As usual FK, you make some excellent points, but I still have trouble understanding some of the logic behind many of the rants I've read over install times... especially if it cuts down on the time they actually are sitting and staring at the TV during in-game load times. Or do people really just sit and stare at the TV when they install games???
20 minutes for the install was crazy. Since then Capcom has gotten the RE5 install times to be much shorter. Bioshock also has a 5GB install. I didn't complain about it because it was nearly finishefd in the time it took me to go pee and fill a water bottle at the sink (with water, not pee).
I don't find the install itself problematic, just the 20 minutes it took to do it. MGS4 totals about 15 minutes of install time, but breaks it up between chapters so you don't feel like you just wasted a ton of time.
I agree that its great if an install can be done quickly, and if their is proof that a developer screwed up and somehow made an install take a great deal longer then necessary, then that's definitely something that deserves to be brought to the developer's attention.
However, even if an install takes 20 minutes, what's the big deal. It takes longer than that just to go out and buy a game, and again, no one is forcing anyone that I know of to sit and stare at the TV watching it install. I know, you mentioned an example of someone who apparently may only have 45 minutes to play the game... and I agree that downloads should be optional for just such a case... but seriously, that's a pretty extreme case when someone is who just so happens to get a game for the very first time and only has a few minutes to play it... and can't be patient enough to play it another time when they do.
Also, I would find game installs like MGS4 that break it down between chapters FAR more annoying, and I seriously hope GT5 doesn't do this, because instead of just one easy install now they are effectively making me sit through the install bases as it happens between chapters while I'm playing it!
It's not just installs either. I had not played Hot Shots Golf 5 in a long time and apparently they had released several new feature updates that totaled around 6GB of data! When I saw it was going to take a long time to download, I simply switched over to CNN, used the PIP feature on the TV to show the PS3 status in a small window, and caught up on some news while it was installing. No big deal.
As for needing bigger hard drives, I suppose it comes down to convenience, and of course patience. In practice, it's possible to even have just a 40GB drive and own and play lots of games... it just means you'll occasionally have to delete game installs of games you rarely play, or don't plan on playing any time soon.
The fact that you can now get 1TB drives for $100 and 320GB drives for under $50 for the PS3 is why I personally decided it was worth it to get a larger drive, and despite having over 200 games and demos on my 320GB hard drive, I still have plenty of space left. 👍
However, I agree that for those who have a lot of games and or download a lot of movies, videos, and other content, and have a console other than a PS3 that not only limits you to the choices and sizes of your hard drive, but that cost a great deal more money as well
(I certainly couldn't imagine paying around $200 for a 120GB drive, or not being able to have a much larger drive at all)... that would most certainly not be good.