Online Racing -> Apologies Here!

Sorry GTP_Dukeofpendle. I gave you little bump to a right side, and you lost your control.
It was nice battle since then. I was sure I could pass, cause you littlebit missed insideline. Sorry.
Apologies to everyone who had to put up with me in the 750PP at suzuka over the last 3 hours, for some reason my driving was awful and I bumped more people than I care to mention. I did slow down and let people past if it was a heavy hit, but sorry again.
Sorry GTP_Twister i didnt mean to keep weaving in front of im not used to the anolog sticks on the anolog ps3

No problem, mate - it felt like a bit of a massacre on Fuji today. Although hats off to Celima who won two of the races I ended up in. Get that man a GTP_ tag quick!

For my own part I was swearing like a trooper. A good job there's not simultaneous chat as I would have been banned after practically every corner.

I think in turn I need to apologise to a few people, Pentagram in particular - not sure if I could be said to have been defending the racing line or cutting up. If the latter, please forgive me.

My first evening of trying out the Viper tune - my god, talk about dentistry with a jackhammer. Feels like being a teenager about to have sex for the first time - you want to hold back but just get the feeling it's going to explode at any second! :scared:
No problem, mate - it felt like a bit of a massacre on Fuji today. Although hats off to Celima who won two of the races I ended up in. Get that man a GTP_ tag quick!

For my own part I was swearing like a trooper. A good job there's not simultaneous chat as I would have been banned after practically every corner.

I think in turn I need to apologise to a few people, Pentagram in particular - not sure if I could be said to have been defending the racing line or cutting up. If the latter, please forgive me.

My first evening of trying out the Viper tune - my god, talk about dentistry with a jackhammer. Feels like being a teenager about to have sex for the first time - you want to hold back but just get the feeling it's going to explode at any second! :scared:

No harm done matey, don't sweat it. I'm sure I put a few noses out of joint trying to get my braking points together (much longer with slipstream added) If I remember right we had some good tussles tonight, contact was inevitable sooner or later. I'm still alive at least :sly:
Sorry GTP_Dukeofpendle. I gave you little bump to a right side, and you lost your control.
It was nice battle since then. I was sure I could pass, cause you littlebit missed insideline. Sorry.

No problem fella, rubbin' happens with close racing. I enjoyed our battle 👍
Sorry Ardius. Twice. In the S someone bumped me into you, in the hairpin I didn't see you were waiting for that guy!

No problem, I understood as soon as it happened. :)
Great racing with that Integra! Unfortunate that some idiots had to be about to ruin those races, otherwise you probably would have gotten a podium, everyone was making mistakes, including me, once that Viper loses grip, Im just there for the ride (as you may have seen just after the 200R)
Yup. Great fun integra vs viper 👍

And yes, too many idiots... such a mess sometimes you don't who it you and/or who do you hit.

I'd like to apologize to a couple more guys I hit, but can't remember their names since they use those ABC123 names no one remembers :P
Was just racing in Suzuka 500pp I've lost my braking point and kinda hit KidPLuto on the back pretty hard. He was using a Evo IX and I my favorite Focus RS! Sry mate. Hope we can race again.
Sorry to GTP_SuperWally: I didn't mean so psych you out on Suzuka PP600, I was just trying to keep my wheels on the road as to not get another shortcut penalty while still leaving you room.

GTP_gitSeht: Thought I was in a Lotus(no idea why) for some reason when I understeered into you. Thankfully, Prologue ghosted me before I could do any damage.
Sorry for hitting your blue Ferrari Chris. You were getting out of the sand and then me and my heavy Aston bumped you again.. :(
As I was coming out I even looked to the right, saw you coming and then stopped. When you hit me I was like, "Aw c'mon! really?" It was more funny than anything though. I appreciate you stopping but you didn't have to. After all, I was already in the sand.

I'd like to say that I'm still getting used to controlling the throttle with the analog stick but I'm starting to think that I just suck at driving anything that's RWD.
Sorry to GTP_SuperWally: I didn't mean so psych you out on Suzuka PP600, I was just trying to keep my wheels on the road as to not get another shortcut penalty while still leaving you room.

No prob, I don't even remember!

My apologies for all the bumper taps (to all, but specifically GTPDarthDrift and GTPVanos?) last night, I was struggling a bit.
AERO_HDT... I'm not quite sure what just happened at Suzuka 600..? I get the feeling I was getting in the way of your Viper on lap 2 and thought you'd pass on the straight. So I kept my foot down and then you disappeared on lap 3. Was that my early braking or another problem, mate? Sorry if I contributed to the spin off anyway. It was a good race 'til that point and you were kicking my pants all the way round. :)
AERO_HDT... I'm not quite sure what just happened at Suzuka 600..? I get the feeling I was getting in the way of your Viper on lap 2 and thought you'd pass on the straight. So I kept my foot down and then you disappeared on lap 3. Was that my early braking or another problem, mate? Sorry if I contributed to the spin off anyway. It was a good race 'til that point and you were kicking my pants all the way round. :)

Nah, no problem Vagabond, we were having a great race, the Viper was a REAL handful and I had it on the very limit most of the time. That incident on Lap 3 was me just trying to give you room to race and because I couldn't see where you were, I stuck to the outside of the track...

The outside of the track became the sandtrap for me, hehe and I had no-one to blame but myself for poor control. We didn't touch at all.

I really enjoyed racing you last night and I look forward to it again! When it comes to the Viper, I tend to lose it all on my lonesome, hehe, so don't worry!

GTP_ANGELx : Sorry, I seemed to catch a temporary bug of 'im-a-noob-and-don't-know-how-to-use-my-breaks [influenza: strain 'Prologue']' so I slamed the back of your poor F430. Really sorry about that.

And to anyone that seems to find the density of my "sorry" posts a little too high, I try to apologize for every encounter I have with another GTP member. So don't think I'm some kinda idiot punter, I just try to make sure people know that it was an accident. :D
Digital_Relay...I meant that first tap on the straightaway. Wasn't trying to be a jerk, just a friendly "hello." But I got the feeling that it caused you to drive with one eye in your rear view just to make sure I didn't punt you going into a corner. For that I apologize. When I ghosted through you and a few other cars the next lap, that was a my braking too late. For some reason I thought if I aimed for the inside of the corner I'd pass between the cars going through the corner and not screw anybody up. Turns out I ghosted anyway.
Digital_Relay...I meant that first tap on the straightaway. Wasn't trying to be a jerk, just a friendly "hello." But I got the feeling that it caused you to drive with one eye in your rear view just to make sure I didn't punt you going into a corner. For that I apologize. When I ghosted through you and a few other cars the next lap, that was a my braking too late. For some reason I thought if I aimed for the inside of the corner I'd pass between the cars going through the corner and not screw anybody up. Turns out I ghosted anyway.

No problem, Chris. I figured as much, and you're right. After that first bump I was watching my back to see if I was going to get another boost and then I just lost it. I was laughing though, as it was pretty funny getting so out of synch.
Apologies to Flash42 for taking you out after veering across the track while trying to come up the inside on the approach to Spoon (never a good idea! :embarrassed:)
CAMARO71Z28 - great driving at Suzuka 600pp, didn't intentionally cut you off coming out of the chicane - sorry - I have the rubber band effect to thank for that win...
I'd like to apologize to GTP_Sarlach for my poor racing last night. I was a terrible mess and couldn't take a corner to save my life in the Viper and unfortunately I'd had too many beers to know better. I wish the racing could have been a lot closer.

I also want to apologise to anyone else who came across me last night. Hope you all forgive me.

I'd like to apologize for anyone stuck in a race I'm hosting. My internet connection is a NAT 3, and seems to have enough trouble just keeping me in a race hosted by someone else, nevermind hosting one itself. I've frequently been the host only to have the race never start, or be dropped soon after. I've never intentionally quit a race I'm hosting, that's just bad form.

On a more topic related note, I'd like to apologize to slicecom for cutting him off on Suzuka in the 600PP, I thought I had it clean, but I knocked ya, my mistake, my apologies. I'd further like to apologize to anyone else I may have bumped, I try to race clean, and think I do a fairly good job, but in the moment I do find my sense of competition sometimes outweighs my sense of fairness. It's my cross to bear, but there it is :guilty:
Sorry for running into you in the last turn of that race TheMoose. Why did you stop and let me pass at the end? I thought that was my fault.
sorry if i bumped anybody off last night, something strange happened to all my cars,
i havent been online playing for a week or two and jump back in my Lotus 111R tuned,
it was setup just right for me,
but all my car tunes have been set to default for some reason :(
i had to re do them after 1st update now i gotta do them all again,
so sorry to anyone i hit ..all my cars feels total messed up
so im off for a tune up today ..again!
gtp id :Hydro2k
appology to Superwally on tuesday night, i got bumped into you on the first turn of suzuka in our 2nd race together.

Again, I don't even remember, all the races start to run together after awhile. I have to be pretty certain someone is acting deliberately before I get very upset anyway, especially racing on S2's. I appreciate your concern!
Sorry for running into you in the last turn of that race TheMoose. Why did you stop and let me pass at the end? I thought that was my fault.

No prob, it happens in tight racing & it obviously wasn't intentional.
I have all the cars in multiple colors including all 4 Ferrari F2007's & have 2 million credits so I let you get the first place credits since I don't collect credits anymore.