While this thread hasn’t seen any activity in over a decade, but I don’t see anything wrong with bringing it back since it’s a good topic and I haven’t seen any newer topics on this. Anyways, one artist I still find to be fairly overrated is:
Luke Combs.
Although he hasn’t been around too long, he has had 10 singles go to #1 and has become very popular in country music in recent years. My whole family loves him, my sister especially, and they just can’t seem to get enough of him. Some other people I know seem to have similar feelings as well and they act like he’s one of the best things in country music, but I never truly agreed with this. I just think he’s “good” for the most part, better than some artists on the radio nowadays, but not “fantastic”. While I do like him, I don’t have any large incentive to listen to him frequently and I don’t think he’s the best thing out there like everyone else seems to feel about him.
So not only do I not have a lot of incentive to listen to him often, but what’s worse is every hit he comes out with gets overplayed to the point I no longer enjoy listening it. I swear no matter what country station I turn it to around here, I hear his music every freaking hour, sometimes even multiple times an hour and it’s legitimately difficult to get away from him if you listen to the radio often. His song “When It Rains It Pours” is the biggest offender for this and possibly the 2nd most overplayed song of 2017 for me. I still am not too interested to hear it again since it got overplayed so dang much and even one year after it’s release, I still heard it rather frequently, to the point you’d think it’s still new given how they played it.
Like I get he’s a good artist and I know when someone has a hit, it’s going to get played a lot, but come on, he’s not that good. I have no doubt people request this at times and the way I see it is, if people didn’t want to hear him, they wouldn’t play it as much. The fact he’s from my home state is probably another contributing factor.
Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t dislike him, I have listened to the entirety of his album “This One’s For You”, I am aware he has 10 hits go to #1, so he’s definitely a talented artist and he’s gotten even better with his latest album. However, in terms of how good he is, I think it’s been fairly overstated at this point. I just don’t think he’s quite as good as people make him out to be, certainly not the best in country music nowadays and definitely not enough to justify the ridiculous frequency of how often his music gets played.