quickly, along with their textures, makes installs on games like Gran Turismo and H.A.W.X. advantageous. And as DN points out, it's about time our ADD society learned some patience. :P

Now, about news. Maybe I'm strange, but I'd kind of like to have the real GT5 news put off until E3. Maybe at the GDC in March we could have a tantalizing teaser. I have a feeling no one is going to be satisfied with that, and the board will probably explode yet again with speculation. But Amar's thread has been a lot of fun for me, and between posting here and playing GT - and work, ugh, I think the months will pass soon enough. And then the hunger would strike us when all is revealed, and we can't wait to get our hands on Gran Turismo 5.
As usual FK, you make some excellent points, but I still have trouble understanding some of the logic behind many of the rants I've read over install times... especially if it cuts down on the time they actually are sitting and staring at the TV during in-game load times.
I get this and you get this. Do you think a poorly supervised child gets this?

Or do people really just sit and stare at the TV when they install games???
Do you have to ask? If I know a game has an install I pop it in immediately and then do something else and likely never lose time I intended to use playing anyway. But I can guarantee some people sit there cursing ten times for every minute that ticks by.

and can't be patient enough to play it another time when they do. :indiff:
Again, we are discussing unsupervised children and Internet rabble.

Also, I would find game installs like MGS4 that break it down between chapters FAR more annoying,
Actually, this works very well because of how they did it. I can see it being annoying for people who are not fans of the series and don't get Kojima, but between "TV Shows" during part of the main install and animations of Snake smoking, with user warnings, during the smaller chapter installs it is funny. They even work in jabs at the 360. And fans of MGS are unlikely to blink an eye as this is something they completely expect from Hideo Kojima. No, looking back, if they had done a giant install up front it would have lost something because the way it is now actually adds to it.

and I seriously hope GT5 doesn't do this, because instead of just one easy install now they are effectively making me sit through the install bases as it happens between chapters while I'm playing it! :ouch:
First, the nature of GT5 wouldn't allow it. But if they did do it and had me watching actual race footage that may not be such a bad thing. But GT5 would not be done in chapters, so I doubt we will see this happen.

Honestly, I think you put a lot of faith in people thinking like you. Their thought processes will not make sense to you until you look at their motivations. We live in a world where everyone wants things right now (considering this started from people getting impatient for GT5 info) so the people with that mindset are not going to see it the way we can. We step back and realize the game slow me down later. All they know is they have to wait now.

Imagine putting some of these impatient people on a 15.5k dial-up modem. You and I still remember eating dinner while waiting for a Web page to load or when calling a friend while you were out meant finding a pay phone first. Or even using phones where you had to wait for that nine to finish dialing before you could dial the next number.
I second the motion above me. We are kinda going off topic with this whole HDD install thing. Back to Amar's post.
Actually, this works very well because of how they did it. I can see it being annoying for people who are not fans of the series and don't get Kojima, but between "TV Shows" during part of the main install and animations of Snake smoking, with user warnings, during the smaller chapter installs it is funny. They even work in jabs at the 360. And fans of MGS are unlikely to blink an eye as this is something they completely expect from Hideo Kojima. No, looking back, if they had done a giant install up front it would have lost something because the way it is now actually adds to it.

I see what you mean now. 👍

Sort of like how Colin McRae's DiRT lists off random stats from your performance during loading times... a feature I like. 👍

Honestly, I think you put a lot of faith in people thinking like you. Their thought processes will not make sense to you until you look at their motivations. We live in a world where everyone wants things right now (considering this started from people getting impatient for GT5 info) so the people with that mindset are not going to see it the way we can. We step back and realize the game slow me down later. All they know is they have to wait now.

Excellent point again... and as you say, illustrated by some of the comments in this and other threads. :indiff:

Imagine putting some of these impatient people on a 15.5k dial-up modem. You and I still remember eating dinner while waiting for a Web page to load or when calling a friend while you were out meant finding a pay phone first. Or even using phones where you had to wait for that nine to finish dialing before you could dial the next number.


Heck, I remember when dialup meant having to call with your normal phone, wait for the beeping, and then having to place the phone receiver in a special suction cup. The good old days of XYZ Talk at Dartmouth's Kiewit computer center... thank goodness times have changed. :)

We are just a couple of old timers FK. ;)

I second the motion above me. We are kinda going off topic with this whole HDD install thing. Back to Amar's post.

So what additional speculation would you like to read about or share with us on Amar's post... other than the possibility it may have a large install?
I see what you mean now. 👍

Sort of like how Colin McRae's DiRT lists off random stats from your performance during loading times... a feature I like. 👍

I think DiRT has been the only game with enjoyable loading times :lol:

One thing that confuses me though: If the PS3's formatting limits a max file size to 4GB (which it does) how come games such as Devil May Cry 4 and BioShock have 5GB installs? :confused:

sorry, a bit off-topic
IHeck, I remember when dialup meant having to call with your normal phone, wait for the beeping, and then having to place the phone receiver in a special suction cup. The good old days of XYZ Talk at Dartmouth's Kiewit computer center... thank goodness times have changed. :)

We are just a couple of old timers FK. ;)
I remember those "modems" too, I just didn't want to admit to it.

I also remember punch cards and pre-Web Internet. Barely, but I do.

Trade Wars was the best game ever!
One thing that confuses me though: If the PS3's formatting limits a max file size to 4GB (which it does) how come games such as Devil May Cry 4 and BioShock have 5GB installs? :confused:

Are you sure the internal HDD is formatted in FAT32 and not Sony's own proprietary file system format? I realize external USB drives need to be formatted to FAT32 for the PS3, but I had not heard that the internal drive is also formatted in FAT32.

I suppose, even if it was FAT32 or was limited to 4GB... that would only effect a single file. I suspect while a "game data" file might appear in the XMB as a single file, it can actually be the combination of many files... like the GT5P game data file, which I believe mine is over 7GB thanks to several GTTV downloads.

I also remember punch cards and pre-Web Internet. Barely, but I do.

Here's a scary bit of info. Back in 1981, for my 16th birthday my Uncle, who at the time was a General in the Air Force and commander of Beale AFB, treated me an amazing birthday present by giving me and my best friend a tour of Beale AFB... which at that time was one of the most seceretive military bases in the world and home of the infamous 9th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing and 1st Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron and their fleet of SR-71 Blackbirds & U2 spy planes... to this day, an experience I'll never forget and look forward to sharing with my son when he get's older.

In addition though, thanks to the cold war with the Soviet Union, they had recently built an extensive west coast missile defense system at Beale AFB called PAVE PAWS, which he also allowed us to visit.

The shocker came when he showed us the control room... and discovered all their computers were antiquated IBM main frames with nothing but punched cards for data entry and recovery... and this system was designed as a first response to a missile attack! :eek:

To their credit though, my uncle explained to me that the reason for the older computer technology was for security reasons as it apparently was far more secure then modern computer technology that was available back in the late 70's when the facility was being designed... but still, it was a surreal thing to see punch cards at such a high tech facility. :odd:

Trade Wars was the best game ever!

I have to say my first game experience remains my favorite, and that was playing Spacewar on Dartmouth's PDP-11 when I was about 8-9 years old...



And to think that computer was about 100 times bigger and 100 times more costly, but about 10,000 times LESS powerful than my PS3. Technology... you have to love it! 👍

OK, now back to your regularly programmed GT5 speculation...
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Something so big is cooking, you can't even imagine the size of it.

And there is something else cooking, which you can't even imagine the price of it.

And the third thing is also in the oven, but you can't even imagine it's even baking. And besides that third thing there is something else in the oven, I'd say it's the oven itself.

And I guess everything will be presented in the gala dinner in the weeks or months to come, but at the E3 latest.

And then you'll find out that day of the Fiest is also known even today.

And yes, my NDA is killing me so much that I can't even tell you how much you should be hungry. But I can assure you it will be the Fiest of the Gods.

Personally, I hope it's GT5 out this year, more cars and tracks than GT4 plus Porsche, Lamborghini, Marserati, Bugatti, Plus private rooms for online.

If all that happens, I swear upon my dead grandmother's grave my heaf will explode And I will piss my pants.

(Probably both at the same time, but i digress....)
Hey guys,
over here in Germany I already saw 2 magazines stating on the last page that they will unveil sth. very hot/interesting, one of these magazines (the so called: M! GAMES), states that this superhot unveiling will be exclusively for them (they will be the first ones to show it but i do not know in germany, europe or world) and it will come out on the 27th of february (with that i mean the magazine). So...because they are not the only ones to know this "new stuff", well maybe IT IS GT5...I really hope so, this would be awesome! I will tell you as soon as i can and will try to send scans if possible.

Hello Alex p.
We hope to hear news from you about this 2 magazines that come out today!

Give us good news!:nervous:

Hello Alex p.
We hope to hear news from you about this 2 magazines that come out today!

Give us good news!:nervous:


As I already mentioned, M! Games indeed reported about a horror action adventure. I don't think that print media will be the first to report anything new about GT, it'll be some press conference on E3 etc.
Hello Alex p.
We hope to hear news from you about this 2 magazines that come out today!

Give us good news!:nervous:


Wow guys I'm so sorry:indiff:, really sorry to dissappoint you:guilty:.
I just was hoping:ouch: They had a feature on some ****** game called: Dantes Inferno, but NOTHIN' about GT.
Whatever, do not get desperate! I'm sure we get some news rather soon and they will blow us away!:)
Wow guys I'm so sorry:indiff:, really sorry to dissappoint you:guilty:.
I just was hoping:ouch: They had a feature on some ****** game called: Dantes Inferno, but NOTHIN' about GT.
Whatever, do not get desperate! I'm sure we get some news rather soon and they will blow us away!:)

I think everyone is being incredibly patient - almost to the point of masochism! I know that you are bound by an NDA Amar but you could just pm someone the details and deny all knowledge if Polyphony kick up a fuss. Go on - we dare ya!!!

*edited because I got the OP's name wrong - sorry!
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I think everyone is being incredibly patient - almost to the point of masochism! I know that you are bound by an NDA Alex P but you could just pm someone the details and deny all knowledge if Polyphony kick up a fuss. Go on - we dare ya!!!

Alex P is not Amar ;)
I have to say my first game experience remains my favorite, and that was playing Spacewar on Dartmouth's PDP-11 when I was about 8-9 years old...
You officially win the Geezer Gamer Award.
On one of the recent IGN Podcasts they say they were given a release list by Sony for this financial year (upto March 2010) and GT5 is nowhere to be seen, even Gods of War 3 is on there.
On one of the recent IGN Podcasts they say they were given a release list by Sony for this financial year (upto March 2010) and GT5 is nowhere to be seen, even Gods of War 3 is on there.
If it hasn't been officially announced it won't be on a press release.
GT5 is gonna suprise us. It won't be predicted or anything its just going to come.
On one of the recent IGN Podcasts they say they were given a release list by Sony for this financial year (upto March 2010) and GT5 is nowhere to be seen, even Gods of War 3 is on there.

Well Amar said that everything will be revealed NO LATER than E3. By then, we should know a release date and a ton of game details. But yes, up to this point, there has been no official release date given.

At the same time, technically GT5 hasn't even been delayed yet :sly:
I think everyone is being incredibly patient - almost to the point of masochism! I know that you are bound by an NDA Alex P but you could just pm someone the details and deny all knowledge if Polyphony kick up a fuss. Go on - we dare ya!!!

You're serious?...if so...I have to dissappoint you here as well.:sly:
As MAX_DC said it already I'm not amar, just an ordinary guy as the most of us here hoping that GT5 is coming soon.:)
GT5 is gonna suprise us. It won't be predicted or anything its just going to come.

The fact that yamauchi stated this twice, and that now amar is confirming this, i really think it will a big and pleasant suprise coming our way soon.. few more weeks, perhaps days? :nervous::nervous::nervous::nervous:
Perhaps months, put it out of mind and it will appear to come quicker.
Ratchet & Clank Future II hasn't been announced yet either, but it's virtually guaranteed to be released by the end of November. I don't think Amar would be so excited if GT5 was still a year away or more.
Perhaps months, put it out of mind and it will appear to come quicker.

What's this thread about? .........Hey, try the new events, the 550 PP races are good fun.:dopey:
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