• Thread starter Mr Grumpy
I love the Caterham. And like the track (it's much better than in GTS). ;)

I'm not liking the AI so much though. "Get out of my way!" :P

There was no sign of Rich @Mr Grumpy, message sent. I'd probably continue though.
Ok, race 4 is up....

I'll hold off updating the results from race 3 for a bit incase @richroo comes back online.

Until then feel free to get your race 4 times in.
I bought a Caterham in PCARS3 and have put more than a few miles on it, so this will be an interesting back-to-back comparison.
When your car is partially flipped over(pretty much almost up to the point where it comes to rest on the roof/rollbar/a Jag driver's head) you can actually have really amusing amount of control over it by turning the wheels to one side or the other.

I think I did flip the Caterham once but I landed on my feet. But I spent a lot of time while working on my Bannochbrae enduro in the Trans-Am Camaro in various states of lateral roll, and managed to save it when there's no way it made sense on quite a few occasions. I don't know if it was the car or Bannochbrae but it just really loved to flip over.

I've rolled a few other cars and have seen a similar thing. Once it's on the roof you're stuck though, DNF or briefly map yourself a reset button and then unmap it and try to forget the whole thing. :D
Okay I tried a bit more today and improved my time so I'll go with this. 👍 So much fun, I could just keep running this even with limited setup options. Too bad about the bots though. Maybe they'll improve the bot consistency in the ne----ver mind.

Results post updated.
My race results post updated to add Willow Springs. I did the race a few days a go but kept forgetting to transfer it to the memory stick!

A tricky but fun combination @Chikane_GTR 👍 Brought a smile to my face.

I've got to admit I cheated slightly (but within the rules) in that I got so fed up with changing gears up and down constantly I switched to automatic. It turns out it's semi auto - you can still change manually as well. Best of both!
My race results post updated to add Willow Springs. I did the race a few days a go but kept forgetting to transfer it to the memory stick!

A tricky but fun combination @Chikane_GTR 👍 Brought a smile to my face.

I've got to admit I cheated slightly (but within the rules) in that I got so fed up with changing gears up and down constantly I switched to automatic. It turns out it's semi auto - you can still change manually as well. Best of both!
I do that with wreckfest, use auto but they're also really semi so you can blip em if you need to.
We need a WFCP championship next. :D
No chance, if there's one thing I've learnt about that game it's that no matter how good you believe you are & how safe you think you are, it can all go south rather quickly within a blink of an eye right up to the last inch of the finish line.

It is funny though (behind my anger) :)
My race results post updated to add Willow Springs. I did the race a few days a go but kept forgetting to transfer it to the memory stick!

A tricky but fun combination @Chikane_GTR 👍 Brought a smile to my face.

I've got to admit I cheated slightly (but within the rules) in that I got so fed up with changing gears up and down constantly I switched to automatic. It turns out it's semi auto - you can still change manually as well. Best of both!

I can see why you'd want to do that, there's about 5 corners where I would either shift up not much more than a second before slowing down or be really tempted to shift right before braking. I still like being able to decide when/whether it happens though, and use the timing of the shifts to help keep my balance.

It's always felt to me like PC2 was just a little too rough when shifting with sequentials -- both upshifts and downshifts(spell-check thinks only downshifts is a word) can really unsettle the car like I've not usually seen in other games. Some cars seem to get it worse than others and I found the Seven to be rather tricky... I actually toyed with using the clutch for a while early on before getting used to it.

For real fun you can drive the street Corvette. It has an H-Pattern with auto-blip and auto-clutch but shifts take just as long as a full manual instead of super-quick like this and similar sequential-stick cars like the Ginetta. It's like learning to drive all over again and I'm still not sure I've gotten accustomed to it after a couple hours with the car. Sometimes it seems more stable and just as fast to use the clutch anyway.
I've taken a couple of runs at this one so far and while I haven't got a time I'm happy with yet (2 biggish offs in both runs), I'm really enjoying the combination - the little Seven is made for this track it feels like, good choice @Chikane_GTR :D.

The whole thing with gears is funny, I used to use automatic all the time, until I realised during one of the CRAP TT events how much time I was losing in that particular car by not using all the rev range. Once i found a button setup on the controller that I could manage for manual gears that was it - and now I hate driving with auto gears. Then I found out that turning auto-clutch off is marginally quicker with a sequential box, and all of a sudden I've become one of the no-driving-aids gang :lol:

With this particular combo I'm finding that effect @Morgoth_666 is describing actually quite useful - a downshift going into the corners really helps rotate the car a bit.

I'll get a proper time in over the weekend, this is another combo that deserves a proper go in VR - should be a real rollercoaster ride!
Talking about manual transmission, don't you guys secretly love to burn it a little bit more that use to? I do, but if it is wrong, don't tell anyone. That moment on peak when speed starts to rise rather unusually quickly in later gears and then boom upshift into red zone, how wrong is that and how wonderful. That's one of my mental problems with racing, especially in GTE cars that allow you to upshift as late as possible.
So Willow Springs... filing this one under 'Hugely enjoyable'! Very very fun drive, though the first lap is, well, interesting! Thanks @Chikane_GTR for introducing me to a new track - not one that will work for every car, but it's an utter joy with this one.

Results post updated - as always would have liked to have gone a bit quicker, but that's just normal.

Had so much fun with this one, so thought I'd share a couple of vids - first the onboard, then the replay. And yeah, I might have been a little, um, robust with the AI - so sue me :lol:

AI were crap on this track even at 100/100 I was 2 seconds a lap quicker, I even thought I was driving quite cautiously/smoothly & not really overly aggressive because I kept nuking my front left towards the end on a few practice runs.

Anyways that'll do.
Yeah AI aren't good around here - I ran them at 120 just to get a fun race, plus they were a bit more predictable than I found them at 100.
I ran 120 for my final run as well, and was still pretty clearly faster. On the other hand I ran a quick race in karts at 120 and got murdered(I'm sure I could've done better with practice but not sure if 5 seconds/lap better), and then tried a full Road D race driving the fatmaro which didn't go any better. The Caterham really loves this track.
Oh, so glad that the next round in GT car, dunno how to thank enough the person who choose that combo. Updated the post.

Funny enough, been at England championship in PC3 today, this one where Caterham present, but it was nothing to me and one AI who wisely choose Elise... oh sorry, I live yesterday, Exige.
I did some home repair all weekend and didn't have time to race 4. Even worse - today I noticed I cant move my wrist (carpal tunnel syndrome is my "friend" and visits me time to time), so I won't be able to race at least few days. If you can't wait - no problem, count me 0 points.
I did some home repair all weekend and didn't have time to race 4. Even worse - today I noticed I cant move my wrist (carpal tunnel syndrome is my "friend" and visits me time to time), so I won't be able to race at least few days. If you can't wait - no problem, count me 0 points.
It's fine mate, no rush.
carpal tunnel syndrome is my "friend" and visits me time to time
That is quite literally a right pain. I used to suffer from it a lot but luckily it has eased considerably over the last few years. Hope it eases for you too Napalm over the next few days.
There's a weird bug regarding the Porsche on race 5 so just making everyone aware.

It's seems when you load up either default (stable/loose) setups you get the default 79 litres (40 laps) of fuel, which is fine.

However if for any reason you restart the race your fuel drops to 8 litres (4 laps) although you haven't touched the setup.

Considering we're not using fuel usage it won't cause any issues regarding running out of fuel, however I'm not sure of the weight to speed implications this can have.

So just be aware...

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