Patch NewsPS4 

#trustinkunos :sly: They aren't perfect but they really are great guys who have a huge passion for this hobby and for their product, and they're usually pretty good about keeping their word. 👍

I already love Kunos, Assetto Corsa is filled with passion in every pixel (italian stereotype spotted, but it's actually true) I was only hyper-excited to play the career mode finishing better than 5th :lol:
On the news section in AC it says the Japanese pack is now available. Can't find it though. Edit: Also what happened to being able to select your steering degree animation?
Well, i think here is a bad comunication from 505 or Kunos
"Fully customizable single player and multiplayer modes include quick races, race weekends including free practice sessions, qualifying session, drift challenges and more!"

Actually, it is not saying nothing that is a lie: "Fully customizable single player" and "multiplayer modes include quick races, race weekends including free practice sessions, qualifying session, drift challenges and more!"... You see my point? Those two thing are indeed in the game, but the text is too ambiguous. Thats the problem. It was on purpose? Who knows. It was made by 505 or Kunos? Who knows. But that text should be changed, i agree.

I don't particularly wish to debate semantics here with you. You have agreed it is misleading and I have stated I do feel cheated so we will leave it at that.

You also failed to respond to my comment about Kunos only revealing there was no private lobbies only 24hrs before release. In other words, they left it until the very last minute so it didn't overly affect their sales at release because mugs like me missed reading it and so bought the disc anyway.

While we are at it I was led to believe that the console version would release at the same level that the PC version was at including all DLC.

As I type this my 2.275GB update is downloading so I will see what that brings ;-) All may be good in the morning :-)
Nice surprise that the Japanese pack has landed today too. I was probably too harsh on Kunos to be fair. I got the Season Pass on ps4 and all Japanese cars have been installed.

Actually the Japanese pack has appeared in game but can't select any of the cars yet.
Nice surprise that the Japanese pack has landed today too. I was probably too harsh on Kunos to be fair. I got the Season Pass on ps4 and all Japanese cars have been installed.

Actually the Japanese pack has appeared in game but can't select any of the cars yet.
can more people confirm that the Japanese pack is automaticly installed with this update??
Still no option to customise the controller layout??

This game has been a disaster on the consoles
I hope it's because it is not as easy as it sounds to do and couldn't get it ready in time for this patch rather thsn because theý simply ignoredit ( doesn't bother me personally as I adapted quickly). I hope they are now working on lobbies, leaderboards, annoying exposure, showroom, and my bloody dragstrips, where are thou dragstrips? I'll only use them once too if/when they come out.
I hope it's because it is not as easy as it sounds to do and couldn't get it ready in time for this patch rather thsn because theý simply ignoredit

I'd guess that's probably pretty accurate. This stuff is never easy and there's only four guys working on it, and IIRC they were brought in just to do the console work so they haven't been working on AC the last few years and are having to learn the ins and outs as they go.
Don't understand why you can't select the Japanese cars on PS4?!! The patch is installed but the car pack isn't it's just visible. WTF???
Don't understand why you can't select the Japanese cars on PS4?!! The patch is installed but the car pack isn't it's just visible. WTF???
Easy. The game supports and features the Japanese Pack content but Sony and Microsoft have yet to update their stores to sell the pack.
I was probably too harsh on Kunos to be fair.

Don't understand why you can't select the Japanese cars on PS4?!! The patch is installed but the car pack isn't it's just visible. WTF???

:lol: My how quickly attitudes swing! Relax man, it will obviously be available soon and no women, children, or puppies will be injured if it takes another couple days to be accessible.
It is common for ps4 games to update to be ready for new DLC but PSN not have the content on the store until the next time they update it. Sadly AC is not crazy popular like COD so it is not a rushed thing for PSN.

Glad to see the patch landed on time and I hope the improvements are stable.

Would like to give it a try but I have a fun filled weekend trip starting as soon as I get off work today. Going to support a 6 vehicle endurance junk car racing team and even do a little driving myself if we can keep the cars running long enough.:lol: