/\/\/\/\ Which is an acheivment in itself... There's no questioning the creativity in Tom's abilities to find out new ways of making a guitar sound crazy.
On a flip side, there was mention of DMB as being over rated... I agree to an extent... That goes double as of late. However, give a listen or watch the DVD for Listener Supported. It's flawless and the music sounds almost exactly like on the albums... It's pretty impressive.
Gee... I didn't know easy-to-play music is not great just because it was easy to play...
It's not "bad" none of the music we're really talking about here is "bad" by any means. We're simply talking about over rated stuff. You know, when people say "Oh WOW man, Nirvana is the best band ever!" Hey, the music is not bad, but they do not deserve that praise... It's not so much saying "They suck!" as it is saying "They aren't as good as people make them out to be".
I wouldn't put any punk band as over-rated since compared to the main stream it is under-rated (or properly-rated)... Die hard fans will always over rate their favorite band... but thats no reason to say that the band is over rated because of such people... It should be compared to how the mainstream portrays those artists...
Well this is subject to what you mean by punk... There are so many broad defenitions of music now, that it kind of makes it hard to class music. What I think punk is, ended in the mid 90s or so, with a few diehard bands that can truely call themselves punkers still holding true. But what most people see as punk is Gob, Blink 182, Sum 41, pretty much anything "new" you'd now see at a Vans Tour. I say new as ther are often good punk bands that lend themselve to these kind of events to draw in hard core people... But most of it is fluff.
Most pop-stars for instance, are over-rated... Their music has shown no change and their lyrics are plain... Their music dissappears in years and are never significant ever again... The mainstream usually never accepts their music ever again poking fun of it most of the time... That is Fad music...
Yes it is... You're right. The problem is that people are simply producing to make money and appease the masses instead of impressing or improoving music as we know it. I really don't think that you'll ever hear a band in the year 2020 say "Blink 182 was a huge influence on us and we could never have made it hear without hearing what they did". You'll likely still hear people saying that the Ramones, Sex Pistols, and maybe even Rancid were influences on their sound.
As I said before, fans will defend their favorites perhaps over-rating them a bit... that is to be expected. Besides when people have a positive emotion about the music they have listened to, they will enjoy it no matter what expert says about it... quite frankly I could careless about which band is more technically superior... which seems to be the discussion here...
Why don't you care about the technical aspects of music. Remember, it's not just about how hard it is to play. It can also mean how it influences others music and culture. As you said before, SW is perhaps and easier song then most, is not hard to play, but it sounds like nothing else at that time... Hence why it gets huge props from me at least...
If your not technically advanced enough so that a kid would be able to play your music, you are over-rated? What kind of thinking is that? I don't care if any kid can play Nirvana's S L Teen Spirit... Doesn't mean its a horrible song... I still like the damn song... I don't care if Ramones stuff is easy as blowing ur nose, cause its still good... I don't think Stair Way to Heaven is over-rated cause I've already heard 5 guys play it in my beginners guitar class...
Nirvana is over rated... Why? Nothing came from them. The best thing to come out of Nirvana was Foo Fighters, and they sound nothing like Nirvana. And in my opinion showed who the real talent in the band really was... But that can be a matter of opinion.
Over-rated bands are those new 'boy' bands that stupid 'rejects' listen to... Pah! they are just pop listeners in denial that listen to the next thing closest to pop... Their albums will be forgotten in a couple years and will be an insignificant blotch in the history of rock...
You see, when I said this way back, it was cool... But now it's like saying the same thing, but in your own special way (Big kidding to this one man...). I feel sort of the same way. The difference is, at least for me, that as more and more music is comming out, it should at least be getting better and better, striving to be original or at least a step ahead of what's out there now... Cheers...