Our knowledge versus government knowledge

  • Thread starter s0nny80y
Do you believe there are some things beyond our knowledge that the government purposely withholds from the public such as extra terrestrial encounters?

A former Canadian prime minister recently when public on alien encounters. However, he was against the Star Wars program the US proposed a time ago but then again, bringing up aliens as a reason not to build a missile defense program would probably take your efforts backwards. Anyways, read this for yourself:


Sometims I wonder whether the crazy things you hear on TV could possibly be true, although what the government says, goes. Such as the Phoenix lights:


Our knowledge of certain events is really nieve if the government has to cover it up for the sake of national security. If the government really made contact with extra-terrestrials, what would be there to gain if a public announcement was made that scared the hell outta people? Should we care about certain information withheld even if we couldn't do anything about it (uncover it)?

This could be applied to a whole bunch of other things such as the New Masons and the US dollar bill and the Kennedy assasination.
Do you believe there are some things beyond our knowledge that the government purposely withholds from the public such as extra terrestrial encounters?

Yes, there are things beyond our knowledge that the government purposely withholds from the public.

No, I do not believe that such knowledge includes the existence of extra terrestrial beings or encounters.

The timing of the Roswell crash couldn't have been more perfect. 1947... Cold War...new military weapons and aircrafts being tested...
The government lie and hold things back from us everyday. Yet most people will belive their hypocrisy propaganda and lies.

Annoying isn't it. These same government officials will talk about "personal responsibility" -- especially in regards to their party platform... but refuse to accept responsibility for their own actions in a given situation. Instead, they spread propaganda and lies.

Hypocrisy indeed.
A former Canadian prime minister
Minister of Defense, not Prime Minister. In that article he sounds just like any other 'believer', he just happens to be one who held a very high government position in a country with close political ties to the United States.

I believe there's definatly a lot of things the (american, mostly, but others too) government isn't telling the public about, not normal things like nuclear secrets, national security, etc. I mean things like secret wars, technological developments, political manipulation. Aliens? I don't know. It's unlikely, but it could be true. I think it probably isn't, but I'm willing to accept either case.
Pretty funny how some Americans think aliens are only interesting in their country. 99% of all UFO reports are from the USA... do you really believe the American government would even be able to hide such info from the public? Don't you think aliens would have been found in other countries if they came to pay us a visit?
Pretty funny how some Americans think aliens are only interesting in their country. 99% of all UFO reports are from the USA... do you really believe the American government would even be able to hide such info from the public? Don't you think aliens would have been found in other countries if they came to pay us a visit?

haha maybe its the leisure time we have.
Don't you think aliens would have been found in other countries if they came to pay us a visit?

Aliens have never visited this planet. Most UFOs are government projects that are not meant to be seen by the public. That's why the Roswell Crash occurred in 1947 (read: Cold War defense project) and not earlier.
Pretty funny how some Americans think aliens are only interesting in their country. 99% of all UFO reports are from the USA... do you really believe the American government would even be able to hide such info from the public? Don't you think aliens would have been found in other countries if they came to pay us a visit?
Where did you read that most UFO sightings are from the US? Your disdain for the USA is showing again. :rolleyes:

Most come from Mexico, BTW. Russia has a lot, as well as other European countries.

There are no aliens. Man couldn't keep this one secret if we wanted to.
I believe there's definatly a lot of things the (american, mostly, but others too) government isn't telling the public about, not normal things like nuclear secrets, national security, etc. I mean things like secret wars, technological developments, political manipulation. Aliens? I don't know. It's unlikely, but it could be true. I think it probably isn't, but I'm willing to accept either case.


As for aliens, who knows. But I for one belive there are aliens, but wether or not they have visited earth is unkown.

If people dont belive in aliens then they have no idea just how big space is.
There are aliens.

They have managed to infiltrate or specias a couple centuries ago. Every person in a significant position of power is a alien and they work together to keep the non aliens down. Some famous aliens are:

Monica Lewinsky
The british royal family

Hitler and stalin are a different type species of aliens compared to alien "leaders" of the allies hence the world war. they were rival species of aliena.

The aliens mission is to alienate us to compete aginst another in one big rat race and eventually becoming the aliens slaves.

However the aliens were never prepared against their opposition.

The rappers, gangsters and terrorists. Unwittingly these people stay true to their natural human behaviour and because the aliens havent gotten complete control over the non scary humans they cannot wipe out the "scary humans" aka the rappers gangsters and terrorists.

Now that the secret is out and ive given you the power fight. Power to the humanoids!
I think its the peyote seeing things down south in America...

Most supposed alien sightings are in the US, by a long shot, no one is showing anti-american predjudice, this is just a real statistic.

What exactly happened in Roswell 1947, I've heard the date and name linked to many sci-fi stories but what was the original story?
I'm an alien. A legal one though, I got a passport to prove it. :sly:

I think its the peyote seeing things down south in America...

Most supposed alien sightings are in the US, by a long shot, no one is showing anti-american predjudice, this is just a real statistic.

What exactly happened in Roswell 1947, I've heard the date and name linked to many sci-fi stories but what was the original story?
Some belives alien space craft crashed in Roswell. There are many witnesses supporting this story. They claim seeing a wreckage that was full of materials that didn't exist back in the 1940's. They also claim seeing bodies of extraterrestrials. These bodies had pale, smooth skin, and were little bit smaller than average humans and had large heads. I agree with MrktMkr that it was a experimental military craft. I can't remember exactly what materials the witnesses remember seeing, but if it was a experimental military craft, it's no surprise that craft was constructed out of materials 1940's people had never seen. And those ET bodies, they were probably dummies that craft were carrying in place of the actual crew. Some people witnessed army retrieving the wreckage and the bodies back to the near by base.
Thanks, a6m5. Thats about what I assumed, but what material/s would 1940's people not be aware of? Plastic? Certain alloys?

Sounds pretty easily explainable as NOT of alien origin...
Thanks, a6m5. Thats about what I assumed, but what material/s would 1940's people not be aware of? Plastic? Certain alloys?

Sounds pretty easily explainable as NOT of alien origin...
I think one of them was some sort of lightweight alloy. They did touch and play with the materials in the wreckage before the U.S. Army showed up and kicked them out.

Some people strongly belive that these "aliens", who possesses(is this right?) a technology advanced enough to travel to earth would actually crash once they got here. What makes it even more unblievable is that entire crew died in the crash. Let's say that these beings actually screwed up and crashed. It's little hard to believe that they didn't have some sort of safety mechanism to ensure the lives of the crew.
I think one of them was some sort of lightweight alloy. They did touch and play with the materials in the wreckage before the U.S. Army showed up and kicked them out.

Some people strongly belive that these "aliens", who possesses(is this right?) a technology advanced enough to travel to earth would actually crash once they got here. What makes it even more unblievable is that entire crew died in the crash. Let's say that these beings actually screwed up and crashed. It's little hard to believe that they didn't have some sort of safety mechanism to ensure the lives of the crew.

At that evolutionary stage space travel would be routine to them, it would be as natural as us driving a car to downtown. Maybe they were offered sparkling wine by a general or something, and tried to drive home drunk after.

Seriously, the best secrets of all are those that are NOT concealed. If you tell someone to NOT look at something, they'll instantly become curious and look where they're not supposed to look. If I you give you a box with a question mark on it and warn you NOT to look in this box, you would be helpless to your curiousity. The governments of the world don't have to do ANYTHING to keep "aliens" secret.

How is this possible you ask? Simple. The government LETS people tell about their "alien encounters." The public will ALWAYS assume they are nothing but a bunch of crazed lunatics, and NEVER believe them. The work is done before it's started.

Of course "secret" millitary bases have to be kept "secret", but that is for the public's faith in advancing millitary technology. Nobody cared when the Avro Arrow was shown to the public instantly. Everybody cared when rumours gradually circulated about the B2.

Edit: Don't get me wrong, the Avro Arrow was a brilliant interceptor plane. But unlike, say, the Nighthawk or the B2, there was no mystery about it. It's effect on Canadian society was lost, and Diefenbaker had no choice but to shut down the project due to costs.
I like this part:

Hellyer warned, “The United States military are preparing weapons which could be used against the aliens, and they could get us into an intergalactic war without us ever having any warning.” He stated, “The Bush administration has finally agreed to let the military build a forward base on the moon, which will put them in a better position to keep track of the goings and comings of the visitors from space, and to shoot at them, if they so decide.”

If alien motherships destroy our cities for world domination, it's Bush's fault.


There is got to be more important things in the world.


I believe in alien life forms. I don't believe in Roswell. Why? Simply this:

A research project the size of that which would have been undertaken at Roswell would have involved dozens, if not hundreds of scientists and engineers. Civilian scientists and engineers. Now think for a moment:

The Lockheed Skunkworks' SR71 and U2 were developed under a veil of secrecy, but they couldn't keep them secret very long. That's with military personnel, who, yes, kept mum... but after the story broke, they couldn't cover it.

CIA operations often involved a mere handful of agents. Guys who are fanatically dedicated to the job and sworn to utter secrecy. Professional secret keepers. Yet, over the decades, they just couldn't resist telling stories.

NOW... if there is alien technology hidden at Roswell, of the hundreds of engineers and scientists who would have been involved in the project, NO ONE has come forward... OR turned up missing. There's been no vast disappearance of MIT graduates, either.

And, in the case of a crash, any craft entering the atmosphere in distress would light up the sky like the Fourth of July, and would scatter little gobbets of alien metal over a relatively wide area. If this were indeed a trans-atmospheric craft, it should have been bigger or should have blown up on impact.

I'd say if there was anything, it was a black ops research project... using genetically engineered hairless monkeys and a nuclear bomber disguised as a weather balloon.

The "Phoenix Lights" were, without question, aerial flares dropped during a routine military night training exercise. They were visible from very great distances in the clear desert air.

I've seen this Discovery Channel show twice:

"To its credit, the Discovery Channel did perform another, and apparently solid, test to the flare hypothesis. The network submitted Krzyston's footage to Dr. Leonid Rudin at the Pasadena image-processing firm Cognitech. Rudin was also given a daytime shot from Krzyston's yard showing the distant Sierra Estrella, which is invisible in the nighttime video. Rudin matched the day and night shots frame by frame, lining them up on a distant ridge. The result: an animation loop showing that the flares are not only above the Estrella, but blink out as they reach the top of the mountains, precisely as distant flares would.

In a "10-Files" episode, KSAZ Channel 10, however, questioned the Cognitech analysis. Krzyston insists to Channel 10 that the objects were hovering below the Estrella ridgeline and couldn't have fallen behind the mountains. Channel 10 suggested cryptically that Cognitech purposely faked its test--"Has the footage been altered? And by whom and why? The mystery continues"--and showed its own test, which a Channel 10 production man claimed took "not long at all," proving that the 10 p.m. lights in Krzyston's video were well below the Estrella ridgeline.

New Times asked Scowen to perform the test himself, using two frames grabbed from Krzyston's original video and a 35 mm daytime photo taken from Krzyston's yard by UFO researcher Dick Motzer. After a half-hour of careful scaling, positioning, and rotation with imaging software, Scowen found a good match for the ridge visible in both shots. His results: The flares are just above the Estrella ridgeline or right at it, just as Rudin at Cognitech had found."

The Discovery Channel's analysis was even verified independently. See it and you'll really wonder how anybody could think that the "lights" were anything but a string of flares on parachutes, descending slowly to the ground, "disapearring" as they fall below the mountain ridgeline.

This "incident" is a classic example of how legends grow. And, of course, some people have a stake in keeping the legend alive so that they can put a few bucks in their pockets:

"Documentary"? Yeah, right...

We are not being "visited". Like Carl Sagan said, there are other intelligent life forms out there, but we'll never find them, and they'll never find us, because of the vast distances that separate us.

I believe in alien life forms. I don't believe in Roswell. Why? Simply this:

A research project the size of that which would have been undertaken at Roswell would have involved dozens, if not hundreds of scientists and engineers. Civilian scientists and engineers. Now think for a moment:

The Lockheed Skunkworks' SR71 and U2 were developed under a veil of secrecy, but they couldn't keep them secret very long. That's with military personnel, who, yes, kept mum... but after the story broke, they couldn't cover it.

CIA operations often involved a mere handful of agents. Guys who are fanatically dedicated to the job and sworn to utter secrecy. Professional secret keepers. Yet, over the decades, they just couldn't resist telling stories.

NOW... if there is alien technology hidden at Roswell, of the hundreds of engineers and scientists who would have been involved in the project, NO ONE has come forward... OR turned up missing. There's been no vast disappearance of MIT graduates, either.

And, in the case of a crash, any craft entering the atmosphere in distress would light up the sky like the Fourth of July, and would scatter little gobbets of alien metal over a relatively wide area. If this were indeed a trans-atmospheric craft, it should have been bigger or should have blown up on impact.

I'd say if there was anything, it was a black ops research project... using genetically engineered hairless monkeys and a nuclear bomber disguised as a weather balloon.

Their memories were erased with alien technology. :dopey:

As for the civvies that saw the UFO and its pilots? Nobody would have believed them anyway. And if people were about to believe them? Then those people were covered with the stench of RUM.


There are aliens.

They have managed to infiltrate or specias a couple centuries ago. Every person in a significant position of power is a alien and they work together to keep the non aliens down. Some famous aliens are:

Monica Lewinsky
The british royal family

Hitler and stalin are a different type species of aliens compared to alien "leaders" of the allies hence the world war. they were rival species of aliena.

The aliens mission is to alienate us to compete aginst another in one big rat race and eventually becoming the aliens slaves.

However the aliens were never prepared against their opposition.

The rappers, gangsters and terrorists. Unwittingly these people stay true to their natural human behaviour and because the aliens havent gotten complete control over the non scary humans they cannot wipe out the "scary humans" aka the rappers gangsters and terrorists.

Now that the secret is out and ive given you the power fight. Power to the humanoids!

I wonder , Y_W , have you ever heard of this guy ; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Icke

But Government secrecy is interesting ; Did you Know that the American Federal Reserve , that the world is meant to spin around has been challenged as a Constitutional Entity ?
Here's a KwikKwote from the thread below which is a must read ;
CALLER - Why should we borrow our own money from a private consortium of bankers? Isn't this why we had a revolution, created a separate sovereign nation and a Bill of Rights?


You need'nt consider any of the issues that crop up & will continue to appear with greater veracity on the internet , but my advice is go to sleep and stay that way , you're pink slip Tokyo 2007 B
If you have any doubts about the gov't, you have to read Behold A Pale Horse by William Cooper. this book will let you in on some alleged gov't conspiracies. A MUST READ.