Ongoing PSN outages

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That is shocking. These pathetic people need to be brought to justice, they're trying to get information on someone's kids, that just crosses the line as far as I'm concerned. All this fuss over a Playstation feature being removed is ridiculous, these people need to get a sense of perspective on life.
A pro-Sony website is stretching the truth. How unsurprising.
I am more than capable of doing something else to pass the time, but I wanted to pass tonight's spare time playing video games on the PS3 online. I guess wanting to enjoy tonight's spare time with my choice hobby for the night is wrong?
Did I say that? No, I didn't.

But since you can't, you can do something else since there is no way you can bring up the servers until Sony & Anon are done playing around with each other. Nothing bad has happened to your life, you just aren't able to play a PS3 online.
What if these DoS attacks were to last for a week? A month? A year? Would you be taking the same stance? The point is, any length of inconvenience to innocents, i.e. everyone but Sony, is too much.
Dramatic much? Anon will get bored & stop.

I have read about Anon's past shenanigans, so I know what their modus operandi is. In this case, Anon has taken the stance that their DoS is more important than the inconvenience to all the innocents with this attack. That is a fairly large mishandling of the situation, especially when Anon has stated that they are trying to protect consumers with these attacks on Sony. Sounds a bit hypocritical to me.
Anon is hacking their servers in retaliation for Sony trying to prosecute one of their own for hacking.

You're nothing more than collateral damage.
Anonymous Gets Serious, Attacks Sony Employees
Also, is that an okay way for Anon to let Sony know they are serious, especially if something serious comes from it? Nothing may come of it, but if something does, it could be tragic.
Dramatic, again. Anon will do nothing tragic. Even bother reading your own link? The worst they're doing is leaving prank phone calls & other childish things.

Surprised you also didn't read the part where it said it was another group as well.
I was not aware that a verdict had been rendered on the case. But if you are arguing that GeoHot is innocent until proven guilty, then I would agree with you. Until all of the evidence is presented and a verdict is rendered, Anon has no business commenting on the situation, especially when their actions involves the inconveniencing of a large number of people.
You know absolutely zero about the current case. The evidence & claims are being twisted by Sony to make the 2 men look guilty. That is why Anon is hacking Sony.

If Sony had handled the case better, Anon would not have attacked Sony.
What exactly has Sony done so far in the lawsuit that is so evil?

I read they asked for paypal info and IP addresses but neither of those are out of the ordinary in this kind of lawsuit.

Also, the whole "you can just do something else" argument really doesn't work. They are taking away my right to play online, sure I can do something else, bit I want to play online, that's my choice and they aren't in the position to say whether or not I should be able to.
this didn't affect me at all as i had no time to play at all yesterday :P
Oh, you mean just like how Sony prosecuting GeoHot for doing something to his own property, & not Sony's anymore?

Or how about the fact that Sony wants the information of anyone who has visited his website or sent money to his PayPal? That's right, if I sent money to GeoHot for whatever reason, Sony wanted my info, information they have no right to. These website visitors & those who have sent money to him are not on trial, yet now their information is out for Sony to look at & decide if they are worth going after.

Sony is in no position to be looking at this information, yet they have it now so they can use it against both men.

How many of you like the fact now that Sony can use any information you provided the PSN with for their own use?
Oh, you mean just like how Sony prosecuting GeoHot for doing something to his own property, & not Sony's anymore?

Or how about the fact that Sony wants the information of anyone who has visited his website or sent money to his PayPal? That's right, if I sent money to GeoHot for whatever reason, Sony wanted my info, information they have no right to. These website visitors & those who have sent money to him are not on trial, yet now their information is out for Sony to look at & decide if they are worth going after.

Sony is in no position to be looking at this information, yet they have it now so they can use it against both men.

1)It's called Intellectual Property, the PS3 is considered Sony's intellectual property. Like it or not they have a say in how it's used.

2) They requested the paypal and IP address info to show that it has had an effect on their income by showing how to hack and use pirated versions of software on their system.
How many of you like the fact now that Sony can use any information you provided the PSN with for their own use?

No credit card info nor real address provided. only my facebook account.... i should be fine if i deactivate my facebook account :)
1)It's called Intellectual Property, the PS3 is considered Sony's intellectual property. Like it or not they have a say in how it's used.
Which is wrong because they claim they have every right to tell you how to use it the moment it is turned on. You bought the system, you have every right to do what you want with it. Geo hasn't agreed to any terms with the PSN.

2) They requested the paypal and IP address info to show that it has had an effect on their income by showing how to hack and use pirated versions of software on their system.
That's not what they're using it for. They're using it to get the information of anyone who has sent Geo money, visited his website, or had contact with his twitter. They don't want anyone to know how their system works & will sue anyone attempting to find out, share, or seek how the PS3 runs.

You bought the system, you have every right to take it apart.

This is the same company that as soon as Geo went on vacation to South America, Sony was claiming he was guilty & fleeing the country. His lawyers then presented information that he was in contact the whole week.

Regardless of this, Anon is not attacking Sony because they are suing Geo. They are attacking Sony because of the information they're asking for & the way Sony believes you should use your own PS3.
Did I say that? No, I didn't.

With what you said, it certainly seemed to imply so.

But since you can't, you can do something else since there is no way you can bring up the servers until Sony & Anon are done playing around with each other. Nothing bad has happened to your life, you just aren't able to play a PS3 online.

The only reason I was not able to play online tonight is because Anon decided they needed to try and make a statement; I believe their statement to be unjustified at this time and their actions to be an unneeded annoyance. If their attacks were actually justified, then I would not be as upset or upset at all at the inconvenience.

Dramatic much? Anon will get bored & stop.

It might be overly dramatic, but I still am of the opinion that any unnecessary inconvenience, whether it be for one: minute; hour; day; week; month; etc; at this point is completely unjustified.

Anon is hacking their servers in retaliation for Sony trying to prosecute one of their own for hacking.

You're nothing more than collateral damage.

I am not happy at being collateral damage. See above.

Dramatic, again. Anon will do nothing tragic. Even bother reading your own link? The worst they're doing is leaving prank phone calls & other childish things.

Surprised you also didn't read the part where it said it was another group as well.

Certainly you do not believe this other group should not be lumped in with Anon? Anon is responsible for the initial attacks and should be held accountable in some manner for inspiring the resulting splinter group(s), especially when the splinter group(s) seem to just be renaming themselves to feed their own egos or distinguish them as a "slightly" different group. Either way, this splinter group is no different than Anon at this point, as both have directed attacks and threats towards Sony.

You know absolutely zero about the current case. The evidence & claims are being twisted by Sony to make the 2 men look guilty. That is why Anon is hacking Sony.

If Sony had handled the case better, Anon would not have attacked Sony.

I have read enough to know that Sony's lawyers have mishandled some of this case, a case that is still going through the judicial process. This is no way gives Anon an excuse to indirectly attack innocents and cause unnecessary collateral damage. Once a verdict is rendered and is judged to be right or wrong, then Anon should accordingly start their shenanigans. Otherwise, they are no better than Sony's lawyers with their spins on the evidence and just making a fire, when a fire is not yet needed.
The only reason I was not able to play online tonight is because Anon decided they needed to try and make a statement; I believe their statement to be unjustified at this time and their actions to be an unneeded annoyance. If their attacks were actually justified, then I would not be as upset or upset at all at the inconvenience.
That's your opinion on it.

It might be overly dramatic, but I still am of the opinion that any unnecessary inconvenience, whether it be for one: minute; hour; day; week; month; etc; at this point is completely unjustified.
Again, being over dramatic.

Certainly you do not believe this other group should not be lumped in with Anon? Anon is responsible for the initial attacks and should be held accountable in some manner for inspiring the resulting splinter group(s), especially when the splinter group(s) seem to just be renaming themselves to feed their own egos or distinguish them as a "slightly" different group. Either way, this splinter group is no different than Anon at this point, as both have directed attacks and threats towards Sony.
1. Again, Anon doesn't care.
2. OpSony did not tell other groups to start going after specific people.

And btw, I think it's incredibly hilarious how you type as if this is some sort of terrorist-type group who launch "tragic" events on people.
I have read enough to know that Sony's lawyers have mishandled some of this case, a case that is still going through the judicial process. This is no way gives Anon an excuse to indirectly attack innocents and cause unnecessary collateral damage. Once a verdict is rendered and is judged to be right or wrong, then Anon should accordingly start their shenanigans. Otherwise, they are no better than Sony's lawyers with their spins on the evidence and just making a fire, when a fire is not yet needed.
A verdict isn't needed because that's not what they're after. Pay attention. They are doing this because of how Sony is twisting facts & going after others' people info. They won't wait for a verdict to be issued when the actions are wrong to begin with.

I think this is probably a good post to stop because you're thinking way too much of a group who does things for the lulz, & talking as if you think they really give a rat's ass if you can't play online. If you're really that bothered, go to 4Chan, and complain there. You'll find out quickly how many other things you can't start doing online real fast.
Phoa this turned into troll madness.

I'l be honest, if i wanted to play GT5 last night it would have pissed me off. The "Go outside" thing is the stupidest thing i ever heard.

Fancy playing some computer games tonight, ahh it doesnt work... No worries i'l just go and stand outside in the cold and dark, no problem... living the dream.

Fancy playing some computer games tonight, ahh it doesnt work... No worries i'l just go and stand outside in the cold and dark, no problem... living the dream.

If your nightlife is all that can consist of, well, then I guess it sucks for you either way. :lol:
Fancy playing some computer games tonight, ahh it doesnt work... No worries i'l just go and stand outside in the cold and dark, no problem... living the dream.

Best reply 👍
Maybe smoke a fag while your at it...

So now on the topic

On a legal matter i see it like this:
The consumer owns the console, he can do whatever he fancy about (destroy it , pee on it, play with it, do what you effing want), but the software side, being constantly updated, with added value, is an intellectual propriety of Sony.

So as long as Hotz and the rest of the trolling nation would have had an offline crack and not brag about it on the internet, would have been the more reflective choice.
Look at the psp, Sony didn't go after them.

And as this is supposably a Linux affair, and thus beeing software side, it's Sony good right to do whatever they think is right.

Now on the DDOS attacks,
Sorry but for a real hacker agglomarate, DDOS attacks is a bit of lame (from a hacker viewpoint).
Plus i hope Sony installed tracer software, knowing this would happen, trace down the IP of the DDOS attacks and then screw this guys over and over again (sure they only get a few, but they get some at least).
Hackers think they can disguise, well look at the wikileaks actions taken by anon.
Police arrested several operators of the DDOS attacks in several countries.
Using proxy servers make them think they are hidden. Wow, and they call themself hackers:crazy:
75% of theses so called hackers (downloading a DDOS program and following internet tutos is not hacking imho) are little 15-35 year old virgins, living in mama's basement. get a life and a job.
Do something useful for society (like your Egypt project)
Some of the more serious Hackers clubs don't even participate in those kind of things (CCC Germany)

On anon note:
what a group of retarded little *******...
"Freedom of speech, blablabla
Signed anonymously"
Really, not revealling your real name, and then attacking a company not revealing what they think matters to them.
Wow, not hypocritcal at all
"put your little "firemen" in a beehive,..."
Really "firemen" (btw they did not say firemen) shows the age of such a group as does their whole declaration of internet lulz.

On the matter of Hotz,
He seems like a tech savy guy, who could have accomplished a lot in his life with his knowledge, but no... he thinks he is some humanist hacking a PS3 and iphone, in seek of geek internet fame because he had no real sense of accomplishement in real life.
As he is in hacking he should have passed some time actually reading the stories of other hackers, maybe he would have noticed that every hacker who dared a big action got, in 90% of the cases, caught. Reading futher he would have noticed that all of them regret that they took their knowledge to harm society and actually nearly all of them turn around and now have a pretty job and write fancy algorythms.
And non of them would be pleased if their code was stolen by somewhat wanna be "white hackers".
look at the story of the 2 germans (HL2 source code, and sasser worm), turned their life arounds.
For the HL2 hacker, he could have been prosecuted in the US and would have done jailtime as a minor, but german police got him first, which probably saved him from serving jailtime

On that bombshell, it's time to conclude
Anon and Hotz are not White hackers. They are black hackers, the scum of the hacker world.

Good night, good fight
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That was the stupidest reply I have ever seen.

BTW, the terms are white hat & black hat. Don't talk of things you clearly have no knowledge of. :rolleyes:
That´s so ironic...
I played pirated PC games all my entire life... and when i try to go to the right path (buy a PS3 and an original GT5 copy) im screwed by who? Yeah, maybe i should still in the piracy side... and not buy a PS3.

Jailbreaks, homebrews... we all know that the final result are the pirated games and the weakness of the gamming industry as a whole.

BTW, the business of Sony Inc. are trustble, so i wouldn´t be afraid of spend money with my credit card at the PSN... but now after this attack i would think twice, maybe trice...
Having a full time job, and a life, like many people means i often have only a small opportunity to have a go on my PS3. If like last night, that window of opportunity is closed due to a bunch of ***** ******* about with the PSN because they feel handcuffed by Sony not letting them do what Sony don't wish them to do with their product, then i know which direction my irritation is aimed at and it ain't at Sony. In fact, making their stand against it only makes me want to support Sony more.
I don't think PSN was meant to be taken down, that was just a lucky side effect. You would think Sony would keep the PSN and web hosting servers quite separate. Unless they did specifically target PSN.

In any case, this is not something which is particularly productive compared to other "targets", although it is true that "major lolz" are to be had when taking down PSN.
That´s so ironic...
I played pirated PC games all my entire life... and when i try to go to the right path (buy a PS3 and an original GT5 copy) im screwed by who? Yeah, maybe i should still in the piracy side... and not buy a PS3.

Jailbreaks, homebrews... we all know that the final result are the pirated games and the weakness of the gamming industry as a whole.

Global gaming industry is doing just fine, despite the efforts of people like yourself. 👍

You bought the system, you have every right to do what you want with it.

Even though you agreed otherwise, by law, when buying the system!

Hacking PSN really isn't going to help their cause, can't say it overly bothers me. Good luck trying to take on the likes of Sony's legal team.
Where do the US army fall into things with this then, since they created a super computer running on thousands of PS3's with linux installed. Isnt that essencially the same thing?
Well they surely had the autorisation for the usage and they don't need psn, the mandatory updates in order to play games. So the army is fine. As said the hardware is yours, the software (psn and Os) is sony's.
And as we are on the subject of software licensing, there are lawsuits going on regarding this, thus you need to differenciate between an software that is purchased (Windows, Office, Adobe,...) and a software given for free usage with the purchase of the hardware (ps3)

And MacLaren:
If your problem is with the collect of data linked to hotz...
Well that has nothing to do with Sony. A judge autorised this under the american law.
So attack that system, or are they too scared of the possible sentences for attacking a gouverment server?
Sony is just taking all the possiblities given by the Us system.
And what they you do against google and their shared databased with the nsa, or the surveillance of phonecalls.?

And for the free information : Anon, I want the recipe of KFC chicken. ;) That should be public too than
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And MacLaren:
If your problem is with the collect of data linked to hotz...
Well that has nothing to do with Sony. A judge autorised this under the american law.
So attack that system, or are they too scared of the possible sentences for attacking a gouverment server?
Sony is just taking all the possiblities given by the Us system.
And what they you do against google and their shared databased with the nsa, or the surveillance of phonecalls.?

And for the free information : Anon, I want the recipe of KFC chicken. ;) That should be public too than
A judge authorized it because Sony asked for it, so yes, Sony does have something to do with it. Esp. when they twisted their claim around to get such a grant. They have no right to it. Those people are innocent & Sony has no business on whether they should be taken action against because of some interest in hacking. It is part of the reason Sony was hacked in the first place.

As for a gov. server, they have attacked them as well. It's why many people who know about 4Chan take note to not mess with them. Many of the people within Anon are incredibly intelligent.
Global gaming industry is doing just fine, despite the efforts of people like yourself. 👍

Effort or lack of effort, lol?
Who is the lazy in the whole history?
Ill not even try to explain to you how many cost any kind of hardware or software related for gamming in my country, ill just give you a tip: The tax charged for the same games are exactly the same applied to gambling. Go figuring... a G27 here cost trice in here than in US, and plus our per capita personal incomes are lesser inversely. But thats not the main subject, so let it be...

BTW, you are half-right when you said "despite". I can´t figure how bigger would be the gamming industry if there was technicaly no piracy comanding the sector. Also i can´t imagine how the gamming companies (specialy the smaller ones) would have more conditions to invest in more creative genres and formulas, outgoing from the obviously boring scene that we have in the last years (sequences, rebots, remakes...).

Just dont throw in the air the idea that pirated gamming doesn´t affect the whole market chain. Maybe it can boost any specific videogame sale in numbers (it explain why the PS3 surpassed the XBox 360 in total number of sales), but there is no doubt that the number and of releases / genres will gradually drop... specialy in a system like the PS3, where the money invested to build a good game is huge.
Effort or lack of effort, lol?
Who is the lazy in the whole history?
Ill not even try to explain to you how many cost any kind of hardware or software related for gamming in my country, ill just give you a tip: The tax charged for the same games are exactly the same applied to gambling. Go figuring... a G27 here cost trice in here than in US, and plus our per capita personal incomes are lesser inversely. But thats not the main subject, so let it be...

BTW, you are half-right when you said "despite". I can´t figure how bigger would be the gamming industry if there was technicaly no piracy comanding the sector. Also i can´t imagine how the gamming companies (specialy the smaller ones) would have more conditions to invest in more creative genres and formulas, outgoing from the obviously boring scene that we have in the last years (sequences, rebots, remakes...).

Just dont throw in the air the idea that pirated gamming doesn´t affect the whole market chain. Maybe it can boost any specific videogame sale in numbers (it explain why the PS3 surpassed the XBox 360 in total number of sales), but there is no doubt that the number and of releases / genres will gradually drop... specialy in a system like the PS3, where the money invested to build a good game is huge.

Sorry for the Off Topic Reply But isn't that Unconfirmed yet?
Sorry for the Off Topic Reply But isn't that Unconfirmed yet?

The story yes, the reason no...

"In addition, Gamasutra has also reported numbers from Strategy Analytics that show PS3's total worldwide sales now number 43.4m consoles. Xbox 360 stands at 42.9m."
That's not what they're using it for. They're using it to get the information of anyone who has sent Geo money, visited his website, or had contact with his twitter. They don't want anyone to know how their system works & will sue anyone attempting to find out, share, or seek how the PS3 runs.

Any links? That is a rather serious accusation.

I also don't see anything wrong with not wanting people to figure out how your stuff works, I don't think F1 would be very interesting if they didn't have secrets.

You bought the system, you have every right to take it apart.

There are hundreds of websites that show you how to fix/mod PS3's that Sony doesn't seem to have a problem with. Key difference is that those don't show you how to make it possible to do illegal things on the PS3.

If your nightlife is all that can consist of, well, then I guess it sucks for you either way. :lol:

In case you haven't noticed, weeknights usually are slow nights when it comes to nightlife. Those job things mess those up.
Effort or lack of effort, lol?
Who is the lazy in the whole history?
Ill not even try to explain to you how many cost any kind of hardware or software related for gamming in my country, ill just give you a tip: The tax charged for the same games are exactly the same applied to gambling. Go figuring... a G27 here cost trice in here than in US, and plus our per capita personal incomes are lesser inversely. But thats not the main subject, so let it be...

Completely understand the difference between markets in disposable income available to people. Unfortunately, if the price of hardware or software is reduced in somewhere where people have less disposable income, then the other markets can have disgruntled customers. In any case, still no excuse for stealing. I can't afford the very nice Scirocco's in the local VW dealer, doesn't mean I'm going to go and grab the keys for one in the middle of the night.

Just dont throw in the air the idea that pirated gamming doesn´t affect the whole market chain.

I said no such thing. I said that the industry isn't as weak as you implicated from piracy.
Any links? That is a rather serious accusation.
Try Googling it?
The judge is allowing Sony to grab the visitor data ranging from January 2009 through to now. That means if you visited the site and didn’t mask your IP Sony will know it. Exactly what Sony will do with the visitor data is unknown right now, but presumably, they could start a campaign of legal suits and harassment of RIAA caliber.

From the link below.
What’s more, the company is demanding that a federal judge order Google to surrender the IP addresses and other identifying information (.pdf) of those who have viewed or commented about the jailbreak video on a private YouTube page. The game maker is also demanding that Twitter provide the identities of a host of hackers who first unveiled a limited version of the hack in December.
There are several other websites revealing what Sony is demanding, including PayPal information of folks in contact with Geo.

1 web host has already denied Sony on the grounds of privacy.
I also don't see anything wrong with not wanting people to figure out how your stuff works, I don't think F1 would be very interesting if they didn't have secrets.
Not even remotely similar. The average joe schmoe can't go out & buy a F1 car to begin with.

There are hundreds of websites that show you how to fix/mod PS3's that Sony doesn't seem to have a problem with. Key difference is that those don't show you how to make it possible to do illegal things on the PS3.
Hundreds of websites that Sony more than likely does not know about. Sony does not want anyone modding their system; the current lawsuits in effect make it pretty clear.

You're the one making the claims, I'm not wasting my time to prove your point.

The judge is allowing Sony to grab the visitor data ranging from January 2009 through to now. That means if you visited the site and didn’t mask your IP Sony will know it. Exactly what Sony will do with the visitor data is unknown right now, but presumably, they could start a campaign of legal suits and harassment of RIAA caliber.

Funny, you complain about people using biased sites in support of Sony, yet do the same against them. See they use the word presumably, that means that they came to their own conclusion based on what they believed is correct, it's not based on anything factual.

There are several other websites revealing what Sony is demanding, including PayPal information of folks in contact with Geo.

Once again, so? Sony requested it to show he is making a profit by infringing on their intellectual property.

Hundreds of websites that Sony more than likely does not know about. Sony does not want anyone modding their system; the current lawsuits in effect make it pretty clear.

1) How do you know Sony doesn't know about them?

2) The link you provided is talking about a case where the person hacked the console solely to allow it to run pirated software. Now sure, you'll say that wasn't the intention of hacking the system, I'll buy that excuse when I find someone who buys those funny looking "tobacco pipes" at the smoke shop and actually uses them for tobacco.
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