PD vs Hackers "Notice of Account Ban Measures"

  • Thread starter p3bucky
Like I keep saying, if they just gave us little things like wheel offsets and lower suspension, almost half of the people modding their saves wouldn't have to. If they can add a completely new option to the game (customization of rear wings), why can't they add a suspension kit that has offsets and gets lower?

Because, last time I checked, this was a racing game, not a stance-drives-like-crap-and-looks-broken game. Nothing against you or the movement, to each their own, but stuff like this has no place in a racing game. However, I totally feel like they should add this feature to the Photo Mode.


I guess that answers the question in the thread title. Yes, they are.
Before all the anti-hybriders start jumping for joy, please read the OP. This is not a "console ban" it's an "account ban". The PSN ID used for hybriding can not go online anymore, but it doesn't prevent someone from simply using another PSN ID and starting over. This is only a bandaid and a good first step, but not a permanent solution.

Hardly worth the effort for them to do this. This is like a very small speed bump for the hybridders, its hardly going to slow them down. Whoopie....account banned, ten 10 minutes later and they are up and running again.
Hardly worth the effort for them to do this. This is like a very small speed bump for the hybridders, its hardly going to slow them down. Whoopie....account banned, ten 10 minutes later and they are up and running again.

This... :lol:
This kind of bans are like putting a sticking plaster on a burning petrol station. It won't stop the hybriders one single bit. PD isn't going to beat them unless Sony steps in and hits the hackers with a console ban. Action that drastic from Sony is unlikely to happen though.
This kind of bans are like putting a sticking plaster on a burning petrol station. It won't stop the hybriders one single bit. PD isn't going to beat them unless Sony steps in and hits the hackers with a console ban. Action that drastic from Sony is unlikely to happen though.

I agree. Its like they are trying to stop a speeding bullet with a piece of paper. :lol: :rolleyes: Not a chance.
Hardly worth the effort for them to do this. This is like a very small speed bump for the hybridders, its hardly going to slow them down. Whoopie....account banned, ten 10 minutes later and they are up and running again.

It can work if they stay on top of it. Run a search through their database at regular intervals and ban the accounts that get flagged as altered. I'm sure it's not hard for them to figure out who is doing what. And this could just be the first "warning" to the hackers. I'm sure they have IP information available. It won't take them long to figure out who is hacking, getting banned, and showing up hacking again with a new tag 30 minutes later.

Way I see it, they have to take this very seriously. They are running what is the world's largest and most prominent online video game competition now with the highest of stakes as a prize. They can't afford to have hacking be a part of this game in any way, shape or form.
This kind of bans are like putting a sticking plaster on a burning petrol station. It won't stop the hybriders one single bit. PD isn't going to beat them unless Sony steps in and hits the hackers with a console ban. Action that drastic from Sony is unlikely to happen though.
Console ban doesn't slow any CFW user...
Oh well atleast Im one who isn't banned :)
It can work if they stay on top of it. Run a search through their database at regular intervals and ban the accounts that get flagged as altered. I'm sure it's not hard for them to figure out who is doing what. And this could just be the first "warning" to the hackers. I'm sure they have IP information available. It won't take them long to figure out who is hacking, getting banned, and showing up hacking again with a new tag 30 minutes later.

Way I see it, they have to take this very seriously. They are running what is the world's largest and most prominent online video game competition now with the highest of stakes as a prize. They can't afford to have hacking be a part of this game in any way, shape or form.

I understand, I just think that the account bans are a pretty weak attempt at stopping them. My Dad (R.I.P.) always told me, "If you're going to do something, do it right the first time so you don't have to go back and re-do it." ;) Seems pretty stupid for them to take this measure when they are just going to have to go back and keep banning the same people. :rolleyes: Whack them good the first time. :sly: I know there is probably no clear cut way to put an absolute stop to it as my friend @JK83 has pointed out, but account bans is just a pretty weak attempt in my opinion.
They had this same notice for GT5 and it did nothing, I did a bit of hybriding in GT5 and nothing ever happened to my account. I doubt this will stop any hybriding.
Just a little insight on how this isn't getting rid of it (from someone who was banned)

Yes, this blocks the people from GT6 online who got saves from people or only know how to use the tools (although they can just start over)

However, the people who know how to RTM can move their save over to a different profile and be able to get on.
I hope I'm not saying too much about the subject, but here is some info on how the GT6 save works.

The first time you start the game up with a PSN, that name will always be tied to your save. That meaning only that PSN can use the save online. Through RTMing though, you can change the PSN in the save, thus making that save able to be used with any account. But not a lot of people know how to do that from what I can gather.

If I said too much just tell me and I'll take it out đź‘Ť
Hardly worth the effort for them to do this. This is like a very small speed bump for the hybridders, its hardly going to slow them down. Whoopie....account banned, ten 10 minutes later and they are up and running again.
But how? Don't they have to earn cars again?

edit: ah
I understand, I just think that the account bans are a pretty weak attempt at stopping them. My Dad (R.I.P.) always told me, "If you're going to do something, do it right the first time so you don't have to go back and re-do it." ;) Seems pretty stupid for them to take this measure when they are just going to have to go back and keep banning the same people. :rolleyes: Whack them good the first time. :sly: I know there is probably no clear cut way to put an absolute stop to it as my friend @JK83 has pointed out, but account bans is just a pretty weak attempt in my opinion.
Sure they could stop them, if they really wanted to. There are all kinds od identifying numbers in electronics these days, MAC addys, comms chip ID's etc.
Your dad and mine (R.I.P. as well) would have gotten along, he used to say that to me also :)
If the system can recognise a hybrid car now, and take action against the hybridder, whats to stop it running a check on your garage every time you go online, or each time there is an update, and doing the same thing again?

If advanced hybridders can just move their save over to a new account, how come the system couldn't recognise the hybrid in the same way, on the new account, and just instantly ban the new account?
If the system can recognise a hybrid car now, and take action against the hybridder, whats to stop it running a check on your garage every time you go online, or each time there is an update, and doing the same thing again?

If advanced hybridders can just move their save over to a new account, how come the system couldn't recognise the hybrid in the same way, on the new account, and just instantly ban the new account?

I don't know if it scans your garage now. I moved my save over last night and went into a private lobby with my friends and I'm still not banned again. There's people who only went in private lobbies or didn't go online at all and they aren't banned. I'm pretty sure you would have to be reported before anything would happen to you.
Just a little insight on how this isn't getting rid of it (from someone who was banned)

Yes, this blocks the people from GT6 online who got saves from people or only know how to use the tools (although they can just start over)

However, the people who know how to RTM can move their save over to a different profile and be able to get on.
I hope I'm not saying too much about the subject, but here is some info on how the GT6 save works.

The first time you start the game up with a PSN, that name will always be tied to your save. That meaning only that PSN can use the save online. Through RTMing though, you can change the PSN in the save, thus making that save able to be used with any account. But not a lot of people know how to do that from what I can gather.

If I said too much just tell me and I'll take it out đź‘Ť
Thanks for the info. A PSN I'd ban is silly, especially to deal with who know how to get behind the code already. Its more like lip-service on Sony's part.. We'll do something nominal and people will think we've done something great because they don't understand how it works.
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My main question on this issue is:

If the system is at all capable of detecting and flagging accounts that fail some form of "validity check" -- which seems much more likely than relying on gamers to spot and report questionable cars(and do so honestly) and then performing a time-intensive manual inspection of logs which I sure as hell better not be paying for -- then what would be stopping them from performing that check when someone attempts to use a car and having the option like in some PC titles to "allow file mismatches" or not?

Obviously many people who modify cars aren't doing so to cause anyone else grief, and some people even enjoy screwing around with 100000hp cars and fiddling with the limits of the physics engine. It should be obvious that for these people to do so with others of like minds will provide a lot more fun for them, and some might just want to see what they've done for their own curiosity and amusement.

Making it an option would satisfy the people who want to play around with what's possible while still allowing legitimate competition and no disruption of other's online experience. People who simply want to cheat and thus find ways to avoid such a restriction would then be obviously bad apples and subject to any penalty desired. I don't see why it needs to always be seen as a black-and-white good-vs-evil war. Respect and work with people and most of them will do likewise, and no one(ok, very few) will complain about what happens to those who really are just plain dirty rotten cheaters.

It seems like an easy decision to me if there is no major technical hurdle like massively increased loading times(I'll happily wait another second or so when changing my car) or server-wide crashes. The check must already be happening somewhere but where and when is rather important. If it's already happening live then may not be too much to handle but if it is done on separate computers using old records of recent activity then it might be a problem.