Overview of GT7 Telemetry Software

  • Thread starter snimat
I think I can answer this pretty simply with: don’t trust the replays for minute details. I don’t know exactly why it’s not a one to one replay, but it could be that they average out values and interpolate them when replaying. I do know, as you mention, that they differ.

Edit: don’t know if you can replicate it better if you compare against your own replay rather than live. Test it? 😄
I can confirm that superimposing a lap recorded live to same lap played from replay all the shapes are close to 100% accuracy, while the brake one is quite off, particullary in the brake application, while has performances similar to all other tags in brake release

This is the whole lap


Zoom in of Turn1


Example of a turn with 100% brake and one with lighter brake


Racing line is more adequate to identify braking point difference

Zoom in of Turn 1 and Example of a turn with 100% brake and one with lighter brake


I think I saw similar things with the Motec application. It's probably the way GT7 gives out data, even though don't see the reason of this