Patch 3.0 Still Buggy :-(

  • Thread starter TT92
My most unorthodox post, perhaps only a few will get it...

its like your starting to date the a super hot girl, completely out of your league, so much so you don't want her to see pics of your exes.

Since she is so hot, you assume she is also your dream girl.

Before long you realize she is crazy as hell... But since you think it's your dream girl you start compromising all of your standards and things continue.

Eventually you start feeling a bit miserable, not exactly sure why, but your girlfriend is so hot, the "driving" is OK, and you endure for a while.

As time passes, it seems like she is loosing her hotness and this starts to make you a little less nice, a little less tolerant, as your standards and personal needs start to set back in. She realizes this and between her insanely illogical arguments she is still very "Drivable" and you push on thinking things might work themselves out.

One day an an ex offers you a ride, you take it... And your reminded how fun and how much better the relationship was and now your perplexed. You desperately want the hot one to be more like the old one... Let's call her AC...

You can see the hot one senses your frustration and tries to be a bit more sensible, like her head got patched... But you can't shake the frustrations of earlier and realize the deception of her appearance just isn't as satisfying anymore but you're not sure you want to "put down the keys".

Then it hits you, the drive was only good because of the package, not the model... And then you realize the maintenance costs and gas guzzling inefficiencies. She's a succubus! (Of sorts)

How long can you continue just to have access to the keys? Is it worth having a Ferrari if it's just going to sit broken in the garage despite working on it daily?

Perhaps the hot girl will "grow up", perhaps it's you just not being compatible? Nope! She is broke and with the "honeymoon" over, you know every time you drive with' her you're engaging in a soul sucking backassword experience when you might be happier with AC... Oops, I mean a less fetured and less content... Oops... A nicer more practical girl who is still pretty, and a much better "drive" than constantly dedicating time to something that isn't likely to ever give you the return you want for the time invested.

Breakups are hard! Especially if your still in position of the keys and loaded with ignorant hope...

I would like to expand on this a little if I may. This dream girl, that I waited and waited for finally shows up in my life and I am just blown away and dazzled by her appearance and her feel and her touch.

She is a real glamour alright. Then, after some intimate moments I start to realise she has a dark side. Just when I am in the heat of passion she will just freeze on me and that leaves me frustrated and devastated. How!? Why? We were both doing so well. Was it something I did? Or said?

As the relationship developed I have started to realise below all the glamour, the glitz, the sexy touch she is just a psycho bitch waiting to turn on me :-( She has a nasty streak in her a mile wide and she doesn't mind showing it (regularly).

I am afraid our relationship is doomed. I blame her parents as they did not raise her right and placed too higher expectations on her to do well in the real world. When they should have offered support and nurturing they just slapped a couple of band aids on her and sent her home to me again. Sad but true.

She is destined to be admired by a few from afar and will sadly die a lonely and forgettable death unless her parents get her some professional help and sort this crazy bitches head out.

I will remember her as a wild fling, a one night stand, that did not end well.

So I have started to court my old oriental girl friend again (even though everyone considers her a whore) but do have my eye on a new, sexy little Italian that is just around the corner that is coming of age ;-)
Installed new game (pc) yesterday and kart 1 karts are stacked on top of each other in every race plus I've had the game crash for times already.
It's just not a concise package, it's a bunch of parts all loosely working together. But we can all see its potential and that's the real rub...

AC for example, though updates are slow, they are very focused and progressive. Each update is a joy and reignites a desire to pour hours into it.

PCARS has been patches and loosely claimed features that are just patched solutions that still don't work quite right. It's like an immature kid saying "look at me!" Vs AC that has way more confidence, looks more realistic (more muted color palet) and plays to its strengths, doesn't constantly try and over compensate for its weaknesses. Guess what?! PCARS is an e-sport now! (Wtf?!)

Sorry, nothing constructive. I do play Pcars but it really needs some professionals at the helm to focus it.
My game is very buggy....have yet to see a single grid girl.
Been a while since I've given this award:sly::
You win the internet.jpg
try posting bug stuff on official forum...fanboys attack from all corners there...
Depends on how you put it. If you explain in detail so folk see that you are genuinely trying to make the game better instead of whine, the atmosphere there is not as bad as people make it out to be.
reality is nobody whines IMO, well some do about nonesense stuff, but true and valid criticism should be posted every day if bugs, glitches and problems are found.
same as fanboys trying to push something down ones throat until accepted only when a WMD member or SMS stafg admits it and pushes out of their back side of their ticketing system and forum. there are many other sim racing games and none are better than the other all same **** but at least u get feedback, emails and PM's asking how to reproduce and starting a proper communication, even possible with iRacing (given its size and members) but to completely shun consumers and your own fanbase don't think thats the way to go.
(good example: since release no FFB system feedback, help nor explanation had been given nor provided through official channels, zero!!!)

PS: nowadays, everything is immediately considered and stamped as whining anyways.
Depends on how you put it. If you explain in detail so folk see that you are genuinely trying to make the game better instead of whine, the atmosphere there is not as bad as people make it out to be.
I think because most people left and go back to here or someplace else... It's a very boring forum... GT planet used to be the Wild West, but the open conversations were refreshing, and that evolved into some really constructive dialogs years later. The same won't happen there, mods are rather rude when banning, always a snide comment like "b'bye now!" and Ian expects to be harolded by all, he acts very smug. His presence is more of a deterrent than enhancement. He isn't professinal at all. AC has a good forum with some stand out characters, and there is always something interesting due to the modding and people actively collate all the social media postings.

Pcars forum is lacking the same personality there game is lacking. Perhaps that's the kind of kid 9 woman would make in what they thought would be one month?

This post would get me perma banned... If fact if one of there mods here read this they would go ban me there anyway.
reality is nobody whines IMO, well some do about nonesense stuff, but true and valid criticism should be posted every day if bugs, glitches and problems are found.
same as fanboys trying to push something down ones throat until accepted only when a WMD member or SMS stafg admits it and pushes out of their back side of their ticketing system and forum. there are many other sim racing games and none are better than the other all same **** but at least u get feedback, emails and PM's asking how to reproduce and starting a proper communication, even possible with iRacing (given its size and members) but to completely shun consumers and your own fanbase don't think thats the way to go.
(good example: since release no FFB system feedback, help nor explanation had been given nor provided through official channels, zero!!!)

PS: nowadays, everything is immediately considered and stamped as whining anyways.
Zero official information on FFB eh? You mean like this?:
Stickied, downloadable guide to FFB first posted in June by a Super Moderator on the Official Forum?
To be quite fair, if anyone read that whole thread they would be more confused than knowing nothing at all. The FFB has changed so much, and all the FFB settings are way to much... There is still no definitive starting point for each wheel.

Case in point, if you turn on my Fanatec in win 10, then boot the game, your wheel isn't registered (win 10 USB bug). You have heavy lumbering FFB that is awful. Many people describe the issue but few know you must run the Fanatec utility on PC to make sure the computer is regestering the device correctly before booting the game or Pcars will regester it as generic.

Personally I'm a bit lucky as I have the same wheel as Jack spades so when ever he tries to suggest settings for others he uses his own settings as context and I just copy his. Combined with his own setting files, and I have great FFB. If I didn't have the same wheel I would be as lost as ever, and I'm a developer with all the wheels own SDK's...

But here is what Pcars thought would be good for consumers, to surface ALL the attributes from Logitech and fanatec's SDK's, in game... Imagine if you had total custom AI in a game you could infinitely tweet and needed to start the sim just to test? Where do you begin? How much time do you have? All before trying to enjoy a game. Another point to argue an unfinished product.

So I'm very impothetic to those struggling with FFB, Even those claiming to understand all the settings are still mostly wrong.

Sometimes, too much is a bad thing.
To be quite fair, if anyone read that whole thread they would be more confused than knowing nothing at all. The FFB has changed so much, and all the FFB settings are way to much... There is still no definitive starting point for each wheel.

Case in point, if you turn on my Fanatec in win 10, then boot the game, your wheel isn't registered (win 10 USB bug). You have heavy lumbering FFB that is awful. Many people describe the issue but few know you must run the Fanatec utility on PC to make sure the computer is regestering the device correctly before booting the game or Pcars will regester it as generic.

Personally I'm a bit lucky as I have the same wheel as Jack spades so when ever he tries to suggest settings for others he uses his own settings as context and I just copy his. Combined with his own setting files, and I have great FFB. If I didn't have the same wheel I would be as lost as ever, and I'm a developer with all the wheels own SDK's...

But here is what Pcars thought would be good for consumers, to surface ALL the attributes from Logitech and fanatec's SDK's, in game... Imagine if you had total custom AI in a game you could infinitely tweet and needed to start the sim just to test? Where do you begin? How much time do you have? All before trying to enjoy a game. Another point to argue an unfinished product.

So I'm very impothetic to those struggling with FFB, Even those claiming to understand all the settings are still mostly wrong.

Sometimes, too much is a bad thing.
If we're quite fair, the claim was, "good example: since release no FFB system feedback, help nor explanation had been given nor provided through official channels, zero!!!". Obviously the claim is false. Now if he had said, "the FFB and menus are as confusing as hell and everything I read on the official forum and here has left me even more confused", that's a different matter altogether, and I'd tend to agree.
It's been to long...


Whens the next countdown to a game...Anything...anything at all. SMS let us all down. look how dispointed this lady is..Whats coming next game wise for a countdown?

PS The new patch is OUT!!!!! On PS4 patch 4.0 :)
If we're quite fair, the claim was, "good example: since release no FFB system feedback, help nor explanation had been given nor provided through official channels, zero!!!". Obviously the claim is false. Now if he had said, "the FFB and menus are as confusing as hell and everything I read on the official forum and here has left me even more confused", that's a different matter altogether, and I'd tend to agree.
Perhaps I should have started by actually reading his original post :embarrassed:

So new patch is up... Release notes are pure bugs, more like internal dev build notes than anything relevant to end users... But that's my takeaway so far... I'm still hooked on MGSV... So I have everything retired from my chassis to the TV in the next room. I'm not even a fan but it's fantastic.

Anyone else notice any positive impacts on gameplay with this patch? I do miss how Polyphony did lite notes and we all went hunting for improvements not documented.

Interesting discussion by Casey Ringley, the lead physics about how the toe accumulates and causing issue like wandering steering, crash ( land mines ? ) and floating cars.

Sadly the supposed fix was not included in 4.0. What Casey said :

"We tracked down this bug late last week. Nasty one; could be responsible for a lot of the physics explosions people have reported in long sessions. For some reason, this car does (did) a similar thing in much less time."

"Code. Appeared to be drift caused by accumulated error in the suspension geometry solver. A periodic check to make sure it was all behaving has cleared up the problem completely."

"Watching toe angles change as race distance accumulated and then magically reset on even very small collisions. For whatever reason, only the 320 Turbo had this happen at a rate fast enough to be noticeable and data fixes alone only minimized it. On the bug, it picks up something like 0.2° per side per lap at Silverstone. So by lap 10 you'd be up over 4° total at the rear end - hence the wandering! That's a good sign that pickup points were shifting around slightly over time in an unpredictable manner. Feeling pretty good that it will help the other issues we've seen where cars start spontaneously crashing and floating. The videos we've seen look exactly like what happens if we balls up the suspension geometry and put a wheel into an unconstrained state. That makes sense if the points were going walkabout on their own. Haven't seen any sign of the issue since Steve made the fix."

"No idea on the logistics of a hotfix patch like that...not my area. Well the good news is that the effect accumulates very slowly on most cars and does reset during pit stops. Messy band-aid, but you could also very lightly scrape the wall at some point and it also resets any bad drift."

Took quite a long time for them to track this one down :)
One thing that is not fixed after patch 4.0 is the mega stuttering doing online race , when drivers come to join or want to leave .
Woooooo:crazy: it was a festival of stutters .
What I really like is when iI was online , there was a guy who stopped in the middle of the road for no reason and wanted to turn his car , he became a ghost car nice 👍
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