Online Racing -> Apologies Here!

I would apologize to smoove1 in the Clio for running him into the wall, and then brake-checking him when he tried to ram me from behind. But you tried to slam into every single person who ever tried to pass you in several races, including me in my yellow tuned 'Vette.
So no apology. Now knock it off, and stop trying to ram cars bigger than yours, dummy! :grumpy:
Maybe Mario Kart is more your thing.
This is a pretty vauge appology, but I was racing at suzuka 600 PP a few days ago. I entered a race with I think 1 other driver(may have been more). I was ready to have a decent race, however I got a phone virtually a few seconds after the race had started. The phone call was from somebody that I really did'nt want to ignore and I answered it. I made a half hearted attempt to race with 1 hand which I had little success with. I had no intention of quiting the race and the other driver even slowed down for me. I can't remember the name of the driver but I have seen a post in a topic about a similar situation and I believe I could have been the culprit. Hopefully if/when voice chat is implemented these kinds of situations can be avoided. I accept full responsibility for my actions and hope that in future I can have some good clean races with members of this community.
I owe an apology to GTP_Darth_Drift, for an attempted sloppy pass coming out of turn one at suzuka last night. I had no room on the inside and I think it was three wide at one point, two wheels on, two wheels off, then lost it trying to make the pass. I didn't hit him but it was stupid for me to push at that time.
Sorry to JDMFC for taking him out on the hairpin at Suzuka. My fault, I hit the brakes too late and rammed him into the sand. I waited, but I ruined both of our chances in that race.
My profuse apologies to GTP_Enzo for ghosting him at the chicane on Suzuka earlier today. It was a risky move at best and in retrospect I should've waited 'til the straight to have a go. Sorry mate.
apoligies back i felt like i was being targeted by you i had to give you a taste of your own medicine!!

I was not refering to you. That post was older than our meeting. And I was not targetting you, I only gave you one brake check to see if you would understand that you were messing up. Don't turn things around.

You pushed me of deliberatly on T1 every single lap. You pushed me wide (and others) in other places, brown nosed trhough the S, blocked on the straights and you do not wait for people when you push them off.

Drop the GTP_ tag if you want to drive like that while you're growing up. You deserved much more than that brake check, I should have gone "Mr_P" on you.
I second the LOL.

I went Mr_P on several people today, some didn't deserve it, but I was trying a new technique to deal with all the contact, but it doesn't work for me.

Vonhammer, I contacted you several times I believe, all but one was completely unintentional, very sorry.
Have to apoligize to MRHEMI4SPEED,white ford gt-blue stripes.We had a good strong run coming off of turn 4 at Daytona,we were neck and neck,not sure if he came down on me or I slipped up on him.Anyhow,he ended up kissing the wall and spinning out after contact,I feel it was just a racing incident ( I try to race as clean as you want to be ).Just wanted to let you if I did slide up,it was un-intentional
can someone give the definition of "MR P" ??


No probs mate, I was just in a race with yourself and Adidaz where I was rammed so many times my blood pressure went through the roof ... I went on a vendetta with the guilty party ( some guy in a blue subaru )and made his race miserable right up to the finish line 👍 I meant what I said earlier! I have had enough of the rammers and I am at the stage now .. when and if my race is wrecked by a knobhead then I will wreck there's it's only fair to share and share alike :)
I was not refering to you. That post was older than our meeting. And I was not targetting you, I only gave you one brake check to see if you would understand that you were messing up. Don't turn things around.

You pushed me of deliberatly on T1 every single lap. You pushed me wide (and others) in other places, brown nosed trhough the S, blocked on the straights and you do not wait for people when you push them off.

Drop the GTP_ tag if you want to drive like that while you're growing up. You deserved much more than that brake check, I should have gone "Mr_P" on you.

i cant believe that you have ago at me the first corner thing i hit you off once at the first corner for hitting me off the first race. And was still pissed off because my races had been ruined the whole night then i saw you punt throught the rest of the drivers sending them off which was disgusting it looked like a 6 year old driving. Also of course im gonna be annoyed and get you back if you slam on your brakes down the straight you had no right to do that either and then continued to try and aim for me i wait for people when i know clearly it was my fault but most of the time it wasnt i took the line braked as hard as i could but could not avoid them so i dont bother waiting for them its called racing these things happen!!!And the way you were driving you should consider dropping that tag.
And about blocking i hold my line and try to get the best line for the next corner if someone gets stuck behind me too bad. Ill let people through and compromise myself if hes ahead of my back tyre or further.
I couldn't expect anything else but that... I'm sure everyone belives now, after you said I punt people off all the time...

On topic, apologies to sjaak. I braked to avoid that contact but it was too late. Sorry, I thought you were too late to come to the inside. Guess not :(
I couldn't expect anything else but that... I'm sure everyone belives now, after you said I punt people off all the time...

On topic, apologies to sjaak. I braked to avoid that contact but it was too late. Sorry, I thought you were too late to come to the inside. Guess not :(

No need for apologies,mate,
you waited for me and that is more then enough for me.

and for paolopepepepepper,
when cleaning up your room,don't forget the lego under your chair.
but most of the time it wasnt i took the line braked as hard as i could but could not avoid them so i dont bother waiting for them its called racing these things happen!!!

Sorry if it looks like i am mis quoting you, but this is the improtant bit to me. It tells me all I need to know about your driving style. You took the line and braked as hard as you could? if you braked as hard as you could then providing you gave yourself enough distance then you shouldn't be ploughing into the back of them, sure it still happens on occasions but how can you say it wasn't your fault. If you run into the back of them then chances are you where too close, I give quite a bit of distance through the esses of suzuka esspecially if I know I am faster than the driver infront. Just because I am quicker doesn't mean I should be right on his bumper, I have to wait until the time is appropraite to make my manouver, I wouldn't pick a line and then hope he doesn't brake too heavily. When someone is infront and they are driving defensively they are not likely to take as fast line as you because they are covering the inside generally to block any move, even though your faster through the corner you have no right to charge them, what you should really consider is when they take a defensive line, slow down because they are going to brake earlier give plenty of room and focus on your exit speed. The person infront doesn't have the luxury of focusing on exit speed because they have to consider a move down the inside. Then if you have carried enough exit speed you may be elligable for an overtake.

If you run into the back of someone then chances are its your fault. I have ran into people a few times, it was my fault, I didn;t judge it right, I went for a move but it wasn;t there, or even when they braked earlier and harder than I expected and I ran into the back of them, guess what? that was my fault too. Unless they are brake testing you on a straight but that rarely happens. If you did it in real racing it would end your race, not matter if you would have got through the corner perfectly fine its still your fault for running into the back of them and as such if you ruin someones race by running into the back of them then you should wait for them, about the 'it wasn't my fault' if in doubt wait for them.
Sorry to all the GTP members in the latest Suzuka race, especially spyhunter. On lap 2, going into the first corner, you hit the brakes way earlier than anyone else I've see (of your caliber) and I nudged you on accident. I really should have been paying more attention to your other breaking points and turn in points. And if that race was part of the Audi event, I'm even more sorry.

By the way, the back end of your R8 looked a little wiggly through the S's... but there is no way my tune compares to yours. Great car and great driving (till I screwed it up).
I second the LOL.

I went Mr_P on several people today, some didn't deserve it, but I was trying a new technique to deal with all the contact, but it doesn't work for me.

Vonhammer, I contacted you several times I believe, all but one was completely unintentional, very sorry.

no problem mate, I don't really mind unless it's some loony smashing people up in the first corner,
*** This space reserved for GTP_UnoMOTO's Appology to me for unnecessarily rearending me twice and running me of the road a third time tonight on Daytona***

Not nice, man. Not nice at all.
*** This space reserved for GTP_UnoMOTO's Appology to me for unnecessarily rearending me twice and running me of the road a third time tonight on Daytona***

Not nice, man. Not nice at all.

PM him. Don't rant in here.
Also of course im gonna be annoyed and get you back if you slam on your brakes down the straight you had no right to do that either and then continued to try and aim for me i wait for people when i know clearly it was my fault but most of the time it wasnt
I know this is going to sound like I am picking on you but I'm not. I am just using your quote as an example.

It seems like I am seeing this " It wasn't my fault" attitude more and more by the newer gtp_tag drivers. It seems that in the last 2 or 3 weeks that the quality and sportsmanship of the sites drivers has really declined. I know my opinion doesn't really matter that much, but when I raced with spyhunter, foolkiller, EVOking, kensei,digital relay and many others the races were spectacular. They stopped and waited even when they didn't need to, they would follow you for 2 laps before making moves, it was genuinely fun, and competitive racing. Now you never know what to expect. Will I get rammed in this turn, pushed to the outside or just spun out in the straightaway. What I'm getting at, is maybe the moderators should use some sort of tryout or referral method before assigning them a tag.

I know this might not be the right thread to post something like this, and that I don't even have a gtp tag yet,(but I would like one eventually when private rooms happen) but I do race many 600pp suzuka races and have noticed this downward trend of the gtp tag carriers. I hate to see my favorite site of all-time have people carrying the name of this community and running it in the ground.

Anyway just some non-biased observations and advice. I hope I didn't offend anyone or the moderators by stating my opinion.
May everyone have some good clean races tonight.
GTP_Spyhunter, I believe we had a few incidents at Fuji this evening. For that, I apologize.
(...)It seems that in the last 2 or 3 weeks that the quality and sportsmanship of the sites drivers has really declined.

(...)They stopped and waited even when they didn't need to, they would follow you for 2 laps before making moves, it was genuinely fun, and competitive racing. Now you never know what to expect.

Yes, I agree. I was used to see a lot GTP_people forgetting about the general race and waiting for a fellow GTP lost in the sand even if there was no contact. Just for the fun of racing him or them and having a good battle, instead of bumping around in the middle of the pack. But I haven't been seeing a lot of the good clean people out there that I used to see anymore. People like JASE72 or Mr_P for example.

The new blood does not seem up to it, and the not so new seem to be forgetting it and also to be taking a new "hey, 🤬 happens" attitude when there is a small contact. Which sometimes is not so small...

Maybe it's up to us to speak of it (I guess this justifies the off-topic) and to show it on the track to promote it. Old school GTP still do both 👍 (Except if waiting for someone going off on their one means compromising a win in a very close race) but I must agree it's harder to find this kind of sportsmanship these days.