Oval Racing Series|Miata TC Series|Cancelled

  • Thread starter aceboy127

Do you want to have teams in this championship

  • Yes Please

    Votes: 15 68.2%
  • No Way

    Votes: 7 31.8%

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Excellent racing as usual tonight! Killerclown was unbeatable of course but at least I managed to catch second. woo!

Love these races because you don't have to practise for hours in the weeks to be competitive in the race. :)
Great racing today in general, I for one used up my tires to early. I had great racing with rap, sass, and niko and getting destroyed by killer.
Also, the standings are updated.
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I am very excited for Indy and hope to have some big fields this weekend.
Alright good to hear. Race is in less than one hour for those who are coming tonight.
This weekends race was great as usual, even though only 3 showed up we had a lot of fun switching places all the time and then when the last two laps came the strategy games started for real. Was really exciting when everything fell in to place and my hands were all shaky when I crossed the finish line. :)

Thanks ace and ak!
I think it has come time for me to cancel this series. I am not happy to do this, but lack in participation has forced my hand. I may possibly be looking to start a vintage NASCAR style series soon. I am sorry to those competitors who were still coming, but I feel you can see where I am coming from. I guess not as many people like racing Miatas around ovals as much as I thought, either that or I am a bad host. Either way sorry again everyone and I hope to see you all in my next series.
:( that's sad, wonder why no one showed up, you had a lot of sign ups but most of them just never showed. (by the way, this is the second time a series get cancelled when i'm in the lead ^^ )
Man I'm sorry. Now you are going to make me feel bad. Its a bummer that it just had to end like this, but I am sick of opening my lounge up for races to have 3 or less show up. You can keep an eye out for my next series if you want, I don't really know when it will be starting, but I probably will send out a message to all the sign ups for this series.
I think it has come time for me to cancel this series. I am not happy to do this, but lack in participation has forced my hand. I may possibly be looking to start a vintage NASCAR style series soon. I am sorry to those competitors who were still coming, but I feel you can see where I am coming from. I guess not as many people like racing Miatas around ovals as much as I thought, either that or I am a bad host. Either way sorry again everyone and I hope to see you all in my next series.

It's not you Ace, it's just GT5 in general is quickly losing popularity. Many series are having trouble attracting participants and getting people to show up. As a general rule of thumb, you will only get half the people who register to show up to a race, at best. So for a grid of 12 you need 24. When only 10 sign up you usually get fields of 4 or 5 on a good day. For me the issue was just work and fishing...lol. I'm swamped with work and when I have a few days free at this time of year, it often means heading up north for some salmon and steelies, usually wrapped around a weekend when all the racing takes place.

I think the time has come for series and race director's to begin combining efforts, to get all their regular participants to join up to get some full fields but even then, I think GT5's days are numbered. I'm looking at giving Project Cars a spin myself now that I've gotten a new PC and just from the sound, car and track selection alone, let alone the graphics, I'm sure if I ever start on it, it'll end up my go to game with the limited time I have available. Which is too bad really. GT5 had the chance to be THE game that bucked the trend and lasted for years and years with high participation, but I think it's almost on life support at this point.
It's ok ace i don't blame you, it just won't work when people don't show up to races. I think Johnny might be on to something, gt5 have just died since the summer. Don't know what happened, was it project cars? is that out? or was it forza horizon? i can't play any of those so i'll stay with gt5 until something better on ps3 shows up..
Yea I know myself for one, I have been experimenting with all kinds of racing games. I just recently got back into Ferrari Challenge. I've been playing Blur and Split Second a lot also. Another good one is Wipeout HD it is not with cars, but aircraft. I'm sure I could list a few more, but I must say changing over from time to time has definitely kept me interested. You never know how much fun some other games are until you actually try them out. I do still hope to try to do some other series, but I fear Johnny is right and if by this time next year GT5 is still going it will be a miracle. I guess this is the beginning of the end for the great online racing that we are all so used to. It seems anymore that if you are not running Super GT or F1 then you can consider your series done before it starts.
I apologize for not showing up as much as i should have. I signed up, I definitely should be there. It's not you Ace, you run a league well. GT's life is fading. Online competition is the only reason I love playing GT. But I need full rooms. Johnny is exactly right, you need at least 25 sign ups to maybe have 12 drivers per race. I ran a SuperGT series and had 27 sign ups. 13 drivers for the first race and never more than that for the rest of the season. I was really happy that 13 showed up. I have a few ideas for series but I'm scared that people will sign up and no one will show up. Even Bowtie's NASCAR series is struggling. I thought that would be popular. We're lucky that we have as many participating as we do. But we lost Greest before it started and we just lost Killer. Ive been playing F1 2012 on the PC and looking to join a series on there. But I would rather be playing GT5 with a good group who show up for most of the races and last place finishes the race and doesn't rage quit.
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