Our silence on one of the most persecuted people in the world

  • Thread starter KSaiyu
No. You provide the evidence for your own claims.

You say that the Bible says something. Post where it says it.

Yes it is true the bible says something and one third of the bible is for the future, not for 2015.
Posting verses of bible prophecy is ridiculed on this site. I've already had this is crap, baloney and rubbish from just one bible prophecy.
For example: Babylon will fall.
Will Babylon fall today or in 2015 or in the future?

:confused: I don't know, that's why i ask the question?????

Keep up.
Then post it. Post where the Bible says what you say it says.

Do not mistake that for a request.

Do what you please. It's your choice. I have no idea what you expect from me when you have all the power to realise it for yourself.
I have no idea what you expect from me
I expect you - as everyone on this site expects from everyone else - to not post stuff that is not true.

In this instance you have posted a claim that the Bible contains some words, somewhere in Genesis, the Gospels or Revelations, but you are not posting the reference that shows your claim to be true. This means you're either knowingly posting stuff that isn't true or you're trolling.

All you have to do is post which book, chapter and verse it is for anyone to see.
You tried to put me in my place and now your ordering me about.
Shouldn't be to hard for you to look it up, someone above you has read the bible five times between your posts.
Yeah and i didn't find it, so you have to point it out or I'll just say you're lying, and the passage you're talking about doesn't exist.
This is long.

I claimed atheists on this site have better knowledge of the bible than me. They can find the truth of it themselves.
Seems to me like you're afraid of gaining knowledge about the bible. What if it turns you into an atheist? :P

-edit- oh, a ban happened. didn't see that
I think he is referring to the prophecy in Matthew 24.
His also right that if you don't believe in God, why would anything that comes out of the Bible make any sense to you guys. I suppose if people are supposedly born gay, then there must be people who are born to reject any biblical scripture...:)

How you guys doing?
His also right that if you don't believe in God, why would anything that comes out of the Bible make any sense to you guys.

Thing is, though, nobody was asking for it to make sense; we just wanted to be shown that the Bible actually contained what it was claimed to contain.
I think he is referring to the prophecy in Matthew 24.
That's odd, as Matthew 24 includes a passage that says no-one but the Father knows when the end times will be - so stating that you know it will be soon is a statement that you know what only God knows. Can't be that then, unless he's claiming to be God...
I suppose if people are supposedly born gay, then there must be people who are born to reject any biblical scripture...:)
Bibleness is a genetic trait now? Lordy, you chaps will make up just about anything...
That's odd, as Matthew 24 includes a passage that says no-one but the Father knows when the end times will be - so stating that you know it will be soon is a statement that you know what only God knows. Can't be that then, unless he's claiming to be God...
Not to mention I can't find anything that says Christians will be killed by atheists. It says they will be persecuted and put to death, and hated by other nations. Nothing about atheists, and certainly nothing about atheists rejoicing about the death of Christians.