PD/SONY Twitter Campaign - READ OP FIRST

@ should be used toward who you want to see the message..... keep in mind - not only the RECPIENT - but all their followers see the message.... so its not about YOUR tweet - its about ALL OF THE EXPOSURE your tweet has.
no one recipient is going to give 2 shts about your stupid tweet --- however if MULTIPLE PEOPLE START RETWEETING a TOPIC or if PD gets 100 tweets a day
these simple little - where is our communication type tweets


if you have #fixthedirtsoundwhenyoudriveofftheroad --- they wont care cause noone is going to be doing searches for that....

so @ should be used for WHO you want to see the message
# should be used for SEARCHABLE visibilty and the potential to get a topic "trending"
and then the BODY of the tweet is short and sweet complaint

@kaz @Sony #disappointed in the lack of communication from @pd on #gt6 so far - where is the new track

@kaz @Sony @pd where is the new track in #gt6 - i thought you said february? we're a little late no?

#simracing #gt6 #playstation3 anyone else disappointed with @pd lack of communication on delayed download content

@Sony has 2.1 million followers that will for a brief moment see your tweet
@playstation has 3.6million followers

you dont tweet to talk about a fix - you tweet to stir up the hornets nest....

@kaz @Sony @playstation -- anyone know when #projectcars comes out - #gt6 seems to have forgotten our promised content

even that is borderline harsh.... but get other GT6ers that ARENT on here but ARE on TWITTER to say - HEY YEAH - I AGREE WITH THAT TWEET ...

#TBT is trending now - "throw back thursday"
you use twitter wisely and you can # ANYTHING

#TBT - i remember when #grantursimo had regular updates - still waiting for the track we were promised @kaz @pd @Sony

then EVERYONE who searchs #TBT sees some random gt thread -
again i love the game - im totally cool with stuff - i dont even race half the tracks in the game, dont race online, i got my triple monitor update - so im GOOD

I dont care if I dont get another update till July....
I just think its hilarious how people get so worked up over a game that is LIGHTYEARS away from pole position and excite bike and stuff I had 20yrs ago.....

also - I dont think any of this will work - as I said lots of times...

but you WILL be surprised to see people jump on a bandwagon or try to put out a fire if started correctly!!
Well i didnt think of that, If gt6 is lightyears away from pole position then silly me should just shut up and gladly let PD misslead me into thinking gt6 is going to be product X then not be annoyed when its product Y once i've bought it, Then accept that PD think we will just wait and take what we're given no matter how long after we've paid for their product
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Well i didnt think of that, If gt6 is lightyears away from pole position then silly me should just shut up and gladly let PD misslead me into thinking gt6 is going to be product X then not be annoyed when its product Y once i've bought it, Then accept that PD think we will just wait and take what we're given no matter how long after we've paid for their product

Yea, I always love how people use their own personal idea of what makes them happy to deflect the rightful criticism PD is getting as if everyone else is some kind of loon. So he got what he wanted (Triple Screen) and the game is better than Pole Position so that means everyone else are just getting worked up for nothing. Pretty sure PP didn't sell a bunch of features and then just go silent for months while at the same time not delivering on even recent promises (new track in February).

Coming up on 4 months from release soon. Amazes me that there is anyone still left defending PD at this point. Noone would put up with this kind of practice in any other form of business or service. I know in my business if I make a promise or sell a product to a customer, I'd better deliver and in a timely fashion. If I'm having issues delivering, I damned well better be communicating with said customer. Otherwise I've got a mad customer beating down my door and blowing my phone up and rightfully demanding a refund.

I'm not a member of Twitter and am not going to register just to participate in this. But anything that even attempts to hold these billion dollar corporations accountable for their increasingly shady business practices has my support.👍
Wow I cant even keep up here today (been a busy day) but it looks like most of us have the idea of how this should be carried out.

As posted above please also adhere to the forum AUP rules/guidelines. If this thing turns into a circus it will do more harm than good.

I think it's probably time to get on this.

@Kaz_Yamauchi (see OP for others)

If there are others it would be beneficial to tweet to as well post them up and I'll get them into the OP.

@Ole thanks for posting up the mini tutorial on Twitter use 👍
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Here's the first couple I've sent out...

This is utterly ridiculous, PD did not force you to buy GT6, it is the best driving game available for the PS3 and only received an update a couple of days ago.

I think a lot of people on here really need to have a word with themselves, your crying like little spoilt babies over what? A video game on a games console. Is this really all you've got going on in your lives that you need to behave like this?

Seriously get a grip. I would hate to see your reactions if something really important happened in your life.

I bought the game on release day and I knew full well that it would not be released with all content as PD had already stated that this would be added in future updates. But this nonsense and the stupid boycott idea is just a lot of crying by people who are too impatient for their own good.

I cannot think of any other game that has had the updates that GT has had, even GT6 has had more updates since release than 99% of all other PS3 games.

With this attitude of immature gamers PD cannot win, if they wait until bugs are ironed out they get this sort of stuff, but if they were to release it too early it would be full of bugs and then you'd be up in arms saying that PD cannot get anything right.

Remember that it is a game, if it makes you this unhappy then do something else. Take your wife / husband out, go outside for a walk, go to your friends house or invite them to yours. In other words, get a life.
This is utterly ridiculous, PD did not force you to buy GT6, it is the best driving game available for the PS3 and only received an update a couple of days ago.

I think a lot of people on here really need to have a word with themselves, your crying like little spoilt babies over what? A video game on a games console. Is this really all you've got going on in your lives that you need to behave like this?

Seriously get a grip. I would hate to see your reactions if something really important happened in your life.

I bought the game on release day and I knew full well that it would not be released with all content as PD had already stated that this would be added in future updates. But this nonsense and the stupid boycott idea is just a lot of crying by people who are too impatient for their own good.

I cannot think of any other game that has had the updates that GT has had, even GT6 has had more updates since release than 99% of all other PS3 games.

With this attitude of immature gamers PD cannot win, if they wait until bugs are ironed out they get this sort of stuff, but if they were to release it too early it would be full of bugs and then you'd be up in arms saying that PD cannot get anything right.

Remember that it is a game, if it makes you this unhappy then do something else. Take your wife / husband out, go outside for a walk, go to your friends house or invite them to yours. In other words, get a life.

Whilst I kind of feel your frustration, I also feel the pain of the complainers.

This isn't a who's right, and who's wrong situation. I don't think anyone can deny GT6 has arrived with a lot of bugs, and it also arrived with a lot of promises (things "coming in a future update"). People that bought the game expecting it to work properly do not need to get a grip, nor do they have an immature attitude... anyone who has a job for which they receive remuneration has an obligation to do their best, and if PD's people can't get the basic physics variables correct (tyres/camber), then there IS a problem whether it affects you or not. Whilst I'm barely a serious gamer, faults ARE an issue, features not yet delivered, but promised in future updates should at least be given a timescale. And Vision GT... sorry, but that makes PD look like a monkey 🤬 a football... simple communication would resolve this, even if they can't deliver the finished product.

As it is, my problems with GT are small, but I recognise that problems do exist, and I can understand people want at least an idea of whats happening.

IMHO, nothing will be touched in GT6 if it can't be ported to GT7. GT7 is pretty much confirmed and GT6 sales are scraping the barrell... who is even going to know if they update GT6 now, except for the people that bought it and still play it...? Not PS4 owners that's for sure. Sony took a dump on PD getting them to release GT6 the way it was.
This is utterly ridiculous, PD did not force you to buy GT6, it is the best driving game available for the PS3 and only received an update a couple of days ago.

I think a lot of people on here really need to have a word with themselves, your crying like little spoilt babies over what? A video game on a games console. Is this really all you've got going on in your lives that you need to behave like this?

Seriously get a grip. I would hate to see your reactions if something really important happened in your life.

I bought the game on release day and I knew full well that it would not be released with all content as PD had already stated that this would be added in future updates. But this nonsense and the stupid boycott idea is just a lot of crying by people who are too impatient for their own good.

I cannot think of any other game that has had the updates that GT has had, even GT6 has had more updates since release than 99% of all other PS3 games.

With this attitude of immature gamers PD cannot win, if they wait until bugs are ironed out they get this sort of stuff, but if they were to release it too early it would be full of bugs and then you'd be up in arms saying that PD cannot get anything right.

Remember that it is a game, if it makes you this unhappy then do something else. Take your wife / husband out, go outside for a walk, go to your friends house or invite them to yours. In other words, get a life.


Allow me to at least explain MY position here...

If you look at my posts here for the last year or two you will see that I've said essentially the same things you are saying. Too many diaper rash baby whiners... right? There are many but there are also some genuine complaints that have merit.

I've been amongst one of the biggest fans bordering on GT fanboy there is. I preordered the game knowing features would be missing. I happily handed over hard earned $ to buy it knowing there would be bugs, some crippling. I still to this day defend PD because I understand how difficult programming can be. I still login every day, I play as much as I can, and am constantly trying to find new ways to make the experience relevant and exciting. I still love this series as I have since day 1 15+ years ago and will continue to do so until the end whenever that may be.

What bothers me and many many others here is the unprecedented lack of communication about any aspect of the status of any fixes or features.

Features delayed? Ok. Problems with code causing bugs? Ok. A spaceship fell on our offices! Ok. At least any of those would be something. I would accept almost any answer to any of those questions. I just want to know that they haven't completely dropped GT6 off a cliff.

PD has never been very forthcoming when questioned but the silence since late January in conjunction with them telling us there would be substantial news in February is an entirely new level of cause for concern.

So please sir, do not lecture me about bashing PD for feeling entitled for something I am not, that's not what this is about.
Is there a @gtp or #GTP going which could be tagged?
IMO I would not relate this to GTP. I don't think it has any relevance to the discussion. Far better to use the general #GT6.

Regarding why one would do this, like @smskeeter23 all I am looking for is communication.

If it takes them 6 months to give me DLC, fine. If GT6 is dead from a major update perspective because of sales and a push to work on GT7, fine. All I want is every couple weeks to have someone tell me how things are going, even if they just send bits to Jordan to make a news post.

In the current business climate if you aren't communicating to fans/customers/where your money comes from, you are probably not doing well.
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Why don't we post something on twitter like "Hey Kaz click here" in this post here equal to link to this or some other thread :cool:

Edit - I'm not on twitter so I don't know if you can do that :confused:
This is utterly ridiculous, PD did not force you to buy GT6, it is the best driving game available for the PS3 and only received an update a couple of days ago.

I think a lot of people on here really need to have a word with themselves, your crying like little spoilt babies over what? A video game on a games console. Is this really all you've got going on in your lives that you need to behave like this?

Seriously get a grip. I would hate to see your reactions if something really important happened in your life.

I bought the game on release day and I knew full well that it would not be released with all content as PD had already stated that this would be added in future updates. But this nonsense and the stupid boycott idea is just a lot of crying by people who are too impatient for their own good.

I cannot think of any other game that has had the updates that GT has had, even GT6 has had more updates since release than 99% of all other PS3 games.

With this attitude of immature gamers PD cannot win, if they wait until bugs are ironed out they get this sort of stuff, but if they were to release it too early it would be full of bugs and then you'd be up in arms saying that PD cannot get anything right.

Remember that it is a game, if it makes you this unhappy then do something else. Take your wife / husband out, go outside for a walk, go to your friends house or invite them to yours. In other words, get a life.

What I read is people feeling disapointment because of the lack of communication.
People who have been playing GT for a long time know the important bits will get fixed.

But not communicating and basically lying up front don't mix well with the game crowd (and even PD should know that)

They promised they FIXED the AI. That is what they said.
They didn't say "We will improve AI, but in a later patch".
Instead we get moving chicanes that let people win (even if they crash 2x in a race) or make winning IMPOSSIBLE by giving the AI Nitrous on top of the OXIDE.

And I don't bloody care about a "weak ass livery" <---that doesn't add anything to the racing experience whatsoever.
I care about "improving PP on a car, but killing performance at the same time" <---improve PP, Kill performance... right.
Silly stuff, basically, that never should have been in the game.

Allow me to at least explain MY position here...

If you look at my posts here for the last year or two you will see that I've said essentially the same things you are saying. Too many diaper rash baby whiners... right? There are many but there are also some genuine complaints that have merit.

I've been amongst one of the biggest fans bordering on GT fanboy there is. I preordered the game knowing features would be missing. I happily handed over hard earned $ to buy it knowing there would be bugs, some crippling. I still to this day defend PD because I understand how difficult programming can be. I still login every day, I play as much as I can, and am constantly trying to find new ways to make the experience relevant and exciting. I still love this series as I have since day 1 15+ years ago and will continue to do so until the end whenever that may be.

What bothers me and many many others here is the unprecedented lack of communication about any aspect of the status of any fixes or features.

Features delayed? Ok. Problems with code causing bugs? Ok. A spaceship fell on our offices! Ok. At least any of those would be something. I would accept almost any answer to any of those questions. I just want to know that they haven't completely dropped GT6 off a cliff.

PD has never been very forthcoming when questioned but the silence since late January in conjunction with them telling us there would be substantial news in February is an entirely new level of cause for concern.

So please sir, do not lecture me about bashing PD for feeling entitled for something I am not, that's not what this is about.

Having read your post, which I must congratulate you for an excellent retort, I have given the issue some more thought.

Whilst I agree that communication is not PD's forte, I believe that they do not see it as necessary.

I think Kaz and PD see the GT series as a work of art rather than anything else and as such communicating with an audience is just not important, let me explain.

An artist does not think about the audience, they just want their vision to be realised. Kaz has a vision and he will improve the GT series until it comes close to how he sees it with the available technology.

When I was younger I played Bass and sometimes guitar in a band, we played a lot of gigs and gained a bit of a following, nothing big but a following non the less. However when we were writing new material we never once thought about the audience, we just thought about what sound we wanted to achieve, to produce our own work of art.

I think PD have this same thought process and as such communication takes a back seat.
Having read your post, which I must congratulate you for an excellent retort, I have given the issue some more thought.

Whilst I agree that communication is not PD's forte, I believe that they do not see it as necessary.

I think Kaz and PD see the GT series as a work of art rather than anything else and as such communicating with an audience is just not important, let me explain.

An artist does not think about the audience, they just want their vision to be realised. Kaz has a vision and he will improve the GT series until it comes close to how he sees it with the available technology.

When I was younger I played Bass and sometimes guitar in a band, we played a lot of gigs and gained a bit of a following, nothing big but a following non the less. However when we were writing new material we never once thought about the audience, we just thought about what sound we wanted to achieve, to produce our own work of art.

I think PD have this same thought process and as such communication takes a back seat.
You know what? I completely agree with you on that.
I think Kaz and PD see the GT series as a work of art rather than anything else and as such communicating with an audience is just not important, let me explain.

An artist does not think about the audience, they just want their vision to be realised. Kaz has a vision and he will improve the GT series until it comes close to how he sees it with the available technology.

When I was younger I played Bass and sometimes guitar in a band, we played a lot of gigs and gained a bit of a following, nothing big but a following non the less. However when we were writing new material we never once thought about the audience, we just thought about what sound we wanted to achieve, to produce our own work of art.

I think PD have this same thought process and as such communication takes a back seat.
I get the band analogy but I've never bought into this "Kaz and PD as an artist" stuff. I'm sure they enjoy what they do and think it's wonderful and pretty but at heart it's just a commercial product designed to sell in large volumes to make lots of money for Kaz, PD and Sony. IMO the whole Kaz/Artist thing is just a way for apologists to give them an excuse for missing deadlines, not communicating, forgetting promises, not including all the stuff on the box etc. etc. etc.
Anything can be "art" if you wordsmith it right. Coding a spreadsheet, pouring concrete, making dinner for the family.

Using the art line gives you leeway, not absolution.
Perhaps perfectionist is better...

I design and code database applications for a living. I've also done design work and photography. The problem is, much like Kaz, I tend to be a perfectionist and always have some grand "vision" for the apperance, features, bells, and whistles.

Being a perfectionist tends to lead to a lot of really good but unfinished works with lots of holes throughout.

My works are sound once in production but it's only because I ruthlessly test and DELAY RELEASE until it's stable knowing my own personal faults.

GT is on a much larger scale and unlike me Kaz isn't the only one with his fingers in the koolaid. Second, I do not believe Kaz had the option to delay this time. I suspect there may be some very VERY serious issues under the hood of GT6 in the core code that they don't know how to explain without creating a real s***storm. As a result the path they've chosen is total radio silence.
I get the band analogy but I've never bought into this "Kaz and PD as an artist" stuff. I'm sure they enjoy what they do and think it's wonderful and pretty but at heart it's just a commercial product designed to sell in large volumes to make lots of money for Kaz, PD and Sony. IMO the whole Kaz/Artist thing is just a way for apologists to give them an excuse for missing deadlines, not communicating, forgetting promises, not including all the stuff on the box etc. etc. etc.

'Quality' art is always subjective and often divisive. Your post certainly helps maintain the artistic integrity.
This is rather irrelevant but I don't think Kaz makes as much money as people think. He only has 2 Ford GT's, a 2002 SL55, new Corvette, and...2 other cars. I forget now...
While that is a dream collection for some, it's nothing for a dedicated car enthusiast who produces the world's most famous car game.
Perhaps perfectionist is better...

I design and code database applications for a living. I've also done design work and photography. The problem is, much like Kaz, I tend to be a perfectionist and always have some grand "vision" for the apperance, features, bells, and whistles.

Being a perfectionist tends to lead to a lot of really good but unfinished works with lots of holes throughout.

My works are sound once in production but it's only because I ruthlessly test and DELAY RELEASE until it's stable knowing my own personal faults.

GT is on a much larger scale and unlike me Kaz isn't the only one with his fingers in the koolaid. Second, I do not believe Kaz had the option to delay this time. I suspect there may be some very VERY serious issues under the hood of GT6 in the core code that they don't know how to explain without creating a real s***storm. As a result the path they've chosen is total radio silence.
Wouldn't a perfectionist produce a smaller, tighter, more efficient game, with less features but more function and less bugs? Kaz seems more and more in the daydreamer category to me, someone with big dreams but little practical ability to put into motion all that he can dream about. Perhaps PS4 will be the engine Kaz needs to fire up the series, I really hope so. For sure, all the excuses will be gone for underperforming.
Wouldn't a perfectionist produce a smaller, tighter, more efficient game, with less features but more function and less bugs? Kaz seems more and more in the daydreamer category to me, someone with big dreams but little practical ability to put into motion all that he can dream about. Perhaps PS4 will be the engine Kaz needs to fire up the series, I really hope so. For sure, all the excuses will be gone for underperforming.
I guess it depends on what the "perfectionists" goal is.

Valid points though.
I think we could objectively destroy all the reputation PD gained with GT1 to 4 (I'd say GT3 but this is not the point) just analyzing GT5 and 6.
-perfectionism? games are buggy and unfinished
-artistic approach? where is the GT singularity in terms of design ? You really need to play other games to see what an artistic approach is.
-vision? Kaz vision is still to be found... most uninspired game design in the AAA industry, by far.... just look at the online mode, GT mode, etc...
-realism ? unrealistic top speeds (again), unrealistic ABS, unrealistic electronic devices on old cars, unrealistic tyre wear, unrealistic sounds, no torque steering at all, etc...
-scale? GT does nothing more than its competitors in terms of gaming design: actually way less... and more boring
-encyclopedia of cars? how can you pretend to build an encyclpedia of cars when you lack so many masterpieces and insert so many crappy cars? On the TOP5 fastest cars in the world NONE is in GT6: no Mac laren P1, no Laferrari, No 918 Spyder, No Koenigsegg, No Hennessy Venom,.... we were expecting new cars synchronized to new car presentations...but I guess this is way too easy fot Kaz vision...
-technical achievements? VERY inconsistent. The framerate is all over the place, which is a crime as it really ruins all the efforts in terms of immersion. The framerate was really bad in GT5 (as soon as you got the engine under any stress)...but GT6 does unbelievably worse. hardly playable sometimes if you are framerate sensitive. IQ ingame is terrible... and those graphic "prowesses" come at a cost: sounds design is the worst of any recent car game. Tyre screeches are almost unbearable and engine sounds are laughable (some are average at best... still far from the best sims out there). PD can throw as much adaptative tesselation they want (what was it supposed to add to our game experience btw? Why even tell us about it when the result is so not beneficial to the players), the end result, technically speaking, is VERY mitigated, to say the least.

BUT, they could do all this and still try to get close to their community, try to open up and chill out a bit. No. Their communication is a disaster...Not only did they concieve their online mode like 10 years ago...but they also conceive their PR like 15 years ago. They did not understand what internet changed in terms of gaming...and in terms of PR. If there is a PR department at PD (and I honestly doubt it), they do the worst job ever.
And the release of Kaz documentary (an ode to the genius) exactly when the community's frustration grows dangerously... OMG: this is the worst move ever. I can't even believe Sony produced a documentary to praise one of their bosses. This is a very disturbing kind of autosatisfaction. And the release timing is pure genius.

This is where we are now. GT is just an empty shell, only relying on previous iterations to sell. Time for change.
Spoken like a true pessimist, I'd say. Only focusing on cons and not seeing the entire picture. :)

I think we could objectively destroy all the reputation PD gained with GT1 to 4 (I'd say GT3 but this is not the point) just analyzing GT5 and 6.
Except that most of your points are subjective, i.e.: not based on facts, but purely on your opinion. So, not really. Some points are valid, but most are...questionable. Let me explain why.

-perfectionism? games are buggy and unfinished
-artistic approach? where is the GT singularity in terms of design ? You really need to play other games to see what an artistic approach is.
-vision? Kaz vision is still to be found... most uninspired game design in the AAA industry, by far.... just look at the online mode, GT mode, etc...
This bit is totally irrelevant. I (we?) as customers don't care about this; I only care about the end product. The part I agree on though: 'game is buggy and unfinished'. Well duh, but the game would still not be released if all of the bugs and features were in there. Fix the bugs, asap, of course! But is the game junk because of bugs? No.

-realism ? unrealistic top speeds (again), unrealistic ABS, unrealistic electronic devices on old cars, unrealistic tyre wear, unrealistic sounds, no torque steering at all, etc...
Agreed on this, mostly.
- ABS: fine by me..ABS off = risk of locking and introduces a need of brake modulation, while ABS on = no risk of locking. Who cares that it doesn't exactly work like real-life when it approximates it well enough?
- Torque steering is modeled as a function of uneven geometry of the suspension due to track slopes or steering angle. Good enough for me, since I don't consider this a core part of the driving physics (you know, driving/drifting at speed..).

But what about the excellent suspension dynamics, weight transfer and FFB effects, i.e. the core driving physics that are within certain boundaries nothing less than very impressive under normal conditions (driving at speed within certain extremes), nonetheless due to the fact that it is built from the ground up based on a variety of measured data and truly simulates real-life by inputting independent vehicle parameters? If you even have the slightest scope of what kind of science is involved in this and how stuff works under the hood, then you'd better understand why the flaws exist and why that's not a valid reason at all to complain, because every single (driving) game out there has the same problems, just shuffled the 'incorrect' simulation results to aspects that the developer deems less important (hint: fit models and inherent margins of errors and exceptional situations that create situations in which the model produces unreliable results). With some of the knowledge and a neutral mind towards this (instead of focusing on the negative aspects only like you do now), you might even appreciate what kind of great (imo) physics engine GT6 offers. :)

-scale? GT does nothing more than its competitors in terms of gaming design: actually way less... and more boring
No idea what you're saying here, nor how it is relevant at all. Scale for me is excellent: lots of cars and lots of tracks. A physics engine that is good enough for most of the time. No game that offers this combination for me. The comparison with competitors (which you don't even elaborate on)...irrelevant for me as an end-customer.

-encyclopedia of cars? how can you pretend to build an encyclpedia of cars when you lack so many masterpieces and insert so many crappy cars? On the TOP5 fastest cars in the world NONE is in GT6: no Mac laren P1, no Laferrari, No 918 Spyder, No Koenigsegg, No Hennessy Venom,.... we were expecting new cars synchronized to new car presentations...but I guess this is way too easy fot Kaz vision...
This is what I mean about being subjective. It is your opinion and that's fine. I for myself couldn't care less about individual car models; it's about the entire car list. Sure, it's a shame, but there is no game that offers all of these cars, so what's the point? All I care about is buying the best 'compromise' in terms of a driving game...GT6 offers plenty of supercars. If you want true objectivity: just compare the _absolute_ amount of supercars to any other game and there you have it.

-technical achievements? VERY inconsistent. The framerate is all over the place, which is a crime as it really ruins all the efforts in terms of immersion. The framerate was really bad in GT5 (as soon as you got the engine under any stress)...but GT6 does unbelievably worse. hardly playable sometimes if you are framerate sensitive. IQ ingame is terrible... and those graphic "prowesses" come at a cost: sounds design is the worst of any recent car game. Tyre screeches are almost unbearable and engine sounds are laughable (some are average at best... still far from the best sims out there). PD can throw as much adaptative tesselation they want (what was it supposed to add to our game experience btw? Why even tell us about it when the result is so not beneficial to the players), the end result, technically speaking, is VERY mitigated, to say the least.
Correct on the framerate being not superb (only when there is a lot going on on-screen; most of the time it is > 40 fps (see Digital Foundry)). Is it a 'crime'? No, of course not. This is your lack of objectivity playing part again. If it was unplayable, then I wouldn't be playing this game, as simple as that. But I still am and still have fun.

Engine sounds are among the worst, agreed. Tyre screeches however are a bit too loud for my taste, but the samples themselves are rather realistic. Plenty of car videos on the web to know how those should sound like (Nürb onboard laps to compare comfort tyres to, for instance).

BUT, they could do all this and still try to get close to their community, try to open up and chill out a bit. No. Their communication is a disaster...Not only did they concieve their online mode like 10 years ago...but they also conceive their PR like 15 years ago. They did not understand what internet changed in terms of gaming...and in terms of PR. If there is a PR department at PD (and I honestly doubt it), they do the worst job ever.
And the release of Kaz documentary (an ode to the genius) exactly when the community's frustration grows dangerously... OMG: this is the worst move ever. I can't even believe Sony produced a documentary to praise one of their bosses. This is a very disturbing kind of autosatisfaction. And the release timing is pure genius.
The lack of communication is bad, agreed. Hence this thread, right?

Another irrelevant point you throw in though: the documentary. For your information: it was not done by Sony, but by some independent film maker. But then again, who cares? I only care about the game and there's no relation whatsoever between a movie about the creator of the game and the quality of the game itself.
This is where we are now. GT is just an empty shell, only relying on previous iterations to sell. Time for change.
Something that is entirely not objective and only your opinion: 'GT is just an empty shell'. I agree that some things need to be changed, but the situation is not even nearly as closely as bad as you try to make it look like. I'm 13.800 km of driving in and am still having lots of fun trying out new cars, driving them at the limit and just cruise along with my internet friends when I'm out of concentration. There would be none of that pleasure when there was no GT6, so I'm very grateful to be able to experience this... 'empty shell'. :gtpflag:

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