Online Meeting (PAL)

  • Thread starter Fyshokid
i can back Zabeu up many times over...when ever we have an racing incident online, he always waits for me. i'm sure we don't all need to read the racing rules anymore. the person on the inside of the corner has the right over the guy on the outside, aslong as any part of the car on the inside is parallel with any part of the the car on the outside.

same thing happened to me with a KOR racer i think a few days back, i was on the inside...he turned into me and went into the kitty...i normally stop...even if it wasn't my fault be thats just out of good shouldn't hold it against them if they dont have to stop! it was the guy on the outsides fault. he is the only one to blame in my opinion.


just had a few decent races with Sjaak and quite a few with RudiRaser

Great race there Rudi 👍

Had a nice nudge from a racer who took the inside thus making me play with some sand :D

Once again there are sooooo many stubborn racers. I was overtaking someone who got a penalty before Casino Triangle and they blocked me!!

Having a break for now 👍
No pun intended but what you need to do scooby is keep your assumptions to yourself.
Yeah it's true i had connection problems last night and kept trying to get back at it , and yeah even intentionally left the race once after seeing 2 guys in it that i promised to myself i wont be a part of the same race with, ever again! wasnt aware that i was the host and really sorry you got caught up in it Rebel.

On a lighter note, welcome! and really nice race this evening 👍 , hope you realise i wont let you win next one :sly:

q: does anyone know why i get to be host for 90% of the races i enter ? could it be that my con. type is NAT1 ?

Do you have brother or something, cause couple days ago you were hosting many times too, and almost everytime race ended to disconnection.
Two times I was few seconds behind you, and saw you spin, and then came disconnection. Many other said same that day, if you go pages back and watch. It was really frustrating.
No pun intended but what you need to do scooby is keep your assumptions to yourself.

I do not wish to enter into a slagging match or mud slinging contest but here are the facts.

I was on-line most of Sunday, i know you were also because i entered your lobby four times. Every single time your tyres touched gravel you disconnected. If you go and have a look at sundays posts you will see it wasn't just me you were p:censored:ing off

assumptions = facts
The heat is on again at the PAL meeting :crazy:
Just noted some settings for the Spec III update :indiff:

Ive just noticed something about my racing online...
When I get nudged or have made mistake I lose my rhythm...which then makes another mistake. E.g I was nudged off at the first part of the Esses then each turn ended up in sand...

Anyone else have the rhythm problem or otherwise a person just king at racing :scared:
GTP_maX from Romania!!
I've had enough..two times in a row you are the host and in both cases you quit when you ended up in a gravel and I don't think it's a problem with your connection because there was no lag in both races whatsoever..
The funny thing is you used to be GTP_maXzibit or something and I also experienced problems when racing against you,always --> you in the gravel --> race destroyed for everyone else..I understand that it can be really disturbing being punted out but could you please STOP!!
it's a shame KOR_Onslaught that we couldn't finish our battle,it was one of the best races I ever had untill 130R on lap 3 when our friend from Romania decided he had enough..
I hope maX that next time you will just chill (maybe smoke a cig or something) out and let others finish their races,you don't have to be on a podium in every race..peace..


same here...2 times in a row,as soon as he hits the dirt he disconnects....sad sad sad...:yuck:



MaX_(RO), did it again. I saw him spin just before Casio, and then 'disconnect'. What a shame.

...and he was host. I'm sure about that.

...and again he did it!


Yes, this was also my experience for two races in a row....... 👎

......and a third time, overtook him when he was sideways standing still on the road and...... disconnected!


sorry for multiple posts, i think thats enough assumption for now
The heat is on again at the PAL meeting :crazy:
Just noted some settings for the Spec III update :indiff:

Ive just noticed something about my racing online...
When I get nudged or have made mistake I lose my rhythm...which then makes another mistake. E.g I was nudged off at the first part of the Esses then each turn ended up in sand...

Anyone else have the rhythm problem or otherwise a person just king at racing :scared:

I suffer that too, If i make 1 mistake it leads to another. :grumpy: 👍

hey guys :) Joining suz xx.12 ...

Cool, see you there. 👍

I suffer that too, If i make 1 mistake it leads to another. :grumpy: 👍

Thats if you make a mistake and usually you dont :sly:

I should race with a scooby for online, its faster than my R8 but slower in corners like a bit slower which doesnt help :indiff:

Ill be racing later :sly:
Do you have brother or something, cause couple days ago you were hosting many times too, and almost everytime race ended to disconnection.
Two times I was few seconds behind you, and saw you spin, and then came disconnection. Many other said same that day, if you go pages back and watch. It was really frustrating.

As a matter of fact i did had some friends over on sunday , 2 of them play gt5p aswell and yeah they did try my wheel why me and the others was watching a movie, but why would you give a rats arse about it .. right Scooby? :)

Ok! first i want to apologise to all you fine racers that were caught up in it, mostly to you Scooby because if it wasnt for your post i wouldnt of jumped back to read the posts from sunday. I almost fell off my chair :dopey:

After being hit in the face with this is quite hard for me to get up and continue to build up my reputation (wich is less than nothing at the moment :) ) ; Also just got to read the psn messages... sorry i didnt ceck them earlier (nice message btw benannt...did it's job)
Been a gtp memeber for 6 years , had my fair share of races but i would never do that bull**** Scooby and the others said ; not saying it didnt happen because i'm shure it did, just letting you know that it wasnt the same guy writing this apology wall of text.

So! main point is.. i will ask a moderator to remove my user from the GTP database (if any mod. is reading this please delete it ..thanks in advance)

Thank you for all the good time i spent here gentlemens , and i will see you on the track hopefully 👍 Cheers!
I think resigning your GTP tag is a little over the top, if you keep your GTP account but ensure that non of your freinds race on your gtp account then they shouldnt be anymore problems right?
As a matter of fact i did had some friends over on sunday , 2 of them play gt5p aswell and yeah they did try my wheel why me and the others was watching a movie, but why would you give a rats arse about it .. right Scooby? :)

Ok! first i want to apologise to all you fine racers that were caught up in it, mostly to you Scooby because if it wasnt for your post i wouldnt of jumped back to read the posts from sunday. I almost fell off my chair :dopey:

After being hit in the face with this is quite hard for me to get up and continue to build up my reputation (wich is less than nothing at the moment :) ) ; Also just got to read the psn messages... sorry i didnt ceck them earlier (nice message btw benannt...did it's job)
Been a gtp memeber for 6 years , had my fair share of races but i would never do that bull**** Scooby and the others said ; not saying it didnt happen because i'm shure it did, just letting you know that it wasnt the same guy writing this apology wall of text.

So! main point is.. i will ask a moderator to remove my user from the GTP database (if any mod. is reading this please delete it ..thanks in advance)

Thank you for all the good time i spent here gentlemens , and i will see you on the track hopefully 👍 Cheers!

Thats just what I was thinking then, and I really believe your explanation. It was not GTP type of driving, and there is no sense quitting when everybody can see the name before race. Dont take it yourself too hard. It's now explained, and thats it. Do like I did...I created another PSN ID for those situations when few of my friends sometimes comes to my house and want to test this great game. It tooks 10 minutes and one e-mail address, and your own name is safe.
As a matter of fact i did had some friends over on sunday , 2 of them play gt5p aswell and yeah they did try my wheel why me and the others was watching a movie, but why would you give a rats arse about it .. right Scooby? :)

Why would'nt i give a rats arse, you seem to be taking a lot of stick for something you did'nt do. I'm sorry it has been brought to your attention in such a public manner, has for quitting the site after six years of involvement i think that is a big mistake when people know the truth they will forgive you and carry on:)
Thats if you make a mistake and usually you dont :sly:

I make my fair share, Sorry Sjaak for the nudge, my bad, Was really enjoying that battle untill FocusRS in a GTR came back on track without looking and took me out of the action. :grumpy:

See you all tomorrow. 👍
Thanks for the racing tonight.:)

Also cool to see more and more racers use the max. PP for a race.

By following a schedule in order to meet clean and fair racing mates their is no need to have a grid advantage.👍
Good racing there people. A few traffic jams... (longest traffic jam for me is 2laps I sooooo wanted to pass but couldnt...)

Ive just attained 2million cr. now what???? I want a F1 car BUT it says I cant get it... does it mean I have to complete S class??? (-_-')

Sorry If I nudged anyone for reasons like later braking, bad reflexs when tailing a person who is tailing another.

Once again my mistake rhythm strikes... do one mistake and the next corner is a mistake....

off to GTA 👍
Do like I did...I created another PSN ID for those situations when few of my friends sometimes comes to my house and want to test this great game. It tooks 10 minutes and one e-mail address, and your own name is safe.

+1 👍

That is the best way around this without a doubt! Total agreement with Aki .. I never let anyone use my account ..... EVER! :sly: and thats simply because I fear the damage they could do to my credability .. I mean I can crash myself and I know how to bloomin race!

I done the exact same ages ago and created extra accounts for my family members and a silly named account just for visitors who don't know a PS3 from a fish tank ;)

Just safeguard your account as you would your wallet and move on 👍
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No problem 👍

I was just trying out the skyline for some reason. Beer probably :dopey:
Enjoyed it though - might stick with it for a while...