
  • Thread starter P0UP0N
Most excellent sir! I will mark you down for the 17th for a 65 and 70 Ticket. Add s0ul_chicken and Headwound_Harry (soul is with a zero), and I will send both tickets on that day. Many thanks!!

cheers...the chook is added already, Harry will be added tonight.
I have all the black Premiums - sticking to the standards for now, plus I have more credits than I know what to do with.

I cannot make my first send to you until the 17th if that is OK with you...

Oops…I'll be sure to tell you if I have any new black carros.
I have a VITZ U Euro Sport Edition '00 in black, 0/0/0 of course, and yes, it's standard :).

Now we are talking! I can mark you down for the 18th for the car - what would you like in return?
Fired off another 1000 ticket to Genuino and received the E55 Mercedes - Thank you sir!!
Sent lrn a 1000 Ticket as well!
Received the Level 16 Ticket from frenzal - I can't wait to start flipping tickets!

Black Corvette Acquired,thank you sir.:)

Anytime! Thank you for all the great trades!!
Of course sir,if I come across any more you need I'll mark them as pending.👍 I assume you'll get the level 16's by the time I'm free though.
Of course sir,if I come across any more you need I'll mark them as pending.👍 I assume you'll get the level 16's by the time I'm free though.

Yep, I have about locked in the 16's. Damn shame really - why is it the Subaru STC's are tradeable, but the FTO STC's are not. IMO they should be the same price and tradeable!

Keep me up to date on what you come across!
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Now we are talking! I can mark you down for the 18th for the car - what would you like in return?

I would like…all of them :drool:

But if I have to chose one, I'll take the Cerbera Speed 6. 👍

I know you are collecting mainly black cars, but I have some (non black :dopey:)
0/0/0 Stratos cars, one in Orange (yellow) and a red one.

Heck, I have a lot of cars that aren't on your list (or black :( )
Real life has a knack for screwing up my trading life......

Anyway just managed to fire off a black Volvo estate.

I see that you have marked off as received both Renault cup cars, but I am pretty sure I have sent only one, but I forgot if you could kindly confirm it would make my "virtual" life easier...

Will soon start ripping all the tickets you have sent me...:bowdown::bowdown: hopefully some black beauties will pop out of them. In the meantime good luck with those level 16.... No matter how many times I reload and retry they just won't give me any FTOs:ouch::banghead::banghead::banghead:
I would like…all of them :drool:

But if I have to chose one, I'll take the Cerbera Speed 6. 👍

I know you are collecting mainly black cars, but I have some (non black :dopey:)
0/0/0 Stratos cars, one in Orange (yellow) and a red one.

Heck, I have a lot of cars that aren't on your list (or black :( )

LOL - Stratos cars are cool, and there is nothing wrong with offering them up for trade. Matter of fact, there is nothing wrong with accepting them for trade! I will mark you down for the 18th on the Speed Six, and we can go from there on the Stratos trades. Cool?

Real life has a knack for screwing up my trading life......

Anyway just managed to fire off a black Volvo estate.

I see that you have marked off as received both Renault cup cars, but I am pretty sure I have sent only one, but I forgot if you could kindly confirm it would make my "virtual" life easier...

Will soon start ripping all the tickets you have sent me...:bowdown::bowdown: hopefully some black beauties will pop out of them. In the meantime good luck with those level 16.... No matter how many times I reload and retry they just won't give me any FTOs:ouch::banghead::banghead::banghead:

Well, I hope I can get the rest of the FTO's - I have them all, but only the White and Gun Gray are in 0/0/0. If I find the lucky ticket that gets me going in the right direction, I will dupe it and send it to you with luck!
As far as the cup cars, I take my laptop with me to the man-cave to verify each received car. I have both from you so all is good on your side! Believe me, I can screw up a trade with brilliance and style like nobody's business, but I know we're good to go with all trades up to date. Thank you much for the Volvo! I dig racing estates and mini-vans - especially when I have to drop the kids off at turn one to catch the bus! :D
LOL - Stratos cars are cool, and there is nothing wrong with offering them up for trade. Matter of fact, there is nothing wrong with accepting them for trade! I will mark you down for the 18th on the Speed Six, and we can go from there on the Stratos trades. Cool?

Sounds fantabulous.
Perfect! I have the OP Schedule updated to reflect the trade. Many thanks!


If you want me to give you a full list of non black 0/0/0 cars you don't appear to have, ask me!

Why do they still have a trade limit of $1mil? It's stupid and irrelevant now. Redundant would be a fine word too. Maybe that could become the Level 40 prize. I might ring Kaz and suggest it. ;)

If you want me to give you a full list of non black 0/0/0 cars you don't appear to have, ask me!


You can fire that off to me at any time Dooblewasur -

Why do they still have a trade limit of $1mil? It's stupid and irrelevant now. Redundant would be a fine word too. Maybe that could become the Level 40 prize. I might ring Kaz and suggest it. ;)

Brilliant idea sir!! Let me know how that goes, and I will be the first to sign that bill into law!
A little late getting home - had a flat on the pickup... :ouch:

Will get logged in and send once I get a nice cold one out of the fridge.
Received the second Level 16 ticket from Frenzal - Many thanks!

Recieved a Level 16 from Buckstank - enjoy the paints and extra goodies!!

Fired off the a beautiful Schwarz Merc SL 65 AMG to Rob192005! Enjoy! Thanks for the back up on the spare tire! Thank god it wasn't one of those stupid donuts and a full size spare!
I hear ya,thanks for the Merc Sir,trying rounds 7 and 8 of the Academy with mixed results,that R35 Black Edition is a tough car to handle.
I hear ya,thanks for the Merc Sir,trying rounds 7 and 8 of the Acade my with mixed results,that R35 Black Edition is a tough car to handle.

I thought the B.E. was a hell of a lot easier to drive than the Round 8 370Z - that ride is crazy slippery! I stuck to my guns and only ran five tries for each round, so my times aren't really that impressive. I figured as long as I golded all is good!

Good luck to you! May the GT Gods grace your controller!
Ahh,I'm used to driving Z33/34's and Silvia S15's the R35 is alot heavier and to be honest not really to my liking far too sluggish,thank you sir!
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Received the Volkswagen Polo GTI 01 Diamond Black Perleffekt and the Volkswagen Bora V6 4 Motion 01 Black Magic Perleffekt from Genuino - sent off another 1000 Ticket your way!! Thank you for all the kickin cars!

Fired off the 01 Ticket to Rob192005 - Thank you too sir!