Only 47% of Americans believe 9/11 was NOT govt. staged! What about the rest?

the story
This rough balance in opinions is itself a striking finding. It suggests that doubts about the officials accounts of 9/11, far from representing an extreme fringe position, have become a standard component of anti-establishment attitudes.
Why would this be striking to anyone but an idiot? Government conspiracies and coverup stories being part of the 'anti-establishment attitude' have not been news since, oh, ever. Why would this be considered 'striking'?
Belief in a coverup was the majority position among Democrats, 18-29 year olds, and a few other groups.
Again, well, duh. How is this news? The story comes out and says that younger people, less educated people, and people who are pre-disoposed against a Republican administration are more likely to believe a conspiracy theory.

What on Earth is this intended to prove? It's like polling a San Francisco gay bar and then announcing that "98% of all people support gay marriage".
Why would this be striking to anyone but an idiot? Government conspiracies and coverup stories being part of the 'anti-establishment attitude' have not been news since, oh, ever. Why would this be considered 'striking'?

Again, well, duh. How is this news? The story comes out and says that younger people, less educated people, and people who are pre-disoposed against a Republican administration are more likely to believe a conspiracy theory.

What on Earth is this intended to prove? It's like polling a San Francisco gay bar and then announcing that "98% of all people support gay marriage".

hey, i didnt make this up, its your country folk that voted.

the story
Not surprisingly, Republicans as a group were the most supportive of existing investigations, with 70% expressing their satisfaction

bias on both sides...seems even enough..

so what happend to the Neon? sold the wifes car and bough something with a bit more muscle?
hey, i didnt make this up, its your country folk that voted.
I'm not arguing about the poll results, I'm arguing that it was idiotic for the report to state is was "striking" that young people, less-educated people, and Democrats were more likely to believe that a Republican administration was involved in a coverup or conspiracy. This strikes me about the same as headlining "Study shows heavy impact to head is leading cause of brain injury".
so what happend to the Neon? sold the wifes car and bough something with a bit more muscle?
My wife's engine-swapped Neon died in deep water during a flash flood and was replaced with a Acura TSX (Accord Euro R, sorta) in fall 2004. I got a good offer on my Neon ACR this spring from a guy who wanted to turn it into a tarmac hillclimb car, so I picked up a mildly-used BMW 325i in February.
Excuse me but ???

In the telephone survey of 1200 individuals, just 47% agreed that "the 9/11 attacks were thoroughly investigated and that any speculation about US government involvement is nonsense." Almost as many, 45%, indicated they were more likely to agree "that so many unanswered questions about 9/11 remain that Congress or an International Tribunal should re-investigate the attacks, including whether any US government officials consciously allowed or helped facilitate their success."

1, 200 individuals by telephone survey = 47 % of Americans believe Blah blah blah ??????????????

Morons .......not he poll taker ..anyone who accepts the poll results as in anyway representing anything but the opinions of those 1200 people polled .

And this ???

According to a new Zogby poll, less than half of Americans are convinced that that the events of September 11 have been thoroughly investigated, RAW STORY has learned.

Ok lets do a little google stuff....

so far so good ....I mean its zogby right...????

Our mission

The Raw Story is an alternative news nexus. We draw upon a panoply of news sources and select those stories we think most intriguing to a audience seeking news underplayed by the mainstream media.

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Raw Story Media operates both the The Raw Story and its sister content site, The Blue Lemur

could be the new home for looney tunes ...also could be a decent site....Jury is out...gotta read some more stuff..

The bottom line... I was involved in marketing for a Sears Marketing operation...I made alot of money running the franchise operation...I used polls...or as we call them " market surveys " 1200 people might make a good focus group depending on the demographics....

What people say when responding to polls depends who who is being polled .

Not surprisingly, Republicans as a group were the most supportive of existing investigations, with 70% expressing their satisfaction -- about the same percentage that has expressed approval of Bush's performance in recent polls. Sixty-four percent of those earning over $75,000 were also skeptical of doubts about 9/11. The groups most likely to want the attacks re-investigated were Hispanics at 67% and African-Americans at 64%.

Other groups also skewed one way or another, but with the majority position generally not above 58%. Overall, the breakdown on the question closely followed the usual political divisions in the country: Republicans vs. Democrats and independents, whites vs. minorities, the wealthier and better-educated vs. the poorer and less educated, people over fifty vs. those under fifty, men vs. women.

now we are getting somewhere...BUT the conclusion that only 47% pecent of americans BLAH the BLAH blah is not it..

This is more like it .....and tell me something I didn't know !

It suggests that doubts about the officials accounts of 9/11, far from representing an extreme fringe position, have become a standard component of anti-establishment attitudes.

A standard component of anti -establishment attitudes...well you might as well have told me the sky is blue...I didn't even need a poll .

Belief in a coverup was the majority position among Democrats, 18-29 year olds, and a few other groups.

What kind of cover up ? A cover up for incompetance ?? I WOULD SAY YES !! But was the question asked " Do you believe Al _queda attacked the US ? " ...ummm no....that would not have produced the desired results...

but lets give them the benifit of the doubt we look at the questions asked ...

Hmmmm seems like all crap we already know .

Now look at the headline ....of this topic .....

Only 47% of Americans believe 9/11 was NOT govt. staged! What about the rest?

You tell me who's a little bit light around the cranium .....HOW do you draw that conclusion after reading this poll and the questions ?

Any sane people out there who can ?💡 :)