Patch NewsPS4 

I think the patch is coming today, because the Japanese Pack is on xbox live and i've already installed it. Now just waiting for the patch to drive the JDM cars.

Has this post slipped under the radar?! Japanese pack is coming with release?! I thought we were 'only' getting Black Cat and Levant as Porsche was delayed - and looks like the patch isn't too far! Just a tad excited..!!
Yes seen that and a earlier interview stated the consoles will have more or less what pc has but then days before release it was regretted that somethings didn't make it! l agree the advert should be changed as it is false.

I guess GT6 set a precedent that advertised features don't need to be included at launch, just as long as they're added at some point in the game's life cycle. Half the promised features weren't there at launch and some took many months to appear. How long did it take for the course maker to come out, like two years after launch? And AFAIK the much-hyped mobile app that would let you use GPS to plot your own course never did materialize. Pretty sad state of affairs really, advertised features should be included at launch or at least by the first patch, not months or years after release. Hopefully Kunos get these things added PDQ, but I have a feeling some of them (like private lobbies) may take a while to get sorted unfortunately.
I guess GT6 set a precedent that advertised features don't need to be included at launch, just as long as they're added at some point in the game's life cycle. Half the promised features weren't there at launch and some took many months to appear. How long did it take for the course maker to come out, like two years after launch? And AFAIK the much-hyped mobile app that would let you use GPS to plot your own course never did materialize. Pretty sad state of affairs really, advertised features should be included at launch or at least by the first patch, not months or years after release. Hopefully Kunos get these things added PDQ, but I have a feeling some of them (like private lobbies) may take a while to get sorted unfortunately.

lf the lobbies are not going to be as advertised for a while then the advert has to come down or change as it is now false advertisement surely?
lf the lobbies are not going to be as advertised for a while then the advert has to come down or change as it is now false advertisement surely?

AFAIK GT6 never had to change their advertising about things that weren't included at launch. From a legal standpoint they could probably make the argument that as long as they are included within a "reasonable time" (our definition of "reasonable" will likely differ greatly from a lawyer's definition) then it is not false advertising. If this was indeed considered false advertising then there would probably be a lot of recent console releases getting rung up on charges since this seems to be the norm for the industry now. Just look at how many things were missing from PCars at launch, and some of the promised features were eventually abandoned which to me could certainly be considered false advertising but I don't think they were ever sued for it. Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not defending the practice as I think it's dishonest, silly, and avoidable.

Edit: Generally with a false advertising claim I think there needs to be intentional deceit and I don't think that is the case with AC console.
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Edit: Generally with a false advertising claim I think there needs to be intentional deceit and I don't think that is the case with AC console.
I don't think intent is part of the equation. I'm sure PD intended for the course maker to be included 'on time' (whatever the hell that means in their alternate universe :D), but that doesn't absolve them from their crappy communication.

In the end, stuff is late (GT6 course maker) or isn't done at all (PCARS Wii-U version for instance, or custom championships), the only thing important to me is that developers communicate honestly about it (and throw in some compensation like free cars/tracks in case a feature gets dropped completely).

Still too early to see where AC sits with regards to private/customizable lobbies IMO, give them some chance to respond (have they already?).

I'm a little pissed of, they said "patch coming later this month"
The month is not over, and as far as I know, Kunos already submitted the patch to MS/Sony, so what else do you expect?
AFAIK GT6 never had to change their advertising about things that weren't included at launch. From a legal standpoint they could probably make the argument that as long as they are included within a "reasonable time" (our definition of "reasonable" will likely differ greatly from a lawyer's definition) then it is not false advertising. If this was indeed considered false advertising then there would probably be a lot of recent console releases getting rung up on charges since this seems to be the norm for the industry now. Just look at how many things were missing from PCars at launch, and some of the promised features were eventually abandoned which to me could certainly be considered false advertising but I don't think they were ever sued for it. Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not defending the practice as I think it's dishonest, silly, and avoidable.

Edit: Generally with a false advertising claim I think there needs to be intentional deceit and I don't think that is the case with AC console.

AC are certainly not alone and others are worse.
Why are you pissed off? There are a few days to go, plus just a few posts above there has been some movement on patch/DLC..

I honestly think the DLC appearance is dued to a scheduled release planned for today (for the DLC) and then removed because the patch is not ready yet (Now the DLC is disappeared on Xone)

EDIT: Sorry for double posting
I don't think intent is part of the equation.

What I meant by intentional deceit was, for example, if Kunos advertised that you could paint your cars and add lots of modification parts to them but never had any intention of adding those features and only advertised as such to get more sales. That would be intentionally deceitful and grounds for a false advertising lawsuit.

A release date? It's the 26th

They announced last Thursday that the patches have been submitted to Sony and Microsoft, if you want a release date you're going to have to ask Sony and Microsoft because it's out of Kunos' hands now. The certification process can take a few days or a couple weeks and it's unlikely that both parties will approved their patches at the same time so it's possible one gets released a day or three before the other one.
And AFAIK the much-hyped mobile app that would let you use GPS to plot your own course never did materialize.
Ugh, thanks for reminding me :indiff: that was seriously the only thing I was looking forward to in GT6 when it was launching. I would have dropped the game after a month or two if it weren't for quick match reigniting my enthusiasm for competing online.

I think as long as a developer qualifies the "game features" promotional materials with a "coming soon" type disclaimer, they are OK. And then they need to take those features off of any websites etc. prior to confirming their abandonment.

I hope the patch does go through today, I would do the season pass now if if will give me some JP cars to drive tonight.

The fact that I will be 1. driving actual Porsches 2. that are faithfully digitally replicated 3. in a racing game that I consider superior to GT in terms of driving quality 4. on my PS4 5. within a month (give or take) still isn't sinking in for me. Still feeling too good to be true. I feel like EA is going to swoop in at the last minute and block the content with some legal mumbo-jumbo. Which would cause all of my body mass to instantly convert to pure energy.
I think the patch is coming today, because the Japanese Pack is on xbox live and i've already installed it. Now just waiting for the patch to drive the JDM cars.

You're sure?? maybe you buyed and installed the Japanese car pack form project cars, cause from assetto corsa the only available DLC pack is the "prestige pack" for almost 7€


I don't expect the Update before end of the week.. And i don't expect Japanese car pack till October.. Cause they teased the Update, black cat county circuit and maserati levante and the "prestige pack DLC" but not a word of the Japanese Pack and red pack
You're sure?? maybe you buyed and installed the Japanese car pack form project cars, cause from assetto corsa the only available DLC pack is the "prestige pack" for almost 7€

View attachment 590687

I don't expect the Update before end of the week.. And i don't expect Japanese car pack till October.. Cause they teased the Update, black cat county circuit and maserati levante and the "prestige pack DLC" but not a word of the Japanese Pack and red pack

They removed it. I think they scheduled the release today but because of the patch not being ready they deleted it
It's still out there, go to the store/add ons/for you selected add ons (i don't know it this is the correct translation, because my xbox is in Dutch)
Sorry for the bad pic (cell phone pic)

It let you to purchase it?
It's still out there, go to the store/add ons/for you selected add ons (i don't know if this is the correct translation, because my xbox is in Dutch)
Sorry for the bad pic (cell phone pic)

Well that's a good surprise! Hopefully for the end of the week we get the Update and DLC in PS4!

I'm more hyped for the red pack and red bull circuit hahaha

But sure will have some fun with the Supra
I'm all for road cars and can't wait for that Japanese pack. I hope that thing going on on the XBONE store is an indication that it will be available after the incoming patch.
Yes seen that and a earlier interview stated the consoles will have more or less what pc has but then days before release it was regretted that somethings didn't make it! l agree the advert should be changed as it is false. Lets hope that they haven't changed it because the patch will cover it and thank you for drawing that to my attention. The current level is what it is, promised or not, l felt and still do with the amount of work to do and being a small team on a budget not to expect everything missing/basic to be upgraded at once. The reason l dumped project cars was l felt palmed of with all the stuff missing and not working, l'm hoping kunos are different based on what l've heard in that they do basically care and genuinely want to provide a better optimising service.

I too hope Kunos will provide better support than SMS and I too dumped PCars because of the l (I will say this as politely as possible) less than satisfactory support and haphazard approach to updates.

I just hope Kunos do not use Polyphony Digital as a benchmark and take over a year to actually deliver what was originally promised or both SMS and PD just deciding to totally stop support altogether.

At least there is one major factor in Kunos's favour, the game (on PS4) is rock solid and is basically very sound. I have had one lock up so far where I have had to reboot the game. Where as PCars crashed the first time I loaded it and proceeded to do it regularly ever after >:-( Oh and just remind me much fun those invisible walls were? ;-)

I will not dwell on past history or other studios failures but here's hoping that Kunos will deliver what is promised and as good as I think it can be. And, it doesn't need to have heaps of imaginary tracks, 60 different GTRs, 50 different MX5s and 100 all the same (basically) RX7s ;-) (Yes I know a slight exaggeration but you get my point)

IMHO AC to be successful basically only needs, good physics (tick), stable programming (tick) and a customiseable online MP (Big cross). Then they can branch out and make it "pretty" with more content which they can make money on.