I crossed the line in 3rd, i started fist pumping the air, until i realised, Waynz was also racing, then i didn't know catman was in the race. Hopes shattered as i came 5th, i'm guessing.
You had a solid race mate. Finishing 4th in the end. Good driving mate.
Just to let you know Catman wasn't in the race we was just joking around after Lost said he couldn't see Taital.
As for me that was a bad race. I pitted lap 9 only to have the game not actually pit me and just drive me through the pits with half used tires so had to pit again 2 laps later and finally they decide to take me in and change my tires. After finally getting a new set of tyres i was 49 seconds behind 1st place and sitting in last (due to spinner parking it on the side for the race). In the end i manage to claw back down to 37 seconds from 1st place with a 6th place position. Gutted that not only i got stuffed up due to the pit but also Stig couldn't race to hold onto 2nd place in the championship.
The PSN servers have been crapola lately so due to that i am postponing the new series for 3 weeks. The monday (20th Feb) coming won't have anything on and a qualifier will be held on the 27th of Feb using a Fully Tuned Aston Martin V12 Vantage (DLC car pack 3). The series will start on the 5th of March.
As per usual i will be posting the detail of the new series and qualifier closer to date.
For those that want to begin setups and practicing with the car the requirements are simple;
Car: Aston Martin V12 Vantage '10
Modifications: Fully Tuned (Buy everything including Aero)
Teams: 2-3 Driver Teams (Maximum of 2 Tier 1 drivers per team, You can select your own team mates)
Tyres: Series will be held on Racing Hards and Racing Mediums.
Qualifier track details will be released closer to the date. So just practice on your most consistent track till you get your setups sorted.
Back onto the topic of this series. The final podium details are;
1st Place: Oni_chan
2nd Place: Mrtaital
3rd Place: Evan1080
1st Place: Super Sic Racing (Oni_chan & Evan)
2nd Place: Team Nipple (Waynz & Taital)
3rd Place: Gold Member (Willco & Spinner)
Congratulations to Taital and Evan for some solid performances and consistent driving. Also a big thanks to Taital and Jazza for putting up with watching replays and general stewarding.
Been a mixed series for all drivers. Punishing on the T1 for dealing with poor tyre wear and performance issues that a Hybrid FF brings.
Thanks to all that took part in the series and I am looking forward to seeing you all again next series.