Our silence on one of the most persecuted people in the world

  • Thread starter KSaiyu
Why no straight answer? It'd beat this obscure "read the bible" crap...

I have rubbish and now crap. Good start.
Now I have to fight out an answer for you who are already to fight.
The answer is in Genesis, the Gospels and Revelation.
I know the are atheists on this site who know the bible better than me. Maybe you are one of them and if not, quite capable of finding out.
Persecution of Christians is prophesied in lots of places in the bible, Try Genesis, the Gospels and Revelation. It's there.
But if you're the one telling us it's there, surely you can point us to the appropriate paragraphs? Because if we're going to pluck out random Bible verses we're going to end up with stuff like this:

Ezekiel 23:20
There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.

That's from the New International Version. If you want the King James Bible:

Ezekiel 23:20
For she doted upon their paramours, whose flesh is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue is like the issue of horses.

Ah, look at me mocking the Bible. Well, quite. Point being, the Bible says a lot of things. If you say it's telling us something, you tell us exactly what it says and where it says it.
But if you're the one telling us it's there, surely you can point us to the appropriate paragraphs? Because if we're going to pluck out random Bible verses we're going to end up with stuff like this:

That's from the New International Version. If you want the King James Bible:

Ah, look at me mocking the Bible. Well, quite. Point being, the Bible says a lot of things. If you say it's telling us something, you tell us exactly what it says and where it says it.

No. A better way would be for you and others to read the bible and maybe you will find out for yourselves. The mocking is granted in this forum as it will be welcomed in the future as this type of abuse is expected in the the world we live in.
With a book as big as the bible, i'd be more surprised if persecution hadn't been mentioned. If you just mention enough things, eventually, some of them maybe at one point over several thousand years line up with the real world.

I'm pretty sure I can write a 1000 page book full of predictions and have at least a handful of those "come true" in the next ten years.

Here, i'll give you an excerpt from the first chapter:

Many churches will be burned to the ground sometime in the next 500 years. Holy moly, I'm going to be celebrated as a prophet!
I'm idly curious why I - amongst apparently all other atheists - will be "rejoicing" at the persecution of Christians.

Also how quoting a Bible passage constitutes "abuse".
No. A better way would be for you and others to read the bible and maybe you will find out for yourselves. The mocking is granted in this forum as it will be welcomed in the future as this type of abuse is expected in the the world we live in.

So obviously, you can't back anything up with evidence yourself? If you knew what you were talking about you'd be able to at least quote the relevant passage and / or explain how and why.

The bible says Christians will die, exactly what an atheist wants....right?

No. Pure 🤬 baloney by the way. It's like saying "i'm a muslim, I want all non-believers to die..." which unless you're part of ISIS doesn't hold water in any way.
I have rubbish and now crap. Good start.
Now I have to fight out an answer for you who are already to fight.
The answer is in Genesis, the Gospels and Revelation.
I know the are atheists on this site who know the bible better than me. Maybe you are one of them and if not, quite capable of finding out.
Persecution of Christians is prophesied in lots of places in the bible, Try Genesis, the Gospels and Revelation. It's there.

For arguments sake, lets say the bible is correct. As such, persecuting the Christians should help validate their beliefs.

Now, the Pope pops in and says he is dismayed that Christians are being persecuted. It seems he forgot to mention that his own church has a long history of persecuting some of the most vulnerable Christians, the children under their care. Or maybe he did, but someone just selectively quoted him, because agenda.
So obviously, you can't back anything up with evidence yourself? If you knew what you were talking about you'd be able to at least quote the relevant passage and / or explain how and why.

No. Pure 🤬 baloney by the way. It's like saying "i'm a muslim, I want all non-believers to die..." which unless you're part of ISIS doesn't hold water in any way.

Rubbish, crap and now baloney.

You look it up and prove me wrong.
I'm idly curious why I - amongst apparently all other atheists - will be "rejoicing" at the persecution of Christians.

Also how quoting a Bible passage constitutes "abuse".
It just does, okay? Because you're a part of the lefty lynch mob undermining the values of good, hardworking Christians with your "logic" and your "facts".

... Did I get the voice right?
The bible says Christians will die, exactly what an atheist wants....right?
Killing people because they're different. Sounds like something various religions would do rather than non-religious people would. Are you sure you haven't flipped reality upside down?

Now, where have you heard that atheists want christians to die? From a statistically significant amount of atheists?
The bible says Christians will die, exactly what an atheist wants....right?

Being an atheist means that you don't believe in Gods or follow religious texts. It doesn't mean you hate all Christians (or Muslims or Jews etc etc) - and it certainly doesn't mean you want them to die, or wish them any ill feelings of any kind. It simply means you don't follow any religion.
Quoting passages from the bible is abuse? since when?
It's the form of discussion the I consider abuse. Why do it?

Still waiting for you to actually present evidence rather than directions. And i'll keep waiting.

Evidence? I quote prophecy. Christians will wait and atheists carry on where they left of.
Evidence is in the waiting..like soon. lol.
You look it up and prove me wrong.
You made the claim. It's your burden of proof.

Which bit of Genesis, the Gospels or Revelations says that in 2015 the persecution of Christians will be soon?

You also should answer where you got the notion that atheists will rejoice at this persecution or the deaths of Christians.
You made the claim. It's your burden of proof.

Which bit of Genesis, the Gospels or Revelations says that in 2015 the persecution of Christians will be soon?

You also should answer where you got the notion that atheists will rejoice at this persecution or the deaths of Christians.

Where does it say Christians will die in 2015?

Why do you use the word notion?

This is prophecy, not a notion.
It's probably just very hard to admit that you've painted yourself into a corner.

No I haven't. But you would like that. Those that hate Christians will kill them and they will be glad, that is what is written in the bible. Look it up.
Ok, I've read the bible about 5 times now. Couldn't find that exact passage. Please tell me exactly where it is and I'll check again.
No I haven't. But you would like that. Those that hate Christians will kill them and they will be glad, that is what is written in the bible. Look it up.

If you know, present us the evidence. It shouldn't be hard.