Others' user names and when they get to close to yours...

  • Thread starter Jetboy.
There is a member on here called "Live For Speed" and his birthday is the same day as mine too.

Pure coincidence though, he named himself after the game "live for speed", I didn't, the game named it'self after me :D. Well I was hogging forums with this name first put it that way.
I'm the only thing close to an SRV...so I guess i'm the only one.

Probably one too many for you guys, but ohwell. :lol:
there are 40 other Users with 'chevy' in there name, but i'm the only active one.

There are some 400+ members with the numbers 8 and 7 in their names.

The closest to me though is 57_chevy with 0 posts.
Yeah, that's something else: Why is it that the people really close to our names don't post at all? Are we like the dominant posters or something? :lol:

There's a High-Center, high tech, and high octane.

not really all that similar.

I went to The Truman Library, and a campaign giveaway lighter said "fill with High-Test gasoline." :nervous:
Yeah, that's something else: Why is it that the people really close to our names don't post at all? Are we like the dominant posters or something? :lol:


Maybe because they want to avoid conflicts with the person who is more active and posts a lot more.
There are 54 people With Wall in their name, including me, Wall Rider Is the closest.

43 people with runner in their name, Webrunner51 is closest

285 people with 51 in their name, again Webrunner51 is closest

The only Wallrunner:sly:
ExigeExcel has been here for a while, but I never thought I'd be intruding in his turf when I switched over to exigeracer from eliseracer.

Oh well. I don't think he cares too much, so I suppose it's okay.
Some of the other Mustang-mans.

- Mustang_man 88'
- Mustang_Man
- mustangman51886
- mustangman118
- mustangman05
- MustangMan
- mustang92man

None of them are me though. :)
Someone registered as Delirium...no posts...

But I am completely unique :) (XVII=17=my favorite number, and of course Delirious being my favorite band)
15 variations on the 'Cracker' theme.

Apart from me with 3,500 posts, one guy has 27 posts & 2 or 3 with 3 posts, the others have posted none!

One guy 'Cracker' has an avatar, filled in all his details, including instant messenger details, but never posted!
Having had a look through the member list (far too many Nics to post), it amazes me just how many people register a username and never post. Is it like this is most forums? Being loyal to GTP I never really visit any others so I wouldn't know...

Oh dear I'm going off topic.
I wonder if theres a way you can check the amont of 'members' who've never posted or posted only a handful of times?
I never have this problem. Someone came close, though...

pupay Jun 02 2003 1
puper78 Mar 13 2005 0
pupi Sep 10 2004 0
Pupik Dec 04 2001 5,225
pupo1977 Dec 10 2004 0
Pupo_TypeR5 Feb 27 2002 0
puppa Jun 15 2005 0
Puppe Mar 12 2005 0
You can, by couting. No really.

Theres 69002 accounts with zero posts.
So really we only have 21808 members - i wonder how many have posted more than 5 times?
So really we only have 21808 members - i wonder how many have posted more than 5 times?

And then only 7157 with more then 10
2395 with more then 50
1972 with more then 100
1104 with more then 250
683 with more then 500
398 with more then 1000

I wouldn't think that GTP has any more then 400-500 regularly active members
9322 members have posted more than 5 times, 10166 members have posted 5 times or more.
I wouldn't think that GTP has any more then 400-500 regularly active members

This planet suddenly seems a lot smaller :(

- clicking on the 'Member List' link at the top, apart from the usual suspects, out of the top 20 posters - i can't recall coming across 6 of the 20 at all on these forums! weird!

*edit* - Looking on the members list, sorted by the amount of posts, i've noticed i'm directly underneath TouringMars

- i'm sure there's a homo-erotic joke in there somewhere :sly:
I've seen posts from everyone in the top 20 posters, some arn't that active now and only post in certain forums sparringly like Shannon who makes maybe 2 or 3 posts when he's on which isn't everyday. and theres others like milefile haven't been on for a long time.