Patch 4.0 is released

  • Thread starter smilerftm
Ah another CSW.

If you listen to Nic to the end of the vid, he gave a lot of his real life experience and made a lot suggestions to the SMS dev of what needs to be improved on the Clio Cup ( chassis, tire grip, behavior on lift off etc ). Unfortunately, even Nic didn't realized the suspension specs used were from MK3 car, ( his real life racecar ) while the Pcars Clio is MK4 Clio which is different in many ways :) Nic drove Mk3 cars in real life during Pcars development ( I don't think Nic drove Mk4 in real life yet when giving consultation to SMS ), and only after release when I raised the subject to Casey via WMB member here, the Clio gets the fix to Mk4 specs ( springs, damper, caster etc )
If you listen to Nic to the end of the vid, he gave a lot of his real life experience and made a lot suggestions to the SMS dev of what needs to be improved on the Clio Cup. Unfortunately, even Nic didn't realized the suspension specs used were from MK3 car, ( his real life racecar ) while the Pcars Clio is MK4 Clio which is different in may ways :) Nic drove Mk3 cars in real life during Pcars development ( I don't think Nic drove Mk4 in real life yet when giving consultation to SMS ), and only after release when I raised the subject to Casey via WMB member here, the Clio gets the fix to Mk4 specs ( springs, damper, caster etc )

To be honest I wouldn't place a high priority on Nic's feedback if I worked at SMS. Have you seen him race? I'm not trying to be nasty to the guy, but I'd sooner seek out Max Chilton for feedback lol.
The thing is, as long as the person has good grasp of both virtual and reality driving of the cars ( preferably on track in real life ), the feedback would be good enough. If someone has knowledge of technical aspects of a specific cars ( like gear ratios, springs, etc ) it would greatly help with authenticity and accuracy as well and make sure both data and output are working in harmony ( the unique MK4 clio springs/damper/caster arrangement produces similar result in pcars vs real life ) Often, devs would alter stuff in the chassis physics to get what they after while leaving the car setup alone ( accurate or not ) - Clio in particular for example, Casey didn't know about the Mk3 springs used on MK4 car, about the dampers, and caster, as they haven't got the data from Renault Sport. Nic gave pointers and direction to go with the tire, chassis and lift off reaction, and the devs work around the car physics model. I'm sure the recent 3.0 fix on the Clio would also involved Nic consultation to give the best possible Clio :)

Building a car model in a sim is a long process, the visual part is more straightforward, but the core physics needs accurate data to begin with ( engine power + characteristics-compression-curves, weight-distribution-crossweight, dimensions-track+wheelbase+height,etc, suspensions-springs-damper-arb-alignment, diff, gear ratios, aero model-drag+lift, tires and many more ), so the devs/builder can properly work on it by refining the car output simulation when driven - based on feedback from real life experiences as references. This ensure the best possible simulation of specific car.

Video game or not, the amount of work done by the consultants should be appreciated, Ben and Nic also seems to be enjoying it :P
Yeah I'm aware it's a long process, and having someone who's driven the real car in anger is a must, but my point was more one of the fact that they could do with a better race driver for feedback than Nic. Ben's work would be much more valuable.
Still nothing for ps4 users in the US:banghead:
All bugs before patch 4.0 are still there so don't put to much hope in it .
Dose anybody now why they took the laptimes world record an personal record done on a track away ?
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Let's see if this gets me banned over on the Pcars forum...

My post (typed on phone so it's messy)

"The bugs are growing, not shrinking. Bugs the community are crying out to be fixed are likely the most impactful to the end users and should be top priority, then all the low level or internal dev wish lists, then features.

Community bugs; setup saves, pit errors, "land mines", car geo digging into tracks, proper start/finish lines, tire setup, proper livery selection, optimized Monaco, proper FFB presets, etc.

Feature enhancements; mandatory pits online, administrator tools online (kick that guy! Ability), pit crews, forced setups (custom! Not default), revised UI logic (stop having to trick things to work like global setups saves, proper tire selection, weather, etc), custom championships both online and single player, custom liveries online, timed races, triple screen support, etc etc.

I'm sure these lists could be huge, this is just off the top of my head based on what I've been reading here for months.

A games dev roadmap should be as follows;
1) release game as complete as possible
2) patches based on user feedback and known non fixed dev bugs, no more than 3 months of patches
3) feature enhancements along side DLC to keep things fresh
4) open up for modding around the 6 month mark (retention and extended life cycle)

And when you state a "new feature" make sure it works, and that it's intuitive enough that a user doesn't need to visit a forum to understand its function.

I do appreciate there is a team working on regulate updates but I don't recal a single user feedback request being addressed that isn't "tuning" related or to address a fundamental bug, but even then it's been more of a bandaid than a proper solution. It's like going to a dr for your foot but he keeps treating your hand... Was anyone really complaining about rear view mirrors? How does that even get prioritized over day one bugs?

Please don't take this the wrong way, as a player, I'm trying to do my part to share what things look like from the other side of the fence and I have a strong desire to see Pcars in all its glory. Just your renderer and weather change effects alone are way ahead of anything we'll see in another sim for years... I just want it all to work together so I can better enjoy the game you guys originally planned to release."
Let's see if this gets me banned over on the Pcars forum...

My post (typed on phone so it's messy)

"The bugs are growing, not shrinking. Bugs the community are crying out to be fixed are likely the most impactful to the end users and should be top priority, then all the low level or internal dev wish lists, then features.

Community bugs; setup saves, pit errors, "land mines", car geo digging into tracks, proper start/finish lines, tire setup, proper livery selection, optimized Monaco, proper FFB presets, etc.

Feature enhancements; mandatory pits online, administrator tools online (kick that guy! Ability), pit crews, forced setups (custom! Not default), revised UI logic (stop having to trick things to work like global setups saves, proper tire selection, weather, etc), custom championships both online and single player, custom liveries online, timed races, triple screen support, etc etc.

I'm sure these lists could be huge, this is just off the top of my head based on what I've been reading here for months.

A games dev roadmap should be as follows;
1) release game as complete as possible
2) patches based on user feedback and known non fixed dev bugs, no more than 3 months of patches
3) feature enhancements along side DLC to keep things fresh
4) open up for modding around the 6 month mark (retention and extended life cycle)

And when you state a "new feature" make sure it works, and that it's intuitive enough that a user doesn't need to visit a forum to understand its function.

I do appreciate there is a team working on regulate updates but I don't recal a single user feedback request being addressed that isn't "tuning" related or to address a fundamental bug, but even then it's been more of a bandaid than a proper solution. It's like going to a dr for your foot but he keeps treating your hand... Was anyone really complaining about rear view mirrors? How does that even get prioritized over day one bugs?

Please don't take this the wrong way, as a player, I'm trying to do my part to share what things look like from the other side of the fence and I have a strong desire to see Pcars in all its glory. Just your renderer and weather change effects alone are way ahead of anything we'll see in another sim for years... I just want it all to work together so I can better enjoy the game you guys originally planned to release."
Marvellous just marvellous:bowdown::bowdown::bowdown::bowdown::cheers::cheers:👍👍👍👍
Bugs aside, those who still have patch 3.0 cannot join a lobby of those with 4.0. That's why they want it.

Pretty much. To race with you, football, hammy and the other guys. I been getting frustrated with career lately. After reading people reports about this patch I don't even care no more. Now the other stuff is going have to get put on hold and they going to have fix what 4.0 messed up.
Let's see if this gets me banned over on the Pcars forum...

My post (typed on phone so it's messy)

"The bugs are growing, not shrinking. Bugs the community are crying out to be fixed are likely the most impactful to the end users and should be top priority, then all the low level or internal dev wish lists, then features.

Community bugs; setup saves, pit errors, "land mines", car geo digging into tracks, proper start/finish lines, tire setup, proper livery selection, optimized Monaco, proper FFB presets, etc.

Feature enhancements; mandatory pits online, administrator tools online (kick that guy! Ability), pit crews, forced setups (custom! Not default), revised UI logic (stop having to trick things to work like global setups saves, proper tire selection, weather, etc), custom championships both online and single player, custom liveries online, timed races, triple screen support, etc etc.

I'm sure these lists could be huge, this is just off the top of my head based on what I've been reading here for months.

A games dev roadmap should be as follows;
1) release game as complete as possible
2) patches based on user feedback and known non fixed dev bugs, no more than 3 months of patches
3) feature enhancements along side DLC to keep things fresh
4) open up for modding around the 6 month mark (retention and extended life cycle)

And when you state a "new feature" make sure it works, and that it's intuitive enough that a user doesn't need to visit a forum to understand its function.

I do appreciate there is a team working on regulate updates but I don't recal a single user feedback request being addressed that isn't "tuning" related or to address a fundamental bug, but even then it's been more of a bandaid than a proper solution. It's like going to a dr for your foot but he keeps treating your hand... Was anyone really complaining about rear view mirrors? How does that even get prioritized over day one bugs?

Please don't take this the wrong way, as a player, I'm trying to do my part to share what things look like from the other side of the fence and I have a strong desire to see Pcars in all its glory. Just your renderer and weather change effects alone are way ahead of anything we'll see in another sim for years... I just want it all to work together so I can better enjoy the game you guys originally planned to release."
Custom championships would be so so good, but if they're planning it and we want all the bugs to get fixed before they launch any more content we'll be waiting around for it for a long time. Catch 22 in some regards. Good points though 👍
I'm not sure what 4.0 broke that worked in 3.0 . The new locked set up doesn't work but what excactly did 4.0 break ? Haven't played it so i was just wondering
It's so strange how new bugs appear when patches come out. I'm no programmer but it sure seems like something to make you do this: :banghead:
Update 4.0 just hit US PSN eastern
Thanks for the news. 👍 Can't wait to check out this grid bug tonight. :lol: I usually go off random positions anyway...but the other issues are concerning. :indiff: However...with Xbone users having received the update as well...DLC hype intensifies... :drool: