The Beatles have been discussed far more than any other band in this thread. Take a look.
Really... What's your point here? I said it had and that I was also allowed to offer my two cents on the matter as well... Am I not? Also, the only reason they've been mentioned at all was because some one said that were over rates in the first place. If you didn't say that, think that, deffend that don't take that personally... I never said Exigeracer... You're a f**cking morron! Take a breath and repeat after me... Not everything on this forum is dirrected at me (well...er... except this that is[repeat as needed]).
Apparently to who? Your incomplete judgements? Apparently you haven't been reading the thread, because I also stated before that 'to defend does not mean to favor.'
But to attack usuely does...
It is true and you have made total presumptions. You have offended me, because I know a lot about punk, it's history, its band and styles. You have no idea what kind of music I listen to or what kind, so why are you fitting me into any category? [...]You clearly misjudged me and my musical tastes. I do listen to Pennywise often, have seen them live, and Social Distortion is one of my favorite bands [...]Don't ever presume so much about someone.
Well, you're a young male, who listens to punk... That was the presumption I made... You've now just stated so yourself... Therefore my presumption was fairly right, was it, or was it not... I'm not disecting your life here. Just that you like punk... What's the issue here.
But I find it ironic how people are complaining about talentless powerchord music, when punk is the simplest, most straight-forward form of music ever.
Again, what's your point here?
Don't bother finding a tape. Good complete discographies have demo tape tracklists. Find a list from a demo tape of a band, then compare the tracklist to the next four records from that band and tell me which songs are the same. It's not hard, let's see you do it.
Discographies usually pertain to released works... It usually does not pertain to the demo tapes that were first sent into a record company to get a deal... You have "demo tape" and "studio outtake" confused I believe. I would how ever like to get a copy of one of your "great" discograhpies that have the demo tape listings. As you said, it's not that hard, here I go assuming again, but I'd guessing you must have them near you, or can access these lists readily... Can you not?
Again with the apparently. You are wrong. Honestly, this whole time I thought you were a lot smarter than that.
Don't trouble yourself with your opinions of me... I don't trouble myself with your opinions of me, and I'm fine... Further more, just because I disagree with you on a matter of opinion, does not make me or you any less smart. It would be wise for you to realize that before too long or you may miss a lot of great information from people you may not agree with at this time of your life...
Ah, more of the blind "you're too young to have an opinion". Your opinion on music is probably tainted by what was popular around your teenage years. If we had this discussion back in 1992 (when, according to your profile, you were 15), people would be saying the same about you. That's just the way it is.
I know where you're comming from... Really, I do, but in the end, my experiences in the radio industry, music industry, education of the subject and general interests/obsession on this subject would indicate, at least to me, that I know more about it (music) then say, a 17 year old kid... Unless he's a music student, which I stated, and has studied the subject or worked in the industry. That's not to say there aren't ANY younger people that don't know what they're talking about... only that they aren't in the majority for that age group. Again as was stated before, not everything in this forum is dirrected at you... If you're not "guilty" (for lack of a better term) don't take it to heart.
Also, if we want to analyze music to the nth degree - want to know what music really is? Noise. Everything we hear is noise. Music is just what our brains interpret as "good noise".
It is noise... More over, it's vibrations set to certain frequencies and rythmes that our ears can dectect. More of the "I'm young and know everything approach", kidding dude...
I don't think the song is about the music industry itself and its current strive to make as much money as possible. It's more about hypocriticism. Blatantly obvious is the the hypocritical kid described at the start of the song. In the first few lyrics the kid is described as wearing name-brand clothes and claiming to be a gangsta, yet calling the band a sellout. When the kid himself has clearly sold out to the mainstream.
The song could also deal with capitalism. That would explain the constant references to "The man". The man is most likely a representation of corporations and capitalism.
So basically, you can't call someone a sellout because you're the buyer.
"All you know about me is what I've sold you [...] I sold out long before you ever even heard my name." He changed to fit an image to sell records that people would buy.
"I sold my soul to make a record [...] And then you bought one." He sold his values/beliefs/morals/artistic integrity and the result was that people liked the product that was made and supported it, and basically now he has to be that way or people won't support him.
"All you read and wear or see and hear on TV is a product begging for your
fat@ss dirty dollar [...] Buy my new record send more money." I could see where the capitalism thing could work itself in here, but as it's a song pertaining to his industry. It relates dirrectly to it. The reading and wearring part is about Tool shirts and products, seeing on TV is videos and interviews that are made to support an image that people will buy. Now that he's given the people what they want at such a high price... Support him.
At any rate, back on topic... Either of you can feel free to PM me is you want to continue this discusison further... If not, back on subject please...