Doug, that's cause theres a new parking lot here, and there's mud covering most of it in a 3" flat layer, and it's been dry here, so when you ride over it, it becomes powder, and it's awsome to go really fast on this powder and it makes you go sideways and gets on everything, so my bike is covered, I was going to wash it but I just didn't.
Thanks Viperguy.
And, ummm, (blank), The 3 runs good, it feels like it's got 90hp. Runs really strong for what it is. And damnit we aren't rich, how many times do I have to say it, we aren't rich! The cars don't cost much to insure and register. Maintenence is free also, so they onyl cost for insurence and registry(property tax).
It's not bad at all...the 3 costs some $100 every 6 months for insurence, that's damn cheap for a red car(no matter what the car is, red makes cars more expensive to insure). My bro pays over $600 every 6 months...
Now, do you think that if we were rich, that we would have all used cars, still be on 28K, and still be living in this house(although I love this place)? Hell no, we'd have a brand new MPV, a 3rd gen RX-7, and a pair of 6s and an RX-8 pre-orderd, and we would be living in a mansion with a 10 car garage(we need this!), and T3(or what ever the best thing out there is).
We are lucky I guess...