Reporting back as promised! Same again, community clio event around Brands Hatch. Took me longer this time and did have to make some changes to the controller settings but after that pretty quickly, ten laps or so, I was within half a second of my wheel time. So out of the box on XBone with the pad it's not as good as out of the box on PS4 on the pad. And it's harder on XBone with the pad. You really have to be very careful with all your inputs. However, that is not to say it's impossible, just more difficult and I'm sure with more tweaking of the controller settings I could get it feeling just so.
Since I wasn't using my wheel I could also play on my 4K tv for the first time, usually I play on the 1080p tv that is attached to my rig, and have to say your comments about the graphics are puzzling. It looked very good. Not quite on a par with the PS4 version and obviously nowhere near how it looks on PC. But easily as good as FM5 and with changing weather and time of day it knocks it out of the park compared to FM5.
So I stick my previous impression even with a pad. This is easily the best racer on console. Has a fantastic nuanced physics model with beautiful graphics and many things we have been dreaming about seeing on console for years. SMS should be hugely congratulated on taking the huge leap of faith with the financial model and bringing a game like this to console.
To get the most out of this game you need a wheel. The game deserves a wheel. No matter how much they improve the controls with the pad they will never get it anywhere close to how good it feels with a decent ffb wheel. The game is that good and that advanced that if you don't use a wheel you really are missing out. It's not Forza or GT, not having wheel doesn't make a great deal of difference in those games. I can use both control methods and get the same results. However, with a game and handling model this good you owe it to yourself to get a wheel.
Oh it is HARD on the controller believe me when I tell you that. I was up till 4:30 in the morning on a Sunday night fiddling around with the controller settings and trying out different cars in different tracks/weather conditions and have err.. "stumbled upon" some interesting facts.
First of all, it is...ridiculous how much the game forces you to be intricate with inputs and just FOCUS on nothing but the driving... which is, a very good thing actually (Jeremy Clarkson voice + nod).
Try input mode 3 for starters and tweak according to taste. I think that input mode is generally a good start to rectify the twitchy over-corrective pad control.
Visuals.. yes, I was a bit harsh I'll admit being almost completely spoiled rotten by the likes of FM5 and Hor 2. PCARS' visuals are decent, they remind me of FM4 visuals upped to a really good resolution + solid AA, though PCARS' lighting is really good. The weather and night driving effects do please the eye as well as the senses. I was just disappointed initially with how dull Lemans or Laguna for instance looked, compared to their FM5 counterparts. But then again, a crowd-funded project... not bad at all. The details on the cars are impressive and the cockpit views and details, pretty good. Wish there was no tearing, frame hiccups and slowdowns (not severe though) but mehh, can't have it all. I notice a wierd filter around the track boundaries sometimes like a blurry lod.. wish they'd iron that out.
I will also go on record to admit that the physics model is much deeper than what I've experienced on consoles. It's fair to say that T10 does have real competition on their hands now, not visuals or audio-wise, but physics for sure.
You are not leaving me much choice here and I AM considering getting a wheel. Though my gaming space isn't very spacious and setting it up properly may be an issue.
I think it's console hangover. People expect to just hop into every car and near instantaneously be able to drive every car at the limit, which is something you can do with most cars on most console games with a little practice and very little tweaking. I remember how excited I was to drive the new classic Ferraris in GT6. Beautiful car models on the old PS3, old skinny tires, very forgiving slip angles, shouldn't be anywhere near as quick as a modern cars with similar specs but so much fun to drive. I also remember how disappointed I was when the car drove pretty much the same as every other car, with the same grip and lateral g's as modern cars on the same compound. That's what people are used to though. A 71' Ferrari, feels like an 84' Lamborghini, feels like a 92' NSX, feels like an 03' RX8, with only minor variations here and there for weight distribution. In reality they would all have much different rubber and feel completely different on the track, at the limit.
Now there's nothing wrong with that approach, it works well for a lot of people and for many people, including me for a long time, it is enough to scratch their racing itch. But in a game like Project Cars, you simply need to adjust your mindset when you approach a true simulator otherwise you're going to be sorely disappointed. Assetto Corsa was the same for me, it took me a full two weeks to fully adjust to what was happening with the cars and gather up some semblance of speed, and really de-program myself from "driving simulator" to "racing simulator".
You're right, you're absolutely right. There's no question about it, and I am on that boat too.
I shall take heed to your advice and report back. (y)
I don't think it's fair to be outright dismissive of people saying their Xbox controller doesn't work. For me it's like the slightest touch on the analogue causes the car to veer wildly, as if you were driving and gave the car a violent, half rotation on the wheel. It is not at all working and I'm not exaggerating. I'll get a video up tonight to show just how bad it is for me.
Yeah, I know right? People with wheels who keep saying how perfect the game is for them (ahem) write off us controller users, when we have a thing or two to complain about. Your concerns are perfectly legit. The game should at least have come with a printed or online manual.
I get exactly what you're saying, this is what pissed me off so much after I excitedly got the game. Anyhow, it appears to me there might not have been enough research on SMS's part regarding the out-the-box X1 controller settings.
Here's a fix: use input mode 3, keep steering deadzone above 30, speed sensitivity (which is what we call SSS in GT and Forza) between 50 and 80 to suit preference and don't change any of the other settings, unless you absolutely have to. And keep controller sensitivity filter a little high to begin with, like say, 50 or 60 and then dial it down right before the point of control becoming twitchy again.
I hope this makes sense and helps you enjoy it on the pad. Also scroll up or go to the previous two pages;
@Johnnypenso left two links which you'll find quite useful. 👍
You are right. Some users have this problem, some don't. From what I heard, updating the controller firmware + start PCars with a fresh save game should bring the twitchy sensitivity back to a normal range which then can be tuned further. The SMS patch is supposed to be improving the overall controller feel, with the non buggy stick sens. as the baseline.
Okay, my controller is updated but how would clearing Local Saved Games help with the control? Can't you just adjust settings directly from the options (with desirable results) instead of deleting the save or for example, reinstalling the game?
When do you think that patch is coming out?
The only problem I'm having is horrible frame rates

I tried reducing the number of cars to 16 and it was still pretty bad, it seems as some tracks have worse frame rates although oddly it doesn't seem to be related to the size of the track. XBO here.
Really? Well.. I haven't played the game yet with a full grid doing a lot of testing in practice mode. Though I did do one race with max number of cars which hovers somewhere between 25 and 29? Not sure, though I have noticed minor slowdowns and tearing. Not to the extent you're describing. Will do a stress test soon in weather and max grid on a detail-rich track to see how it fares.
Report back then captain!
Sadly no, we just get the option to turn off some visual effects like bloom and lens flare. I've heard turning them off won't make a noticeable difference in the frame rate.
Hey can you tell me what Vigentte does?
That's one of the main downside with 'accessible simulators' such as Gran Turismo; you're missing out on many of the nuances of the physics that certain cars possess and in turn making them unique. Hence, why I also believe many are in for a rude awakening, followed by a tough sobering up period. Though, the controller settings themselves should've been handled better.
You're right on all counts, there's no denying it: I'm far too used to the Forza/GT pick up and play model. This was quite the rude awakening and I might give it another chance before swapping it in for COD AW. The controller settings, yes.. they could have outlined detailed descriptions in the game menu or a manual of some kind. Input mode 3 generally dials down the twitchiness a lot and then you can adjust a few settings for different cars. Sadly, at the moment, I don't think there's a one-size-fits-all setting/tweak on the controller that works well for every car.
Tire pressures and steering ratio/angle along with suspension and LSD can be used to better suit your preferences. There's talk of the patch.. how it's going to fix the handling and make it (probably) as good as the PS4 pad. You know when its arriving?
I gotta admit my second and third impressions of the game are a lot better than my first impression. Still waiting for the anti tank slapper patch but even crawling around the track is fun in the rain, I even managed to win a couple of career races after a few (dozen) restarts.
Edited to add: I'm absolutely fine with the sound and visuals of this game and grateful for the chance to join the revolution without the need for an additional PS4 or gaming PC on top of my Xbone.
The tank-slapper can be tamed to some degree with input mode three and adjusting these parameters to suit your driving style:
* speed sensitivity
* controller sensitivity filter
* steering deadone
I would not recommend changing any of the other settings. Refer to the two links Johnnypenso left a page or two back in the thread.