My most unorthodox post, perhaps only a few will get it...
its like your starting to date the a super hot girl, completely out of your league, so much so you don't want her to see pics of your exes.
Since she is so hot, you assume she is also your dream girl.
Before long you realize she is crazy as hell... But since you think it's your dream girl you start compromising all of your standards and things continue.
Eventually you start feeling a bit miserable, not exactly sure why, but your girlfriend is so hot, the "driving" is OK, and you endure for a while.
As time passes, it seems like she is loosing her hotness and this starts to make you a little less nice, a little less tolerant, as your standards and personal needs start to set back in. She realizes this and between her insanely illogical arguments she is still very "Drivable" and you push on thinking things might work themselves out.
One day an an ex offers you a ride, you take it... And your reminded how fun and how much better the relationship was and now your perplexed. You desperately want the hot one to be more like the old one... Let's call her AC...
You can see the hot one senses your frustration and tries to be a bit more sensible, like her head got patched... But you can't shake the frustrations of earlier and realize the deception of her appearance just isn't as satisfying anymore but you're not sure you want to "put down the keys".
Then it hits you, the drive was only good because of the package, not the model... And then you realize the maintenance costs and gas guzzling inefficiencies. She's a succubus! (Of sorts)
How long can you continue just to have access to the keys? Is it worth having a Ferrari if it's just going to sit broken in the garage despite working on it daily?
Perhaps the hot girl will "grow up", perhaps it's you just not being compatible? Nope! She is broke and with the "honeymoon" over, you know every time you drive with' her you're engaging in a soul sucking backassword experience when you might be happier with AC... Oops, I mean a less fetured and less content... Oops... A nicer more practical girl who is still pretty, and a much better "drive" than constantly dedicating time to something that isn't likely to ever give you the return you want for the time invested.
Breakups are hard! Especially if your still in position of the keys and loaded with ignorant hope...