I only want what is promised and what is still listed on their website as to what this game can do. So yes, at this point in time I feel cheated.
http://www.console.assettocorsa.net/ See under key features "Fully customizable single player and multiplayer modes include quick races, race weekends including free practice sessions, qualifying session, drift challenges and more!" So now explain to me why I shouldn't feel cheated when I have paid for these features and I do not have them.
Now this makes my blood boil, Kunos only said this 24hours before the PS4 game was released and I for one actually missed it. So I still expected the game to include what was (is!!!) promised and is still a "Key Feature" as listed on their website.
Well, i think here is a bad comunication from 505 or Kunos
"Fully customizable single player and multiplayer modes include quick races, race weekends including free practice sessions, qualifying session, drift challenges and more!"
Actually, it is not saying nothing that is a lie: "Fully customizable single player" and "multiplayer modes include quick races, race weekends including free practice sessions, qualifying session, drift challenges and more!"... You see my point? Those two thing are indeed in the game, but the text is too ambiguous. Thats the problem. It was on purpose? Who knows. It was made by 505 or Kunos? Who knows. But that text should be changed, i agree.
Private lobbies really don't interest me in the slightest. However, they shouldn't assure console players that they are getting the "full monty" when they weren't. I mean, you complete a hot lap and your lap time isn't saved. What's that about? Want to have a grid full of diverse cars? Sorry we didn't transfer that over from PC. Want all cars? Sorry got to wait a few months and we can't give you a ballpark figure of when they'll be released.
Don't get me wrong, I like AC but I thought Kunos would be a bit more professional.
I think they are professional, but very small team. Stefano said in his last stream that only 3 or 5 people did the console port.
But i also think they have missed in some crucial points, that will affect on sales: no private lobbies, no minorating, bad predefined pad configuration, no leaderboards...
To balance that lack of options with hope that they will add them with time (they have said Assetto corsa is going to be improved with the time) they were pretty honest and launched the game at 45 bucks (not like other indie games... cofcofNomansskycofcof).
They will keep their promisses? Who knows. But at this time, i dont find a reason that is not explained that could critize their work... for now.
edit: I almost forget. I prefere by thousand times the way Driveclub and Assetto handle the public lobbies to the way PCars handles it. Public lobbies should be controled by the developer team (but with varied races), in order to avoid the public online mode to be a **cking jungle of options, like in PC.