While I don't necessarily reject your particular premise, I definitely reject and despise the underlying assertion that difficulty in a venture makes it a nonstarter. Nothing happens yet again and something happens...yet again.
Really though, a system mandated by the government, which it would likely have to be if it's to have a meaningful impact, could be mandated to be universal...and that right there fixes one problem immediately. Frankly, this would work just fine for the single-location example. It could even be a given from the start; "You're applying for a permit to protect yourself in your own home? Great! Here's an application that, if accepted, entitles you only to a firearm with an electronic tether."
Make it harder to obtain guns that can kill anybody at any time, or whose possessor is ambiguous because any attempt to keep track of where that gun is goes down the drain once it leaves the rack or display case in a store that sells then, and instances of unlawful use go down immediately, without keeping those who should have the right to possess a firearm from doing exactly that.