Check the
spread sheet ladies to find out your confirmed team colour. There will be double ups as there is no way to avoid it with recommended cars.
Qualifying will be open at 8:30pm (Sydney time) so in 40mins from now.
If you have any final questions then ask now. The room will have mics off to reduce any lag. There will be approx 4 people not able to make it this race so lag shouldn't be a problem. But i need EVERYONE to do the following each and everytime before entering my lounge on race nights. They are;
- Disable Media Server in the PS3 XMB
- Run a internet connection test to restore your NAT type (also to ensure a NAT type is there, as this causes incompatible errors)
- In the GT5 Options, Go to Network and clear your cache
Now the way qualifying is ran for those that are new to the series is simple.
- At 8:15pm i will open my lounge
- At 8:30pm qualifying will begin
- Qualifying is 30minutes
- Once the 30minutes are over you MUST NOT leave the track, if you do then you will forfeit your position and start from the back of the grid
- Once i give the okay for everyone to exit, we all will return to the lobby
- The grid positions will be typed out so remember your position
- We all go to track but DO NOT leave pit lane (this causes black screens of boredom)
- Once everyone is on we will begin the race (1st lap is formation lap)
Any questions? Just know that there are new people joining this series so the first race (inc warm up lap) maybe a bit messy