Oops Saddam didn't hide all of the WMDs afterall

  • Thread starter Danoff


United States
Mile High City
It's a plant. Bush's toadies on the Trilateral Commission sent those over to make up for us not finding any during our desperate attempt to steal all of Iraq's oil before anybody finds out about it.
Bush needed a shot in the arm, so out came the WMDs when the poll figures dipped.

Why don't they start looking for oil reserves instead? Who cares anymore, get our freakin' gas prices down again! I can't believe it costs me $20 to fill my farking Corolla, for god's sake!
Sorry, I forgot the [sarcasm] tags.

Bush's poll figures have been in the bucket for months. If it was staged, it would have been staged a hell of a lot earlier and a hell of a lot bigger than this.
One 155-millimeter artillery round containing sarin nerve agent found after one year of occupation.

edit: (plus another one, according to the first post.)

Good fishing! 👍
Originally posted by jpmontoya
One 155-millimeter artillery round containing sarin nerve agent found after one year of occupation.

Good fishing! 👍
Let's see what you turn up while you're being shot at by insane zealots.

Most likely, dead.
One 155-millimeter artillery round containing sarin nerve agent found after one year of occupation.

Two chemical weapons using different agents found after only a year of occupation.

As the iraqi scientist quoted in the story was explaining, a year of occupation is simply not long enough to find the hidden weapons.
Quote from MSNBC....

Two former weapons inspectors — Hans Blix and David Kay — said the shell was likely a stray weapon that had been scavenged by militants and did not signify that Iraq had large stockpiles of such weapons.

After one or two weapons are found (everybody knows Saddam used them in the nineties against rebels, wouldn't you think that there's still a few ones left in the country?)

Two weapons found and that's it. It's enough for you, case closed: Saddam was planning a terrorist attack with Al Quaeda on the US with WMD.

Besides, speaking of Sarin, could you tell me why the US still have 5,000 tons of this substance today? For what purposes? It's easy to see a reason for having nuclear weapon program... but Sarin?
Originally posted by jpmontoya
Two weapons found and that's it. It's enough for you, case closed: Saddam was planning a terrorist attack with Al Quaeda on the US with WMD.
No, I don't particularly think that, and particularly not based on the evidence of a couple howitzer shells.
Besides, could you tell me why the US still have 5,000 tons of this substance today? For what purposes?
Because it takes a long damn time to dispose of the stuff safely. I lived and worked near Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland, one of the Army's depots where they disposed of deactivated ordinance. The hoops that you must jump through to dispose of the stuff properly are quite complex. You can't just take the cases out back and throw them on a pile of sticks and dead leaves and stand around leaning on your rake while you toast marshmallows over the fire.

In fact, I did a major renovation project on the local elementary school to make the building airtight so they could seal it up in case the worst happened at APG.
Because it takes a long damn time to dispose of the stuff safely. I lived and worked near Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland, one of the Army's depots where they disposed of deactivated ordinance. The hoops that you must jump through to dispose of the stuff properly are quite complex. You can't just take the cases out back and throw them on a pile of sticks and dead leaves and stand around leaning on your rake while you toast marshmallows over the fire.

Very good reason. It makes sense considering Iraq destroyed only 127 tons of it under U.N. supervision, so a few thousand tons must take a while.

My point was that two shells with chemical agent found after one year must be some kind of relief for supporters of the war, but it's not like it's a big surprise, nor that it proves anything.
Two weapons found and that's it. It's enough for you, case closed: Saddam was planning a terrorist attack with Al Quaeda on the US with WMD.

I don't think Saddam was planning a terrorist attack with Al Quaeda on the US with WMD. I never made that claim.

Two weapons found by US troops (one of which was found because it went off) is a big deal for someone who is supposed to have disposed of all of his chemical weapons under UN regulations.

I never doubted that they were there, since he used them on his own people... and now we have found them (and biological weapons development).

So we know he had sarin and mustard gas weapons in artillary shells in addition to a biological weapons program. Yea, I guess he was complying with UN regulations.
Originally posted by danoff
Two weapons found by US troops (one of which was found because it went off) is a big deal for someone who is supposed to have disposed of all of his chemical weapons under UN regulations.

I never doubted that they were there, since he used them on his own people... and now we have found them (and biological weapons development).

So we know he had sarin and mustard gas weapons in artillary shells in addition to a biological weapons program. Yea, I guess he was complying with UN regulations.

Quote from Fox:

"It was a weapon that we believe was stocked from the ex-regime time and it had been thought to be an ordinary artillery shell set up to explode like an ordinary IED and basically from the detection of that and when it exploded, it indicated that it actually had some sarin in it,"

Two shells unaccounted for in tons of Sarin, and it looks like nobody knew what it was anymore. I don't think what was left of Saddam's Army was the most efficient or disciplined army in the world, since Desert Storm.

I haven't found the part about the biological weapon development that was still going on in your links (or other news sites) Where is it?

I don't think Saddam was planning a terrorist attack with Al Quaeda on the US with WMD. I never made that claim.

Good to hear this, but very often that's not how it sounds listening to a lot of supporters of the war.

I don't have much time now, I'll complete this tonight or tomorrow with a more complete answer. I'd just like to remind I hate the insane zealots you're talking about as much as everyone of us does.
Originally posted by neon_duke

In fact, I did a major renovation project on the local elementary school to make the building airtight so they could seal it up in case the worst happened at APG.

May I ask what elementary school?

My school is quite close (very close in fact) to APG (my home is just about as far, actually), and we do overpressurization drills throughout the year in case of an APG mishap. I've heard the likelyhood of something ever actually happening is pretty slim, but it's better to be safe.
I haven't found the part about the biological weapon development that was still going on in your links (or other news sites) Where is it?

It was in the original Kay report from months back. Basically they found strains of biological weapons in a test tube in some abandoned facility indicating that the reasearch was going on even if no we never find anything else.
You know what? It doesn't make a rat's backside of difference - one shell, and one 'possible' find of mustard gas. Whatever - it's not going to change anyone's mind, and I'm sure that on thousands of forums like this one flame wars are either well advanced or in their formative stages, and for all the vitriol, bile and spittle wasted, no-one will change their minds. So here's an idea - let's not do it this time. Let's save it for when/if actual conclusive evidence is found, hey?

The bigger issue at hand is dealing with the current situation in Iraq. You've supposedly got power-handover occuring June 30, the head of the Iraqi governing council was killed in an attack last night, US troop losses continue - let's get some friggin' focus here, people.
You've supposedly got power-handover occuring June 30, the head of the Iraqi governing council was killed in an attack last night, US troop losses continue - let's get some friggin' focus here, people.

Yea, let's get some focus on everything negative we can find and forget about why we're over there and what we've accomplished.
Originally posted by danoff
Yea, let's get some focus on everything negative we can find and forget about why we're over there and what we've accomplished.

Yes, Danoff, that's quite clearly what I meant. Nice work.
So then the concensus is clear. Chemical and biological weapons have been found, and yet there clearly were no chemical and biological weapons. Some people are so ****ing stupid it's astounding.
Whoa. Guys. Easy there.

I’m just so sick of all of the negativity toward the US throughout this whole ordeal.

One Tuesday morning we woke up - starting our day watching passenger planes filled with our families and friends explode through office buildings filled with hard working people. We watched them leap to their deaths rather than burn alive, we watched the buildings collapse as rescue workers ran in to their deaths to try to save more lives. We watched another plane land in the pentagon, and another crash to the ground carrying more of our people to their deaths.

None of those people did anything to the people who murdered them.

We watched as our enemies paraded through their streets barbarically celebrating the death of innocents.

Did the US rush to point fingers? Did we launch cruise missiles quickly to ease our minds? No, we waited. We determined exactly who was responsible and organize to respond – not for vengeance, but for protection. We made the world a safer place by decimating Al Qaeda. We brought food and medicine to Afghanistan.

Many of our “allies” responded by attacking us for dealing with matters on our own.

Despite the UN’s proven refusal to take action thereby giving its policies some weight, we attempted to work with the UN to enforce the cease fire terms for our war with Iraq. Knowing that we must do something about the opinion of the US in the middle east, we continued our attempt to clean up the region by forcing a brutal dictator to live up to his promises. He would not. We then asked the UN to take action, it would not. So we went in on our own, enforcing the UN’s resolutions for it.

Our “allies” attacked us again.

We have brought living conditions to Iraq that far exceed what they were under Saddam’s rule. We’ve poured money and blood into that country so that its people could be free – thereby protecting our people.

We have done so much for the Iraqi people, and so many of them are grateful to us for it.

Why is it necessary to focus so hard on the negative? We took a terrible situation and turned it into the liberation of an oppressed people. Why do we have to focus on the actions of a few morons in our military who abused a few of those who would gladly do worse to us, when we can also learn about the schools that we’ve brought electricity and supplies to and the towns that we’ve cleaned up?

An example:

One town in Iraq was plagued with raw sewage that soaked the streets for something like a 13 years! We cleaned it up for them.

Were so many people surprised by the prison abuse? Were so many surprised that we would lose troops to car bombs or that some Iraqis that tried to help their people achieve freedom would lose their lives to terrorists? Did we not know that we faced this future when we went in?

The surprises to me are the living conditions of these people, and the help that we have been able to bring them… and the fact that people refuse to see that this war is a war for opinions and those people are the battleground in more ways than one.
ROCK ON danoff!!!!!!!!!! wow, as a service member and vet of this conflict, i really appreciate what you just posted! It's good to see someone see's the positive. and has not lost total focus of the mission. THANK YOU:D:D :D
wow. that is so true. I think its sad that certain countries are quick to make everything our fault. look at palestine - its the us's fault that they are blowing themselves up.

look at how al jazeera claims the us targets civilian buildings when one bomb accidentally goes a few meters to the left. would you make a mistake launching a 500 pound explosive when you are trying not to get civilians hurt? I think the control stick would shake just a little,

look at how there are two sarin rounds that were shot at us, but some claim it was a set up. in a country of 20-30 million, and there are lots of unfriendly people, I think it would be pretty hard to find wmds there when some people could easiy have a few in their closets.

And, look at nick bergs dad. what a freak.
One of the philadelphia news papers had a headline telling him to basicaly STFU :lol: the funny thing is its the most liberal leaning rag in philly..talk about iriony. it was pointed out to him very plainly that he's a misguided fool using his own sons misfortune to further his own agenda and that the people he should be calling murderers are the ones holding his sons head up after they cut it off..they where not very nice about it.
Originally posted by milefile
So then the concensus is clear. Chemical and biological weapons have been found, and yet there clearly were no chemical and biological weapons. Some people are so ****ing stupid it's astounding.

See milefile, this is why people like me love you as a member. Even though you cursed in process, you managed to make a simple statement that says it all. 👍

Saddam always had weapons, always wanted them, never hesitated to use them.

I didn't support the efforts in iraq simply because of weapons... infact, I had little to nothing to do with weapons for me, so this find is great for the military intelligence people but for me it is just another element of Saddam's regime.