Others' user names and when they get to close to yours...

  • Thread starter Jetboy.
There's the obvious (Jon) and a load of others...

James (G.T) has a great little copycat. Not only does he have GT in has name, but has stolen one of James' old avatars.
Now this guy is just taking it too far... not only is his name clearly an anagram of mine, he's even used my initials as well...

Now how do we know it isn't you? :sly:

Strange thing for me, is despite me having a very common name, I don't often have trouble with doubles on any board I post on. The spelling of my name is somewhat unique... :lol: ...that's why I don't bother with aliases. It's too confusing and time-consuming to come up with a new one every time I log into another site anyway.

One thing I see a lot of on auto-sites is people logging in as their car or dream car... and after a few years, when that car is gone... what's left? It's pretty sad when SuperSentra doesn't own a Sentra anymore, or when VetteBoy sells the Vette... :lol:

Also makes EBs (eyeball get-togethers) hideously difficult the first three or four times you meet face-to-face... I can't imagine calling anyone BS1337Bro to his face... :lol:
Sakai Sep 18 2004 0
sakaki_35 May 23 2005 0
sakanabako Oct 19 2003 0
sakara Feb 23 2005 2
Sakashi mitsuru Mar 11 2005 0
sakata14 Oct 14 2005 0
Saki GT Dec 11 2004 0
Sakiale Jul 16 2006 468
sakib Mar 21 2006 0
sakic Mar 05 2002 0
Sakiel Nov 02 2004 0
sakis Apr 16 2005 0
sakkez Mar 04 2005 0

... And there's more where that came from, such as Sakura, Sakura026901, etc. :scared:
Also makes EBs (eyeball get-togethers) hideously difficult the first three or four times you meet face-to-face... I can't imagine calling anyone BS1337Bro to his face... :lol:

An unexpected benefit of having Roo as a username, and one I didn't think of when I joined - when I went to UK GTP V, that's all I got called all weekend :)
9322 members have posted more than 5 times, 10166 members have posted 5 times or more.

And then only 7157 with more then 10
2395 with more then 50
1972 with more then 100
1104 with more then 250
683 with more then 500
398 with more then 1000

And the average member has posted 23 times, as of August 14th 2006 (7:57 PM)


Me - George Morley Mar 20 2006 - 2,548

George - Jun 18 2003 - 0
george gorewin - Oct 23 2005 - 0
George - -3- Jun 16 2004 - 1
George200gt4 - Oct 19 2004 - 0
george2gfm - Mar 08 2005 - 0
George641 - Nov 05 2004 - 0
GeorgeA - Jan 01 2004 - 0
georgeadamadidi - Mar 08 2005 - 0
georgeburger - Oct 06 2003 - 0
GeorgeG - Jun 18 2004 - 0
georgegr - Nov 29 2003 - 0
GeorgeGT - Mar 11 2004 - 0
georgehazza - Aug 05 2006 - 0
georgemn - Dec 29 2005 - 0
georges - Jan 17 2005 - 0
GeorgeWeah - Jul 17 2006 - 0
georgeymoney - Jun 16 2003 - 117
george_costanza - May 27 2005 - 0
george_i_1974 - Apr 24 2005 - 0
george_seamons - Apr 25 2002 - 0

Thats all the Georges.
An unexpected benefit of having Roo as a username, and one I didn't think of when I joined - when I went to UK GTP V, that's all I got called all weekend :)

We had two Davids and two Dans as well - that got confusing, especially when we had one who was both.
Seems there's 11 users who start with small, most who have no posts, one who has 4 posts, and then Dion (Small_Fryz) and myself who're both frequent visitors, ~2000 posts for me and ~6500 for Fryz, and we're both Quality Posts badge holders.

Who says "bigger is better"? :sly: :lol:

I think we both got some nice stats 👍, Quality posts and long time active members :cheers:

I think my name i quite unique 👍, i rarely ever see anyone around the internet with my name or even varients of it.
We had two Davids and two Dans as well - that got confusing, especially when we had one who was both.
And your insistance of just saying "other David" to both me and David didn't help matters at all.
I'd have impersonated agent Smith when diracting comments to you, I'm sure that would avoid any confusion, though if was there there'd have been another David to deal with.
And your insistance of just saying "other David" to both me and David didn't help matters at all.

Can you imagine how confusing it would've got if Dave George had actually shown up, like he said he would, too?!!!! :crazy:

How about "big Dave" daan and "not-so-big Dave" vexd next time?
Or you could become Tartan Dave!
<----- daan in a kilt! :D
Having had a look through the member list (far too many Nics to post), it amazes me just how many people register a username and never post. Is it like this is most forums? Being loyal to GTP I never really visit any others so I wouldn't know...

Having tried a number of times to register, It annoys me.

The first username I tried - already taken.
A modified version of that username - already taken.
My real world nickname for many years - already taken.
My current situation as regards transport, - woohoo, I'm registered, but I don't like the username. :grumpy:

Just to make matters worse, since registering and gaining access to the memberlist, I've found that ten variations of my first choice username have been registered, but only four of them have ever posted, and only two have posted more than 3 times.

Think thats bad? My first choice username has made no posts, was created four and a half years ago, and their last activity - also four and a half years ago. :grumpy:

How many potential users have been put off by the difficulty in finding a suitable username, and so not bothered to register?
...and how many of them were caused by usernames taken up by one time visitors that have never returned to the site?

Surely a bit of housekeeping to purge accounts that have been unused for over a year, and (do not/no longer have) a valid email address attached would be in order?

- the freeing up of my prefered username would surely convince me to go premium and snap it up...
Surely a bit of housekeeping to purge accounts that have been unused for over a year, and (do not/no longer have) a valid email address attached would be in order?

Let me answer this for you. No.

This has been asked numerous times, and Jordan has said no. Not only would it take loads of time to clean out a good 50,000 or more members which are inactive, it would also reduce our current member count.
And your insistance of just saying "other David" to both me and David didn't help matters at all.

My solution this time was more inventive... if not quite as satisfactory to one of you... :D
Well, Duck is really close (but then again, he joined before me, and I would kill for that username).

I see there are lots of variations on Duck.

That was my real life nickname for many years, but fear not for I have not used it here, and have no plans to. I don't feel it to be topical enough for a console racing forum, and besides, it took me years to shake that name off in real life, why would I want to ressurect it online now?

- now off to talk about my real name...
Guess I was just lucky with my name as there has been a fair few "Bee"'s followed by a numbers that signed up before me. However I'm the only red Bee. :sly:
S Zamataki
Z Zamataki
T Zamataki
F Zamataki

That was a confusing period.
There are 5 users that have azure at the start of their name, and none look like Azuremen, and none of them have posts.

wait.. .one guy has 1 post. course, I have over 1,100, so I think more people see my name around still.